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There is a newer version: 1.2.3
Show newest version ... Error ... by UNDER TESTS Requirements a new Reference. Under Test Name Name seperated SUTs As Implemented version: version: is the Implemented version. IS THE IMPLEMENTED VERSION ~ NOT THE CURRENT VERSION. ! implemeted version to SPECIFICATION WAS NEVER SET AS IMPLEMENTED.

livingdoc.execution.showall=View All Results
livingdoc.execution.hideall=Hide All Results
livingdoc.execution.exechildren=With hierarchy
livingdoc.execution.viewresults=View Results
livingdoc.execution.hideresults=Hide Results
livingdoc.execution.showlist=Expand List
livingdoc.execution.hidelist=Colapse List
livingdoc.execution.refreshlist=Refresh List
livingdoc.execution.sutselect:System Under Test:
livingdoc.execution.forlabels=For label(s)

livingdoc.example.helpdesc={livingdoc-example} your example table(s)/list(s) {livingdoc-example}
This macro allows you in the lazy mode to annotate tables and/or bullet lists that you do want to be processed as executable specifications within your executable documents.
  Optional parameters:

  • title: Default --> blank
    You can specify your own title.
  • bgcolor: Default --> NONE
    You can change the backgound color of the Info section (ex.: red, blue, grey, lightgrey, green and hexadecimal colors).{livingdoc-info}{livingdoc-info}your body{livingdoc-info}
This macro allows you to add executable Tables and or Bullet lists into your Executable documents if you run in a lazy mode.
Optional parameters:

  • title: Default --> blank
    You can specify your own title.
  • bgcolor: Default --> NONE
    You can change the backgound color of the Test Section. (ex: red, blue, and Hexadecimal colors)
livingdoc.import.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-import} livingdoc.import.helpdesc={livingdoc-import: | | ... }
This macro allows you to Import classes into your Executable document without polluting it with undesirable and user unmeaningful Tables. livingdoc.include.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-include} livingdoc.include.helpdesc=Mandatory parameters:
  • pageTitle: The page title you want to include

