io.atlasmap.v2.ConvertMassUnit.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ConstantValue fromUnit Lio/atlasmap/v2/MassUnitType; toUnit ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this Lio/atlasmap/v2/ConvertMassUnit; getFromUnit ()Lio/atlasmap/v2/MassUnitType; setFromUnit (Lio/atlasmap/v2/MassUnitType;)V value RuntimeVisibleAnnotations :Lcom/fasterxml/jackson/annotation/JsonPropertyDescription; The mass unit to convert from $Lio/atlasmap/v2/AtlasActionProperty; title From type Lio/atlasmap/v2/FieldType; STRING getToUnit setToUnit The mass unit to convert to To
io/atlasmap/v2/ConvertMassUnit io/atlasmap/v2/Action java/io/Serializable !
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