Thy.thy_syntax.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Title: Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.scala
Author: Makarius
Superficial theory syntax: tokens and spans.
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
object Thy_Syntax
/** nested structure **/
object Structure
sealed abstract class Entry { def length: Int }
case class Block(val name: String, val body: List[Entry]) extends Entry
val length: Int = (0 /: body)(_ + _.length)
case class Atom(val command: Command) extends Entry
def length: Int = command.length
def parse(syntax: Outer_Syntax, node_name: Document.Node.Name, text: CharSequence): Entry =
/* stack operations */
def buffer(): mutable.ListBuffer[Entry] = new mutable.ListBuffer[Entry]
var stack: List[(Int, String, mutable.ListBuffer[Entry])] =
List((0, node_name.toString, buffer()))
@tailrec def close(level: Int => Boolean)
stack match {
case (lev, name, body) :: (_, _, body2) :: rest if level(lev) =>
body2 += Block(name, body.toList)
stack = stack.tail
case _ =>
def result(): Entry =
close(_ => true)
val (_, name, body) = stack.head
Block(name, body.toList)
def add(command: Command)
syntax.heading_level(command) match {
case Some(i) =>
close(_ > i)
stack = (i + 1, command.source, buffer()) :: stack
case None =>
stack.head._3 += Atom(command)
/* result structure */
val spans = parse_spans(syntax.scan(text))
spans.foreach(span => add(Command(Document_ID.none, node_name, Nil, span)))
/** parse spans **/
def parse_spans(toks: List[Token]): List[List[Token]] =
val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[List[Token]]
val span = new mutable.ListBuffer[Token]
val improper = new mutable.ListBuffer[Token]
def flush()
if (!span.isEmpty) { result += span.toList; span.clear }
if (!improper.isEmpty) { result += improper.toList; improper.clear }
for (tok <- toks) {
if (tok.is_command) { flush(); span += tok }
else if (tok.is_improper) improper += tok
else { span ++= improper; improper.clear; span += tok }
/** perspective **/
def command_perspective(
node: Document.Node,
perspective: Text.Perspective,
overlays: Document.Node.Overlays): (Command.Perspective, Command.Perspective) =
if (perspective.is_empty && overlays.is_empty)
(Command.Perspective.empty, Command.Perspective.empty)
else {
val has_overlay = overlays.commands
val visible = new mutable.ListBuffer[Command]
val visible_overlay = new mutable.ListBuffer[Command]
def check_ranges(ranges: List[Text.Range], commands: Stream[(Command, Text.Offset)])
(ranges, commands) match {
case (range :: more_ranges, (command, offset) #:: more_commands) =>
val command_range = command.range + offset
range compare command_range match {
case 0 =>
visible += command
visible_overlay += command
check_ranges(ranges, more_commands)
case c =>
if (has_overlay(command)) visible_overlay += command
if (c < 0) check_ranges(more_ranges, commands)
else check_ranges(ranges, more_commands)
case (Nil, (command, _) #:: more_commands) =>
if (has_overlay(command)) visible_overlay += command
check_ranges(Nil, more_commands)
case _ =>
val commands =
(if (overlays.is_empty) node.command_iterator(perspective.range)
else node.command_iterator()).toStream
check_ranges(perspective.ranges, commands)
(Command.Perspective(visible.toList), Command.Perspective(visible_overlay.toList))
/** header edits: structure and outer syntax **/
private def header_edits(
resources: Resources,
previous: Document.Version,
edits: List[Document.Edit_Text]):
(Prover.Syntax, Boolean, Boolean, List[Document.Node.Name], Document.Nodes,
List[Document.Edit_Command]) =
var updated_imports = false
var updated_keywords = false
var nodes = previous.nodes
val doc_edits = new mutable.ListBuffer[Document.Edit_Command]
edits foreach {
case (name, Document.Node.Deps(header)) =>
val node = nodes(name)
val update_header =
!node.header.errors.isEmpty || !header.errors.isEmpty || node.header != header
if (update_header) {
val node1 = node.update_header(header)
updated_imports = updated_imports || (node.header.imports != node1.header.imports)
updated_keywords = updated_keywords || (node.header.keywords != node1.header.keywords)
nodes += (name -> node1)
doc_edits += (name -> Document.Node.Deps(header))
case _ =>