Optional parameters:
  • spaceKey: SpaceKey of the included page. Default --> Macro's residing space
    You can specify a specific space for your included page.
  • title: Default --> included pageTitle
  • expanded: Default --> false
    You can ask for the included page to be expanded on page load.
livingdoc.include.recursivitydetection=Recursivity detected. Verify your pageTitle.{livingdoc-group} of Group: livingdoc.children.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-children} livingdoc.children.childrenof=Children of livingdoc.children.all=All livingdoc.children.firstlvl=First level livingdoc.children.img=Children Example livingdoc.children.spacenotfound=Space not found. Verify your spaceKey. livingdoc.children.pagenotfound=Page not found. Verify your pageTitle. livingdoc.children.sutsnotinselection=The System Under Tests not found. Verify your suts. livingdoc.labels.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-labels} livingdoc.labels.spaceson=on livingdoc.labels.title=Labeled Search Execution. livingdoc.labels.labelcomma=(Comma seperated) livingdoc.labels.label=Label(s) livingdoc.labels.narrowon=Narrow on livingdoc.labels.allspaces=All Spaces livingdoc.labels.spacenotfound=Space not found. Verify your spaceKey. livingdoc.labels.registeredspacesempty=No registered Space found. manage.labels.label=Manage Label livingdoc.manage.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-manage} livingdoc.manage.missingurl=The LivingDoc server URL parameter (ldUrl) is missing. livingdoc.manage.missingservice=The LivingDoc server XML-RPC service parameter (ldService) is missing. livingdoc.manage.missingversion=The JIRA Project Version name parameter (versionName) is missing. livingdoc.manage.missinguid=The JIRA Project UID parameter (jiraUid) is missing. livingdoc.hierarchy.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-hierarchy} livingdoc.hierarchy.missingurl=The LivingDoc server URL parameter (ldUrl) is missing. livingdoc.hierarchy.missingservice=The LivingDoc server XML-RPC service parameter (ldService) is missing. livingdoc.hierarchy.missingversion=The JIRA Project Version name parameter (versionName) is missing. livingdoc.hierarchy.missinguid=The JIRA Project UID parameter (jiraUid) is missing. livingdoc.hierarchy.missinglink=The Link Name parameter (linkName) is missing. livingdoc.historic.macroid=MACRO-{livingdoc-historic} livingdoc.historic.helpdesc={livingdoc-historic:pageTitle=My Page|...}
This macro allows you to display a Chart containing historic data of execution result of a page.
Optional parameters:
  • pageTitle: Default --> Macro's residing page
    The page title you want to retrieve historic data from
  • spaceKey: Default --> Macro's residing space
    You can specify a specific space for your page.
  • sut: Default --> selected System Under Test
    The System Under Test name of the page
  • maxresult: Default --> 30
    The maximum number of the latest historic data entry to show
  • width: Default --> 500
    The width of the chart in pixels
  • height:Default --> 500
    The height of the chart in pixels
  • border:Default --> false
    Indicate to use a border for the chart image
  • showignored: Default --> false
    Indicate to show the count of ignored tests.
  • children: Default --> false
    This parameter present a summary Chart containing an aggregation of execution result. If set to first, aggregation will be done for all first level children of the specified page. If set to all, the aggregation will be done with the complete hierarchy of the specified page.
  • labels: Default --> None
    Labels to base the search when doing the aggregation of execution result of pages
    Using the , as the label separation is equivalent to an OR query. So label1,label2 will retrieve all pages labeled by label1 OR/AND label2
    Using the & as the label separation is equivalent to an AND query. So label1&label2 will retrieve all pages labeled by label1 AND label2
livingdoc.historic.nodata=No Data Available livingdoc.historic.success=Success livingdoc.historic.failures=Failures livingdoc.historic.ignored=Ignored livingdoc.historic.chart.title=LivingDoc Historic Chart livingdoc.historic.chart.subtitle2=System Under Test [ {0} ] And Latest [ {1} ] Execution(s) livingdoc.historic.chart.x.title=Number of Test livingdoc.historic.sutnotinselection=The System Under Test not found. Verify your sut. livingdoc.historic.usingsut=using System Under Test livingdoc.macros.title=LivingDoc Execution Macros livingdoc.macros.seealso=See Also: Guide and Example livingdoc.macros.error=: An Error occured. livingdoc.macros.insufficientprivileges=INSUFFICIENT PRIVILEGES livingdoc.labels.helpdesc=Optional parameters:
  • spaceKey: Default --> None
    You can narrow the label search to a specific Space.
    If none specified, the available LivingDoc enabled Spaces will be in a select list.
  • labels: Default --> None
    You can pre-enter the labels to base the search on.
    Using the , as the label separation is equivalent to an OR query. So label1,label2 will retrieve all pages labeled by label1 OR/AND label2
    Using the & as the label separation is equivalent to an AND query. So label1&label2 will retrieve all pages labeled by label1 AND label2
  • title: Default --> blank
    You can specify your own title.
  • expanded: Default --> false
    You can ask for the list to be expanded on page load.
  • suts: Default --> All
    You can narrow the list to specific System under tests (1 or more sperated by a coma).
  • group: Default --> PAGE
    You can regroup all your macros in a Page under a group name. (See Group Macro)
  • sort Default --> NONE
    You can configure how the children are sorted. Specify creation to sort by content creation date, title to sort alphabetically on title and modified to sort of last modification date.
  • reverse: Default --> false
    You can reverse the sorting.
livingdoc.children.helpdesc=Optional parameters:
  • all: Default --> false
    If setted to true, the complete hierarchy of the parent page will be included in the execution list.
    Else only the first level children will be included.
  • spaceKey: Default --> Macro's residing space
    You can specify a specific space for your parent page.
  • pageTitle: Default --> Macro's residing page
    You can specify a specific parent page title.
  • title: Default --> blank
    You can specify your own title.
