izumi.functional.bio.Error2.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package izumi.functional.bio
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.SourceFilePositionMaterializer
import scala.annotation.nowarn
trait Error2[F[+_, +_]] extends ApplicativeError2[F] with Monad2[F] with ErrorAccumulatingOps2[F] {
def catchAll[E, A, E2](r: F[E, A])(f: E => F[E2, A]): F[E2, A]
def catchSome[E, A, E1 >: E](r: F[E, A])(f: PartialFunction[E, F[E1, A]]): F[E1, A] = {
catchAll(r)(e => f.applyOrElse(e, (_: E) => fail(e)))
def redeem[E, A, E2, B](r: F[E, A])(err: E => F[E2, B], succ: A => F[E2, B]): F[E2, B] = {
flatMap(attempt(r))(_.fold(err, succ))
def redeemPure[E, A, B](r: F[E, A])(err: E => B, succ: A => B): F[Nothing, B] = catchAll(map(r)(succ))(e => pure(err(e)))
def attempt[E, A](r: F[E, A]): F[Nothing, Either[E, A]] = redeemPure(r)(Left(_), Right(_))
def tapError[E, A, E1 >: E](r: F[E, A])(f: E => F[E1, Unit]): F[E1, A] = {
catchAll(r)(e => *>(f(e), fail(e)))
def flip[E, A](r: F[E, A]): F[A, E] = {
redeem(r)(pure, fail(_))
def leftFlatMap[E, A, E2](r: F[E, A])(f: E => F[Nothing, E2]): F[E2, A] = {
redeem(r)(e => flatMap(f(e))(fail(_)), pure)
def tapBoth[E, A, E1 >: E](r: F[E, A])(err: E => F[E1, Unit], succ: A => F[E1, Unit]): F[E1, A] = {
tap(tapError[E, A, E1](r)(err), succ)
/** Extracts the optional value or fails with the `errorOnNone` error */
def fromOption[E, A](errorOnNone: => E, r: F[E, Option[A]]): F[E, A] = {
flatMap(r) {
case Some(value) => pure(value)
case None => fail(errorOnNone)
/** Retries this effect while its error satisfies the specified predicate. */
def retryWhile[E, A](r: F[E, A])(f: E => Boolean): F[E, A] = {
retryWhileF(r)(e => pure(f(e)))
/** Retries this effect while its error satisfies the specified effectful predicate. */
def retryWhileF[E, A](r: F[E, A])(f: E => F[Nothing, Boolean]): F[E, A] = {
catchAll(r: F[E, A])(e => flatMap(f(e))(if (_) retryWhileF(r)(f) else fail(e)))
/** Retries this effect until its error satisfies the specified predicate. */
def retryUntil[E, A](r: F[E, A])(f: E => Boolean): F[E, A] = {
retryUntilF(r)(e => pure(f(e)))
/** Retries this effect until its error satisfies the specified effectful predicate. */
def retryUntilF[E, A](r: F[E, A])(f: E => F[Nothing, Boolean]): F[E, A] = {
catchAll(r: F[E, A])(e => flatMap(f(e))(if (_) fail(e) else retryUntilF(r)(f)))
@nowarn("msg=Unused import")
def partition[E, A](l: Iterable[F[E, A]]): F[Nothing, (List[E], List[A])] = {
import scala.collection.compat.*
map(traverse(l)(attempt[E, A]))(_.partitionMap(identity))
/** for-comprehensions sugar:
* {{{
* for {
* (1, 2) <- F.pure((2, 1))
* } yield ()
* }}}
* Use [[widenError]] to for pattern matching with non-Throwable errors:
* {{{
* val f = for {
* (1, 2) <- F.pure((2, 1)).widenError[Option[Unit]]
* } yield ()
* // f: F[Option[Unit], Unit] = F.fail(Some(())
* }}}
@inline final def withFilter[E, A](r: F[E, A])(predicate: A => Boolean)(implicit filter: WithFilter[E], pos: SourceFilePositionMaterializer): F[E, A] = {
flatMap(r)(a => if (predicate(a)) pure(a) else fail(filter.error(a, pos.get)))
// defaults
override def bimap[E, A, E2, B](r: F[E, A])(f: E => E2, g: A => B): F[E2, B] = catchAll(map(r)(g))(e => fail(f(e)))
override def leftMap2[E, A, E2, E3](firstOp: F[E, A], secondOp: => F[E2, A])(f: (E, E2) => E3): F[E3, A] =
catchAll(firstOp)(e => leftMap(secondOp)(f(e, _)))
override def orElse[E, A, E2](r: F[E, A], f: => F[E2, A]): F[E2, A] = catchAll(r)(_ => f)
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