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org.red5.server.adapter.MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * RED5 Open Source Media Server -
 * Copyright 2006-2016 by respective authors (see below). All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.red5.server.adapter;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;

import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
import org.red5.server.api.IClient;
import org.red5.server.api.IConnection;
import org.red5.server.api.Red5;
import org.red5.server.api.event.IEvent;
import org.red5.server.api.plugin.IRed5Plugin;
import org.red5.server.api.plugin.IRed5PluginHandler;
import org.red5.server.api.scheduling.IScheduledJob;
import org.red5.server.api.scheduling.ISchedulingService;
import org.red5.server.api.scope.IBroadcastScope;
import org.red5.server.api.scope.IScope;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IBroadcastStreamService;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IOnDemandStreamService;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IStreamSecurityService;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IStreamableFileService;
import org.red5.server.api.service.ISubscriberStreamService;
import org.red5.server.api.service.ServiceUtils;
import org.red5.server.exception.ClientRejectedException;
import org.red5.server.jmx.mxbeans.ApplicationMXBean;
import org.red5.server.messaging.AbstractPipe;
import org.red5.server.messaging.IMessageInput;
import org.red5.server.plugin.PluginDescriptor;
import org.red5.server.plugin.PluginRegistry;
import org.red5.server.plugin.Red5Plugin;
import org.red5.server.scheduling.QuartzSchedulingService;
import org.red5.server.util.ScopeUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

 * ApplicationAdapter class serves as a base class for your Red5 applications. It provides methods to work with SharedObjects and streams,
 * as well as connections and scheduling services. 
* ApplicationAdapter is an application level IScope. To handle streaming processes in your application you should implement * {@link IStreamAwareScopeHandler} interface and implement handling methods.
* Application adapter provides you with useful event handlers that can be used to intercept streams, authorize users, etc. Also, all * methods added in subclasses can be called from client side with method. Unlike to Flash Media server which requires * you to keep methods on Client object at server side, Red5 offers much more convenient way to add methods
* * * public List<String> getLiveStreams() { * // Implementation goes here, say, use Red5 object to obtain scope and all it's streams * } * * *
* This method added to ApplicationAdapter subclass can be called from client side with the following code:
* * * var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); * nc.connect(...); *"getLiveStreams", resultHandlerObj); * * *
* If you want to build a server-side framework this is a place to start and wrap it around ApplicationAdapter subclass. * * @author The Red5 Project * @author Joachim Bauch ([email protected]) * @author Paul Gregoire ([email protected]) * @author Michael Klishin */ public class MultiThreadedApplicationAdapter extends StatefulScopeWrappingAdapter implements ISharedObjectService, IBroadcastStreamService, IOnDemandStreamService, ISubscriberStreamService, ISchedulingService, IStreamSecurityService, ISharedObjectSecurityService, IStreamAwareScopeHandler, ApplicationMXBean { /** * Logger object */ protected Logger log = null; /** * List of application listeners. */ private CopyOnWriteArraySet listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(); /** * Scheduling service. Uses Quartz. Adds and removes scheduled jobs. */ protected ISchedulingService schedulingService; /** * List of handlers that protect stream publishing. */ private Set publishSecurity = new HashSet(); /** * List of handlers that protect stream playback. */ private Set playbackSecurity = new HashSet(); /** * List of handlers that protect shared objects. */ private Set sharedObjectSecurity = new HashSet(); /** * Register a listener that will get notified about application events. * * @param listener * object to register */ public void addListener(IApplication listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Unregister handler that will not get notified about application events any longer. * * @param listener * object to unregister */ public void removeListener(IApplication listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } /** * Return handlers that get notified about application events. * * @return list of handlers */ public Set getListeners() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(listeners); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void registerStreamPublishSecurity(IStreamPublishSecurity handler) { publishSecurity.add(handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void unregisterStreamPublishSecurity(IStreamPublishSecurity