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/*  Title:      Pure/Tools/build.scala
    Author:     Makarius
    Options:    :folding=explicit:

Build and manage Isabelle sessions.

package isabelle

import scala.collection.SortedSet
import scala.annotation.tailrec

object Build
  /** auxiliary **/

  /* persistent build info */

  sealed case class Session_Info(
    sources: String,
    input_heaps: List[String],
    output_heap: Option[String],
    return_code: Int)
    def ok: Boolean = return_code == 0

  /* queue with scheduling information */

  private object Queue
    type Timings = (List[Properties.T], Double)

    def load_timings(progress: Progress, store: Sessions.Store, name: String): Timings =
      val no_timings: Timings = (Nil, 0.0)

      store.access_database(name) match {
        case None => no_timings
        case Some(db) =>
          def ignore_error(msg: String) =
            progress.echo_warning("Ignoring bad database " + db + (if (msg == "") "" else "\n" + msg))
          try {
            val command_timings = store.read_command_timings(db, name)
            val session_timing =
              store.read_session_timing(db, name) match {
                case Markup.Elapsed(t) => t
                case _ => 0.0
            (command_timings, session_timing)
          catch {
            case ERROR(msg) => ignore_error(msg)
            case exn: java.lang.Error => ignore_error(Exn.message(exn))
            case _: XML.Error => ignore_error("")
          finally { db.close }

    def make_session_timing(sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure, timing: Map[String, Double])
      : Map[String, Double] =
      val maximals = sessions_structure.build_graph.maximals.toSet
      def desc_timing(name: String): Double =
        if (maximals.contains(name)) timing(name)
        else {
          val descendants = sessions_structure.build_descendants(List(name)).toSet
          val g = sessions_structure.build_graph.restrict(descendants)
          (0.0 :: g.maximals.flatMap(desc => {
            val ps = g.all_preds(List(desc))
            if (ps.exists(p => timing.get(p).isEmpty)) None
            else Some(
      } => (name -> desc_timing(name))).toMap.withDefaultValue(0.0)

    def apply(progress: Progress, sessions_structure: Sessions.Structure, store: Sessions.Store)
      : Queue =
      val graph = sessions_structure.build_graph
      val names = graph.keys

      val timings = => (name, load_timings(progress, store, name)))
      val command_timings ={ case (name, (ts, _)) => (name, ts) }).toMap.withDefaultValue(Nil)
      val session_timing =
{ case (name, (_, t)) => (name, t) }).toMap)

      object Ordering extends scala.math.Ordering[String]
        def compare_timing(name1: String, name2: String): Int =
          val t1 = session_timing(name1)
          val t2 = session_timing(name2)
          if (t1 == 0.0 || t2 == 0.0) 0
          else t1 compare t2

        def compare(name1: String, name2: String): Int =
          compare_timing(name2, name1) match {
            case 0 =>
              sessions_structure(name2).timeout compare sessions_structure(name1).timeout match {
                case 0 => name1 compare name2
                case ord => ord
            case ord => ord

      new Queue(graph, SortedSet(names: _*)(Ordering), command_timings)

  private class Queue(
    graph: Graph[String, Sessions.Info],
    order: SortedSet[String],
    val command_timings: String => List[Properties.T])
    def is_inner(name: String): Boolean = !graph.is_maximal(name)

    def is_empty: Boolean = graph.is_empty

    def - (name: String): Queue =
      new Queue(graph.del_node(name),
        order - name,  // FIXME scala-2.10.0 .. 2.12.4 TreeSet problem!?

    def dequeue(skip: String => Boolean): Option[(String, Sessions.Info)] =
      val it = order.iterator.dropWhile(name =>
          || !graph.defined(name)  // FIXME scala-2.10.0 .. 2.12.4 TreeSet problem!?
          || !graph.is_minimal(name))
      if (it.hasNext) { val name =; Some((name, graph.get_node(name))) }
      else None

