PIDE.resources.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Title: Pure/PIDE/resources.scala
Author: Makarius
Resources for theories and auxiliary files.
package isabelle
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
import{File => JFile}
class Resources(
val session_base: Sessions.Base,
val log: Logger = No_Logger)
resources =>
/* file formats */
val file_formats: File_Format.Environment = File_Format.environment()
def make_theory_name(name: Document.Node.Name): Option[Document.Node.Name] =
file_formats.get(name).flatMap(_.make_theory_name(resources, name))
def make_theory_content(thy_name: Document.Node.Name): Option[String] =
file_formats.get_theory(thy_name).flatMap(_.make_theory_content(resources, thy_name))
def make_preview(snapshot: Document.Snapshot): Option[Present.Preview] =
def is_hidden(name: Document.Node.Name): Boolean =
!name.is_theory || name.theory == Sessions.root_name || file_formats.is_theory(name)
def thy_path(path: Path): Path = path.ext("thy")
/* file-system operations */
def append(dir: String, source_path: Path): String =
(Path.explode(dir) + source_path).expand.implode
def append(node_name: Document.Node.Name, source_path: Path): String =
append(node_name.master_dir, source_path)
/* source files of Isabelle/ML bootstrap */
def source_file(raw_name: String): Option[String] =
if (Path.is_wellformed(raw_name)) {
if (Path.is_valid(raw_name)) {
def check(p: Path): Option[Path] = if (p.is_file) Some(p) else None
val path = Path.explode(raw_name)
val path1 =
if (path.is_absolute || path.is_current) check(path)
else {
check(Path.explode("~~/src/Pure") + path) orElse
(if (Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_SOURCES") == "") None
else check(Path.explode("$ML_SOURCES") + path))
Some(File.platform_path(path1 getOrElse path))
else None
else Some(raw_name)
/* theory files */
def loaded_files(syntax: Outer_Syntax, name: Document.Node.Name): () => List[Path] =
val (is_utf8, raw_text) =
with_thy_reader(name, reader => (Scan.reader_is_utf8(reader), reader.source.toString))
() => {
if (syntax.load_commands_in(raw_text)) {
val text = Symbol.decode(Scan.reader_decode_utf8(is_utf8, raw_text))
val spans = syntax.parse_spans(text)
val dir = Path.explode(name.master_dir), _)._1).flatten.
map(a => (dir + Path.explode(a)).expand).toList
else Nil
def pure_files(syntax: Outer_Syntax): List[Path] =
val pure_dir = Path.explode("~~/src/Pure")
val roots =
for { (name, _) <- Thy_Header.ml_roots }
yield (pure_dir + Path.explode(name)).expand
val files =
for {
(path, (_, theory)) <- roots zip Thy_Header.ml_roots
file <- loaded_files(syntax, Document.Node.Name(path.implode, path.dir.implode, theory))()
} yield file
roots ::: files
def theory_name(qualifier: String, theory: String): String =
if (Long_Name.is_qualified(theory) || session_base.global_theories.isDefinedAt(theory))
else Long_Name.qualify(qualifier, theory)
def import_name(qualifier: String, dir: String, s: String): Document.Node.Name =
val theory = theory_name(qualifier, Thy_Header.import_name(s))
if (session_base.loaded_theory(theory)) Document.Node.Name.loaded_theory(theory)
else {
session_base.known_theory(theory) match {
case Some(node_name) => node_name
case None =>
if (Thy_Header.is_base_name(s) && Long_Name.is_qualified(s))
else {
val path = Path.explode(s)
val node = append(dir, thy_path(path))
val master_dir = append(dir, path.dir)
Document.Node.Name(node, master_dir, theory)
def import_name(name: Document.Node.Name, s: String): Document.Node.Name =
import_name(session_base.theory_qualifier(name), name.master_dir, s)
def standard_import(base: Sessions.Base, qualifier: String, dir: String, s: String): String =
val name = import_name(qualifier, dir, s)
val s1 =
if (session_base.loaded_theory(name)) name.theory
else {
(try { Some(name.path) } catch { case ERROR(_) => None }) match {
case None => s
case Some(path) =>
session_base.known.get_file(path.file) match {
case Some(name1) if base.theory_qualifier(name1) != qualifier =>
case Some(name1) if Thy_Header.is_base_name(s) =>
case _ => s
val name2 = import_name(qualifier, dir, s1)
if (name.node == name2.node) s1 else s
def with_thy_reader[A](name: Document.Node.Name, f: Reader[Char] => A): A =
val path = name.path
if (path.is_file) using(Scan.byte_reader(path.file))(f)
else if (name.node == name.theory)
error("Cannot load theory " + quote(name.theory))
else error ("Cannot load theory file " + path)
def check_thy_reader(node_name: Document.Node.Name, reader: Reader[Char],
start: Token.Pos = Token.Pos.command, strict: Boolean = true): Document.Node.Header =
if (node_name.is_theory && reader.source.length > 0) {
try {
val header =, start, strict)
val base_name = node_name.theory_base_name
val (name, pos) =
if (base_name != name)
error("Bad theory name " + quote(name) +
" for file " + thy_path(Path.basic(base_name)) + +
Completion.report_theories(pos, List(base_name)))
val imports ={ case (s, pos) =>
val name = import_name(node_name, s)
if (Sessions.exclude_theory(name.theory_base_name))
error("Bad theory name " + quote(name.theory_base_name) +
(name, pos)
Document.Node.Header(imports, header.keywords, header.abbrevs)
catch { case exn: Throwable => Document.Node.bad_header(Exn.message(exn)) }
else Document.Node.no_header
