arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.resolve.ProofResolutionRules.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.resolve
import arrow.meta.Meta
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors.AmbiguousProof
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors.AmbiguousProofForSupertype
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors.CycleOnGivenProof
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors.OwnershipViolatedProof
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors.UnresolvedGivenCallSite
import arrow.meta.diagnostic.MetaErrors.UnresolvedGivenProof
import arrow.meta.internal.Noop
import arrow.meta.phases.CompilerContext
import arrow.meta.phases.Composite
import arrow.meta.phases.ExtensionPhase
import arrow.meta.phases.analysis.exists
import arrow.meta.phases.analysis.traverseFilter
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.ArrowCompileTime
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.CallableMemberProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.ClassProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.GivenProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.GivenProofResolution
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.ObjectProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.Proof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.allGivenProofs
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.contextualAnnotations
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.givenProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.hasAnnotation
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.isGivenContextProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.isProof
import arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.proof
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.builtins.StandardNames
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.MessageCollector
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.DescriptorVisibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.SourceElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ValueParameterDescriptor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.js.resolve.diagnostics.findPsi
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.lexer.KtTokens
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtDeclaration
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.renderer.DescriptorRenderer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingTrace
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.checkers.CallCheckerContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.model.DefaultValueArgument
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.calls.model.ResolvedCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.descriptorUtil.fqNameSafe
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.serialization.deserialization.descriptors.DeserializedContainerSource
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.KotlinType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.isTypeParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.types.typeUtil.isUnit
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.utils.addToStdlib.safeAs
internal fun Meta.proofResolutionRules(): ExtensionPhase =
doAnalysis = Noop.nullable7(),
analysisCompleted = { _, _, bindingTrace, files ->
resolutionRules(bindingTrace, files)
callChecker { resolvedCall, reportOn, context ->
callSiteResolution(resolvedCall, reportOn, context)
internal fun CompilerContext.resolutionRules(trace: BindingTrace, files: Collection): Unit {
// General rules
files.forEach { file: KtFile ->
reportProhibitedPublishedInternalOrphans(trace, file)
reportOwnershipViolations(trace, file)
// Rule-set for GivenProofs
allGivenProofs().run {
reportUnresolvedGivenProofs(trace, messageCollector)
reportSkippedProofsDueToAmbiguities { proof, ambiguities ->
messageCollector?.report(CompilerMessageSeverity.ERROR, "Please Provide an internal Proof")
?: println("TODO for skipped Proofs:$proof with ambiguities:$ambiguities")
internal fun CompilerContext.callSiteResolution(
resolvedCall: ResolvedCall<*>,
reportOn: PsiElement,
context: CallCheckerContext
): Unit =
reportOn.parent.safeAs()?.let {
reportUnresolvedGivenCallSite(resolvedCall, it, context.trace)
?: Unit
val ClassDescriptor.inlinedType: KotlinType?
get() =
takeIf { it.isInline }?.run { unsubstitutedPrimaryConstructor?.valueParameters?.first()?.type }
fun CompilerContext.unresolvedGivenCallSite(
call: ResolvedCall<*>
): List> =
.filter { v ->
v.containingDeclaration.annotations.hasAnnotation(ArrowCompileTime) &&
call.valueArguments[v] == DefaultValueArgument.DEFAULT &&
.mapNotNull { v ->
val contextFqName = v.contextualAnnotations().firstOrNull()
if (contextFqName != null) {
val givenProofResolution = givenProof(contextFqName, v.type)
if (givenProofResolution.givenProof == null) null to v else givenProofResolution to v
} else null
fun prohibitedPublishedInternalOrphans(
bindingContext: BindingContext,
file: KtFile
): List =
file.traverseFilter( { declaration ->
fun KtDeclaration.isPublishedInternalOrphan(bindingContext: BindingContext): KtDeclaration? =
takeIf {
it.isProof(bindingContext) &&
it.hasAnnotation(bindingContext, StandardNames.FqNames.publishedApi) &&
fun CompilerContext.ownershipViolations(
trace: BindingContext,
file: KtFile
): List> =
file.traverseFilter( { declaration ->
declaration.isViolatingOwnershipRule(trace, this)
fun KtDeclaration.isViolatingOwnershipRule(
bindingContext: BindingContext,
ctx: CompilerContext
): Pair? =
takeIf { it.isProof(bindingContext) }?.let {
.firstOrNull {
it.through == bindingContext.get(BindingContext.DECLARATION_TO_DESCRIPTOR, this)
?.takeIf {
!hasModifier(KtTokens.INTERNAL_KEYWORD) &&
(when (it) {
is GivenProof -> !