  /* PIDE protocol handler */

  class Handler(progress: Progress, session: Session, session_name: String)
    extends Session.Protocol_Handler
    val result_error: Promise[String] = Future.promise

    override def exit() { result_error.cancel }

    private def build_session_finished(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean =
      val error_message =
        try { Pretty.string_of(Symbol.decode_yxml(msg.text)) }
        catch { case ERROR(msg) => msg }

    private def loading_theory(msg: Prover.Protocol_Output): Boolean = match {
        case Markup.Loading_Theory(name) =>
          progress.theory(Progress.Theory(name, session = session_name))
        case _ => false

    val functions =
        Markup.BUILD_SESSION_FINISHED -> build_session_finished _,
        Markup.LOADING_THEORY -> loading_theory _)

  /* job: running prover process */

  private class Job(progress: Progress,
    name: String,
    val info: Sessions.Info,
    deps: Sessions.Deps,
    store: Sessions.Store,
    do_output: Boolean,
    verbose: Boolean,
    pide: Boolean,
    val numa_node: Option[Int],
    command_timings: List[Properties.T])
    val options = NUMA.policy_options(info.options, numa_node)

    private val graph_file = Isabelle_System.tmp_file("session_graph", "pdf")
    //isabelle.graphview.Graph_File.write(options, graph_file, deps(name).session_graph_display)

    private val export_tmp_dir = Isabelle_System.tmp_dir("export")
    private val export_consumer =
      Export.consumer(store.open_database(name, output = true), cache = store.xz_cache)

    private val future_result: Future[Process_Result] =
      Future.thread("build") {
        val parent = info.parent.getOrElse("")
        val base = deps(name)
        val args_yxml =
              import XML.Encode._
              pair(list(pair(string, int)), pair(list(properties), pair(bool, pair(bool,
                pair(Path.encode, pair(list(pair(Path.encode, Path.encode)), pair(string,
                pair(string, pair(string, pair(string, pair(Path.encode,
                pair(list(pair(Options.encode, list(pair(string, properties)))),
                pair(list(pair(string, properties)), pair(list(string),
                pair(list(pair(string, string)),
                pair(list(string), pair(list(pair(string, string)), list(string))))))))))))))))))(
              (, (command_timings, (do_output, (verbose,
                (store.browser_info, (info.document_files, (File.standard_path(graph_file),
                (parent, (info.chapter, (name, (Path.current,
                (info.theories, (base.known.sessions.toList, (base.doc_names,
                (base.global_theories.toList, (base.loaded_theories.keys, (base.dest_known_theories,

        val env =
          Isabelle_System.settings() +
            ("ISABELLE_EXPORT_TMP" -> File.standard_path(export_tmp_dir)) +
            ("ISABELLE_ML_DEBUGGER" -> options.bool("ML_debugger").toString)

        def save_heap: String =
          (if (info.theories.isEmpty) "" else "ML_Heap.share_common_data (); ") +
            "ML_Heap.save_child " +

        if (pide && !Sessions.is_pure(name)) {
          val resources = new Resources(deps(parent))
          val session = new Session(options, resources)
          val handler = new Handler(progress, session, name)

          val session_result = Future.promise[Process_Result]

          Isabelle_Process.start(session, options, logic = parent, cwd = info.dir.file, env = env,
            sessions_structure = Some(deps.sessions_structure), store = Some(store),
            phase_changed =
              case Session.Ready => session.protocol_command("build_session", args_yxml)
              case Session.Terminated(result) => session_result.fulfill(result)
              case _ =>

          val result = session_result.join
          handler.result_error.join match {
            case "" => result
            case msg =>
                rc = result.rc max 1,
                out_lines = result.out_lines ::: split_lines(Output.error_message_text(msg)))
        else {
          val args_file = Isabelle_System.tmp_file("build")
          File.write(args_file, args_yxml)

          val eval =
            "Command_Line.tool0 (fn () => (" +
            " " + ML_Syntax.print_string_bytes(File.standard_path(args_file)) +
            (if (Sessions.is_pure(name)) "; Theory.install_pure (Thy_Info.get_theory Context.PureN)"
             else "") + (if (do_output) "; " + save_heap else "") + "));"

          val process =
            if (Sessions.is_pure(name)) {
              ML_Process(options, raw_ml_system = true, cwd = info.dir.file,
                args =
                  (for ((root, _) <- Thy_Header.ml_roots) yield List("--use", root)).flatten :::
                  List("--eval", eval),
                env = env, sessions_structure = Some(deps.sessions_structure), store = Some(store),
                cleanup = () => args_file.delete)
            else {
              ML_Process(options, parent, List("--eval", eval), cwd = info.dir.file,
                env = env, sessions_structure = Some(deps.sessions_structure), store = Some(store),
                cleanup = () => args_file.delete)

