izumi.functional.lifecycle.Lifecycle.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package izumi.functional.lifecycle
import cats.Applicative
import cats.effect.kernel
import cats.effect.kernel.{GenConcurrent, Resource, Sync}
import izumi.functional.quasi.*
import izumi.functional.bio.data.Morphism1
import izumi.functional.bio.{Fiber2, Fork2, Functor2, Monad2}
import izumi.fundamentals.orphans.{`cats.Functor`, `cats.Monad`, `cats.kernel.Monoid`}
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.functional.Identity
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.Quirks.*
import zio.internal.stacktracer.Tracer
import zio.{Scope, ZEnvironment, ZIO, ZLayer}
import zio.managed.{Reservation, ZManaged}
import zio.managed.ZManaged.ReleaseMap
import zio.stacktracer.TracingImplicits.disableAutoTrace
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, TimeUnit}
import scala.annotation.unused
* `Lifecycle` is a class that describes the effectful allocation of a resource and its finalizer.
* This can be used to represent expensive resources.
* Resources can be created using [[Lifecycle.make]]:
* {{{
* def open(file: File): Lifecycle[IO, BufferedReader] =
* Lifecycle.make(
* acquire = IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)) }
* )(release = reader => IO { reader.close() })
* }}}
* Using inheritance from [[Lifecycle.Basic]]:
* {{{
* final class BufferedReaderResource(
* file: File
* ) extends Lifecycle.Basic[IO, BufferedReader] {
* def acquire: IO[BufferedReader] = IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)) }
* def release(reader: BufferedReader): IO[BufferedReader] = IO { reader.close() }
* }
* }}}
* Using constructor-based inheritance from [[Lifecycle.Make]], [[Lifecycle.LiftF]], etc:
* {{{
* final class BufferedReaderResource(
* file: File
* ) extends Lifecycle.Make[IO, BufferedReader](
* acquire = IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)) },
* release = reader => IO { reader.close() },
* )
* }}}
* Or by converting from an existing [[cats.effect.Resource]], scoped [[zio.ZIO]] or a [[zio.managed.ZManaged]]:
* - Use [[Lifecycle.fromCats]], [[Lifecycle.SyntaxLifecycleCats#toCats]] to convert from and to a [[cats.effect.Resource]]
* - Use [[Lifecycle.fromZIO]], [[Lifecycle.SyntaxLifecycleZIO#toZIO]] to convert from and to a scoped [[zio.ZIO]]
* - And [[Lifecycle.fromZManaged]], [[Lifecycle.SyntaxLifecycleZManaged#toZManaged]] to convert from and to a [[zio.managed.ZManaged]]
* Usage is done via [[Lifecycle.SyntaxUse#use use]]:
* {{{
* open(file1).use {
* reader1 =>
* open(file2).use {
* reader2 =>
* readFiles(reader1, reader2)
* }
* }
* }}}
* Lifecycles can be combined into larger Lifecycles via [[Lifecycle#flatMap]] (and the associated for-comprehension syntax):
* {{{
* val res: Lifecycle[IO, (BufferedReader, BufferedReader)] = {
* for {
* reader1 <- open(file1)
* reader2 <- open(file2)
* } yield (reader1, reader2)
* }
* }}}
* Nested resources are released in reverse order of acquisition. Outer resources are
* released even if an inner use or release fails.
* `Lifecycle` can be used without an effect-type with [[Lifecycle.Simple]]
* it can also mimic Java's initialization-after-construction with [[Lifecycle.Mutable]]
* Use Lifecycle's to specify lifecycles of objects injected into the object graph.
* {{{
* import distage.{Lifecycle, ModuleDef, Injector}
* import cats.effect.IO
* class DBConnection
* class MessageQueueConnection
* val dbResource = Lifecycle.make(IO { println("Connecting to DB!"); new DBConnection })(_ => IO(println("Disconnecting DB")))
* val mqResource = Lifecycle.make(IO { println("Connecting to Message Queue!"); new MessageQueueConnection })(_ => IO(println("Disconnecting Message Queue")))
* class MyApp(db: DBConnection, mq: MessageQueueConnection) {
* val run = IO(println("Hello World!"))
* }
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[DBConnection].fromResource(dbResource)
* make[MessageQueueConnection].fromResource(mqResource)
* make[MyApp]
* }
* Injector[IO]()
* .produceGet[MyApp](module)
* .use(_.run())
* .unsafeRunSync()
* }}}
* Will produce the following output:
* {{{
* Connecting to DB!
* Connecting to Message Queue!
* Hello World!
