izumi.functional.bio.Clock1.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package izumi.functional.bio
import izumi.functional.bio.Clock1.ClockAccuracy
import izumi.functional.bio.DivergenceHelper.{Divergent, Nondivergent}
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.functional.Identity
import java.time.temporal.{ChronoUnit, TemporalUnit}
import java.time.{LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, ZoneId, ZonedDateTime}
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, unused}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait Clock1[F[_]] extends DivergenceHelper {
/** Should return epoch time in milliseconds (UTC timezone) */
def epoch: F[Long]
/** Should return current time (UTC timezone) */
@deprecated("use nowZoned")
def now(accuracy: ClockAccuracy = ClockAccuracy.RAW): F[ZonedDateTime]
private[izumi] def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): F[LocalDateTime] = nowLocal(accuracy, Clock1.TZ_UTC)
private[izumi] def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): F[OffsetDateTime] = nowOffset(accuracy, Clock1.TZ_UTC)
def nowZoned(accuracy: ClockAccuracy = ClockAccuracy.MICROS, zone: ZoneId = Clock1.TZ_UTC): F[ZonedDateTime]
def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy = ClockAccuracy.MICROS, zone: ZoneId = Clock1.TZ_UTC): F[LocalDateTime]
def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy = ClockAccuracy.MICROS, zone: ZoneId = Clock1.TZ_UTC): F[OffsetDateTime]
/** Should return a never decreasing measure of time, in nanoseconds */
def monotonicNano: F[Long]
@inline final def widen[G[x] >: F[x]]: Clock1[G] = this
object Clock1 extends LowPriorityClockInstances {
final val TZ_UTC: ZoneId = ZoneId.of("UTC")
def apply[F[_]: Clock1]: Clock1[F] = implicitly
def fromImpure[F[_]: SyncSafe1](impureClock: Clock1[Identity]): Clock1[F] = fromImpureClock(impureClock, SyncSafe1[F])
object Standard extends Clock1[Identity] {
override def epoch: Long = {
override def monotonicNano: Long = {
override def nowZoned(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): ZonedDateTime = {
ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(ZonedDateTime.now(zone), accuracy)
@deprecated("use nowZoned")
override def now(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): ZonedDateTime = {
override def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): LocalDateTime = {
// do not reuse nowZoned because of sjs
ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(LocalDateTime.now(zone), accuracy)
override def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): OffsetDateTime = {
// do not reuse nowZoned because of sjs
ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(OffsetDateTime.now(zone), accuracy)
@deprecated("Use ConstantZoned/ConstantOffset")
final class Constant(time: ZonedDateTime, nano: Long) extends Clock1[Identity] {
private val underlying = new ConstantZoned(time, nano)
override def epoch: Long = underlying.epoch
@deprecated("use nowZoned")
override def now(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): ZonedDateTime = underlying.now(accuracy)
override def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): LocalDateTime = underlying.nowLocal(accuracy, zone)
override def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): OffsetDateTime = underlying.nowOffset(accuracy, zone)
override def nowZoned(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): Identity[ZonedDateTime] = underlying.nowZoned(accuracy, zone)
override def monotonicNano: Long = nano
final class ConstantZoned(time: ZonedDateTime, nano: Long) extends Clock1[Identity] {
override def epoch: Long = time.toEpochSecond
@deprecated("use nowZoned")
override def now(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): ZonedDateTime = nowZoned(accuracy)
override def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): LocalDateTime = ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(time.toLocalDateTime, accuracy)
override def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): OffsetDateTime = ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(time.toOffsetDateTime, accuracy)
override def nowZoned(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): Identity[ZonedDateTime] = ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(time, accuracy)
override def monotonicNano: Long = nano
final class ConstantOffset(time: OffsetDateTime, nano: Long) extends Clock1[Identity] {
override def epoch: Long = time.toEpochSecond
@deprecated("use nowZoned")
override def now(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): ZonedDateTime = nowZoned(accuracy)
override def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): LocalDateTime = ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(time.toLocalDateTime, accuracy)
override def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): OffsetDateTime = ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(time, accuracy)
override def nowZoned(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): Identity[ZonedDateTime] = ClockAccuracy.applyAccuracy(time.toZonedDateTime, accuracy)
override def monotonicNano: Long = nano
sealed trait ClockAccuracy
object ClockAccuracy {
@deprecated("Use ClockAccuracy.RAW (but better set the limit explicitly!)")
private[izumi] case object DEFAULT extends ClockAccuracy
/** The accuracy will not be changed. Generally speaking, it's a bad idea because the actual accuracy might differ between JVM versions (e.g. 11 vs 17)
case object RAW extends ClockAccuracy
/** Highest precision, although it might be unsafe to use it because some tools (e.g. PostgreSQL) may be implicitly truncating nanosecond-precision timestamps.