            progress_stdout = (line: String) =>
              Library.try_unprefix("\floading_theory = ", line) match {
                case Some(theory) =>
                  progress.theory(Progress.Theory(theory, session = name))
                case None =>
                  for {
                    text <- Library.try_unprefix("\fexport = ", line)
                    (args, path) <-
                  } {
                    val body =
                    export_consumer(name, args, body)
            progress_limit =
    "process_output_limit") match {
                case 0 => None
                case m => Some(m * 1000000L)
            strict = false)

    def terminate: Unit = future_result.cancel
    def is_finished: Boolean = future_result.is_finished

    private val timeout_request: Option[Event_Timer.Request] =
      if (info.timeout >
        Some(Event_Timer.request( + info.timeout) { terminate })
      else None

    def join: (Process_Result, Option[String]) =
      val result0 = future_result.join
      val result1 =
        export_consumer.shutdown(close = true).map(Output.error_message_text(_)) match {
          case Nil => result0
          case errs => result0.errors(errs).error_rc


      if (result1.ok)
        Present.finish(progress, store.browser_info, graph_file, info, name)


      val was_timeout =
        timeout_request match {
          case None => false
          case Some(request) => !request.cancel

      val result2 =
        if (result1.interrupted) {
          if (was_timeout) result1.error(Output.error_message_text("Timeout")).was_timeout
          else result1.error(Output.error_message_text("Interrupt"))
        else result1

      val heap_digest =
        if (result2.ok && do_output && store.output_heap(name).is_file)
        else None

      (result2, heap_digest)

  /** build with results **/

  class Results private[Build](results: Map[String, (Option[Process_Result], Sessions.Info)])
    def sessions: Set[String] = results.keySet
    def cancelled(name: String): Boolean = results(name)._1.isEmpty
    def apply(name: String): Process_Result = results(name)._1.getOrElse(Process_Result(1))
    def info(name: String): Sessions.Info = results(name)._2
    val rc =
      (0 /:
        { case (_, (Some(r), _)) => r.rc case (_, (None, _)) => 1 }))(_ max _)
    def ok: Boolean = rc == 0

    override def toString: String = rc.toString

  def build(
    options: Options,
    progress: Progress = No_Progress,
    check_unknown_files: Boolean = false,
    build_heap: Boolean = false,
    clean_build: Boolean = false,
    dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
    select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
    infos: List[Sessions.Info] = Nil,
    numa_shuffling: Boolean = false,
    max_jobs: Int = 1,
    list_files: Boolean = false,
    check_keywords: Set[String] = Set.empty,
    fresh_build: Boolean = false,
    no_build: Boolean = false,
    soft_build: Boolean = false,
    verbose: Boolean = false,
    export_files: Boolean = false,
    pide: Boolean = false,
    requirements: Boolean = false,
    all_sessions: Boolean = false,
    base_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
    exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil,
    exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil,
    session_groups: List[String] = Nil,
    sessions: List[String] = Nil,
    selection: Sessions.Selection = Sessions.Selection.empty): Results =
    val build_options ="completion_limit", 0).bool.update("ML_statistics", true)

    val store =


    /* session selection and dependencies */

    val full_sessions =
      Sessions.load_structure(build_options, dirs = dirs, select_dirs = select_dirs, infos = infos)

    def sources_stamp(deps: Sessions.Deps, name: String): String =
      val digests =
        full_sessions(name).meta_digest :: deps.sources(name) ::: deps.imported_sources(name)

    val selection1 =
      Sessions.Selection(requirements, all_sessions, base_sessions, exclude_session_groups,
        exclude_sessions, session_groups, sessions) ++ selection

    val deps =
      val deps0 =
        Sessions.deps(full_sessions.selection(selection1), full_sessions.global_theories,
          progress = progress, inlined_files = true, verbose = verbose,
          list_files = list_files, check_keywords = check_keywords).check_errors

      if (soft_build && !fresh_build) {
        val outdated =
          deps0.sessions_structure.build_topological_order.flatMap(name =>
            store.access_database(name) match {
              case Some(db) =>
                using(db)(store.read_build(_, name)) match {
                  case Some(build)
                  if build.ok && build.sources == sources_stamp(deps0, name) => None
                  case _ => Some(name)
              case None => Some(name)

