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PIDE.command.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package isabelle
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader
object Command
type Edit = (Option [Command ], Option [Command ])
type Blob = Exn .Result [(Document .Node .Name , Option [(SHA1 .Digest , Symbol .Text_Chunk )])]
type Blobs_Info = (List [Blob ], Int )
val no_blobs: Blobs_Info = (Nil , -1 )
object Results
type Entry = (Long , XML .Tree )
val empty = new Results (SortedMap .empty)
def make (args: TraversableOnce [Results .Entry ]): Results = (empty /: args)(_ + _)
def merge (args: TraversableOnce [Results ]): Results = (empty /: args)(_ ++ _)
final class Results private (private val rep: SortedMap [Long , XML .Tree ] )
def defined (serial: Long ): Boolean = rep.isDefinedAt(serial)
def get (serial: Long ): Option [XML .Tree ] = rep.get(serial)
def iterator : Iterator [Results .Entry ] = rep.iterator
def + (entry: Results .Entry ): Results =
if (defined(entry._1)) this
else new Results (rep + entry)
def ++ (other: Results ): Results =
if (this eq other) this
else if (rep.isEmpty) other
else (this /: other.iterator)(_ + _)
override def hashCode : Int = rep.hashCode
override def equals (that: Any ): Boolean =
that match {
case other: Results => rep == other.rep
case _ => false
override def toString : String = iterator.mkString("Results(" , ", " , ")" )
object Markup_Index
val markup: Markup_Index = Markup_Index (false , Symbol .Text_Chunk .Default )
sealed case class Markup_Index (status: Boolean , chunk_name: Symbol .Text_Chunk .Name )
object Markups
val empty: Markups = new Markups (Map .empty)
def init (markup: Markup_Tree ): Markups =
new Markups (Map (Markup_Index .markup -> markup))
final class Markups private (private val rep: Map [Markup_Index , Markup_Tree ] )
def is_empty : Boolean = rep.isEmpty
def apply (index: Markup_Index ): Markup_Tree =
rep.getOrElse(index, Markup_Tree .empty)
def add (index: Markup_Index , markup: Text .Markup ): Markups =
new Markups (rep + (index -> (this (index) + markup)))
def redirection_iterator : Iterator [Document_ID .Generic ] =
for (Markup_Index (_, Symbol .Text_Chunk .Id (id)) <- rep.keysIterator)
yield id
def redirect (other_id: Document_ID .Generic ): Markups =
val rep1 =
(for {
(Markup_Index (status, Symbol .Text_Chunk .Id (id)), markup) <- rep.iterator
if other_id == id
} yield (Markup_Index (status, Symbol .Text_Chunk .Default ), markup)).toMap
if (rep1.isEmpty) Markups .empty else new Markups (rep1)
override def hashCode : Int = rep.hashCode
override def equals (that: Any ): Boolean =
that match {
case other: Markups => rep == other.rep
case _ => false
override def toString : String = rep.iterator.mkString("Markups(" , ", " , ")" )
object State
def merge_results (states: List [State ]): Command .Results =
Results .merge(
def merge_markup (states: List [State ], index: Markup_Index ,
range: Text .Range , elements: Markup .Elements ): Markup_Tree =
Markup_Tree .merge(, range, elements)
sealed case class State (
command: Command ,
status: List [Markup ] = Nil ,
results: Results = Results .empty,
markups: Markups = Markups .empty )
lazy val protocol_status: Protocol .Status =
val warnings =
if (results.iterator.exists(p => Protocol .is_warning(p._2) || Protocol .is_legacy(p._2)))
List (Markup (Markup .WARNING , Nil ))
else Nil
val errors =
if (results.iterator.exists(p => Protocol .is_error(p._2)))
List (Markup (Markup .ERROR , Nil ))
else Nil
Protocol .Status .make((warnings ::: errors ::: status).iterator)
def markup (index: Markup_Index ): Markup_Tree = markups(index)
def redirect (other_command: Command ): Option [State ] =
val markups1 = markups.redirect(
if (markups1.is_empty) None
else Some (new State (other_command, Nil , Results .empty, markups1))
private def add_status (st: Markup ): State =
copy(status = st :: status)
private def add_markup (
status: Boolean , chunk_name: Symbol .Text_Chunk .Name , m: Text .Markup ): State =
val markups1 =
if (status || Protocol .liberal_status_elements(
markups.add(Markup_Index (true , chunk_name), m)
else markups
copy(markups = markups1.add(Markup_Index (false , chunk_name), m))
def accumulate (
