izumi.idealingua.translator.tocsharp.CSharpImports.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package izumi.idealingua.translator.tocsharp
import izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.Quirks
import izumi.idealingua.model.common.TypeId._
import izumi.idealingua.model.common.{Generic, Package, Primitive, TypeId}
import izumi.idealingua.model.problems.IDLException
import izumi.idealingua.model.il.ast.typed.DefMethod.Output.{Algebraic, Alternative, Singular, Struct, Void}
import izumi.idealingua.model.il.ast.typed.DefMethod.RPCMethod
import izumi.idealingua.model.il.ast.typed.TypeDef._
import izumi.idealingua.model.il.ast.typed.{Buzzer, DefMethod, Service, TypeDef}
import izumi.idealingua.model.typespace.Typespace
import izumi.idealingua.translator.tocsharp.types.CSharpType
final case class CSharpImport(id: TypeId, namespace: Seq[String], usingName: String)
final case class CSharpImports(imports: List[CSharpImport] = List.empty) {
protected def isAmbiguousName(name: String): Boolean = {
val ambiguous = Seq("Type", "Environment")
def renderImports(extra: List[String] = List.empty): String = {
if (imports.isEmpty && extra.isEmpty) {
return ""
val usings = imports.flatMap(i => if (i.namespace.nonEmpty) i.namespace.map(n => s"using $n;") else List("")) ++
extra.map(e => s"using $e;")
def renderUsings(): String = {
if (imports.isEmpty) {
return ""
imports.map(i => if (i.usingName != "") s"using ${i.usingName} = ${i.id.path.toPackage.map(p => p.capitalize).mkString(".")}.${i.id.name};" else "").mkString("\n")
def findImport(id: TypeId): Option[CSharpImport] = {
imports.find(i => i.id == id)
def withImport(id: TypeId): String = {
if (isAmbiguousName(id.name)) {
id.path.toPackage.map(p => p.capitalize).mkString(".") + "." + id.name
} else {
val rec = findImport(id)
if (rec.isDefined && rec.get.usingName != "") {
} else {
object CSharpImports {
def apply(imports: List[CSharpImport]): CSharpImports =
new CSharpImports(imports)
def apply(definition: TypeDef, fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport] = List.empty)(implicit ts: Typespace): CSharpImports =
CSharpImports(fromDefinition(ts, definition, fromPkg, extra))
def apply(i: Service, fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport])(implicit ts: Typespace): CSharpImports =
CSharpImports(fromService(ts, i, fromPkg, extra))
def apply(i: Buzzer, fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport])(implicit ts: Typespace): CSharpImports =
CSharpImports(fromBuzzer(ts, i, fromPkg, extra))
protected def withImport(t: TypeId, fromPackage: Package, forTest: Boolean = false): Seq[String] = {
t match {
case Primitive.TTime => return Seq("System")
case Primitive.TTs => return Seq("System", "IRT", "System.Globalization")
case Primitive.TTsTz => return Seq("System", "IRT", "System.Globalization")
case Primitive.TTsU => return Seq("System", "IRT", "System.Globalization")
case Primitive.TDate => return Seq("System", "IRT", "System.Globalization")
case Primitive.TUUID => return Seq("System")
case Primitive.TBLOB => ???
case g: Generic =>
g match {
case _: Generic.TOption => return Seq("System")
case _: Generic.TMap => return Seq("System.Collections", "System.Collections.Generic")
case _: Generic.TList => return Seq("System.Collections", "System.Collections.Generic")
case _: Generic.TSet => return Seq("System.Collections", "System.Collections.Generic")
case _: Primitive => return Seq.empty
case _ =>
if (t.path.toPackage.isEmpty) {
return Seq.empty
val nestedDepth = t.path.toPackage.zip(fromPackage).count(x => x._1 == x._2)
if (nestedDepth == t.path.toPackage.size) {
// It seems that we don't need if namespace is the same, Go should handle resolution itself
return Seq.empty
Seq(t.path.toPackage.map(p => p.capitalize).mkString("."))
