info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.runner.SpecificationRunnerBuilder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.runner;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.document.InterpreterSelector;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.document.LivingDocInterpreterSelector;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.document.LivingDocTableFilter;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.repository.DocumentRepository;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.systemunderdevelopment.DefaultSystemUnderDevelopment;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.systemunderdevelopment.SystemUnderDevelopment;
import info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.util.ClassUtils;
* This class simplifies the programmatically construction of a
* {@link SpecificationRunner}.
* Especially the opportunity to set a class loader is important to include
* third party extensions from a given class path.
* Since this builder provides a fluent API, each setter will return the same
* instance of the called builder instance.
public class SpecificationRunnerBuilder {
private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpecificationRunnerBuilder.class);
// Mandatory parameters
private final String documentRepositoryClass;
// Optional parameters
private ClassLoader classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
private File outputDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
private String systemUnderDevelopmentClass = DefaultSystemUnderDevelopment.class.getName();
private String interpreterSelectorClass = LivingDocInterpreterSelector.class.getName();
private String reportClass = PlainReport.class.getName();
private boolean lazy = false;
// Predefined parameters (not to set)
private final CompositeSpecificationRunnerMonitor compositeMonitor = new CompositeSpecificationRunnerMonitor();
private Set sections = new HashSet();
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder(String documentRepositoryClass) {
this.documentRepositoryClass = documentRepositoryClass;
* In some cases (for now only for the SuD) LivingDoc allows you to use your
* own class loader.
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder classLoader(ClassLoader customClassLoader) {
this.classLoader = customClassLoader;
return this;
* The output folder for generated result sources (defaults to user's
* temporary directory).
* To make sure that a directory exists, you can call
* {@link IOUtils}
* before passing it to the builder.
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder outputDirectory(File directory) {
this.outputDirectory = directory;
return this;
* A monitor is able to record the passed/failed tests. You can add your own
* monitors to get detailed statistics.
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder monitors(SpecificationRunnerMonitor... monitors) {
for (SpecificationRunnerMonitor monitor : monitors) {
return this;
* Specify the system under development, which defines how to load the
* fixtures (defaults to {@link DefaultSystemUnderDevelopment}.
* You can specify constructor arguments using the following syntax:
* info.novatec.testit.livingdoc.systemunderdevelopment.
* DefaultSystemUnderDevelopment
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder systemUnderDevelopment(String clazz) {
this.systemUnderDevelopmentClass = clazz;
return this;
* Specify the the interpreter selector class which defines how to load the
* fixtures (defaults to {@link LivingDocInterpreterSelector}).
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder interpreterSelector(String clazz) {
this.interpreterSelectorClass = clazz;
return this;
* Specify the report output format (defaults to {@link PlainReport}).
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder report(String clazz) {
this.reportClass = clazz;
return this;
* You can add a section to filter the input specification, so LivingDoc
* will only execute the specified sections.
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder withSection(String section) {
return this;
* You can add sections to filter the input specification, so LivingDoc will
* only execute the specified sections.
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder sections(String[] paramSections) {
Collections.addAll(this.sections, paramSections);
return this;
* @see LivingDocTableFilter
public SpecificationRunnerBuilder lazy(boolean paramLazy) {
this.lazy = paramLazy;
return this;
* Builds a {@link SpecificationRunner} of the given class.
* @param Let you specify the concrete runner implementation.
* @param passedSpecificationRunnerClass Subclass of the specification
* runner which should be instantiated.
* @return the specification runner.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException if a specified class could not be found
* under the given class loader context.
* @throws UndeclaredThrowableException if a specified class could not be
* initialized. Contains the original exception.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the passed specification runner class
* is not a supported runner.
public S build(Class passedSpecificationRunnerClass) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (DocumentRunner.class.isAssignableFrom(passedSpecificationRunnerClass)) {
return passedSpecificationRunnerClass.cast(buildDocumentRunner());
if (SuiteRunner.class.isAssignableFrom(passedSpecificationRunnerClass)) {
return passedSpecificationRunnerClass.cast(buildSuiteRunner());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid specification runner");
private SpecificationRunner buildDocumentRunner() throws ClassNotFoundException {
FileReportGenerator reportGenerator = createDefaultReportGenerator();
String[] sectionsArray = sections.toArray(new String[sections.size()]);
SystemUnderDevelopment systemUnderDevelopment = instantiateSystemUnderDevelopment();
DocumentRepository repository = instantiateDocumentRepository();
Class< ? extends InterpreterSelector> selectorClass = loadInterpreterSelectorClass();
DocumentRunner runner = new DocumentRunner();
return runner;
private SpecificationRunner buildSuiteRunner() throws ClassNotFoundException {
// One of the biggest differences between the suite and the document
// runner is the report generation. The suite itself generates no
// reports. It delegates the report generation to the underlying
// document runner. Therefore we've to create separate report
// generators.
FileReportGenerator reportGenerator = createDefaultReportGenerator();
String[] sectionsArray = sections.toArray(new String[sections.size()]);
SystemUnderDevelopment systemUnderDevelopment = instantiateSystemUnderDevelopment();
DocumentRepository repository = instantiateDocumentRepository();
Class< ? extends InterpreterSelector> selectorClass = loadInterpreterSelectorClass();
SuiteRunner runner = new SuiteRunner();
return runner;
* Instantiate the system under development from a string, to be able to use
* third party SuDs.
private SystemUnderDevelopment instantiateSystemUnderDevelopment() {
LOG.debug("Creating SUD " + systemUnderDevelopmentClass);
SystemUnderDevelopment systemUnderDevelopment = ClassUtils.createInstanceFromClassNameWithArguments(classLoader,
systemUnderDevelopmentClass, SystemUnderDevelopment.class);
return systemUnderDevelopment;
* Instantiate the document repository from a string, to be able to use
* third party repositories.
private DocumentRepository instantiateDocumentRepository() {
DocumentRepository documentRepository = ClassUtils.createInstanceFromClassNameWithArguments(classLoader,
documentRepositoryClass, DocumentRepository.class);
return documentRepository;
* We load the interpreter selector by a class name, to be able to use third
* party interpreter selectors.
private Class< ? extends InterpreterSelector> loadInterpreterSelectorClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ( Class< ? extends InterpreterSelector> ) ClassUtils.loadClass(classLoader, interpreterSelectorClass);
* We load the report class by name, to be able to use third party report
* formats.
private Class< ? extends Report> loadReportClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {
return ( Class< ? extends Report> ) ClassUtils.loadClass(classLoader, reportClass);
private FileReportGenerator createDefaultReportGenerator() throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class< ? extends Report> loadedReportClass = loadReportClass();
FileReportGenerator reportGenerator = new FileReportGenerator(outputDirectory);
return reportGenerator;