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Thy.present.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Title: Pure/Thy/present.scala
Author: Makarius
Theory presentation: HTML.
package isabelle
import java.io.{File => JFile}
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
object Present
/* maintain chapter index -- NOT thread-safe */
private val sessions_path = Path.basic(".sessions")
private def read_sessions(dir: Path): List[(String, String)] =
val path = dir + sessions_path
if (path.is_file) {
import XML.Decode._
list(pair(string, string))(Symbol.decode_yxml(File.read(path)))
else Nil
private def write_sessions(dir: Path, sessions: List[(String, String)])
import XML.Encode._
File.write(dir + sessions_path, YXML.string_of_body(list(pair(string, string))(sessions)))
def update_chapter_index(browser_info: Path, chapter: String, new_sessions: List[(String, String)])
val dir = browser_info + Path.basic(chapter)
val sessions0 =
try { read_sessions(dir) }
catch { case _: XML.Error => Nil }
val sessions = (SortedMap.empty[String, String] ++ sessions0 ++ new_sessions).toList
write_sessions(dir, sessions)
val title = "Isabelle/" + chapter + " sessions"
HTML.write_document(dir, "index.html",
List(HTML.title(title + " (" + Distribution.version + ")")),
HTML.chapter(title) ::
(if (sessions.isEmpty) Nil
sessions.map({ case (name, description) =>
val descr = Symbol.trim_blank_lines(description)
(List(HTML.link(name + "/index.html", HTML.text(name))),
if (descr == "") Nil
else HTML.break ::: List(HTML.pre(HTML.text(descr)))) })))))))
def make_global_index(browser_info: Path)
if (!(browser_info + Path.explode("index.html")).is_file) {
browser_info + Path.explode("isabelle.gif"))
File.write(browser_info + Path.explode("index.html"),
File.read(Path.explode("~~/lib/html/library_index_header.template")) +
File.read(Path.explode("~~/lib/html/library_index_content.template")) +
/* finish session */
def finish(
progress: Progress,
browser_info: Path,
graph_file: JFile,
info: Sessions.Info,
name: String)
val session_prefix = browser_info + Path.basic(info.chapter) + Path.basic(name)
val session_fonts = session_prefix + Path.explode("fonts")
if (info.options.bool("browser_info")) {
val session_graph = session_prefix + Path.basic("session_graph.pdf")
File.copy(graph_file, session_graph.file)
Isabelle_System.bash("chmod a+r " + File.bash_path(session_graph))
for (entry <- Isabelle_Fonts.fonts(hidden = true))
File.copy(entry.path, session_fonts)
/** preview **/
sealed case class Preview(title: String, content: String)
def preview(
resources: Resources,
snapshot: Document.Snapshot,
plain_text: Boolean = false,
fonts_url: String => String = HTML.fonts_url()): Preview =
def output_document(title: String, body: XML.Body): String =
HTML.style(HTML.fonts_css(fonts_url) + "\n\n" + File.read(HTML.isabelle_css)),
List(HTML.source(body)), css = "", structural = false)
val name = snapshot.node_name
if (plain_text) {
val title = "File " + quote(name.path.file_name)
val content = output_document(title, HTML.text(snapshot.node.source))
Preview(title, content)
else {
resources.make_preview(snapshot) match {
case Some(preview) => preview
case None =>
val title =
if (name.is_theory) "Theory " + quote(name.theory_base_name)
else "File " + quote(name.path.file_name)
val content = output_document(title, pide_document(snapshot))
Preview(title, content)
/* PIDE document */
private val document_elements =
Rendering.foreground_elements ++ Rendering.text_color_elements ++ Rendering.markdown_elements +
private val div_elements =
Set(HTML.div.name, HTML.pre.name, HTML.par.name, HTML.list.name, HTML.enum.name,
private def html_div(html: XML.Body): Boolean =
html exists {
case XML.Elem(markup, body) => div_elements.contains(markup.name) || html_div(body)
case XML.Text(_) => false
private def html_class(c: String, html: XML.Body): XML.Tree =
if (html.forall(_ == HTML.no_text)) HTML.no_text
else if (html_div(html)) HTML.div(c, html)
else HTML.span(c, html)
private def make_html(xml: XML.Body): XML.Body =
xml map {
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.LANGUAGE, Markup.Name(Markup.Language.DOCUMENT)), body) =>
html_class(Markup.Language.DOCUMENT, make_html(body))
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_PARAGRAPH, _), body) => HTML.par(make_html(body))
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.MARKDOWN_ITEM, _), body) => HTML.item(make_html(body))