  • expanded: Default --> false
    You can ask for the list to be expanded on page load.
  • suts: Default --> All
    You can narrow the list to specific System under tests (1 or more sperated by a coma).
  • group: Default --> PAGE
    You can regroup all your macros in a Page under a group name. (See Group Macro)
  • sort Default --> Hierarchical sort
    You can configure how the children are sorted. Specify creation to sort by content creation date, title to sort alphabetically on title and modified to sort of last modification date.
  • reverse: Default --> false
    You can reverse the sorting. parameters:
  • group: Default --> PAGE
    The Group name
  • title: Default --> blank
livingdoc.manage.helpdesc=Mandatory parameters:
  • ldUrl: Your LivingDoc server url. (i.e: http ://mydomain:8080/livingdoc-server)
  • ldService: The LivingDoc handler (i.e: *livingdoc1)
  • jiraUid: The Repository UID of your JIRA's project.
  • versionName: The version name of your JIRA project you wish to view. (ALL will gather all versions)
  • user: Your JIRA user name.
  • pwd: Your JIRA password.
livingdoc.hierarchy.helpdesc=Mandatory parameters:
  • ldUrl: Your LivingDoc server url. (i.e: http ://mydomain:8080/livingdoc-server)
  • ldService: The LivingDoc handler (i.e: *livingdoc1)
  • jiraUid: The Repository UID of your JIRA's project.
  • versionName: The version name of your JIRA project you wish to view the hierarcy.
  • linkName: The JIRA link type name to draw the hierarchy on.
  • user: Your JIRA user name.
  • pwd: Your JIRA password.
livingdoc.server.generalexeerror=A general error occured in the execution. livingdoc.server.configerror=The Client configuration is invalid. livingdoc.server.xmlrpcurlinvalid=The XML-RPC server context not found. livingdoc.server.xmlrpchandlerinvalid=The XML-RPC handler not found. livingdoc.server.noconfiguration=The LivingDoc Server is not configured for this page. livingdoc.server.callfailed=The XML-RPC call failed. livingdoc.server.retrieverepository=This Space is not registered in LivingDoc Server. livingdoc.server.registrationfailed=Failed to register the repositoriy. livingdoc.server.unregistrationfailed=Failed to unregister the repositoriy. livingdoc.server.retrievetestrepos=Failed to retrieve all Test repositories. livingdoc.server.retrieverequirementrepos=Failed to retrieve all Requirement repositories. livingdoc.server.retrievereferences=Failed to retrieve the Reference list. livingdoc.server.retrieveexecutions=Failed to retrieve the Execution list. livingdoc.server.retrievereference=Failed to retrieve the Reference. livingdoc.server.retrieveprojects=Failed to retrieve the project list. livingdoc.server.removeprojectfailed=Failed to remove the Project. livingdoc.server.projectrepoassociated=The Project is associated with existing repository. livingdoc.server.projectsutsassociated=The Project is associated with existing system under test. livingdoc.server.filefailed=Failed to retrieve the Test content. livingdoc.server.projectnotfound=Project not found. livingdoc.server.defaultsutnotfound=The project have no default System under test. livingdoc.server.repositorynotfound=This Space is not registered in LivingDoc Server. livingdoc.server.rtypenotfound=Failed to retrieve the Repository Type. livingdoc.server.requirementnotfound=Failed to retrieve the Requirement. livingdoc.server.removerequirementfailed=Failed to remove the Requirement. livingdoc.server.specificationnotfound=Specification not Living Doc enabled. livingdoc.server.specificationalreadyexists=The Specification is already LivingDoc enabled. (Refresh Page) livingdoc.server.specificationsnotfound=Failed to retrieve the Specification list livingdoc.server.createspecificationfailed=Failed to create the Specification. livingdoc.server.updatespecificationfailed=Failed to update the Specification. livingdoc.server.removespecificationfailed=Failed to remove the Specification. livingdoc.server.removereferencedspecification=Cant remove referenced Specification. livingdoc.server.sutnotfound=Failed to retrieve the system under test. livingdoc.server.sutwithreferences=The system under test is associated with existing references. livingdoc.server.sutwithspecifications=The system under test is associated with existing specifications. livingdoc.server.createprojectfailed=Failed to add the Project. livingdoc.server.retrievesut=Failed to retrieve the system under test. livingdoc.server.createsutfailed=Failed to add the system under test. livingdoc.server.setdefaultsutfailed=Failed to set the system under test as project's default. livingdoc.server.sutalreadyexists=The system under test already exists ! livingdoc.server.repoalreadyexists=The Repository already exists ! livingdoc.server.removerepofailed=Failed to remove Repository. livingdoc.server.updatesutfailed=Failed to update the system under test. livingdoc.server.deletesutfailed=Failed to remove the system under test. livingdoc.server.referencenotfound=Failed to retrieve the Reference. livingdoc.server.createreferencefailed=Failed to create the Reference. livingdoc.server.updatereferencefailed=Failed to update the Reference. livingdoc.server.removereferencefailed=Failed to break the Reference. livingdoc.server.runspecificationfailed=Failed to execute the Specification. livingdoc.server.runreferencefailed=Can't execute the Reference. Make sure your System under test is properly setted. livingdoc.server.createreferencealreadyexist=The Reference already exists ! livingdoc.server.failedtoresolvename=Failed to resolve Name. livingdoc.server.failedtoresolveuri=Failed to resolve URI. livingdoc.runner.outputfileexists=Output fie not found. livingdoc.runner.unknownenvironment=Environment is unknown. livingdoc.server.repositoriesnotfound=No Requirement Repositories were found. livingdoc.server.sutsnotfound=Your LivingDoc Project doesnt have any registered System under test. livingdoc.server.implementedfailed=Failed to set the Specification as Implemented livingdoc.server.marshallingnotsupported=Marshalling not supported livingdoc.rpc.spacenotfound=Space Not Found ! livingdoc.rpc.pagenotfound=Page Not Found ! livingdoc.rpc.invalidsession=Session Invalid ! livingdoc.rpc.permissiondenied=INSUFFICIENT PRIVILEGES ! must be a member of the 'livingdoc-users' group to use LivingDoc. livingdoc.anonymous.accessdenied=Anonymous access is denied. You must log in to use LivingDoc.

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