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import izumi.fundamentals.collections.nonempty.NEList
import scala.collection.compat.*
import scala.collection.compat.immutable.LazyList
import scala.collection.compat.immutable.LazyList.#::
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
trait ErrorAccumulatingOps2[F[+_, +_]] { this: Error2[F] =>
/** `traverse` with error accumulation */
def traverseAccumErrors[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColL[_], E, A, B](
col: ColR[A]
)(f: A => F[ColL[E], B]
buildR: Factory[B, ColR[B]],
buildL: Factory[E, ColL[E]],
iterL: ColL[E] => IterableOnce[E],
): F[ColL[E], ColR[B]] = {
effect = f,
onLeft = (l: ColL[E]) => iterL(l),
init = Queue.empty[B],
onRight = (acc: Queue[B], v: B) => acc :+ v,
end = (acc: Queue[B]) =>,
/** `traverse_` with error accumulation */
def traverseAccumErrors_[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColL[_], E, A](
col: ColR[A]
)(f: A => F[ColL[E], Unit]
buildL: Factory[E, ColL[E]],
iterL: ColL[E] => IterableOnce[E],
): F[ColL[E], Unit] = {
effect = f,
onLeft = (l: ColL[E]) => iterL(l),
init = (),
onRight = (acc: Unit, _: Unit) => acc,
end = (acc: Unit) => acc,
/** `sequence` with error accumulation */
def sequenceAccumErrors[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColL[_], E, A](
col: ColR[F[ColL[E], A]]
buildR: Factory[A, ColR[A]],
buildL: Factory[E, ColL[E]],
iterL: ColL[E] => IterableOnce[E],
): F[ColL[E], ColR[A]] = {
/** `sequence_` with error accumulation */
def sequenceAccumErrors_[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColL[_], E, A](
col: ColR[F[ColL[E], A]]
buildL: Factory[E, ColL[E]],
iterL: ColL[E] => IterableOnce[E],
): F[ColL[E], Unit] = {
/** `sequence` with error accumulation */
def sequenceAccumErrorsNEList[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], E, A](
col: ColR[F[E, A]]
)(implicit buildR: Factory[A, ColR[A]]
): F[NEList[E], ColR[A]] = {
effect = identity,
onLeft = (e: E) => Seq(e),
init = Queue.empty[A],
onRight = (ac: Queue[A], a: A) => ac :+ a,
end = (ac: Queue[A]) =>,
/** `flatTraverse` with error accumulation */
def flatTraverseAccumErrors[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColIn[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColL[_], E, A, B](
col: ColR[A]
)(f: A => F[ColL[E], ColIn[B]]
buildR: Factory[B, ColR[B]],
buildL: Factory[E, ColL[E]],
iterL: ColL[E] => IterableOnce[E],
): F[ColL[E], ColR[B]] = {
effect = f,
onLeft = (l: ColL[E]) => iterL(l),
init = Queue.empty[B],
onRight = (acc: Queue[B], v: IterableOnce[B]) => acc ++ v,
end = (acc: Queue[B]) =>,
/** `flatSequence` with error accumulation */
def flatSequenceAccumErrors[ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColIn[x] <: IterableOnce[x], ColL[_], E, A](
col: ColR[F[ColL[E], ColIn[A]]]
buildR: Factory[A, ColR[A]],
buildL: Factory[E, ColL[E]],
iterL: ColL[E] => IterableOnce[E],
): F[ColL[E], ColR[A]] = {
protected def accumulateErrorsImpl[ColL[_], ColR[x] <: IterableOnce[x], E, E1, A, B, B1, AC](
col: ColR[A]
)(effect: A => F[E, B],
onLeft: E => IterableOnce[E1],
init: AC,
onRight: (AC, B) => AC,
end: AC => B1,
)(implicit buildL: Factory[E1, ColL[E1]]
): F[ColL[E1], B1] = {
def go(
bad: Queue[E1],
good: AC,
lazyList: LazyList[A],
allGood: Boolean,
): F[ColL[E1], B1] = {
lazyList match {
case h #:: tail =>
e => go(bad ++ onLeft(e), good, tail, allGood = false),
v => {
val newGood = onRight(good, v)
go(bad, newGood, tail, allGood)
case _ =>
if (allGood) {
} else {
go(Queue.empty[E1], init,, allGood = true)