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import zio.{Executor, Fiber, Runtime, Supervisor, Trace, UIO, Unsafe, ZEnvironment, ZIO, ZLayer}
//import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger}
import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait UnsafeRun2[F[_, _]] {
def unsafeRun[E, A](io: => F[E, A]): A
def unsafeRunSync[E, A](io: => F[E, A]): Exit[E, A]
def unsafeRunAsync[E, A](io: => F[E, A])(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): Unit
def unsafeRunAsyncAsFuture[E, A](io: => F[E, A]): Future[Exit[E, A]]
def unsafeRunAsyncInterruptible[E, A](io: => F[E, A])(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): InterruptAction[F]
def unsafeRunAsyncAsInterruptibleFuture[E, A](io: => F[E, A]): (Future[Exit[E, A]], InterruptAction[F])
object UnsafeRun2 {
def apply[F[_, _]: UnsafeRun2]: UnsafeRun2[F] = implicitly
* @param customCpuPool will replace [[zio.internal.ZScheduler]] if set
* @param customBlockingPool will replace [[zio.internal.Blocking.blockingExecutor]] if set
* @param handler will add a Supervisor for fiber failure exits if not Default
* @param otherRuntimeConfiguration zio.Runtime.* layers can be used to set other configuration options for [[zio.Runtime]]
* @param initialEnv initial environment
def createZIO[R](
customCpuPool: Option[Executor] = None,
customBlockingPool: Option[Executor] = None,
handler: FailureHandler = FailureHandler.Default,
otherRuntimeConfiguration: List[ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Any]] = List.empty,
initialEnv: ZEnvironment[R] = ZEnvironment.empty,
): ZIORunner[R] = {
val runtimeConfiguration = {
val cpuLayer = customCpuPool.fold(ZLayer.empty)(ec => Runtime.setExecutor(ec))
val blockingLayer = customBlockingPool.fold(ZLayer.empty)(ec => Runtime.setBlockingExecutor(ec))
val handlerSupervisorLayer = handler match {
case FailureHandler.Default => ZLayer.empty
case handler @ FailureHandler.Custom(_) => Runtime.addSupervisor(ZIORunner.failureHandlerSupervisor(handler))
cpuLayer >+> blockingLayer >+> handlerSupervisorLayer >+>
otherRuntimeConfiguration.foldLeft(ZLayer.empty)(_ >+> _)
new ZIORunner(
// def createMonixBIO(s: Scheduler, opts: UnsafeRun2[] = new MonixBIORunner(s, opts)
* @param interrupt May semantically block until the target computation either finishes completely or finishes running
* its finalizers, depending on the underlying effect type.
final case class InterruptAction[F[_, _]](interrupt: F[Nothing, Unit]) extends AnyVal
sealed trait FailureHandler
object FailureHandler {
case object Default extends FailureHandler
final case class Custom(handler: Exit.Failure[Any] => Unit) extends FailureHandler
class ZIORunner[R](
val runtimeConfiguration: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Any], // zio.Runtime.* layers combined with `>+>`
val initialEnv: ZEnvironment[R],
) extends UnsafeRun2[ZIO[R, +_, +_]] {
lazy val runtime: Runtime[R] = Unsafe
.unsafe {
implicit unsafe =>
}.mapEnvironment(_ => initialEnv)
override def unsafeRun[E, A](io: => ZIO[R, E, A]): A = {
unsafeRunSync(io) match {
case Exit.Success(value) =>
case failure: Exit.Failure[?] =>
throw failure.trace.unsafeAttachTraceOrReturnNewThrowable()
override def unsafeRunAsync[E, A](io: => ZIO[R, E, A])(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): Unit = {
val interrupted = new AtomicBoolean(true)
Unsafe.unsafe {
implicit unsafe =>
.addObserver(exitResult => callback(ZIOExit.toExit(exitResult)(interrupted.get())))
override def unsafeRunSync[E, A](io: => ZIO[R, E, A]): Exit[E, A] = {
