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import cats.implicits._
import cats.{ Applicative, Foldable, Functor, Monad }
final case class Fold[F[_], A, X](initial: A, reduce: (A, X) => F[A]) {
def init(a: A): Fold[F, A, X] = copy(initial = a)
def contramap[Y](f: Y => X): Fold[F, A, Y] =
Fold(initial, (a, c) => reduce(a, f(c)))
def runFoldable[G[_]: Foldable](gb: G[X])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[A] =
def focus[B](get: A => B)(set: (A, B) => A)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Fold[F, B, X] =
Fold(get(initial), (s, e) => reduce(set(initial, s), e).map(get))
def expand[B](init: A => B, read: B => A, update: (B, A) => B)(
implicit F: Functor[F]
): Fold[F, B, X] =
Fold(init(initial), (current, e) => reduce(read(current), e).map(update(current, _)))
def and[B, AB](that: Fold[F, B, X])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): Fold[F, (A, B), X] =
andWith(that)((_, _), identity)
def andWith[B, AB](
that: Fold[F, B, X]
)(ana: (A, B) => AB, cata: AB => (A, B))(implicit F: Applicative[F]): Fold[F, AB, X] =
Fold(ana(initial, that.initial), { (ab, x) =>
val (a, b) = cata(ab)
F.map2(reduce(a, x), that.reduce(b, x))(ana)
def or[B, Y](that: Fold[F, B, Y])(implicit F: Functor[F]): Fold[F, (A, B), Either[X, Y]] =
orWith(that)((_, _), identity, identity)
def orWith[B, Y, AB, XY](that: Fold[F, B, Y])(
anaAB: (A, B) => AB,
cataAB: AB => (A, B),
cataXY: XY => Either[X, Y]
)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Fold[F, AB, XY] =
Fold(anaAB(initial, that.initial), { (ab, xy) =>
val (a, b) = cataAB(ab)
cataXY(xy) match {
case Left(x) => reduce(a, x).map(anaAB(_, b))
case Right(y) => that.reduce(b, y).map(anaAB(a, _))
object Fold {
def optional[F[_]: Functor, A, B](empty: B => F[A])(f: (A, B) => F[A]): Fold[F, Option[A], B] =
Fold(initial = Option.empty, reduce = { (oa: Option[A], b: B) =>, b)).getOrElse(empty(b)).map(Some(_))
def count[F[_], A](implicit F: Applicative[F]): Fold[F, Long, A] =
Fold(0L, (c, _) => F.pure(c + 1L))