Tools.update_cartouches.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
/* Title: Pure/Tools/update_cartouches.scala
Author: Makarius
Update theory syntax to use cartouches etc.
package isabelle
object Update_Cartouches
/* update cartouches */
private def cartouche(s: String): String =
Symbol.open + s + Symbol.close
private val Verbatim_Body = """(?s)[ \t]*(.*?)[ \t]*""".r
val Text_Antiq = """(?s)@\{\s*text\b\s*(.+)\}""".r
def update_text(content: String): String =
(try { Some(Antiquote.read(content)) } catch { case ERROR(_) => None }) match {
case Some(ants) =>
val ants1: List[Antiquote.Antiquote] =
ants.map(ant =>
ant match {
case Antiquote.Antiq(Text_Antiq(body)) =>
Token.explode(Keyword.Keywords.empty, body).filterNot(_.is_space) match {
case List(tok) => Antiquote.Control(cartouche(tok.content))
case _ => ant
case _ => ant
if (ants == ants1) content else ants1.map(_.source).mkString
case None => content
def update_cartouches(replace_comment: Boolean, replace_text: Boolean, path: Path)
val text0 = File.read(path)
// outer syntax cartouches and comment markers
val text1 =
(for (tok <- Token.explode(Keyword.Keywords.empty, text0).iterator)
yield {
if (tok.kind == Token.Kind.ALT_STRING) cartouche(tok.content)
else if (tok.kind == Token.Kind.VERBATIM) {
tok.content match {
case Verbatim_Body(s) => cartouche(s)
case s => tok.source
else if (replace_comment && tok.source == "--") Symbol.comment
else tok.source
// cartouches within presumed text tokens
val text2 =
if (replace_text) {
(for (tok <- Token.explode(Keyword.Keywords.empty, text1).iterator)
yield {
if (tok.kind == Token.Kind.STRING || tok.kind == Token.Kind.CARTOUCHE) {
val content = tok.content
val content1 = update_text(content)
if (content == content1) tok.source
else if (tok.kind == Token.Kind.STRING) Outer_Syntax.quote_string(content1)
else cartouche(content1)
else tok.source
else text1
if (text0 != text2) {
Output.writeln("changing " + path)
File.write_backup2(path, text2)
/* command line entry point */
def main(args: Array[String])
Command_Line.tool0 {
args.toList match {
case Properties.Value.Boolean(replace_comment) ::
Properties.Value.Boolean(replace_text) :: files =>
files.foreach(file =>
update_cartouches(replace_comment, replace_text, Path.explode(file)))
case _ => error("Bad arguments:\n" + cat_lines(args))
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