* Disconnecting Message Queue
* Disconnecting DB
* }}}
* The lifecycle of the entire object graph is itself expressed with `Lifecycle`,
* you can control it by controlling the scope of `.use` or by manually invoking
* [[Lifecycle#acquire]] and [[Lifecycle#release]].
* == Inheritance helpers ==
* The following helpers allow defining `Lifecycle` sub-classes using expression-like syntax:
* - [[Lifecycle.Of]]
* - [[Lifecycle.OfInner]]
* - [[Lifecycle.OfCats]]
* - [[Lifecycle.OfZIO]]
* - [[Lifecycle.OfZManaged]]
* - [[Lifecycle.OfZLayer]]
* - [[Lifecycle.LiftF]]
* - [[Lifecycle.Make]]
* - [[Lifecycle.Make_]]
* - [[Lifecycle.MakePair]]
* - [[Lifecycle.FromAutoCloseable]]
* - [[Lifecycle.SelfOf]]
* - [[Lifecycle.MutableOf]]
* The main reason to employ them is to workaround a limitation in Scala 2's eta-expansion — when converting a method to a function value,
* Scala always tries to fulfill implicit parameters eagerly instead of making them parameters of the function value,
* this limitation makes it harder to inject implicits using `distage`.
* However, when using `distage`'s type-based syntax: `make[A].fromResource[A.Resource[F]]` —
* this limitation does not apply and implicits inject successfully.
* So to workaround the limitation you can convert an expression based resource-constructor such as:
* {{{
* import distage.Lifecycle, cats.Monad
* class A
* object A {
* def resource[F[_]](implicit F: Monad[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = Lifecycle.pure(new A)
* }
* }}}
* Into a class-based form:
* {{{
* import distage.Lifecycle, cats.Monad
* class A
* object A {
* final class Resource[F[_]](implicit F: Monad[F])
* extends Lifecycle.Of(
* Lifecycle.pure(new A)
* )
* }
* }}}
* And inject successfully using `make[A].fromResource[A.Resource[F]]` syntax of [[izumi.distage.model.definition.dsl.ModuleDefDSL]].
* The following helpers ease defining `Lifecycle` sub-classes using traditional inheritance where `acquire`/`release` parts are defined as methods:
* - [[Lifecycle.Basic]]
* - [[Lifecycle.Simple]]
* - [[Lifecycle.Mutable]]
* - [[Lifecycle.MutableNoClose]]
* - [[Lifecycle.Self]]
* - [[Lifecycle.SelfNoClose]]
* - [[Lifecycle.NoClose]]
* @see [[izumi.distage.model.definition.dsl.ModuleDefDSL.MakeDSLBase#fromResource ModuleDef.fromResource]]
* @see [[https://typelevel.org/cats-effect/datatypes/resource.html cats.effect.Resource]]
* @see [[https://zio.dev/1.0.18/reference/resource/zmanaged/ zio.managed.ZManaged]]
* @see [[https://zio.dev/guides/migrate/zio-2.x-migration-guide#scopes-1 scoped zio.ZIO]]
* @see [[https://zio.dev/reference/contextual/zlayer zio.ZLayer]]
trait Lifecycle[+F[_], +A] {
type InnerResource
* The action in `F` used to acquire the resource.
* @note the `acquire` action is performed *uninterruptibly*,
* when `F` is an effect type that supports interruption/cancellation.
def acquire: F[InnerResource]
* The action in `F` used to release, close or deallocate the resource
* after it has been acquired and used through [[izumi.distage.model.definition.Lifecycle.SyntaxUse#use]].
* @note the `release` action is performed *uninterruptibly*,
* when `F` is an effect type that supports interruption/cancellation.
def release(resource: InnerResource): F[Unit]
* Either an action in `F` or a pure function used to
* extract the `A` from the `InnerResource`
* The effect in the `Left` branch will be performed *interruptibly*,
* it is not afforded the same kind of safety as `acquire` and `release` actions
* when `F` is an effect type that supports interruption/cancellation.
* When `F` is `Identity`, it doesn't matter whether the output is a `Left` or `Right` branch.