        Sessions.deps(full_sessions.selection(Sessions.Selection(sessions = outdated)),
          full_sessions.global_theories, progress = progress, inlined_files = true).check_errors
      else deps0

    /* check unknown files */

    if (check_unknown_files) {
      val source_files =
        (for {
          (_, base) <- deps.session_bases.iterator
          (path, _) <- base.sources.iterator
        } yield path).toList
      val exclude_files = List(Path.explode("$POLYML_EXE")).map(_.canonical_file)
      val unknown_files =
          filterNot(path => exclude_files.contains(path.canonical_file))
      if (unknown_files.nonEmpty) {
        progress.echo_warning("Unknown files (not part of the underlying Mercurial repository):" +
 => path.expand.implode).sorted.mkString("\n  ", "\n  ", ""))

    /* main build process */

    val queue = Queue(progress, deps.sessions_structure, store)


    if (clean_build) {
      for (name <- full_sessions.imports_descendants(full_sessions.imports_selection(selection1))) {
        val (relevant, ok) = store.clean_output(name)
        if (relevant) {
          if (ok) progress.echo("Cleaned " + name)
          else progress.echo(name + " FAILED to clean")

    // scheduler loop
    case class Result(
      current: Boolean,
      heap_digest: Option[String],
      process: Option[Process_Result],
      info: Sessions.Info)
      def ok: Boolean =
        process match {
          case None => false
          case Some(res) => res.rc == 0

    def sleep()
      try { Thread.sleep(500) }
      catch { case Exn.Interrupt() => Exn.Interrupt.impose() }

    val numa_nodes = new NUMA.Nodes(numa_shuffling)

    @tailrec def loop(
      pending: Queue,
      running: Map[String, (List[String], Job)],
      results: Map[String, Result]): Map[String, Result] =
      def used_node(i: Int): Boolean =
          { case (_, (_, job)) => job.numa_node.isDefined && job.numa_node.get == i })

      if (pending.is_empty) results
      else {
        if (progress.stopped)
          for ((_, (_, job)) <- running) job.terminate

        running.find({ case (_, (_, job)) => job.is_finished }) match {
          case Some((name, (input_heaps, job))) =>
            //{{{ finish job

            val (process_result, heap_digest) = job.join

            val log_lines = process_result.out_lines.filterNot(_.startsWith("\f"))
            val process_result_tail =
              val tail ="process_output_tail")
                out_lines =
                  "(see also " + store.output_log(name).file.toString + ")" ::
                  (if (tail == 0) log_lines else log_lines.drop(log_lines.length - tail max 0)))

            // write log file
            if (process_result.ok) {
              File.write_gzip(store.output_log_gz(name), terminate_lines(log_lines))
            else File.write(store.output_log(name), terminate_lines(log_lines))

            // write database
              val build_log =
                Build_Log.Log_File(name, process_result.out_lines).
                    command_timings = true,
                    theory_timings = true,
                    ml_statistics = true,
                    task_statistics = true)

              using(store.open_database(name, output = true))(db =>
                store.write_session_info(db, name,
                  build_log =
                    if (process_result.timeout) build_log.error("Timeout") else build_log,
                  build =
                    Session_Info(sources_stamp(deps, name), input_heaps, heap_digest,

            // messages

            if (process_result.ok)
              progress.echo("Finished " + name + " (" + process_result.timing.message_resources + ")")
            else {
              progress.echo(name + " FAILED")
              if (!process_result.interrupted) progress.echo(process_result_tail.out)

            loop(pending - name, running - name,
              results + (name -> Result(false, heap_digest, Some(process_result_tail),
          case None if running.size < (max_jobs max 1) =>
            //{{{ check/start next job
            pending.dequeue(running.isDefinedAt(_)) match {
              case Some((name, info)) =>
                val ancestor_results =
                  deps.sessions_structure.build_requirements(List(name)).filterNot(_ == name).
                val ancestor_heaps = ancestor_results.flatMap(_.heap_digest)

                val do_output = build_heap || Sessions.is_pure(name) || queue.is_inner(name)