?.let { this to it }
* A type is user-owned, when at least one position of the type signature is a user type in the
* sources. e.g.: `org.core.Semigroup` materialises into `A -> F -> org.core.Semigroup`
* Thereby the user needs to own either `F`, `A` or `org.core.Semigroup` to publish a proof. `F` or
* `A` can't be type parameters to be user-owned.
fun KotlinType.isUserOwned(): Boolean =
(hasUserSource() && !isTypeParameter()) || arguments.any { it.type.isUserOwned() }
fun KotlinType.hasUserSource(): Boolean =
constructor.declarationDescriptor?.run {
source !is DeserializedContainerSource && source != SourceElement.NO_SOURCE
?: false
fun Map>.disallowedAmbiguities(): List>> =
mapNotNull { (_, proofs) ->
.exists { p1, p2 ->
val a = p1.through.safeAs()?.visibility
val b = p2.through.safeAs()?.visibility
(a == DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC && b == DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC ||
(a == DescriptorVisibilities.INTERNAL && b == DescriptorVisibilities.INTERNAL)) &&
// TODO: Loosen the rule to allow package scoped proofs when they have the same
// package-info
.filter { (_, v) -> v.isNotEmpty() } // filter out proofs with conflicts
fun Map>.disallowedUserDefinedAmbiguities():
List, List>> =
disallowedAmbiguities().mapNotNull { (proof, others) ->
// collect those with a SourceElement, which the User is responsible of
proof.through.findPsi().safeAs()?.let { (proof to it) to others }
* additionally to the Docs in [reportDisallowedUserDefinedAmbiguities]. The following extensions
* sends warnings, which proofs are being skipped and a prompt to the user to define an internal
* orphan to resolve coherence.
fun Map>.skippedProofsDueToAmbiguities(): List>> =
disallowedAmbiguities().filter { (proof, others) ->
// collect those without a SourceElement, which the user is needs to override
with(proof.through as DeclarationDescriptorWithVisibility) {
findPsi() == null &&
(visibility ==
.INTERNAL || // case: instrumented dependencies that publish internal proofs
visibility == DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC) &&
others.any {
// case: local project publishes public proof over non-owned types
with(it.through) { visibility == DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC && findPsi() == null }
* `unresolved` that is a GivenProof that has Parameters e.g.: [ClassProof], [CallableMemberProof]
* and those don't have default values or are not being semi-inductively resolved by other
* GivenProof's.