* When consuming the output of `extract` you can use `_.fold(identity, F.pure)` to convert the `Either` to `F[B]`
* @see [[Lifecycle.Basic]] `extract` doesn't have to be defined when inheriting from `Lifecycle.Basic`
def extract[B >: A](resource: InnerResource): Either[F[B], B]
final def map[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiFunctor, B](f: A => B): Lifecycle[G, B] = LifecycleMethodImpls.mapImpl[G, A, B](this)(f)
final def flatMap[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiPrimitives, B](f: A => Lifecycle[G, B]): Lifecycle[G, B] =
LifecycleMethodImpls.flatMapImpl[G, A, B](this)(f)
final def flatten[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiPrimitives, B](implicit ev: A <:< Lifecycle[G, B]): Lifecycle[G, B] = this.flatMap(ev)
final def catchAll[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiIO, B >: A](recover: Throwable => Lifecycle[G, B]): Lifecycle[G, B] =
LifecycleMethodImpls.redeemImpl[G, A, B](this)(recover, Lifecycle.pure[G](_))
final def catchSome[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiIO, B >: A](recover: PartialFunction[Throwable, Lifecycle[G, B]]): Lifecycle[G, B] =
catchAll(e => recover.applyOrElse(e, (_: Throwable) => Lifecycle.fail(e)))
final def redeem[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiIO, B](onFailure: Throwable => Lifecycle[G, B], onSuccess: A => Lifecycle[G, B]): Lifecycle[G, B] =
LifecycleMethodImpls.redeemImpl[G, A, B](this)(onFailure, onSuccess)
final def evalMap[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiPrimitives, B](f: A => G[B]): Lifecycle[G, B] = LifecycleMethodImpls.evalMapImpl[G, A, B](this)(f)
final def evalTap[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiPrimitives](f: A => G[Unit]): Lifecycle[G, A] =
evalMap[G, A](a => QuasiFunctor[G].map(f(a))(_ => a))
/** Wrap acquire action of this resource in another effect, e.g. for logging purposes */
final def wrapAcquire[G[x] >: F[x]](f: (=> G[InnerResource]) => G[InnerResource]): Lifecycle[G, A] =
LifecycleMethodImpls.wrapAcquireImpl[G, A](this: this.type)(f)
/** Wrap release action of this resource in another effect, e.g. for logging purposes */
final def wrapRelease[G[x] >: F[x]](f: (InnerResource => G[Unit], InnerResource) => G[Unit]): Lifecycle[G, A] =
LifecycleMethodImpls.wrapReleaseImpl[G, A](this: this.type)(f)
final def beforeAcquire[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiApplicative](f: => G[Unit]): Lifecycle[G, A] =
wrapAcquire[G](acquire => QuasiApplicative[G].map2(f, acquire)((_, res) => res))
/** Prepend release action to existing */
final def beforeRelease[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiApplicative](f: InnerResource => G[Unit]): Lifecycle[G, A] =
wrapRelease[G]((release, res) => QuasiApplicative[G].map2(f(res), release(res))((_, _) => ()))
final def void[G[x] >: F[x]: QuasiFunctor]: Lifecycle[G, Unit] = map[G, Unit](_ => ())
@inline final def widen[B >: A]: Lifecycle[F, B] = this
@inline final def widenF[G[x] >: F[x]]: Lifecycle[G, A] = this
object Lifecycle extends LifecycleInstances {
* A sub-trait of [[izumi.distage.model.definition.Lifecycle]] suitable for less-complex resource definitions via inheritance
* that do not require overriding [[izumi.distage.model.definition.Lifecycle#InnerResource]].
* {{{
* final class BufferedReaderResource(
* file: File
* ) extends Lifecycle.Basic[IO, BufferedReader] {
* def acquire: IO[BufferedReader] = IO { new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)) }
* def release(reader: BufferedReader): IO[BufferedReader] = IO { reader.close() }
* }
* }}}
trait Basic[+F[_], A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] {
def acquire: F[A]
def release(resource: A): F[Unit]
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: A): Right[Nothing, A] = Right(resource)
override final type InnerResource = A
def make[F[_], A](acquire: => F[A])(release: A => F[Unit]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
@inline def a: F[A] = acquire; @inline def r: A => F[Unit] = release
new Lifecycle.Basic[F, A] {
override def acquire: F[A] = a
override def release(resource: A): F[Unit] = r(resource)
def make_[F[_], A](acquire: => F[A])(release: => F[Unit]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
make(acquire)(_ => release)
def makeSimple[A](acquire: => A)(release: A => Unit): Lifecycle[Identity, A] = {
make[Identity, A](acquire)(release)
/** For stateful objects that have a separate post-creation init method. */
def makeSimpleInit[A](create: => A)(init: A => Unit)(release: A => Unit): Lifecycle[Identity, A] = {
makeSimple {
val a = create
def makePair[F[_], A](allocate: F[(A, F[Unit])]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
new Lifecycle.FromPair[F, A] {
override def acquire: F[(A, F[Unit])] = allocate
/** @param effect is performed interruptibly, unlike in [[make]] */
def liftF[F[_], A](effect: => F[A])(implicit F: QuasiApplicative[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
new Lifecycle.LiftF(effect)
/** @param effect is performed interruptibly, unlike in [[make]] */
def suspend[F[_]: QuasiPrimitives, A](effect: => F[Lifecycle[F, A]]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
* Fork the specified action into a new fiber.