                val (current, heap_digest) =
                  store.access_database(name) match {
                    case Some(db) =>
                      using(db)(store.read_build(_, name)) match {
                        case Some(build) =>
                          val heap_digest = store.find_heap_digest(name)
                          val current =
                            !fresh_build &&
                            build.ok &&
                            build.sources == sources_stamp(deps, name) &&
                            build.input_heaps == ancestor_heaps &&
                            build.output_heap == heap_digest &&
                            !(do_output && heap_digest.isEmpty)
                          (current, heap_digest)
                        case None => (false, None)
                    case None => (false, None)
                val all_current = current && ancestor_results.forall(_.current)

                if (all_current)
                  loop(pending - name, running,
                    results + (name -> Result(true, heap_digest, Some(Process_Result(0)), info)))
                else if (no_build) {
                  if (verbose) progress.echo("Skipping " + name + " ...")
                  loop(pending - name, running,
                    results + (name -> Result(false, heap_digest, Some(Process_Result(1)), info)))
                else if (ancestor_results.forall(_.ok) && !progress.stopped) {
                  progress.echo((if (do_output) "Building " else "Running ") + name + " ...")

                  using(store.open_database(name, output = true))(store.init_session_info(_, name))

                  val numa_node =
                  val job =
                    new Job(progress, name, info, deps, store, do_output, verbose, pide = pide,
                      numa_node, queue.command_timings(name))
                  loop(pending, running + (name -> (ancestor_heaps, job)), results)
                else {
                  progress.echo(name + " CANCELLED")
                  loop(pending - name, running,
                    results + (name -> Result(false, heap_digest, None, info)))
              case None => sleep(); loop(pending, running, results)
          case None => sleep(); loop(pending, running, results)

    /* build results */

    val results0 =
      if (deps.is_empty) {
        progress.echo_warning("Nothing to build")
        Map.empty[String, Result]
      else loop(queue, Map.empty, Map.empty)

    val results =
      new Results(
        (for ((name, result) <- results0.iterator)
          yield (name, (result.process,

    if (export_files) {
      for (name <- full_sessions.imports_selection(selection1).iterator if results(name).ok) {
        val info =
        if (info.export_files.nonEmpty) {
          progress.echo("Exporting " + + " ...")
          for ((dir, prune, pats) <- info.export_files) {
            Export.export_files(store, name, info.dir + dir,
              progress = if (verbose) progress else No_Progress,
              export_prune = prune,
              export_patterns = pats)

    if (results.rc != 0 && (verbose || !no_build)) {
      val unfinished =
        (for {
          name <- results.sessions.iterator
          if !results(name).ok
         } yield name).toList.sorted
      progress.echo("Unfinished session(s): " + commas(unfinished))

    /* global browser info */

    if (!no_build) {
      val browser_chapters =
        (for {
          (name, result) <- results0.iterator
          if result.ok
          info = full_sessions(name)
          if info.options.bool("browser_info")
        } yield (info.chapter, (name, info.description))).toList.groupBy(_._1).
            map({ case (chapter, es) => (chapter, }).filterNot(_._2.isEmpty)

      for ((chapter, entries) <- browser_chapters)
        Present.update_chapter_index(store.browser_info, chapter, entries)

      if (browser_chapters.nonEmpty) Present.make_global_index(store.browser_info)


  /* Isabelle tool wrapper */

  val isabelle_tool = Isabelle_Tool("build", "build and manage Isabelle sessions", args =>
    val build_options = Word.explode(Isabelle_System.getenv("ISABELLE_BUILD_OPTIONS"))

    var base_sessions: List[String] = Nil
    var select_dirs: List[Path] = Nil
    var numa_shuffling = false
    var pide = false
    var requirements = false
    var soft_build = false
    var exclude_session_groups: List[String] = Nil
    var all_sessions = false
    var build_heap = false
    var clean_build = false
    var dirs: List[Path] = Nil
    var export_files = false
    var fresh_build = false
    var session_groups: List[String] = Nil
    var max_jobs = 1
    var check_keywords: Set[String] = Set.empty
    var list_files = false
    var no_build = false
    var options = Options.init(opts = build_options)
    var verbose = false
    var exclude_sessions: List[String] = Nil

    val getopts = Getopts("""
Usage: isabelle build [OPTIONS] [SESSIONS ...]