case XML.Elem(Markup(Markup.Markdown_Bullet.name, _), _) => HTML.no_text
case XML.Elem(Markup.Markdown_List(kind), body) =>
if (kind == Markup.ENUMERATE) HTML.enum(make_html(body)) else HTML.list(make_html(body))
case XML.Elem(markup, body) =>
val name = markup.name
val html =
markup.properties match {
case Markup.Kind(kind) if kind == Markup.COMMAND || kind == Markup.KEYWORD =>
List(html_class(kind, make_html(body)))
case _ =>
Rendering.foreground.get(name) orElse Rendering.text_color.get(name) match {
case Some(c) => html_class(c.toString, html)
case None => html_class(name, html)
case XML.Text(text) =>
def pide_document(snapshot: Document.Snapshot): XML.Body =
make_html(snapshot.markup_to_XML(Text.Range.full, document_elements))
/** build document **/
val default_document_name = "document"
val default_document_format = "pdf"
val document_formats = List("pdf", "dvi")
def default_document_dir(name: String): Path = Path.explode("output") + Path.basic(name)
def document_tags(tags: List[String]): String =
tags.map(tag =>
tag.toList match {
case '/' :: cs => "\\isafoldtag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
case '-' :: cs => "\\isadroptag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
case '+' :: cs => "\\isakeeptag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
case cs => "\\isakeeptag{" + cs.mkString + "}"
})) + "\n"
def build_document(
document_name: String = default_document_name,
document_format: String = default_document_format,
document_dir: Option[Path] = None,
tags: List[String] = Nil)
val document_target = Path.parent + Path.explode(document_name).ext(document_format)
if (!document_formats.contains(document_format))
error("Bad document output format: " + quote(document_format))
val dir = document_dir getOrElse default_document_dir(document_name)
if (!dir.is_dir) error("Bad document output directory " + dir)
val root_name =
val root1 = "root_" + document_name
if ((dir + Path.explode(root1).ext("tex")).is_file) root1 else "root"
/* bash scripts */
def root_bash(ext: String): String = Bash.string(root_name + "." + ext)
def latex_bash(fmt: String, ext: String = "tex"): String =
"isabelle latex -o " + Bash.string(fmt) + " " + Bash.string(root_name + "." + ext)
def bash(script: String): Process_Result =
Isabelle_System.bash(script, cwd = dir.file)
/* prepare document */
File.write(dir + Path.explode("isabelletags.sty"), document_tags(tags))
List("log", "blg").foreach(ext => (dir + Path.explode(root_name).ext(ext)).file.delete)
val result =
if ((dir + Path.explode("build")).is_file) {
bash("./build " + Bash.string(document_format) + " " + Bash.string(document_name))
else {
"{ [ ! -f " + root_bash("bib") + " ] || " + latex_bash("bbl") + "; }",
"{ [ ! -f " + root_bash("idx") + " ] || " + latex_bash("idx") + "; }",
latex_bash(document_format)).mkString(" && "))
/* result */
if (!result.ok) {
cat_lines(Latex.latex_errors(dir, root_name) ::: Bibtex.bibtex_errors(dir, root_name)),
"Failed to build document in " + File.path(dir.absolute_file))
bash("if [ -f " + root_bash(document_format) + " ]; then cp -f " +
root_bash(document_format) + " " + File.bash_path(document_target) + "; fi").check
/* Isabelle tool wrapper */
val isabelle_tool =
Isabelle_Tool("document", "prepare theory session document", args =>
var document_dir: Option[Path] = None
var document_name = default_document_name
var document_format = default_document_format
var tags: List[String] = Nil
val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle document [OPTIONS]
Options are:
-d DIR document output directory (default """ +
default_document_dir(default_document_name) + """)
-n NAME document name (default """ + quote(default_document_name) + """)
-o FORMAT document format: """ +
commas(document_formats.map(fmt =>
fmt + (if (fmt == default_document_format) " (default)" else ""))) + """
-t TAGS markup for tagged regions
Prepare the theory session document in document directory, producing the
specified output format.
"d:" -> (arg => document_dir = Some(Path.explode(arg))),
"n:" -> (arg => document_name = arg),
"o:" -> (arg => document_format = arg),
"t:" -> (arg => tags = space_explode(',', arg)))
val more_args = getopts(args)
if (more_args.nonEmpty) getopts.usage()
try {
build_document(document_dir = document_dir, document_name = document_name,
document_format = document_format, tags = tags)
catch { case ERROR(msg) => Output.writeln(msg); sys.exit(2) }
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