self_id: Document_ID .Generic => Boolean ,
other_id: Document_ID .Generic => Option [(Symbol .Text_Chunk .Id , Symbol .Text_Chunk )],
message: XML .Elem ): State =
message match {
case XML .Elem (Markup (Markup .STATUS , _), msgs) =>
(this /: msgs)((state, msg) =>
msg match {
case elem @ XML .Elem (markup, Nil ) =>
add_markup(true , Symbol .Text_Chunk .Default , Text .Info (command.proper_range, elem))
case _ =>
Output .warning("Ignored status message: " + msg)
case XML .Elem (Markup (Markup .REPORT , _), msgs) =>
(this /: msgs)((state, msg) =>
def bad (): Unit = Output .warning("Ignored report message: " + msg)
msg match {
case XML .Elem (Markup (name, atts @ Position .Identified (id, chunk_name)), args) =>
val target =
if (self_id(id) && command.chunks.isDefinedAt(chunk_name))
Some ((chunk_name, command.chunks(chunk_name)))
else if (chunk_name == Symbol .Text_Chunk .Default ) other_id(id)
else None
(target, atts) match {
case (Some ((target_name, target_chunk)), Position .Range (symbol_range)) =>
target_chunk.incorporate(symbol_range) match {
case Some (range) =>
val props = Position .purge(atts)
val info = Text .Info (range, XML .Elem (Markup (name, props), args))
state.add_markup(false , target_name, info)
case None => bad(); state
case _ =>
case XML .Elem (Markup (name, atts), args)
if !atts.exists({ case (a, _) => Markup .POSITION_PROPERTIES (a) }) =>
val range = command.proper_range
val props = Position .purge(atts)
val info: Text .Markup = Text .Info (range, XML .Elem (Markup (name, props), args))
state.add_markup(false , Symbol .Text_Chunk .Default , info)
case _ => bad(); state
case XML .Elem (Markup (name, props), body) =>
props match {
case Markup .Serial (i) =>
val message1 = XML .Elem (Markup (Markup .message(name), props), body)
val message2 = XML .Elem (Markup (name, props), body)
var st = copy(results = results + (i -> message1))
if (Protocol .is_inlined(message)) {
for {
(chunk_name, chunk) <- command.chunks.iterator
range <- Protocol_Message .positions(
self_id, command.span.position, chunk_name, chunk, message)
} st = st.add_markup(false , chunk_name, Text .Info (range, message2))
case _ =>
Output .warning("Ignored message without serial number: " + message)
def apply (
id: Document_ID .Command ,
node_name: Document .Node .Name ,
blobs_info: Blobs_Info ,
span: Command_Span .Span ): Command =
val (source, span1) = span.compact_source
new Command (id, node_name, blobs_info, span1, source, Results .empty, Markup_Tree .empty)
val empty: Command =
Command (Document_ID .none, Document .Node .Name .empty, no_blobs, Command_Span .empty)
def unparsed (
id: Document_ID .Command ,
source: String ,
results: Results ,
markup: Markup_Tree ): Command =
val (source1, span1) = Command_Span .unparsed(source).compact_source
new Command (id, Document .Node .Name .empty, no_blobs, span1, source1, results, markup)
def unparsed (source: String ): Command =
unparsed(Document_ID .none, source, Results .empty, Markup_Tree .empty)
def rich_text (id: Document_ID .Command , results: Results , body: XML .Body ): Command =
val text = XML .content(body)
val markup = Markup_Tree .from_XML(body)
unparsed(id, text, results, markup)
object Perspective
val empty: Perspective = Perspective (Nil )
sealed case class Perspective (commands: List [Command ] ) // visible commands in canonical order
def is_empty : Boolean = commands.isEmpty
def same (that: Perspective ): Boolean =
val cmds1 = this .commands
val cmds2 = that.commands
cmds1.length == cmds2.length &&
(cmds1.iterator zip cmds2.iterator).forall({ case (c1, c2) => == })
private def clean_tokens (tokens: List [Token ]): List [(Token , Int )] =
val markers = Set ("%" , "--" , Symbol .comment, Symbol .comment_decoded)
def clean (toks: List [(Token , Int )]): List [(Token , Int )] =
toks match {
case (t1, i1) :: (t2, i2) :: rest =>
if (t1.is_keyword && markers(t1.source)) clean(rest)
else (t1, i1) :: clean((t2, i2) :: rest)
case _ => toks
clean(tokens.zipWithIndex.filter({ case (t, _) => t.is_proper }))
private def find_file (tokens: List [(Token , Int )]): Option [(String , Int )] =
if (tokens.exists({ case (t, _) => t.is_command })) {
tokens.dropWhile({ case (t, _) => !t.is_command }).