  Options are:
    -B NAME      include session NAME and all descendants
    -D DIR       include session directory and select its sessions
    -N           cyclic shuffling of NUMA CPU nodes (performance tuning)
    -P           build via PIDE protocol
    -R           operate on requirements of selected sessions
    -S           soft build: only observe changes of sources, not heap images
    -X NAME      exclude sessions from group NAME and all descendants
    -a           select all sessions
    -b           build heap images
    -c           clean build
    -d DIR       include session directory
    -e           export files from session specification into file-system
    -f           fresh build
    -g NAME      select session group NAME
    -j INT       maximum number of parallel jobs (default 1)
    -k KEYWORD   check theory sources for conflicts with proposed keywords
    -l           list session source files
    -n           no build -- test dependencies only
    -o OPTION    override Isabelle system OPTION (via NAME=VAL or NAME)
    -v           verbose
    -x NAME      exclude session NAME and all descendants

  Build and manage Isabelle sessions, depending on implicit settings:

""" + Library.prefix_lines("  ", + "\n",
      "B:" -> (arg => base_sessions = base_sessions ::: List(arg)),
      "D:" -> (arg => select_dirs = select_dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
      "N" -> (_ => numa_shuffling = true),
      "P" -> (_ => pide = true),
      "R" -> (_ => requirements = true),
      "S" -> (_ => soft_build = true),
      "X:" -> (arg => exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups ::: List(arg)),
      "a" -> (_ => all_sessions = true),
      "b" -> (_ => build_heap = true),
      "c" -> (_ => clean_build = true),
      "d:" -> (arg => dirs = dirs ::: List(Path.explode(arg))),
      "e" -> (_ => export_files = true),
      "f" -> (_ => fresh_build = true),
      "g:" -> (arg => session_groups = session_groups ::: List(arg)),
      "j:" -> (arg => max_jobs = Value.Int.parse(arg)),
      "k:" -> (arg => check_keywords = check_keywords + arg),
      "l" -> (_ => list_files = true),
      "n" -> (_ => no_build = true),
      "o:" -> (arg => options = options + arg),
      "v" -> (_ => verbose = true),
      "x:" -> (arg => exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions ::: List(arg)))

    val sessions = getopts(args)

    val progress = new Console_Progress(verbose = verbose)

    val start_date =

    if (verbose) {
        "Started at " + Build_Log.print_date(start_date) +
          " (" + Isabelle_System.getenv("ML_IDENTIFIER") + " on " + Isabelle_System.hostname() +")")
      progress.echo( + "\n")

    val results =
      progress.interrupt_handler {
          progress = progress,
          check_unknown_files = Mercurial.is_repository(Path.explode("~~")),
          build_heap = build_heap,
          clean_build = clean_build,
          dirs = dirs,
          select_dirs = select_dirs,
          numa_shuffling = NUMA.enabled_warning(progress, numa_shuffling),
          max_jobs = max_jobs,
          list_files = list_files,
          check_keywords = check_keywords,
          fresh_build = fresh_build,
          no_build = no_build,
          soft_build = soft_build,
          verbose = verbose,
          export_files = export_files,
          pide = pide,
          requirements = requirements,
          all_sessions = all_sessions,
          base_sessions = base_sessions,
          exclude_session_groups = exclude_session_groups,
          exclude_sessions = exclude_sessions,
          session_groups = session_groups,
          sessions = sessions)
    val end_date =
    val elapsed_time = end_date.time - start_date.time

    if (verbose) {
      progress.echo("\nFinished at " + Build_Log.print_date(end_date))

    val total_timing =
      ( /: => results(a).timing))(_ + _).
        copy(elapsed = elapsed_time)


  /* build logic image */

  def build_logic(options: Options, logic: String,
    progress: Progress = No_Progress,
    build_heap: Boolean = false,
    dirs: List[Path] = Nil,
    strict: Boolean = false): Int =
    val rc =
      if (build(options, build_heap = build_heap, no_build = true, dirs = dirs,
          sessions = List(logic)).ok) 0
      else {
        progress.echo("Build started for Isabelle/" + logic + " ..."), progress = progress, build_heap = build_heap, dirs = dirs,
          sessions = List(logic)).rc

    if (strict && rc != 0) error("Failed to build Isabelle/" + logic) else rc

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