General.rdf.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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/* Title: Pure/General/rdf.scala
Author: Makarius
Support for RDF/XML representation, see also:
- https://www.w3.org/RDF
- https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-primer
package isabelle
object RDF
/* document */
val rdf: XML.Namespace = XML.Namespace("rdf", "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#")
val dcterms: XML.Namespace = XML.Namespace("dcterms", "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")
val default_namespaces: List[XML.Namespace] = List(rdf, dcterms)
def document(body: XML.Body,
namespaces: List[XML.Namespace] = default_namespaces,
attributes: XML.Attributes = Nil): XML.Elem =
XML.Elem(Markup(rdf("RDF"), namespaces.map(_.attribute) ::: attributes), body)
/* multiple triples vs. compact description */
sealed case class Triple(
subject: String, predicate: String, `object`: XML.Body = Nil, resource: String = "")
require(`object`.isEmpty || resource.isEmpty)
def property: XML.Elem =
if (resource.nonEmpty) XML.elem(Markup(predicate, List("rdf:resource" -> resource)))
else XML.elem(predicate, `object`)
def triples(args: List[Triple]): XML.Body =
XML.newline ::
args.zipWithIndex.groupBy({ case (t, _) => t.subject }).iterator.map(_._2).
toList.sortBy(ps => ps.head._2).flatMap(ps =>
XML.newline :: ps.flatMap({ case (t, _) => List(t.property, XML.newline) })),
def description(subject: String, body: XML.Body, attributes: XML.Attributes = Nil): XML.Elem =
XML.Elem(Markup(rdf("Description"), (rdf("about"), subject) :: attributes), body)
/* collections */
def collection(kind: String, items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem =
XML.elem(kind, items.map(item => XML.elem(rdf("li"), item)))
def bag(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = collection(rdf("Bag"), items)
def seq(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = collection(rdf("Seq"), items)
def alt(items: List[XML.Body]): XML.Elem = collection(rdf("Alt"), items)
/* datatypes */
// see https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf11-concepts/#section-Datatypes
// see https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-datatypes
def string(x: String): XML.Body = if (x.isEmpty) Nil else List(XML.Text(x))
def bool(x: Boolean): XML.Body = string(x.toString)
def int(x: Int): XML.Body = string(Value.Int(x))
def long(x: Long): XML.Body = string(Value.Long(x))
def double(x: Double): XML.Body = string(Value.Double(x))
def seconds(x: Time): XML.Body = double(x.seconds)
val date_format: Date.Format = Date.Format("uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSxxx")
def date_time_stamp(x: Date): XML.Body = string(date_format(x))
/* predicates */
object Property // binary relation with plain value
def title: String = dcterms("title")
def creator: String = dcterms("creator")
def contributor: String = dcterms("contributor")
def date: String = dcterms("date")
def license: String = dcterms("license")
def description: String = dcterms("description")
private lazy val meta_data_table =
Markup.META_TITLE -> Property.title,
Markup.META_CREATOR -> Property.creator,
Markup.META_CONTRIBUTOR -> Property.contributor,
Markup.META_DATE -> Property.date,
Markup.META_LICENSE -> Property.license,
Markup.META_DESCRIPTION -> Property.description)
def meta_data(props: Properties.T): Properties.T =
props.flatMap({ case (a, b) => meta_data_table.get(a).map((_, b)) })
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