* When this `Lifecycle` is released, the fiber will be interrupted using [[izumi.functional.bio.Fiber2#interrupt]]
* @return The [[izumi.functional.bio.Fiber2 fiber]] running `f` action
def fork[F[+_, +_]: Fork2, E, A](f: F[E, A]): Lifecycle[F[Nothing, _], Fiber2[F, E, A]] = {
/** @see [[fork]] */
def fork_[F[+_, +_]: Fork2: Functor2, E, A](f: F[E, A]): Lifecycle[F[Nothing, _], Unit] = {
* Fork the specified action into a new fiber.
* When this `Lifecycle` is released, the fiber will be interrupted using [[cats.effect.Fiber#cancel]]
* @return The fiber running `f` action
def forkCats[F[_], E, A](f: F[A])(implicit F: GenConcurrent[F, E]): Lifecycle[F, cats.effect.Fiber[F, E, A]] = {
def traverse[F[_]: QuasiPrimitives, A, B](l: Iterable[A])(f: A => Lifecycle[F, B]): Lifecycle[F, List[B]] = {
l.foldLeft(pure[F](List.empty[B])) {
(acc, a) => acc.flatMap(list => f(a).map(r => list ++ List(r)))
def traverse_[F[_]: QuasiPrimitives, A](l: Iterable[A])(f: A => Lifecycle[F, Unit]): Lifecycle[F, Unit] = {
l.foldLeft(unit) {
(acc, a) => acc.flatMap(_ => f(a))
def fromAutoCloseable[F[_], A <: AutoCloseable](acquire: => F[A])(implicit F: QuasiIO[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
make(acquire)(a => F.maybeSuspend(a.close()))
def fromAutoCloseable[A <: AutoCloseable](acquire: => A): Lifecycle[Identity, A] = {
def fromExecutorService[F[_], A <: ExecutorService](acquire: => F[A])(implicit F: QuasiIO[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
make(acquire) {
es =>
F.maybeSuspend {
if (!(es.isShutdown || es.isTerminated)) {
if (!es.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
def fromExecutorService[A <: ExecutorService](acquire: => A): Lifecycle[Identity, A] = {
fromExecutorService[Identity, A](acquire)
@inline def pure[F[_]]: SyntaxPure[F] = new SyntaxPure[F]
implicit final class SyntaxPure[F[_]](private val dummy: Boolean = false) extends AnyVal {
@inline def apply[A](a: A)(implicit F: QuasiApplicative[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
def unit[F[_]](implicit F: QuasiApplicative[F]): Lifecycle[F, Unit] = {
def fail[F[_], A](error: => Throwable)(implicit F: QuasiIO[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
implicit final class SyntaxUse[F[_], +A](private val resource: Lifecycle[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
def use[B](use: A => F[B])(implicit F: QuasiPrimitives[F]): F[B] = {
F.bracket(acquire = resource.acquire)(release = resource.release)(
use = a =>
F.suspendF(resource.extract(a) match {
case Left(effect) => F.flatMap(effect)(use)
case Right(value) => use(value)
implicit final class SyntaxUseEffect[F[_], A](private val resource: Lifecycle[F, F[A]]) extends AnyVal {
def useEffect(implicit F: QuasiPrimitives[F]): F[A] =
implicit final class SyntaxLifecycleIdentity[+A](private val resource: Lifecycle[Identity, A]) extends AnyVal {
def toEffect[F[_]](implicit F: QuasiIO[F]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
new Lifecycle[F, A] {
override type InnerResource = resource.InnerResource
override def acquire: F[InnerResource] = F.maybeSuspend(resource.acquire)
override def release(res: InnerResource): F[Unit] = F.maybeSuspend(resource.release(res))
override def extract[B >: A](res: InnerResource): Either[F[B], B] = Right(resource.extract(res).merge)
implicit final class SyntaxUnsafeGet[F[_], A](private val resource: Lifecycle[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
* Unsafely acquire the resource and throw away the finalizer,
* this will leak the resource and cause it to never be cleaned up.
* This function usually only makes sense in code examples or at top-level,
* please use [[SyntaxUse#use]] otherwise!