val interrupted = new AtomicBoolean(true)
val result = Unsafe.unsafe {
implicit unsafe => {
override def unsafeRunAsyncAsFuture[E, A](io: => ZIO[R, E, A]): Future[Exit[E, A]] = {
val p = scala.concurrent.Promise[Exit[E, A]]()
override def unsafeRunAsyncInterruptible[E, A](io: => ZIO[R, E, A])(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): InterruptAction[ZIO[R, +_, +_]] = {
val interrupted = new AtomicBoolean(true)
val cancelerEffect = Unsafe.unsafe {
implicit u =>
.run {
(descriptor, exit: zio.Exit[E, A]) =>
ZIO.succeed {
exit match {
case zio.Exit.Failure(cause) if !cause.interruptors.forall(_ == =>
case _ =>
)(_ => ZIOExit.ZIOSignalOnNoExternalInterruptFailure(io)(ZIO.succeed(interrupted.set(false))))
override def unsafeRunAsyncAsInterruptibleFuture[E, A](io: => ZIO[R, E, A]): (Future[Exit[E, A]], InterruptAction[ZIO[R, +_, +_]]) = {
val p = scala.concurrent.Promise[Exit[E, A]]()
val canceler = unsafeRunAsyncInterruptible(io)(p.success)
(p.future, canceler)
object ZIORunner {
def failureHandlerSupervisor(handler: FailureHandler.Custom): Supervisor[Unit] = new Supervisor[Unit] {
// @formatter:off
override def value(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit] = ZIO.unit
override def onStart[R, E, A](environment: ZEnvironment[R], effect: ZIO[R, E, A], parent: Option[Fiber.Runtime[Any, Any]], fiber: Fiber.Runtime[E, A])(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit = ()
// @formatter:on
override def onEnd[R, E, A](exit: zio.Exit[E, A], fiber: Fiber.Runtime[E, A])(implicit unsafe: Unsafe): Unit = {
exit match {
case zio.Exit.Success(_) => ()
case zio.Exit.Failure(cause) =>
handler.handler.apply(ZIOExit.toExit(cause)(outerInterruptionConfirmed = true))
// class MonixBIORunner(val s: Scheduler, val opts: extends UnsafeRun2[] {
// override def unsafeRun[E, A](io: => bio.IO[E, A]): A = {
// io.leftMap(TypedError(_)).runSyncUnsafeOpt()(s, opts, implicitly, implicitly)
// }
// override def unsafeRunSync[E, A](io: => bio.IO[E, A]): Exit[E, A] = {
// io.sandboxExit.runSyncUnsafeOpt()(s, opts, implicitly, implicitly)
// }
// override def unsafeRunAsync[E, A](io: => bio.IO[E, A])(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): Unit = {
// io.runAsyncOpt(exit => callback(Exit.MonixExit.toExit(exit)))(s, opts); ()
// }
// override def unsafeRunAsyncAsFuture[E, A](io: => bio.IO[E, A]): Future[Exit[E, A]] = {
// val p = scala.concurrent.Promise[Exit[E, A]]()
// unsafeRunAsync(io)(p.success)
// p.future
// }
// override def unsafeRunAsyncInterruptible[E, A](io: => bio.IO[E, A])(callback: Exit[E, A] => Unit): InterruptAction[bio.IO] = {
// val canceler = io.runAsyncOptF {
// case Left(e) => callback(Exit.MonixExit.toExit(e))
// case Right(value) => callback(Exit.Success(value))
// }(s, opts)
// InterruptAction(canceler)
// }
// override def unsafeRunAsyncAsInterruptibleFuture[E, A](io: => bio.IO[E, A]): (Future[Exit[E, A]], InterruptAction[bio.IO]) = {
// val p = scala.concurrent.Promise[Exit[E, A]]()
// val canceler = unsafeRunAsyncInterruptible(io)(p.success)
// (p.future, canceler)
// }
// }
final class NamedThreadFactory(name: String, daemon: Boolean) extends ThreadFactory {
private val parentGroup =
private val threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(parentGroup, name)
private val threadCount = new AtomicInteger(1)
private val threadHash = Integer.toUnsignedString(this.hashCode())
override def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = {
val newThreadNumber = threadCount.getAndIncrement()
val thread = new Thread(threadGroup, r)