def check_thy(name: Document.Node.Name, start: Token.Pos = Token.Pos.command,
strict: Boolean = true): Document.Node.Header =
with_thy_reader(name, check_thy_reader(name, _, start, strict))
/* special header */
def special_header(name: Document.Node.Name): Option[Document.Node.Header] =
val imports =
if (name.theory == Sessions.root_name) List(import_name(name, Sessions.theory_name))
else if (Thy_Header.is_ml_root(name.theory)) List(import_name(name, Thy_Header.ML_BOOTSTRAP))
else if (Thy_Header.is_bootstrap(name.theory)) List(import_name(name, Thy_Header.PURE))
else Nil
if (imports.isEmpty) None
else Some(Document.Node.Header(, Position.none))))
/* blobs */
def undefined_blobs(nodes: Document.Nodes): List[Document.Node.Name] =
(for {
(node_name, node) <- nodes.iterator
if !session_base.loaded_theory(node_name)
cmd <- node.load_commands.iterator
name <- cmd.blobs_undefined.iterator
} yield name).toList
/* document changes */
def parse_change(
reparse_limit: Int,
previous: Document.Version,
doc_blobs: Document.Blobs,
edits: List[Document.Edit_Text],
consolidate: List[Document.Node.Name]): Session.Change =
Thy_Syntax.parse_change(resources, reparse_limit, previous, doc_blobs, edits, consolidate)
def commit(change: Session.Change) { }
/* theory and file dependencies */
def dependencies(
thys: List[(Document.Node.Name, Position.T)],
progress: Progress = No_Progress): Dependencies[Unit] =
Dependencies.empty[Unit].require_thys((), thys, progress = progress)
def session_dependencies(info: Sessions.Info, progress: Progress = No_Progress)
: Dependencies[Options] =
val qualifier =
val dir = info.dir.implode
(Dependencies.empty[Options] /: info.theories)({ case (dependencies, (options, thys)) =>
for { (thy, pos) <- thys } yield (import_name(qualifier, dir, thy), pos),
progress = progress)
object Dependencies
def empty[A]: Dependencies[A] = new Dependencies[A](Nil, Map.empty)
private def show_path(names: List[Document.Node.Name]): String = => quote(name.theory)).mkString(" via ")
private def cycle_msg(names: List[Document.Node.Name]): String =
"Cyclic dependency of " + show_path(names)
private def required_by(initiators: List[Document.Node.Name]): String =
if (initiators.isEmpty) ""
else "\n(required by " + show_path(initiators.reverse) + ")"
final class Dependencies[A] private(
rev_entries: List[Document.Node.Entry],
seen: Map[Document.Node.Name, A])
private def cons(entry: Document.Node.Entry): Dependencies[A] =
new Dependencies[A](entry :: rev_entries, seen)
def require_thy(adjunct: A,
thy: (Document.Node.Name, Position.T),
initiators: List[Document.Node.Name] = Nil,
progress: Progress = No_Progress): Dependencies[A] =
val (name, pos) = thy
def message: String =
"The error(s) above occurred for theory " + quote(name.theory) +
Dependencies.required_by(initiators) +
if (seen.isDefinedAt(name)) this
else {
val dependencies1 = new Dependencies[A](rev_entries, seen + (name -> adjunct))
if (session_base.loaded_theory(name)) dependencies1
else {
try {
if (initiators.contains(name)) error(Dependencies.cycle_msg(initiators))
val header =
try { check_thy(name, Token.Pos.file(name.node)).cat_errors(message) }
catch { case ERROR(msg) => cat_error(msg, message) }
val entry = Document.Node.Entry(name, header)
dependencies1.require_thys(adjunct, header.imports,
initiators = name :: initiators, progress = progress).cons(entry)
catch {
case e: Throwable =>
dependencies1.cons(Document.Node.Entry(name, Document.Node.bad_header(Exn.message(e))))
def require_thys(adjunct: A,
thys: List[(Document.Node.Name, Position.T)],
progress: Progress = No_Progress,
initiators: List[Document.Node.Name] = Nil): Dependencies[A] =
(this /: thys)(_.require_thy(adjunct, _, progress = progress, initiators = initiators))
def entries: List[Document.Node.Entry] = rev_entries.reverse
def theories: List[Document.Node.Name] =
def adjunct_theories: List[(A, Document.Node.Name)] = => (seen(name), name))
def errors: List[String] = entries.flatMap(_.header.errors)
def check_errors: Dependencies[A] =
errors match {
case Nil => this
case errs => error(cat_lines(errs))
lazy val loaded_theories: Graph[String, Outer_Syntax] =
(session_base.loaded_theories /: entries)({ case (graph, entry) =>
val name =
val imports = => p._1.theory)
val graph1 = (graph /: (name :: imports))(_.default_node(_, Outer_Syntax.empty))
val graph2 = (graph1 /: imports)(_.add_edge(_, name))
val syntax0 = if (name == Thy_Header.PURE) List(Thy_Header.bootstrap_syntax) else Nil
val syntax1 = (name :: graph2.imm_preds(name).toList).map(graph2.get_node(_))
val syntax = Outer_Syntax.merge(syntax0 ::: syntax1) + entry.header
graph2.map_node(name, _ => syntax)
def loaded_files(pure: Boolean): List[(String, List[Path])] =
val loaded_files = zip () => List[Path]) => e(), =>
resources.loaded_files(loaded_theories.get_node(name.theory), name)))
if (pure) {
val pure_files = resources.pure_files(overall_syntax){ case (name, files) =>
(name, if (name == Thy_Header.PURE) pure_files ::: files else files) })
else loaded_files
def imported_files: List[Path] =
val base_theories =
filter(session_base.loaded_theories.defined(_)) => session_base.known.theories(theory).name.path) :::
lazy val overall_syntax: Outer_Syntax =
override def toString: String = entries.toString
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