* @note will acquire the resource without an uninterruptible section
def unsafeGet()(implicit F: QuasiPrimitives[F]): F[A] = {
F.flatMap(resource.acquire)(resource.extract(_).fold(identity, F.pure))
* Unsafely acquire the resource, return it and the finalizer.
* The resource will be leaked unless the finalizer is used.
* This function usually only makes sense in code examples or at top-level,
* please use [[SyntaxUse#use]] otherwise!
* @note will acquire the resource without an uninterruptible section
def unsafeAllocate()(implicit F: QuasiPrimitives[F]): F[(A, () => F[Unit])] = {
F.flatMap(resource.acquire) {
inner =>
resource.extract(inner).fold(identity, F.pure)
)(a => (a, () => resource.release(inner)))
implicit final class SyntaxWidenError[F[+_, +_], +E, +A](private val resource: Lifecycle[F[E, _], A]) extends AnyVal {
def widenError[E1 >: E]: Lifecycle[F[E1, _], A] = resource
/** Convert [[cats.effect.Resource]] to [[Lifecycle]] */
def fromCats[F[_], A](resource: Resource[F, A])(implicit F: Sync[F]): Lifecycle.FromCats[F, A] = {
new FromCats[F, A] {
override def acquire: F[kernel.Ref[F, List[F[Unit]]]] = {
kernel.Ref.of[F, List[F[Unit]]](Nil)(kernel.Ref.Make.syncInstance(F))
override def release(finalizersRef: kernel.Ref[F, List[F[Unit]]]): F[Unit] = {
override def extract[B >: A](finalizersRef: kernel.Ref[F, List[F[Unit]]]): Left[F[B], Nothing] = {
private def allocatedTo(
finalizers: kernel.Ref[F, List[F[Unit]]]
): F[A] = {
// Because we have `.uninterruptibleMask` now it's safe to use CE Resource's native `allocated` method.
// However, note that while CE Resource can express `bracketCase`, when using [[cats.effect.Resource#allocated]]
// the ability to pass an `Outcome` to the finalizer is lost.
// Moreover, Lifecycle itself has no ability to express `bracketCase` because `release` does not have
// an `exit: Exit[E, A]` parameter.
// FIXME: `Lifecycle.release` should have an `exit` parameter
restore =>
F.flatMap(restore(resource.allocated)) {
case (a, finalizer) =>
F.as(finalizers.update(finalizer :: _), a)
/** Convert a Scoped [[zio.ZIO]] to [[Lifecycle]]
* {{{
* def fromZIO[R, E, A](f: ZIO[Scope with R, E, A]): Lifecycle.FromZIO[R, E, A]
* }}}
def fromZIO[R]: SyntaxLifecycleFromZIO[R] = new SyntaxLifecycleFromZIO[R]()
final class SyntaxLifecycleFromZIO[R](private val dummy: Boolean = false) extends AnyVal {
def apply[E, A](f: ZIO[Scope & R, E, A]): Lifecycle.FromZIO[R, E, A] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
new FromZIO.FromZIOScoped[R, E, A] {
override def extract[B >: A](scope: Scope.Closeable): Either[ZIO[R, E, B], B] = Left {
/** Convert [[zio.ZLayer]] to [[Lifecycle]] */
def fromZLayer[R, E, A: zio.Tag](layer: ZLayer[R, E, A]): Lifecycle.FromZIO[R, E, A] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
/** Convert [[zio.ZLayer]] to [[Lifecycle]] */
def fromZLayerZEnv[R, E, A](layer: ZLayer[R, E, A]): Lifecycle.FromZIO[R, E, ZEnvironment[A]] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
/** Convert [[zio.managed.ZManaged]] to [[Lifecycle]] */
def fromZManaged[R, E, A](managed: ZManaged[R, E, A]): Lifecycle.FromZIO[R, E, A] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
new FromZIO.FromZIOManaged[R, E, A] {
override def extract[B >: A](releaseMap: ReleaseMap): Either[ZIO[R, E, B], B] =
Left {
implicit final class SyntaxLifecycleMapK[+F[_], +A](private val resource: Lifecycle[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
def mapK[G[x] >: F[x], H[_]](f: Morphism1[G, H]): Lifecycle[H, A] = {
new Lifecycle[H, A] {
override type InnerResource = resource.InnerResource
override def acquire: H[InnerResource] = f(resource.acquire)
override def release(res: InnerResource): H[Unit] = f(resource.release(res))
override def extract[B >: A](res: InnerResource): Either[H[B], B] = resource.extract(res).left.map {
(fa: F[A]) => f(fa.asInstanceOf[G[B]])
implicit final class SyntaxLifecycleCats[+F[_], +A](private val resource: Lifecycle[F, A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Convert [[Lifecycle]] to [[cats.effect.Resource]] */
def toCats[G[x] >: F[x]: Applicative]: Resource[G, A] = {
.make[G, resource.InnerResource](resource.acquire)(resource.release)
.evalMap(resource.extract(_).fold(identity, Applicative[G].pure))
implicit final class SyntaxLifecycleZIO[-R, +E, +A](private val resource: Lifecycle[ZIO[R, E, _], A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Convert [[Lifecycle]] to scoped [[zio.ZIO]] */
def toZIO: ZIO[Scope & R, E, A] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
ZIO.uninterruptibleMask {
restore =>
)(resource.release(_).orDieWith {
case e: Throwable => e
case any => new RuntimeException(s"Lifecycle finalizer: $any")
}).flatMap {
r =>