protected def fromTypes(types: List[TypeId], fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport] = List.empty): List[CSharpImport] = {
val imports = types.distinct
if (fromPkg.isEmpty) {
return List.empty
val packages = imports.map(i => (i, this.withImport(i, fromPkg))).filterNot(_._2.isEmpty).groupBy(_._1.name)
// For each type, which has more of the same names in the current module, we need to add a unique number of
// import so it can be distinctly used in the types reference
pt =>
if (pt._2.length == 1 || pt._2.head._1.isInstanceOf[Generic])
Seq(CSharpImport(pt._2.head._1, pt._2.head._2, s""))
pt._2.zipWithIndex.map {
case (pt2, index) =>
CSharpImport(pt2._1, pt2._2, s"${pt2._1.name}_$index")
).toList ++ extra
protected def collectTypes(ts: Typespace, id: TypeId): List[TypeId] = id match {
case p: Primitive => List(p)
case g: Generic =>
g match {
case gm: Generic.TMap => List(gm) ++ collectTypes(ts, gm.valueType)
case gl: Generic.TList => List(gl) ++ collectTypes(ts, gl.valueType)
case gs: Generic.TSet => List(gs) ++ collectTypes(ts, gs.valueType)
case go: Generic.TOption => (if (CSharpType(go.valueType)(im = null, ts).isNullable) List(go) else List.empty) ++ collectTypes(ts, go.valueType)
case a: AdtId => List(a)
case i: InterfaceId => List(i)
case _: AliasId => collectTypes(ts, ts.dealias(id))
case id: IdentifierId => List(id)
case e: EnumId => List(e)
case dto: DTOId => List(dto)
case _ => throw new IDLException(s"Impossible type in collectTypes ${id.name} ${id.path.toPackage.mkString(".")}")
protected def collectTypes(ts: Typespace, definition: TypeDef): List[TypeId] = definition match {
case i: Alias =>
case _: Enumeration =>
case i: Identifier =>
i.fields.flatMap(f => List(f.typeId) ++ collectTypes(ts, f.typeId))
case i: Interface =>
i.struct.superclasses.interfaces ++
ts.structure.structure(i).all.flatMap(f => List(f.field.typeId) ++ collectTypes(ts, f.field.typeId)).filterNot(_ == definition.id)
case d: DTO =>
d.struct.superclasses.interfaces ++
ts.structure.structure(d).all.flatMap(f => List(f.field.typeId) ++ collectTypes(ts, f.field.typeId)).filterNot(_ == definition.id)
case a: Adt =>
a.alternatives.flatMap(al => List(al.typeId) ++ collectTypes(ts, al.typeId))
protected def fromDefinition(ts: Typespace, definition: TypeDef, fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport] = List.empty): List[CSharpImport] = {
val types = collectTypes(ts, definition)
fromTypes(types, fromPkg, extra)
protected def fromRPCMethodOutput(ts: Typespace, output: DefMethod.Output): List[TypeId] = {
output match {
case st: Struct => st.struct.fields.flatMap(ff => collectTypes(ts, ff.typeId))
case ad: Algebraic => ad.alternatives.flatMap(al => collectTypes(ts, al.typeId))
case si: Singular => collectTypes(ts, si.typeId)
case _: Void => List.empty
case al: Alternative => fromRPCMethodOutput(ts, al.success) ++ fromRPCMethodOutput(ts, al.failure)
protected def fromService(ts: Typespace, svc: Service, fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport] = List.empty): List[CSharpImport] = {
val types = svc.methods.flatMap {
case m: RPCMethod => m.signature.input.fields.flatMap(f => collectTypes(ts, f.typeId)) ++ fromRPCMethodOutput(ts, m.signature.output)
fromTypes(types, fromPkg, extra)
protected def fromBuzzer(ts: Typespace, i: Buzzer, fromPkg: Package, extra: List[CSharpImport] = List.empty): List[CSharpImport] = {
val types = i.events.flatMap {
case m: RPCMethod => m.signature.input.fields.flatMap(f => collectTypes(ts, f.typeId)) ++ fromRPCMethodOutput(ts, m.signature.output)
fromTypes(types, fromPkg, extra)
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