handler) { publishSecurity.remove(handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Set getStreamPublishSecurity() { return publishSecurity; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void registerStreamPlaybackSecurity(IStreamPlaybackSecurity handler) { playbackSecurity.add(handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void unregisterStreamPlaybackSecurity(IStreamPlaybackSecurity handler) { playbackSecurity.remove(handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Set getStreamPlaybackSecurity() { return playbackSecurity; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void registerSharedObjectSecurity(ISharedObjectSecurity handler) { sharedObjectSecurity.add(handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void unregisterSharedObjectSecurity(ISharedObjectSecurity handler) { sharedObjectSecurity.remove(handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Set getSharedObjectSecurity() { return sharedObjectSecurity; } /** * Reject the currently connecting client without a special error message. This method throws {@link ClientRejectedException} exception. * * @return never returns * @throws org.red5.server.exception.ClientRejectedException * Thrown when client connection must be rejected by application logic */ protected boolean rejectClient() throws ClientRejectedException { throw new ClientRejectedException(); } /** * Reject the currently connecting client with an error message. * * The passed object will be available as "application" property of the information object that is returned to the caller. * * @param reason * Additional error message to return to client-side Flex/Flash application * @return never returns * * @throws org.red5.server.exception.ClientRejectedException * Thrown when client connection must be rejected by application logic */ protected boolean rejectClient(Object reason) throws ClientRejectedException { throw new ClientRejectedException(reason); } /** * Returns connection result for given scope and parameters. Whether the scope is room or app level scope, this method distinguishes it * and acts accordingly. You override {@link ApplicationAdapter#appConnect(IConnection, Object[])} or * {@link ApplicationAdapter#roomConnect(IConnection, Object[])} in your application to make it act the way you want. * * @param conn * Connection object * @return true if connect is successful, false otherwise */ public boolean connect(IConnection conn) { // ensure the log is not null at this point if (log == null) { log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); } // get the scope from the connection IScope scope = conn.getScope(); log.debug("connect: {} > {}", conn, scope); return connect(conn, scope, null); } /** * Returns connection result for given scope and parameters. Whether the scope is room or app level scope, this method distinguishes it * and acts accordingly. You override {@link ApplicationAdapter#appConnect(IConnection, Object[])} or * {@link ApplicationAdapter#roomConnect(IConnection, Object[])} in your application to make it act the way you want. * * @param conn * Connection object * @param scope * Scope * @param params * List of params passed to connection handler * @return * true * * * if connect is successful, * * * false * * * otherwise */ @Override public boolean connect(IConnection conn, IScope scope, Object[] params) { // ensure the log is not null at this point if (log == null) { log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); } log.debug("connect: {} > {}", conn, scope); boolean success = false; // hit the super class first if (super.connect(conn, scope, params)) { if (log.isInfoEnabled() && ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { // log w3c connect event IClient client = conn.getClient(); if (client == null) {"W3C x-category:session x-event:connect c-ip:{}", conn.getRemoteAddress()); } else {"W3C x-category:session x-event:connect c-ip:{} c-client-id:{}", conn.getRemoteAddress(), client.getId()); } } if (ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { success = appConnect(conn, params); } else if (ScopeUtils.isRoom(scope)) { success = roomConnect(conn, params); } else { log.warn("Scope was not of app or room type, connect failed"); } } return success; } /** * Starts scope. Scope can be both application or room level. * * @param scope * Scope object * @return * true * * * if scope can be started, * * * false * * * otherwise. See {@link AbstractScopeAdapter#start(IScope)} for details. */ @Override public boolean start(IScope scope) { //set the log here so that stuff is logged in the correct place if (log == null) { log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); } log.debug("start: {}", scope); //setup plug-ins log.trace("Plugins: {}", plugins); if (plugins != null) { for (PluginDescriptor desc : plugins) { log.debug("Plugin: {}", desc); try { //ensure plug-in class can be resolved ClassLoader classLoader = scope.getClassLoader(); Class clazz = Class.forName(desc.getPluginType(), true, classLoader); log.trace("Class: {}", clazz); //get the plug-in from the registry IRed5Plugin plugin = PluginRegistry.getPlugin(desc.getPluginName()); log.debug("Got plugin from the registry: {}", plugin); //if the plugin class extends the red5 plug-in we will add the application to it if (plugin instanceof Red5Plugin) { //pass the app to the plugin so that it may be manipulated directly by the plug-in ((Red5Plugin) plugin).setApplication(this); } //when a plug-in method is specified do invokes if (desc.getMethod() != null) { Method method = plugin.getClass().getMethod(desc.getMethod(), (Class[]) null); //if a return type is not specified for the plug-in method just invoke it if (desc.getMethodReturnType() == null) { log.debug("Invoking plugin"); method.invoke(plugin, (Object[]) null); } else { log.debug("Invoking plugin"); Object returnClass = method.invoke(plugin, (Object[]) null); if (returnClass instanceof IRed5PluginHandler) { //if there are props add them Map props = desc.getProperties(); if (props != null) { Method setProps = returnClass.getClass().getMethod("setProperties", new Class[] { Map.class }); setProps.invoke(returnClass, new Object[] { props }); } //initialize Method init = returnClass.getClass().getMethod("init", (Class[]) null); init.invoke(returnClass, (Object[]) null); } if (returnClass instanceof IApplication) { //if its an IApplcation add it to the listeners log.debug("Adding result class to listeners"); addListener((IApplication) returnClass); } else {"Returned class did not implement IApplication"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception setting up a plugin", e); } } } boolean started = false; // verify that we can start if (super.start(scope)) { if (ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { started = appStart(scope); } else if (ScopeUtils.isRoom(scope)) { started = roomStart(scope); } else { log.warn("Scope wasn't of app or room type, it was not started"); } // fix for issue 91 if (started) { // we dont allow connections until we are started super.setCanConnect(true); // we also dont allow service calls until started super.setCanCallService(true); } } return started; } /** * Returns disconnection result for given scope and parameters. Whether the scope is room or app level scope, this method distinguishes * it and acts accordingly. * * @param conn * Connection object * @param scope * Scope */ @Override public void disconnect(IConnection conn, IScope scope) { log.debug("disconnect: {} < {}", conn, scope); if (log.isInfoEnabled() && ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { // log w3c connect event IClient client = conn.getClient(); if (client == null) { // log w3c connect event"W3C x-category:session x-event:disconnect c-ip:{}", conn.getRemoteAddress()); } else { // log w3c connect event"W3C x-category:session x-event:disconnect c-ip:{} c-client-id:{}", conn.getRemoteAddress(), client.getId()); } } if (ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { appDisconnect(conn); } else if (ScopeUtils.isRoom(scope)) { roomDisconnect(conn); } super.disconnect(conn, scope); } /** * Stops scope handling (that is, stops application if given scope is app level scope and stops room handling if given scope has lower * scope level). This method calls {@link ApplicationAdapter#appStop(IScope)} or {@link ApplicationAdapter#roomStop(IScope)} handlers * respectively. * * @param scope * Scope to stop */ @Override public void stop(IScope scope) { log.debug("stop: {}", scope.getName()); // stop the app / room / etc if (ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { // we don't allow connections after we stop super.setCanConnect(false); // we also don't allow service calls super.setCanCallService(false); // stop the app appStop(scope); } else if (ScopeUtils.isRoom(scope)) { roomStop(scope); } super.stop(scope); } /** * Adds client to scope. Scope can be both application or room. Can be applied to both application scope and scopes of lower level. This * method calls {@link ApplicationAdapter#appJoin(IClient, IScope)} or {@link ApplicationAdapter#roomJoin(IClient, IScope)} handlers * respectively. * * @param client * Client object * @param scope * Scope object */ @Override public boolean join(IClient client, IScope scope) { if (!super.join(client, scope)) { return false; } if (ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { return appJoin(client, scope); } else { return ScopeUtils.isRoom(scope) && roomJoin(client, scope); } } /** * Disconnects client from scope. Can be applied to both application scope and scopes of lower level. This method calls * {@link ApplicationAdapter#appLeave(IClient, IScope)} or {@link ApplicationAdapter#roomLeave(IClient, IScope)} handlers respectively. * * @param client * Client object * @param scope * Scope object */ @Override public void leave(IClient client, IScope scope) { log.debug("leave: {} << {}", client, scope); if (ScopeUtils.isApp(scope)) { appLeave(client, scope); } else if (ScopeUtils.isRoom(scope)) { roomLeave(client, scope); } super.leave(client, scope); } /** * Called