collectFirst({ case (t, i) if t.is_name => (t.content, i) })
else None
def span_files (syntax: Outer_Syntax , span: Command_Span .Span ): (List [String ], Int ) =
syntax.load_command( match {
case Some (exts) =>
find_file(clean_tokens(span.content)) match {
case Some ((file, i)) =>
if (exts.isEmpty) (List (file), i)
else ( => file + "." + ext), i)
case None => (Nil , -1 )
case None => (Nil , -1 )
def blobs_info (
resources: Resources ,
syntax: Outer_Syntax ,
get_blob: Document .Node .Name => Option [Document .Blob ],
can_import: Document .Node .Name => Boolean ,
node_name: Document .Node .Name ,
span: Command_Span .Span ): Blobs_Info =
{ match {
case Thy_Header .THEORY =>
val header =
resources.check_thy_reader("" , node_name,
new CharSequenceReader (Token .implode(span.content)), Token .Pos .command)
val errors =
for ((imp, pos) <- header.imports if !can_import(imp)) yield {
val msg =
"Bad theory import " +
Markup .Path (imp.node).markup(quote(imp.toString)) + Position .here(pos)
Exn .Exn (ERROR (msg)): Command .Blob
(errors, -1 )
case _ =>
val (files, index) = span_files(syntax, span)
val blobs = =>
(Exn .capture {
val name =
Document .Node .Name (resources.append(node_name.master_dir, Path .explode(file)))
val blob = get_blob(name).map(blob => ((blob.bytes.sha1_digest, blob.chunk)))
(name, blob)
(blobs, index)
final class Command private (
val id: Document_ID .Command ,
val node_name: Document .Node .Name ,
val blobs_info: Command .Blobs_Info ,
val span: Command_Span .Span ,
val source: String ,
val init_results: Command .Results ,
val init_markup: Markup_Tree )
override def toString : String = id + "/" + span.kind.toString
def is_proper : Boolean = span.kind.isInstanceOf[Command_Span .Command_Span ]
def is_ignored : Boolean = span.kind == Command_Span .Ignored_Span
def is_undefined : Boolean = id == Document_ID .none
val is_unparsed: Boolean = span.content.exists(_.is_unparsed)
val is_unfinished: Boolean = span.content.exists(_.is_unfinished)
def blobs : List [Command .Blob ] = blobs_info._1
def blobs_index : Int = blobs_info._2
def blobs_names : List [Document .Node .Name ] =
for (Exn .Res ((name, _)) <- blobs) yield name
def blobs_undefined : List [Document .Node .Name ] =
for (Exn .Res ((name, None )) <- blobs) yield name
def blobs_defined : List [(Document .Node .Name , SHA1 .Digest )] =
for (Exn .Res ((name, Some ((digest, _)))) <- blobs) yield (name, digest)
def blobs_changed (doc_blobs: Document .Blobs ): Boolean =
blobs.exists({ case Exn .Res ((name, _)) => doc_blobs.changed(name) case _ => false })
val chunk: Symbol .Text_Chunk = Symbol .Text_Chunk (source)
val chunks: Map [Symbol .Text_Chunk .Name , Symbol .Text_Chunk ] =
((Symbol .Text_Chunk .Default -> chunk) ::
(for (Exn .Res ((name, Some ((_, file)))) <- blobs)
yield Symbol .Text_Chunk .File (name.node) -> file)).toMap
def length : Int = source.length
def range : Text .Range = chunk.range
val proper_range: Text .Range =
Text .Range (0 ,
(length /: span.content.reverse.iterator.takeWhile(_.is_improper))(_ - _.source.length))
def source (range: Text .Range ): String = source.substring(range.start, range.stop)
val init_state: Command .State =
Command .State (this , results = init_results, markups = Command .Markups .init(init_markup))
val empty_state: Command .State = Command .State (this )