io.atlasmap.json.v2.AtlasJsonModelFactory.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A single aggregated bundle which contains all AtlasMap library artifacts including modules.
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URI_FORMAT Ljava/lang/String;
ConstantValue ? ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this +Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/AtlasJsonModelFactory; createJsonDocument $()Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonDocument; jsonDocument "Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonDocument; createJsonField !()Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonField; jsonField Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonField; toString 3(Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonField;)Ljava/lang/String; f
cloneField 7(Lio/atlasmap/v2/Field;)Lio/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonField; field Lio/atlasmap/v2/Field; clone copyField 0(Lio/atlasmap/v2/Field;Lio/atlasmap/v2/Field;Z)V fromJson toJson from to withActions Z
SourceFile 9 : io/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonDocument io/atlasmap/v2/Fields ? ? io/atlasmap/json/v2/JsonField java/lang/StringBuilder JsonField [name= ? ? ? ? , primitive= ? ? ? ? , typeName= ? ? , userCreated= ? ?
, actions= ? ? , value= ? ? , arrayDimensions= ? ? , arraySize= ? ? , collectionType= ? ? , docId= ? ? , index= ? ? , path= ? ? , required= ? ? , status= ? ? , fieldType= ? ? ] H ? P Q ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? )io/atlasmap/json/v2/AtlasJsonModelFactory java/lang/Object
atlas:json setFields (Lio/atlasmap/v2/Fields;)V append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; getName ()Ljava/lang/String; isPrimitive ()Ljava/lang/Boolean; -(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; getTypeName
getActions ()Ljava/util/ArrayList; getValue ()Ljava/lang/Object; getArrayDimensions ()Ljava/lang/Integer; getArraySize getCollectionType !()Lio/atlasmap/v2/CollectionType; getDocId getIndex getPath
isRequired getStatus ()Lio/atlasmap/v2/FieldStatus; getFieldType ()Lio/atlasmap/v2/FieldType; io/atlasmap/v2/AtlasModelFactory setName (Ljava/lang/String;)V setPrimitive (Ljava/lang/Boolean;)V setTypeName setUserCreated ! 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; / *? ? <