ZIO.suspendSucceed(restore(resource.extract(r).fold(identity, zioSucceedWorkaround)))
implicit final class SyntaxLifecycleZManaged[-R, +E, +A](private val resource: Lifecycle[ZIO[R, E, _], A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Convert [[Lifecycle]] to [[zio.managed.ZManaged]] */
def toZManaged: ZManaged[R, E, A] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
r =>
ZIO.suspendSucceed(resource.extract(r).fold(identity, zioSucceedWorkaround)),
_ =>
.release(r).orDieWith {
case e: Throwable => e
case any => new RuntimeException(s"Lifecycle finalizer: $any")
* Class-based proxy over a [[Lifecycle]] value
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.Of(Lifecycle.pure(1000))
* }}}
* For binding resource values using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
* @note when the expression passed to [[Lifecycle.Of]] defines many local methods
* it can hit a Scalac bug https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/11969
* and fail to compile, in that case you may switch to [[Lifecycle.OfInner]]
open class Of[+F[_], +A] private (inner0: () => Lifecycle[F, A], @unused dummy: Boolean = false) extends Lifecycle.OfInner[F, A] {
def this(inner: => Lifecycle[F, A]) = this(() => inner)
override val lifecycle: Lifecycle[F, A] = inner0()
* Class-based proxy over a [[cats.effect.Resource]] value
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.OfCats(Resource.pure(1000))
* }}}
* For binding resource values using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class OfCats[F[_]: Sync, A](inner: => Resource[F, A]) extends Lifecycle.Of[F, A](fromCats(inner))
* Class-based proxy over a scoped [[zio.ZIO]] value
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.OfZIO(ZIO.acquireRelease(ZIO.succeed(1000))(_ => ZIO.unit))
* }}}
* For binding resource values using class syntax in [[izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class OfZIO[-R, +E, +A](inner: => ZIO[Scope & R, E, A]) extends Lifecycle.Of[ZIO[R, E, _], A](fromZIO[R](inner))
* Class-based proxy over a [[zio.managed.ZManaged]] value
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.OfZManaged(ZManaged.succeed(1000))
* }}}
* For binding resource values using class syntax in [[izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class OfZManaged[-R, +E, +A](inner: => ZManaged[R, E, A]) extends Lifecycle.Of[ZIO[R, E, _], A](fromZManaged(inner))
* Class-based proxy over a [[zio.ZLayer]] value
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.OfZLayer(ZLayer.succeed(1000))
* }}}
* For binding resource values using class syntax in [[izumi.distage.model.definition.ModuleDef ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class OfZLayer[-R, +E, +A: zio.Tag](inner: => ZLayer[R, E, A]) extends Lifecycle.Of[ZIO[R, E, _], A](fromZLayer(inner))
* Class-based variant of [[make]]:
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.Make(
* acquire = IO(1000)
* )(release = _ => IO.unit)
* }}}
* For binding resources using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class Make[+F[_], A] private (acquire0: () => F[A])(release0: A => F[Unit], @unused dummy: Boolean = false) extends Lifecycle.Basic[F, A] {
def this(acquire: => F[A])(release: A => F[Unit]) = this(() => acquire)(release)
override final def acquire: F[A] = acquire0()
override final def release(resource: A): F[Unit] = release0(resource)
* Class-based variant of [[make_]]:
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.Make_(IO(1000))(IO.unit)
* }}}
* For binding resources using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class Make_[+F[_], A](acquire: => F[A])(release: => F[Unit]) extends Make[F, A](acquire)(_ => release)
* Class-based variant of [[makePair]]:
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.MakePair(IO(1000 -> IO.unit))
* }}}
* For binding resources using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class MakePair[F[_], A] private (acquire0: () => F[(A, F[Unit])], @unused dummy: Boolean = false) extends FromPair[F, A] {
def this(acquire: => F[(A, F[Unit])]) = this(() => acquire)
override final def acquire: F[(A, F[Unit])] = acquire0()
* Class-based variant of [[liftF]]:
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.LiftF(acquire = IO(1000))
* }}}
* For binding resources using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
* @note `acquire` is performed interruptibly, unlike in [[Make]]
open class LiftF[+F[_]: QuasiApplicative, A] private (acquire0: () => F[A], @unused dummy: Boolean) extends NoCloseBase[F, A] {
def this(acquire: => F[A]) = this(() => acquire, false)
override final type InnerResource = Unit
override final def acquire: F[Unit] = QuasiApplicative[F].unit
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: Unit): Left[F[B], Nothing] = Left(QuasiApplicative[F].widen(acquire0()))