case object NANO extends ClockAccuracy
case object MILLIS extends ClockAccuracy
* This is the safest choice for PostgreSQL which is known to truncate timestamps to microseconds
case object MICROS extends ClockAccuracy
case object SECONDS extends ClockAccuracy
case object MINUTES extends ClockAccuracy
case object HOURS extends ClockAccuracy
private trait TruncatableTime[T] {
def truncatedTo(timestamp: T, unit: TemporalUnit): T
private object TruncatableTime {
implicit lazy val TruncatableZoned: TruncatableTime[ZonedDateTime] = (timestamp: ZonedDateTime, unit: TemporalUnit) => timestamp.truncatedTo(unit)
implicit lazy val TruncatableOffset: TruncatableTime[OffsetDateTime] = (timestamp: OffsetDateTime, unit: TemporalUnit) => timestamp.truncatedTo(unit)
implicit lazy val TruncatableLocal: TruncatableTime[LocalDateTime] = (timestamp: LocalDateTime, unit: TemporalUnit) => timestamp.truncatedTo(unit)
private def applyTTAccuracy[T: TruncatableTime](now: T, clockAccuracy: ClockAccuracy): T = {
val tt = implicitly[TruncatableTime[T]]
clockAccuracy match {
case ClockAccuracy.DEFAULT => now
case ClockAccuracy.RAW => now
case ClockAccuracy.NANO => tt.truncatedTo(now, ChronoUnit.NANOS)
case ClockAccuracy.MILLIS => tt.truncatedTo(now, ChronoUnit.MILLIS)
case ClockAccuracy.MICROS => tt.truncatedTo(now, ChronoUnit.MICROS)
case ClockAccuracy.SECONDS => tt.truncatedTo(now, ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
case ClockAccuracy.MINUTES => tt.truncatedTo(now, ChronoUnit.MINUTES)
case ClockAccuracy.HOURS => tt.truncatedTo(now, ChronoUnit.HOURS)
def applyAccuracy(now: ZonedDateTime, clockAccuracy: ClockAccuracy): ZonedDateTime = applyTTAccuracy(now, clockAccuracy)
def applyAccuracy(now: OffsetDateTime, clockAccuracy: ClockAccuracy): OffsetDateTime = applyTTAccuracy(now, clockAccuracy)
def applyAccuracy(now: LocalDateTime, clockAccuracy: ClockAccuracy): LocalDateTime = applyTTAccuracy(now, clockAccuracy)
@inline implicit final def impureClock: Clock1[Identity] = Standard
* Emulate covariance. We're forced to employ these because
* we can't make Clock covariant, because covariant implicits
* are broken (see scalac bug)
* Safe because `F` appears only in a covariant position
* @see https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/11427
@inline implicit final def limitedCovariance2[C[f[_]] <: Clock1[f], F[_, _], E](
implicit F: C[F[Nothing, _]] { type Divergence = Nondivergent }
): Divergent.Of[C[F[E, _]]] = {
Divergent(F.asInstanceOf[C[F[E, _]]])
@inline implicit final def limitedCovariance3[C[f[_]] <: Clock1[f], FR[_, _, _], R0, E](
implicit F: C[FR[Any, Nothing, _]] { type Divergence = Nondivergent }
): Divergent.Of[C[FR[R0, E, _]]] = {
Divergent(F.asInstanceOf[C[FR[R0, E, _]]])
@inline implicit final def covarianceConversion[F[_], G[_]](clock: Clock1[F])(implicit @unused ev: F[Unit] <:< G[Unit]): Clock1[G] = {
sealed trait LowPriorityClockInstances {
@inline implicit final def fromImpureClock[F[_]](implicit impureClock: Clock1[Identity], F: SyncSafe1[F]): Clock1[F] = {
new Clock1[F] {
override val epoch: F[Long] = F.syncSafe(impureClock.epoch)
@deprecated("use nowZoned")
override def now(accuracy: ClockAccuracy): F[ZonedDateTime] = nowZoned(accuracy)
override def nowLocal(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): F[LocalDateTime] = F.syncSafe(impureClock.nowLocal(accuracy, zone))
override def nowOffset(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): F[OffsetDateTime] = F.syncSafe(impureClock.nowOffset(accuracy, zone))
override def nowZoned(accuracy: ClockAccuracy, zone: ZoneId): F[ZonedDateTime] = F.syncSafe(impureClock.nowZoned(accuracy, zone))
override val monotonicNano: F[Long] = F.syncSafe(impureClock.monotonicNano)