once on scope (that is, application or application room) start. You override {@link ApplicationAdapter#appStart(IScope)} or * {@link ApplicationAdapter#roomStart(IScope)} in your application to make it act the way you want. * * @param app * Application scope object * @return * true * * * if scope can be started, * * * false * * * otherwise */ public boolean appStart(IScope app) { log.debug("appStart: {}", app); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { if (!listener.appStart(app)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Handler method. Called when application is stopped. * * @param app * Scope object */ public void appStop(IScope app) { log.debug("appStop: {}", app); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { listener.appStop(app); } } /** * Handler method. Called when room scope is started. * * @param room * Room scope * @return Boolean value */ public boolean roomStart(IScope room) { log.debug("roomStart: {}", room); // TODO : Get to know what does roomStart return mean for (IApplication listener : listeners) { if (!listener.roomStart(room)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Handler method. Called when room scope is stopped. * * @param room * Room scope. */ public void roomStop(IScope room) { log.debug("roomStop: {}", room); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { listener.roomStop(room); } } /** * Handler method. Called every time new client connects (that is, new IConnection object is created after call from a SWF movie) to the * application.
* You override this method to pass additional data from client to server application using * * * NetConnection.connect * * * method.
* In this simple example we pass user's skin of choice identifier from client to the server.
* Client-side:
* * * NetConnection.connect("rtmp://localhost/killerred5app", "silver"); * * *
* Server-side:
* * * if (params.length > 0) * log.debug("Theme selected: {}", params[0]); * * * @param conn * Connection object * @param params * List of parameters after connection URL passed to * * * NetConnection.connect * * * method. * @return Boolean value */ public boolean appConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) { log.debug("appConnect: {}", conn); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { if (!listener.appConnect(conn, params)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Handler method. Called every time new client connects (that is, new IConnection object is created after call from a SWF movie) to the * application. * * You override this method to pass additional data from client to server application using * * * NetConnection.connect * * * method. * * See {@link ApplicationAdapter#appConnect(IConnection, Object[])} for code example. * * @param conn * Connection object * @param params * List of params passed to room scope * @return Boolean value */ public boolean roomConnect(IConnection conn, Object[] params) { log.debug("roomConnect: {}", conn); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { if (!listener.roomConnect(conn, params)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Handler method. Called every time client disconnects from the application. * * @param conn * Disconnected connection object */ public void appDisconnect(IConnection conn) { log.debug("appDisconnect: {}", conn); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { listener.appDisconnect(conn); } } /** * Handler method. Called every time client disconnects from the room. * * @param conn * Disconnected connection object */ public void roomDisconnect(IConnection conn) { log.debug("roomDisconnect: {}", conn); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { listener.roomDisconnect(conn); } } public boolean appJoin(IClient client, IScope app) { log.debug("appJoin: {} >> {}", client, app); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { if (!listener.appJoin(client, app)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Handler method. Called every time client leaves application scope. * * @param client * Client object that left * @param app * Application scope */ public void appLeave(IClient client, IScope app) { log.debug("appLeave: {} << {}", client, app); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { listener.appLeave(client, app); } } public boolean roomJoin(IClient client, IScope room) { log.debug("roomJoin: {} >> {}", client, room); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { if (!listener.roomJoin(client, room)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Handler method. Called every time client leaves room scope. * * @param client * Disconnected client object * @param room * Room scope */ public void roomLeave(IClient client, IScope room) { log.debug("roomLeave: {} << {}", client, room); for (IApplication listener : listeners) { listener.roomLeave(client, room); } } /** * Try to measure bandwidth of current connection. * * This is required for some FLV player to work because