* Class-based variant of [[fromAutoCloseable]]:
* {{{
* class FileOutputRes extends Lifecycle.FromAutoCloseable(
* acquire = IO(new FileOutputStream("abc"))
* )
* }}}
* For binding resources using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
open class FromAutoCloseable[+F[_]: QuasiIO, +A <: AutoCloseable](acquire: => F[A]) extends Lifecycle.Of(Lifecycle.fromAutoCloseable(acquire))
* Trait-based proxy over a [[Lifecycle]] value
* {{{
* class IntRes extends Lifecycle.OfInner[IO, Int] {
* override val lifecycle: Lifecycle[IO, Int] = Lifecycle.pure(1000)
* }
* }}}
* For binding resource values using class syntax in [[ModuleDef]]:
* {{{
* val module = new ModuleDef {
* make[Int].fromResource[IntRes]
* }
* }}}
* @note This class may be used instead of [[Lifecycle.Of]] to
* workaround scalac bug https://github.com/scala/bug/issues/11969
* when defining local methods
trait OfInner[+F[_], +A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] {
val lifecycle: Lifecycle[F, A]
override final type InnerResource = lifecycle.InnerResource
override final def acquire: F[lifecycle.InnerResource] = lifecycle.acquire
override final def release(resource: lifecycle.InnerResource): F[Unit] = lifecycle.release(resource)
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: lifecycle.InnerResource): Either[F[B], B] = lifecycle.extract(resource)
trait Simple[A] extends Lifecycle.Basic[Identity, A]
trait Mutable[+A] extends Lifecycle.Self[Identity, A] { this: A => }
trait Self[+F[_], +A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] { this: A =>
def release: F[Unit]
override final type InnerResource = Unit
override final def release(resource: Unit): F[Unit] = release
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: InnerResource): Right[Nothing, A] = Right(this)
trait MutableOf[+A] extends Lifecycle.SelfOf[Identity, A] { this: A => }
trait SelfOf[+F[_], +A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] { this: A =>
val inner: Lifecycle[F, Unit]
override final type InnerResource = inner.InnerResource
override final def acquire: F[inner.InnerResource] = inner.acquire
override final def release(resource: inner.InnerResource): F[Unit] = inner.release(resource)
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: InnerResource): Right[Nothing, A] = Right(this)
trait MutableNoClose[+A] extends Lifecycle.SelfNoClose[Identity, A] { this: A => }
abstract class SelfNoClose[+F[_]: QuasiApplicative, +A] extends Lifecycle.NoCloseBase[F, A] { this: A =>
override type InnerResource = Unit
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: InnerResource): Right[Nothing, A] = Right(this)
abstract class NoClose[+F[_]: QuasiApplicative, A] extends Lifecycle.NoCloseBase[F, A] with Lifecycle.Basic[F, A]
trait FromPair[F[_], A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] {
override final type InnerResource = (A, F[Unit])
override final def release(resource: (A, F[Unit])): F[Unit] = resource._2
override final def extract[B >: A](resource: (A, F[Unit])): Right[Nothing, A] = Right(resource._1)
trait FromCats[F[_], A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] {
override final type InnerResource = kernel.Ref[F, List[F[Unit]]]
trait FromZIO[R, E, A] extends Lifecycle[ZIO[R, E, _], A]
object FromZIO {
trait FromZIOManaged[R, E, A] extends FromZIO[R, E, A] {
override final type InnerResource = ReleaseMap
override final def acquire: ZIO[R, E, ReleaseMap] = ReleaseMap.make(Tracer.instance.empty)
override final def release(releaseMap: ReleaseMap): ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
releaseMap.releaseAll(zio.Exit.succeed(()), zio.ExecutionStrategy.Sequential).unit
trait FromZIOScoped[R, E, A] extends FromZIO[R, E, A] {
override final type InnerResource = Scope.Closeable
override final def acquire: ZIO[R, E, Scope.Closeable] = Scope.make(Tracer.instance.empty)
override final def release(scope: Scope.Closeable): ZIO[R, Nothing, Unit] = {
implicit val trace: zio.Trace = Tracer.instance.empty
abstract class NoCloseBase[+F[_]: QuasiApplicative, +A] extends Lifecycle[F, A] {
override final def release(resource: InnerResource): F[Unit] = QuasiApplicative[F].unit
// Workaround for the craziest, strangest bincompat failure on Scala 3:
// [error] Test suite izumi.distage.impl.OptionalDependencyTest failed with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: zio/ZIO
// at izumi.distage.impl.OptionalDependencyTest.f$proxy5$1(OptionalDependencyTest.scala:73
// appeared in update from zio-2.1.5 to zio-2.1.7 https://github.com/7mind/izumi/pull/2159/
// only relevant change was ZIOCompanionVersionSpecific became a 'transparent trait' from regular trait
// BUT using zio.Exit.Success, which is not a trait at all, didn't fix the issue.