fun Map>.unresolvedGivenProofs():
Map> = mapValues { (_, proofs) ->
.map {
val resolutionResult = it.isResolved(this, mutableSetOf())
resolutionResult to it
.filter { (result, _) -> !result.first }
/** if its resolved and any cycled proofs found that otherwise would have led to non-termination */
typealias ResolutionResult = Pair>
fun GivenProof.isResolved(
others: Map>,
previousProofs: MutableSet
): ResolutionResult =
when (this) {
is ObjectProof ->
true to
emptySet() // object proofs are resolved automatically, as they do not have constructors
is ClassProof -> isResolved(others, previousProofs)
is CallableMemberProof -> isResolved(others, previousProofs)
* in IR the primaryConstructor is chosen see
* [arrow.meta.plugins.proofs.phases.resolve.asGivenProof] TODO: Check if the defaultValue is
* resolved
fun ClassProof.isResolved(
others: Map>,
previousProofs: MutableSet
): ResolutionResult =
if (this in previousProofs) false to previousProofs
?.all { param ->
if (param.annotations.any { it.isGivenContextProof() })
others.getOrDefault(param.type, emptyList()).any {
it.isResolved(others, previousProofs).first
else param.declaresDefaultValue()
?.let { it to previousProofs }
?: false to previousProofs
/** TODO: Check if the defaultValue is resolved */
fun CallableMemberProof.isResolved(
others: Map>,
previousProofs: MutableSet
): ResolutionResult =
if (this in previousProofs) false to previousProofs
through.valueParameters.all { param ->
if (!param.type.isTypeParameter() && param.annotations.any { it.isGivenContextProof() })
others.getOrDefault(param.type, emptyList()).any {
it.isResolved(others, previousProofs).first
else true
} to previousProofs
fun Map>.reportUnresolvedGivenProofs(
trace: BindingTrace,
msg: MessageCollector?
): Unit =
unresolvedGivenProofs().forEach { (type, results) ->
results.forEach { (t, proof) ->
val (_, cycles) = t
proof.through.findPsi()?.safeAs()?.let { element ->
if (cycles.isNotEmpty()) {, type, cycles))
} else {, type))
?: msg?.report(
"The GivenProof ${proof.through.fqNameSafe.asString()} from the project dependencies on the type ${
} can't be semi-inductively resolved and won't be considered in resolution."
* the strategy that follows is that authors are responsible for a coherent resolution of the
* project. Either by disambiguating proofs through a proper scope or disambiguating dependency
* proofs that lead to undefined behavior of proof resolution for the project or 3rd parties
* depending on coherence.
private fun Map>.reportDisallowedUserDefinedAmbiguities(
trace: BindingTrace
): Unit =
disallowedUserDefinedAmbiguities().toMap().forEach { (proof, f), conflicts ->, proof, conflicts))
* Internal proofs are not permitted to be published, due to coherence reasons leading to
* ambiguities.
private fun reportProhibitedPublishedInternalOrphans(trace: BindingTrace, file: KtFile): Unit =
prohibitedPublishedInternalOrphans(trace.bindingContext, file).forEach {
* Public Proofs are only valid, if they don't impose inconsistencies in the resolution process.
* That is the associated type or types in the proof have to be user owned.
* @see isUserOwned
private fun CompilerContext.reportOwnershipViolations(trace: BindingTrace, file: KtFile): Unit =
ownershipViolations(trace.bindingContext, file).forEach { (declaration, proof) ->, proof))
private fun Map>.reportSkippedProofsDueToAmbiguities(
f: (proof: A, ambiguities: List) -> Unit
): Unit = skippedProofsDueToAmbiguities().toMap().forEach(f)
private fun CompilerContext.reportUnresolvedGivenCallSite(
call: ResolvedCall<*>,
element: KtExpression,
trace: BindingTrace
): Unit =
unresolvedGivenCallSite(call).let { values ->
values.forEach { (resolution, v) ->
if (resolution?.ambiguousProofs?.isNotEmpty() == true &&
resolution.ambiguousProofs.size > 1 &&
resolution.givenProof != null
) {
if (resolution?.givenProof == null) {
reportMissingInductiveDependencies(v, trace, element, call), call, v.type))
private fun CompilerContext.reportMissingInductiveDependencies(
it: ValueParameterDescriptor,
trace: BindingTrace,
element: KtExpression,
call: ResolvedCall<*>
) {
if (it.type.constructor.declarationDescriptor?.annotations?.any { it.isGivenContextProof() } ==
) {
val dcl = it.type.constructor.declarationDescriptor
if (dcl is ClassDescriptor) {
dcl.constructors.firstOrNull { it.isPrimary }?.valueParameters?.forEach { valueParam ->
val contextFqName = valueParam.contextualAnnotations().firstOrNull()
val parameterProof = contextFqName?.let { givenProof(it, valueParam.type) }
if (parameterProof?.givenProof == null), call, valueParam.type))