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Thy.html.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Title: Pure/Thy/html.scala
Author: Makarius
HTML presentation elements.
package isabelle
object HTML
/* encode text with control symbols */
val control =
Symbol.sub -> "sub",
Symbol.sub_decoded -> "sub",
Symbol.sup -> "sup",
Symbol.sup_decoded -> "sup",
Symbol.bold -> "b",
Symbol.bold_decoded -> "b")
def output(text: String, s: StringBuilder)
def output_char(c: Char) =
c match {
case '<' => s ++= "<"
case '>' => s ++= ">"
case '&' => s ++= "&"
case '"' => s ++= """
case '\'' => s ++= "'"
case '\n' => s ++= " "
case _ => s += c
def output_chars(str: String) = str.iterator.foreach(output_char(_))
var ctrl = ""
for (sym <- Symbol.iterator(text)) {
if (control.isDefinedAt(sym)) ctrl = sym
else {
control.get(ctrl) match {
case Some(elem) if Symbol.is_controllable(sym) && sym != "\"" =>
s ++= ("<" + elem + ">")
s ++= ("" + elem + ">")
case _ =>
ctrl = ""
def output(text: String): String = Library.make_string(output(text, _))
/* output XML as HTML */
def output(body: XML.Body, s: StringBuilder)
def attrib(p: (String, String)): Unit =
{ s ++= " "; s ++= p._1; s ++= "=\""; output(p._2, s); s ++= "\"" }
def elem(markup: Markup): Unit =
{ s ++=; }
def tree(t: XML.Tree): Unit =
t match {
case XML.Elem(markup, Nil) =>
s ++= "<"; elem(markup); s ++= "/>"
case XML.Elem(markup, ts) =>
s ++= "\n<"; elem(markup); s ++= ">"
s ++= ""; s ++=; s ++= ">\n"
case XML.Text(txt) => output(txt, s)
def output(body: XML.Body): String = Library.make_string(output(body, _))
def output(tree: XML.Tree): String = output(List(tree))
/* structured markup operators */
def text(txt: String): XML.Body = if (txt.isEmpty) Nil else List(XML.Text(txt))
class Operator(name: String)
{ def apply(body: XML.Body): XML.Elem = XML.elem(name, body) }
class Heading(name: String) extends Operator(name)
{ def apply(txt: String): XML.Elem = super.apply(text(txt)) }
val div = new Operator("div")
val span = new Operator("span")
val par = new Operator("p")
val emph = new Operator("em")
val bold = new Operator("b")
val title = new Heading("title")
val chapter = new Heading("h1")
val section = new Heading("h2")
val subsection = new Heading("h3")
val subsubsection = new Heading("h4")
val paragraph = new Heading("h5")
val subparagraph = new Heading("h6")
def itemize(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem =
XML.elem("ul","li", _)))
def enumerate(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem =
XML.elem("ol","li", _)))
def description(items: List[(XML.Body, XML.Body)]): XML.Elem =
XML.elem("dl", items.flatMap({ case (x, y) => List(XML.elem("dt", x), XML.elem("dd", y)) }))
def link(href: String, body: XML.Body = Nil): XML.Elem =
XML.Elem(Markup("a", List("href" -> href)), if (body.isEmpty) text(href) else body)
/* document */
val header: String =
val head_meta: XML.Elem =
List("http-equiv" -> "Content-Type", "content" -> "text/html; charset=utf-8")), Nil)
def output_document(head: XML.Body, body: XML.Body): String =
output(XML.elem("head", head_meta :: head)),
output(XML.elem("body", body))))
/* Isabelle document */
def begin_document(title: String): String =
header + "\n" +
"\n" + output(head_meta) + "\n" +
"" + output(title + " (" + Distribution.version + ")") + " \n" +
" \n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"" +
" + output(title) + " \n"
val end_document = "\n\n\n\n"
/* common markup elements */
private def session_entry(entry: (String, String)): String =
val (name, description) = entry
val descr =
if (description == "") Nil
else List(XML.elem("br"), XML.elem("pre", List(XML.Text(description))))
List(XML.Elem(Markup("a", List(("href", name + "/index.html"))),
List(XML.Text(name)))) ::: descr)) + "\n"
def chapter_index(chapter: String, sessions: List[(String, String)]): String =
begin_document("Isabelle/" + chapter + " sessions") +
(if (sessions.isEmpty) ""
else "\n" + + " ") +