// no idea wtf happened, why it broke and why _method internals_ are breaking bincompat/optionality here
// Seems like this is the cause of the compat failure - https://github.com/zio/zio/pull/9047
// - but I still don't understand why zio.Exit.Success is affected and why obscuring the return type is
// necessary here.
private def zioSucceedWorkaround[F[x] >: ZIO[Any, Nothing, x], A](a: A): F[A] = {
private[izumi] sealed trait LifecycleInstances extends LifecycleCatsInstances {
implicit final def monad2ForLifecycle[F[+_, +_]: Functor2](implicit P: QuasiPrimitives[F[Any, +_]]): Monad2[Lifecycle2[F, +_, +_]] =
new Monad2[Lifecycle2[F, +_, +_]] {
override def map[E, A, B](r: Lifecycle[F[E, _], A])(f: A => B): Lifecycle[F[E, _], B] = r.map(f)
override def flatMap[E, A, B](r: Lifecycle2[F, E, A])(f: A => Lifecycle2[F, E, B]): Lifecycle2[F, E, B] = r.flatMap(f)(P.asInstanceOf[QuasiPrimitives[F[E, +_]]])
override def pure[A](a: A): Lifecycle2[F, Nothing, A] = Lifecycle.pure[F[Nothing, _]](a)(P.asInstanceOf[QuasiPrimitives[F[Nothing, +_]]])
private[izumi] sealed trait LifecycleCatsInstances extends LifecycleCatsInstancesLowPriority {
implicit final def catsMonadForLifecycle[Monad[_[_]]: `cats.Monad`, F[_]](
implicit P: QuasiPrimitives[F]
): Monad[Lifecycle[F, _]] = {
new cats.StackSafeMonad[Lifecycle[F, _]] {
override def pure[A](x: A): Lifecycle[F, A] = Lifecycle.pure[F](x)
override def flatMap[A, B](fa: Lifecycle[F, A])(f: A => Lifecycle[F, B]): Lifecycle[F, B] = fa.flatMap(f)
}.asInstanceOf[Monad[Lifecycle[F, _]]]
implicit final def catsMonoidForLifecycle[Monoid[_]: `cats.kernel.Monoid`, F[_], A](
F: QuasiPrimitives[F],
A0: Monoid[A],
): Monoid[Lifecycle[F, A]] = {
val A = A0.asInstanceOf[cats.Monoid[A]]
new cats.Monoid[Lifecycle[F, A]] {
override def empty: Lifecycle[F, A] = Lifecycle.pure[F](A.empty)
override def combine(x: Lifecycle[F, A], y: Lifecycle[F, A]): Lifecycle[F, A] = {
for {
rx <- x
ry <- y
} yield A.combine(rx, ry)
}.asInstanceOf[Monoid[Lifecycle[F, A]]]
private[izumi] sealed trait LifecycleCatsInstancesLowPriority {
implicit final def catsFunctorForLifecycle[F[_], Functor[_[_]]: `cats.Functor`](
implicit F: QuasiFunctor[F]
): Functor[Lifecycle[F, _]] = {
new cats.Functor[Lifecycle[F, _]] {
override def map[A, B](fa: Lifecycle[F, A])(f: A => B): Lifecycle[F, B] = fa.map(f)
}.asInstanceOf[Functor[Lifecycle[F, _]]]
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