Download JAR File - ap4k-doc-io.ap4k-source-code
Welcome to the download page for ap4k-doc-io.ap4k-source-code JAR file. Here, you can easily and securely download the JAR file. By downloading this JAR file, you will have access to the ap4k-doc-io.ap4k-source-code functionality and features. Get the latest version of the JAR file for your project now!
Files of the artifact ap4k-doc version 0.4.0 from the group io.ap4k.
Artifact ap4k-doc
Group io.ap4k
Version 0.4.0
Last update 12. May 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies ap4k-dependencies, ap4k-core, docker-annotations, kubernetes-annotations, openshift-annotations, servicecatalog-annotations, istio-annotations, component-annotations, ap4k-spring-boot, ap4k-thorntail, ap4k-micronaut, transform-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.ap4k
Version 0.4.0
Last update 12. May 2019
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 12
Dependencies ap4k-dependencies, ap4k-core, docker-annotations, kubernetes-annotations, openshift-annotations, servicecatalog-annotations, istio-annotations, component-annotations, ap4k-spring-boot, ap4k-thorntail, ap4k-micronaut, transform-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
There is a newer version: 0.5.0
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