val (syntax, syntax_changed) =
previous.syntax match {
case Some(syntax) if !updated_keywords =>
(syntax, false)
case _ =>
val syntax =
(resources.base_syntax /: nodes.iterator) {
case (syn, (_, node)) => syn.add_keywords(node.header.keywords)
(syntax, true)
val reparse =
if (updated_imports || updated_keywords)
else Nil
(syntax, syntax_changed, updated_imports, reparse, nodes, doc_edits.toList)
/** text edits **/
/* edit individual command source */
@tailrec def edit_text(eds: List[Text.Edit], commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
eds match {
case e :: es =>
Document.Node.Commands.starts(commands.iterator).find {
case (cmd, cmd_start) =>
e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) ||
e.is_insert && e.start == cmd_start + cmd.length
} match {
case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) if e.can_edit(cmd.source, cmd_start) =>
val (rest, text) = e.edit(cmd.source, cmd_start)
val new_commands = commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), Command.unparsed(text)) - cmd
edit_text(rest.toList ::: es, new_commands)
case Some((cmd, cmd_start)) =>
edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(Some(cmd), Command.unparsed(e.text)))
case None =>
require(e.is_insert && e.start == 0)
edit_text(es, commands.insert_after(None, Command.unparsed(e.text)))
case Nil => commands
/* inlined files */
private def find_file(tokens: List[Token]): Option[String] =
def clean(toks: List[Token]): List[Token] =
toks match {
case t :: _ :: ts if t.is_keyword && (t.source == "%" || t.source == "--") => clean(ts)
case t :: ts => t :: clean(ts)
case Nil => Nil
clean(tokens.filter(_.is_proper)) match {
case tok :: toks if tok.is_command => toks.find(_.is_name).map(_.content)
case _ => None
def span_files(syntax: Prover.Syntax, span: List[Token]): List[String] =
syntax.load(span) match {
case Some(exts) =>
find_file(span) match {
case Some(file) =>
if (exts.isEmpty) List(file)
else => file + "." + ext)
case None => Nil
case None => Nil
def resolve_files(
resources: Resources,
syntax: Prover.Syntax,
node_name: Document.Node.Name,
span: List[Token],
get_blob: Document.Node.Name => Option[Document.Blob])
: List[Command.Blob] =
span_files(syntax, span).map(file_name =>
Exn.capture {
val name =
Document.Node.Name(resources.append(node_name.master_dir, Path.explode(file_name)))
val blob = get_blob(name).map(blob => ((blob.bytes.sha1_digest, blob.chunk)))
(name, blob)
/* reparse range of command spans */
@tailrec private def chop_common(
cmds: List[Command],
blobs_spans: List[(List[Command.Blob], List[Token])])
: (List[Command], List[(List[Command.Blob], List[Token])]) =
(cmds, blobs_spans) match {
case (cmd :: cmds, (blobs, span) :: rest) if cmd.blobs == blobs && cmd.span == span =>
chop_common(cmds, rest)
case _ => (cmds, blobs_spans)
private def reparse_spans(
resources: Resources,
syntax: Prover.Syntax,
get_blob: Document.Node.Name => Option[Document.Blob],
name: Document.Node.Name,
commands: Linear_Set[Command],
first: Command, last: Command): Linear_Set[Command] =
val cmds0 = commands.iterator(first, last).toList
val blobs_spans0 =
map(span => (resolve_files(resources, syntax, name, span, get_blob), span))
val (cmds1, blobs_spans1) = chop_common(cmds0, blobs_spans0)
val (rev_cmds2, rev_blobs_spans2) = chop_common(cmds1.reverse, blobs_spans1.reverse)
val cmds2 = rev_cmds2.reverse
val blobs_spans2 = rev_blobs_spans2.reverse
cmds2 match {
case Nil =>
case cmd :: _ =>
val hook = commands.prev(cmd)
val inserted ={ case (blobs, span) => Command(Document_ID.make(), name, blobs, span) })
(commands /: cmds2)(_ - _).append_after(hook, inserted)
/* recover command spans after edits */
// FIXME somewhat slow
private def recover_spans(
resources: Resources,
syntax: Prover.Syntax,
get_blob: Document.Node.Name => Option[Document.Blob],
name: Document.Node.Name,
perspective: Command.Perspective,
commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
val visible = perspective.commands.toSet
def next_invisible_command(cmds: Linear_Set[Command], from: Command): Command =
cmds.iterator(from).dropWhile(cmd => !cmd.is_command || visible(cmd))
.find(_.is_command) getOrElse cmds.last
@tailrec def recover(cmds: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