they require the "onBWDone" method to be called on the connection. */ public void measureBandwidth() { measureBandwidth(Red5.getConnectionLocal()); } /** * Try to measure bandwidth of given connection. * * This is required for some FLV player to work because they require the "onBWDone" method to be called on the connection. * * @param conn * the connection to measure the bandwidth for */ public void measureBandwidth(IConnection conn) { // dummy for now, this makes flv player work // they dont wait for connected status they wait for onBWDone ServiceUtils.invokeOnConnection(conn, "onBWDone", new Object[] {}); } /* Wrapper around ISharedObjectService */ /** * Creates a new shared object for given scope. Server-side shared objects (also known as Remote SO) are special kind of objects those * variable are synchronized between clients. To get an instance of RSO at client-side, use * * * SharedObject.getRemote() * * * . SharedObjects can be persistent and transient. Persistent RSO are stateful, i.e. store their data between sessions. If you need to * store some data on server while clients go back and forth use persistent SO (just use * * * true * * * ), otherwise prefer usage of transient for extra performance. * * @param scope * Scope that shared object belongs to * @param name * Name of SharedObject * @param persistent * Whether SharedObject instance should be persistent or not * @return true if SO was created, false otherwise */ public boolean createSharedObject(IScope scope, String name, boolean persistent) { ISharedObjectService service = (ISharedObjectService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISharedObjectService.class, SharedObjectService.class, false); return service.createSharedObject(scope, name, persistent); } /** * Returns shared object from given scope by name. * * @param scope * Scope that shared object belongs to * @param name * Name of SharedObject * @return Shared object instance with name given */ public ISharedObject getSharedObject(IScope scope, String name) { ISharedObjectService service = (ISharedObjectService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISharedObjectService.class, SharedObjectService.class, false); return service.getSharedObject(scope, name); } /** * Returns shared object from given scope by name. * * @param scope * Scope that shared object belongs to * @param name * Name of SharedObject * @param persistent * Whether SharedObject instance should be persistent or not * @return Shared object instance with name given */ public ISharedObject getSharedObject(IScope scope, String name, boolean persistent) { ISharedObjectService service = (ISharedObjectService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISharedObjectService.class, SharedObjectService.class, false); return service.getSharedObject(scope, name, persistent); } /** * Returns available SharedObject names as List * * @param scope * Scope that SO belong to */ public Set getSharedObjectNames(IScope scope) { ISharedObjectService service = (ISharedObjectService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISharedObjectService.class, SharedObjectService.class, false); return service.getSharedObjectNames(scope); } /** * Checks whether there's a SO with given scope and name * * @param scope * Scope that SO belong to * @param name * Name of SharedObject */ public boolean hasSharedObject(IScope scope, String name) { ISharedObjectService service = (ISharedObjectService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISharedObjectService.class, SharedObjectService.class, false); return service.hasSharedObject(scope, name); } /* Wrapper around the stream interfaces */ /** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean hasBroadcastStream(IScope scope, String name) { IProviderService service = (IProviderService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IProviderService.class, ProviderService.class); return (service.getLiveProviderInput(scope, name, false) != null); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public IBroadcastStream getBroadcastStream(IScope scope, String name) { IStreamService service = (IStreamService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IStreamService.class, StreamService.class); if (service instanceof StreamService) { IBroadcastScope bs = ((StreamService) service).getBroadcastScope(scope, name); if (bs != null) { return bs.getClientBroadcastStream(); } } return null; } /** * Returns list of stream names broadcasted in scope. Broadcast stream name is somewhat different from server stream name. Server stream * name is just an ID assigned by Red5 to every created stream. Broadcast stream name is the name that is being used to subscribe to the * stream at client side, that is, in * * * * * * call. * * @param scope * Scope to retrieve broadcasted stream names * @return List of broadcasted stream names. */ public Set getBroadcastStreamNames(IScope scope) { IProviderService service = (IProviderService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IProviderService.class, ProviderService.class); return service.getBroadcastStreamNames(scope); } /** * Check whether scope has VOD stream with given name or not * * @param scope * Scope * @param name * VOD stream name * * @return true if scope has VOD stream with given name, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasOnDemandStream(IScope scope, String name) { IProviderService service = (IProviderService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IProviderService.class, ProviderService.class); IMessageInput msgIn = service.getVODProviderInput(scope, name); if (msgIn instanceof AbstractPipe) { ((AbstractPipe) msgIn).close(); } return (msgIn != null); } /** * Returns VOD stream with given name from specified scope. * * @param scope * Scope object * @param name * VOD stream name * * @return IOnDemandStream object that represents stream that can be played on demand, seekable and so forth. See * {@link IOnDemandStream} for details. */ public IOnDemandStream getOnDemandStream(IScope scope, String name) { log.warn("This won't work until the refactoring of the streaming code is complete."); IOnDemandStreamService service = (IOnDemandStreamService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IOnDemandStreamService.class, StreamService.class, false); return service.getOnDemandStream(scope, name); } /** * Returns subscriber stream with given name from specified scope. Subscriber stream is a stream that clients can subscribe to. * * @param scope * Scope * @param name * Stream name * * @return ISubscriberStream object */ public ISubscriberStream getSubscriberStream(IScope scope, String name) { log.warn("This won't work until the refactoring of the streaming code is complete."); ISubscriberStreamService service = (ISubscriberStreamService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISubscriberStreamService.class, StreamService.class, false); return service.getSubscriberStream(scope, name); } /** * Wrapper around ISchedulingService, adds a scheduled job to be run periodically. We store this service in the scope as it can be * shared across all rooms of the applications. * * @param interval * Time interval to run the scheduled job * @param job * Scheduled job object * * @return Name of the scheduled job */ public String addScheduledJob(int interval, IScheduledJob job) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); return service.addScheduledJob(interval, job); } /** * Adds a scheduled job that's gonna be executed once. Please note that the jobs are not saved if Red5 is restarted in the meantime. * * @param timeDelta * Time offset in milliseconds from the current date when given job should be run * @param job * Scheduled job object * * @return Name of the scheduled job */ public String addScheduledOnceJob(long timeDelta, IScheduledJob job) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); return service.addScheduledOnceJob(timeDelta, job); } /** * Adds a scheduled job that's gonna be executed once on given date. Please note that the jobs are not saved if Red5 is restarted in the * meantime. * * @param date * When to run scheduled job * @param job * Scheduled job object * * @return Name of the scheduled job */ public String addScheduledOnceJob(Date date, IScheduledJob job) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); return service.addScheduledOnceJob(date, job); } /** * Adds a scheduled job which starts after the specified delay period and fires periodically. * * @param interval * time in milliseconds between two notifications of the job * @param job * the job to trigger periodically * @param delay * time in milliseconds to pass before first execution. * @return the name of the scheduled job */ public String addScheduledJobAfterDelay(int interval, IScheduledJob job, int delay) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); return service.addScheduledJobAfterDelay(interval, job, delay); } /** * Pauses a scheduled job * * @param name * Scheduled job name */ public void pauseScheduledJob(String name) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); service.pauseScheduledJob(name); } /** * Resumes a scheduled job * * @param name * Scheduled job name */ public void resumeScheduledJob(String name) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); service.resumeScheduledJob(name); } /** * Removes scheduled job from scheduling service list * * @param name * Scheduled job name */ public void removeScheduledJob(String name) { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); service.removeScheduledJob(name); } /** * Returns list of scheduled job names * * @return List of scheduled job names as list of Strings. */ public List getScheduledJobNames() { ISchedulingService service = (ISchedulingService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISchedulingService.class, QuartzSchedulingService.class, false); return service.getScheduledJobNames(); } /** * Returns stream length. This is a hook so it may be removed. * * @param name * Stream name * @return Stream length in seconds (?) */ public double getStreamLength(String name) { double duration = 0; IProviderService provider = (IProviderService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IProviderService.class, ProviderService.class); File file = provider.getVODProviderFile(scope, name); if (file != null && file.canRead()) { IStreamableFileFactory factory = (IStreamableFileFactory) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, IStreamableFileFactory.class, StreamableFileFactory.class); IStreamableFileService service = factory.getService(file); if (service != null) { ITagReader reader = null; try { IStreamableFile streamFile = service.getStreamableFile(file); reader = streamFile.getReader(); duration = (double) reader.getDuration() / 1000; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error read stream file {}. {}", file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } } } else { log.error("No service found for {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); } file = null; } return duration; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean clearSharedObjects(IScope scope, String name) { ISharedObjectService service = (ISharedObjectService) ScopeUtils.getScopeService(scope, ISharedObjectService.class, SharedObjectService.class, false); return service.clearSharedObjects(scope, name); } /** * Client time to live is max allowed connection ping return time in seconds * * @return TTL value used in seconds */ @Deprecated public long getClientTTL() { return -1; } /** * Client time to live is max allowed connection ping return time in seconds * * @param clientTTL * New TTL value in seconds */ @Deprecated public void setClientTTL(int clientTTL) { } /** * Return period of ghost connections cleanup task call * * @return Ghost connections cleanup period */ @Deprecated public int getGhostConnsCleanupPeriod() { return -1; } /** * Set new ghost connections cleanup period * * @param ghostConnsCleanupPeriod * New ghost connections cleanup period */ @Deprecated public void setGhostConnsCleanupPeriod(int ghostConnsCleanupPeriod) { } /** * Start transmission notification from Flash Player 11.1+. This command asks the server to transmit more data because the buffer is * running low. * * * * @param bool * boolean * @param num * number */ public void startTransmit(Boolean bool, int num) { } /** * Stop transmission notification from Flash Player 11.1+. This command asks the server to suspend transmission until the client sends a * startTransmit event because there is enough data in the buffer. */ public void stopTransmit() { } /** * Stop transmission notification from Flash Player 11.1+. This command asks the server to suspend transmission until the client sends a * startTransmit event because there is enough data in the buffer. * * @param bool * boolean * @param num * number */ public void stopTransmit(Boolean bool, int num) { } /** * Notification method that is sent by FME just before publishing starts. * * @param streamName * Name of stream that is about to be published. */ public void FCPublish(String streamName) { } /** * Notification method that is sent by FME when publishing of a stream ends. */ public void FCUnpublish() { } /** * Notification method that is sent by FME when publishing of a stream ends. * * @param streamName * Name of stream that is about to be un-published. */ public void FCUnpublish(String streamName) { } /** * Notification method that is sent by some clients just before playback starts. * * @param streamName * Name of stream that is about to be played. */ public void FCSubscribe(String streamName) { } /** * Notification that a broadcasting stream is closing. * * @param stream * stream */ public void streamBroadcastClose(IBroadcastStream stream) { // log w3c connect event IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal(); // converted to seconds long publishDuration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - stream.getCreationTime()) / 1000; if (conn != null) {"W3C x-category:stream x-event:unpublish c-ip:{} cs-bytes:{} sc-bytes:{} x-sname:{} x-file-length:{} x-name:{}", new Object[] { conn.getRemoteAddress(), conn.getReadBytes(), conn.getWrittenBytes(), stream.getName(), publishDuration, stream.getPublishedName() }); } else {"W3C x-category:stream x-event:unpublish x-sname:{} x-file-length:{} x-name:{}", new Object[] { stream.getName(), publishDuration, stream.getPublishedName() }); } String recordingName = stream.getSaveFilename(); // if its not null then we did a recording if (recordingName != null) { if (conn != null) { // use cs-bytes for file size for now"W3C x-category:stream x-event:recordstop c-ip:{} cs-bytes:{} sc-bytes:{} x-sname:{} x-file-name:{} x-file-length:{} x-file-size:{}", new Object[] { conn.getRemoteAddress(), conn.getReadBytes(), conn.getWrittenBytes(), stream.getName(), recordingName, publishDuration, conn.getReadBytes() }); } else {"W3C x-category:stream x-event:recordstop x-sname:{} x-file-name:{} x-file-length:{}", new