Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
public class RtcTokenBuilder {
public enum Role {
* DEPRECATED. Role_Attendee has the same privileges as Role_Publisher.
* RECOMMENDED. Use this role for a voice/video call or a live broadcast, if your scenario does not require authentication for [Co-host](
* Only use this role if your scenario require authentication for [Co-host](
* @note In order for this role to take effect, please contact our support team to enable authentication for Co-host for you. Otherwise, Role_Subscriber still has the same privileges as Role_Publisher.
* DEPRECATED. Role_Attendee has the same privileges as Role_Publisher.
public int initValue;
Role(int initValue) {
this.initValue = initValue;
* Builds an RTC token using an int uid.
* @param appId The App ID issued to you by Agora.
* @param appCertificate Certificate of the application that you registered in
* the Agora Dashboard.
* @param channelName The unique channel name for the AgoraRTC session in the string format. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported character scopes are:
* - The 26 lowercase English letters: a to z.
* - The 26 uppercase English letters: A to Z.
* - The 10 digits: 0 to 9.
* - The space.
* - "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", " {", "}", "|", "~", ",".
* @param uid User ID. A 32-bit unsigned integer with a value ranging from
* 1 to (2^32-1).
* @param role The user role.
* - Role_Publisher = 1: RECOMMENDED. Use this role for a voice/video call or a live broadcast.
* - Role_Subscriber = 2: ONLY use this role if your live-broadcast scenario requires authentication for [Co-host]( In order for this role to take effect, please contact our support team to enable authentication for Co-host for you. Otherwise, Role_Subscriber still has the same privileges as Role_Publisher.
* @param privilegeTs Represented by the number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970.
* If, for example, you want to access the Agora Service within 10 minutes
* after the token is generated, set expireTimestamp as the current time stamp
* + 600 (seconds).
public String buildTokenWithUid(String appId, String appCertificate,
String channelName, int uid, Role role, int privilegeTs) {
String account = uid == 0 ? "" : String.valueOf(uid);
return buildTokenWithUserAccount(appId, appCertificate, channelName,
account, role, privilegeTs);
* Builds an RTC token using a string userAccount.
* @param appId The App ID issued to you by Agora.
* @param appCertificate Certificate of the application that you registered in
* the Agora Dashboard.
* @param channelName The unique channel name for the AgoraRTC session in the string format. The string length must be less than 64 bytes. Supported character scopes are:
* - The 26 lowercase English letters: a to z.
* - The 26 uppercase English letters: A to Z.
* - The 10 digits: 0 to 9.
* - The space.
* - "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", " {", "}", "|", "~", ",".
* @param account The user account.
* @param role The user role.
* - Role_Publisher = 1: RECOMMENDED. Use this role for a voice/video call or a live broadcast.
* - Role_Subscriber = 2: ONLY use this role if your live-broadcast scenario requires authentication for [Co-host]( In order for this role to take effect, please contact our support team to enable authentication for Co-host for you. Otherwise, Role_Subscriber still has the same privileges as Role_Publisher.
* @param privilegeTs represented by the number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970.
* If, for example, you want to access the Agora Service within 10 minutes
* after the token is generated, set expireTimestamp as the current time stamp
* + 600 (seconds).
public String buildTokenWithUserAccount(String appId, String appCertificate,
String channelName, String account, Role role, int privilegeTs) {
// Assign appropriate access privileges to each role.
AccessToken builder = new AccessToken(appId, appCertificate, channelName, account);
builder.addPrivilege(AccessToken.Privileges.kJoinChannel, privilegeTs);
if (role == Role.Role_Publisher || role == Role.Role_Subscriber || role == Role.Role_Admin) {
builder.addPrivilege(AccessToken.Privileges.kPublishAudioStream, privilegeTs);
builder.addPrivilege(AccessToken.Privileges.kPublishVideoStream, privilegeTs);
builder.addPrivilege(AccessToken.Privileges.kPublishDataStream, privilegeTs);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";