izumi.functional.bio.ApplicativeError2.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package izumi.functional.bio
import scala.util.Try
trait ApplicativeError2[F[+_, +_]] extends Guarantee2[F] with Bifunctor2[F] {
override def InnerF: Functor2[F] = this
def fail[E](v: => E): F[E, Nothing]
/** map errors from two operations into a new error if both fail */
def leftMap2[E, A, E2, E3](firstOp: F[E, A], secondOp: => F[E2, A])(f: (E, E2) => E3): F[E3, A]
/** execute second operation only if the first one fails */
def orElse[E, A, E2](r: F[E, A], f: => F[E2, A]): F[E2, A]
// from* ops must suspend `effect`
def fromEither[E, V](effect: => Either[E, V]): F[E, V]
def fromOption[E, A](errorOnNone: => E)(effect: => Option[A]): F[E, A]
def fromTry[A](effect: => Try[A]): F[Throwable, A]