Object[] { stream.getName(), recordingName, publishDuration }); } // if the stream length is 0 bytes then delete it, this is a fix for SN-20 // get the web root String webappsPath = System.getProperty("red5.webapp.root"); // add context name File file = new File(webappsPath, getName() + '/' + recordingName); if (file != null) { log.debug("File path: {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); if (file.exists()) { // if publish duration or length are zero if (publishDuration == 0 || file.length() == 0) { if (file.delete()) {"File {} was deleted", file.getName()); } else {"File {} was not deleted, it will be deleted on exit", file.getName()); file.deleteOnExit(); } } } file = null; } } } public void streamBroadcastStart(IBroadcastStream stream) { } public void streamPlayItemPlay(ISubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, boolean isLive) { // log w3c connect event"W3C x-category:stream x-event:play c-ip:{} x-sname:{} x-name:{}", new Object[] { Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress(), stream.getName(), item.getName() }); } public void streamPlayItemStop(ISubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item) { // since there is a fair amount of processing below we will check log // level prior to proceeding if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { // log w3c connect event String remoteAddress = ""; long readBytes = -1; long writtenBytes = -1; IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal(); if (conn != null) { remoteAddress = conn.getRemoteAddress(); readBytes = conn.getReadBytes(); writtenBytes = conn.getWrittenBytes(); } long playDuration = -1; if (stream instanceof PlaylistSubscriberStream) { // converted to seconds playDuration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - ((PlaylistSubscriberStream) stream).getCreationTime()) / 1000; } long playItemSize = -1; String playItemName = ""; if (item != null) { playItemName = item.getName(); //get file size in bytes if available IProviderService providerService = (IProviderService) scope.getContext().getBean(IProviderService.BEAN_NAME); if (providerService != null) { File file = providerService.getVODProviderFile(scope, playItemName); if (file != null) { playItemSize = file.length(); } else { log.debug("File was null, this is ok for live streams"); } } else { log.debug("ProviderService was null"); } }"W3C x-category:stream x-event:stop c-ip:{} cs-bytes:{} sc-bytes:{} x-sname:{} x-file-length:{} x-file-size:{} x-name:{}", new Object[] { remoteAddress, readBytes, writtenBytes, stream.getName(), playDuration, playItemSize, playItemName }); } } public void streamPlayItemPause(ISubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, int position) { // log w3c connect event"W3C x-category:stream x-event:pause c-ip:{} x-sname:{}", Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress(), stream.getName()); } public void streamPlayItemResume(ISubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, int position) { // log w3c connect event"W3C x-category:stream x-event:unpause c-ip:{} x-sname:{}", Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress(), stream.getName()); } public void streamPlayItemSeek(ISubscriberStream stream, IPlayItem item, int position) { // Override if necessary. } public void streamPublishStart(IBroadcastStream stream) { // log w3c connect event IConnection connection = Red5.getConnectionLocal();"W3C x-category:stream x-event:publish c-ip:{} x-sname:{} x-name:{}", new Object[] { connection != null ? connection.getRemoteAddress() : "", stream.getName(), stream.getPublishedName() }); } public void streamRecordStart(IBroadcastStream stream) { // log w3c connect event IConnection connection = Red5.getConnectionLocal();"W3C x-category:stream x-event:record-start c-ip:{} x-sname:{} x-file-name:{}", new Object[] { connection != null ? connection.getRemoteAddress() : "", stream.getName(), stream.getSaveFilename() }); } public void streamRecordStop(IBroadcastStream stream) { // log w3c connect event IConnection connection = Red5.getConnectionLocal();"W3C x-category:stream x-event:record-stop c-ip:{} x-sname:{} x-file-name:{}", new Object[] { connection != null ? connection.getRemoteAddress() : "", stream.getName(), stream.getSaveFilename() }); } public void streamSubscriberClose(ISubscriberStream stream) { // log w3c connect event IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal();"W3C x-category:stream x-event:stop c-ip:{} cs-bytes:{} sc-bytes:{} x-sname:{}", new Object[] { conn.getRemoteAddress(), conn.getReadBytes(), conn.getWrittenBytes(), stream.getName() }); } public void streamSubscriberStart(ISubscriberStream stream) { // log w3c connect event"W3C x-category:stream x-event:play c-ip:{} x-sname:{}", Red5.getConnectionLocal().getRemoteAddress(), stream.getName()); } @Override public boolean handleEvent(IEvent event) { log.debug("handleEvent: {}", event); return super.handleEvent(event); } }

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