cmds.find(_.is_unparsed) match {
case Some(first_unparsed) =>
val first = next_invisible_command(cmds.reverse, first_unparsed)
val last = next_invisible_command(cmds, first_unparsed)
recover(reparse_spans(resources, syntax, get_blob, name, cmds, first, last))
case None => cmds
/* consolidate unfinished spans */
private def consolidate_spans(
resources: Resources,
syntax: Prover.Syntax,
get_blob: Document.Node.Name => Option[Document.Blob],
reparse_limit: Int,
name: Document.Node.Name,
perspective: Command.Perspective,
commands: Linear_Set[Command]): Linear_Set[Command] =
if (perspective.commands.isEmpty) commands
else {
commands.find(_.is_unfinished) match {
case Some(first_unfinished) =>
val visible = perspective.commands.toSet
commands.reverse.find(visible) match {
case Some(last_visible) =>
val it = commands.iterator(last_visible)
var last = last_visible
var i = 0
while (i < reparse_limit && it.hasNext) {
last =
i += last.length
reparse_spans(resources, syntax, get_blob, name, commands, first_unfinished, last)
case None => commands
case None => commands
/* main */
def diff_commands(old_cmds: Linear_Set[Command], new_cmds: Linear_Set[Command])
: List[Command.Edit] =
val removed = old_cmds.iterator.filter(!new_cmds.contains(_)).toList
val inserted = new_cmds.iterator.filter(!old_cmds.contains(_)).toList => (old_cmds.prev(cmd), None)) ::: => (new_cmds.prev(cmd), Some(cmd)))
private def text_edit(
resources: Resources,
syntax: Prover.Syntax,
get_blob: Document.Node.Name => Option[Document.Blob],
reparse_limit: Int,
node: Document.Node, edit: Document.Edit_Text): Document.Node =
edit match {
case (_, Document.Node.Clear()) => node.clear
case (_, Document.Node.Blob(blob)) => node.init_blob(blob)
case (name, Document.Node.Edits(text_edits)) =>
if (name.is_theory) {
val commands0 = node.commands
val commands1 = edit_text(text_edits, commands0)
val commands2 =
recover_spans(resources, syntax, get_blob, name, node.perspective.visible, commands1)
else node
case (_, Document.Node.Deps(_)) => node
case (name, Document.Node.Perspective(required, text_perspective, overlays)) =>
val (visible, visible_overlay) = command_perspective(node, text_perspective, overlays)
val perspective: Document.Node.Perspective_Command =
Document.Node.Perspective(required, visible_overlay, overlays)
if (node.same_perspective(perspective)) node
consolidate_spans(resources, syntax, get_blob, reparse_limit,
name, visible, node.commands))
def parse_change(
resources: Resources,
reparse_limit: Int,
previous: Document.Version,
doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
edits: List[Document.Edit_Text]): Session.Change =
def get_blob(name: Document.Node.Name) =
doc_blobs.get(name) orElse previous.nodes(name).get_blob
val (syntax, syntax_changed, deps_changed, reparse0, nodes0, doc_edits0) =
header_edits(resources, previous, edits)
val (doc_edits, version) =
if (edits.isEmpty) (Nil, Document.Version.make(Some(syntax), previous.nodes))
else {
val reparse =
(reparse0 /: nodes0.iterator)({
case (reparse, (name, node)) =>
if (node.load_commands.exists(_.blobs_changed(doc_blobs)))
name :: reparse
else reparse
val reparse_set = reparse.toSet
var nodes = nodes0
val doc_edits = new mutable.ListBuffer[Document.Edit_Command]; doc_edits ++= doc_edits0
val node_edits =
(edits :::, Document.Node.Edits(Nil)))).groupBy(_._1)
.asInstanceOf[Map[Document.Node.Name, List[Document.Edit_Text]]] // FIXME ???
node_edits foreach {
case (name, edits) =>
val node = nodes(name)
val commands = node.commands
val node1 =
if (reparse_set(name) && !commands.isEmpty)
reparse_spans(resources, syntax, get_blob,
name, commands, commands.head, commands.last))
else node
val node2 =
(node1 /: edits)(text_edit(resources, syntax, get_blob, reparse_limit, _, _))
if (!(node.same_perspective(node2.perspective)))
doc_edits += (name -> node2.perspective)
doc_edits += (name -> Document.Node.Edits(diff_commands(commands, node2.commands)))
nodes += (name -> node2)
(doc_edits.toList.filterNot(_._2.is_void), Document.Version.make(Some(syntax), nodes))
Session.Change(previous, syntax_changed, deps_changed, doc_edits, version)
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