Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package sqs
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import scalaz.{ Monad, \/ }
import scalaz.syntax.all._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import kadai.Invalid
import argonaut._, Argonaut._
* Use an unmarshaller to convert an AWS SQS message into a object of type A.
trait Unmarshaller[A] {
def unmarshall: Unmarshaller.Operation[A]
object Unmarshaller {
* Generates an Unmarshaller for a ReceivedMessage[A], basically a wrapper of your type A with
* standard attributes such as received count, and sent time.
def receivedMessage[A: Unmarshaller]: Unmarshaller[ReceivedMessage.Valid[A]] =
from {
for {
attr <- standardAttributes
a <- Unmarshaller[A].unmarshall
id <- messageId
handle <- receiptHandle
} yield ReceivedMessage.Valid(id, handle, attr, a)
def from[A](f: Operation[A]) =
new Unmarshaller[A] {
def unmarshall = f
def jsonBody[A: DecodeJson] =
from {
def apply[A: Unmarshaller] =
val standardAttributes: Operation[StandardAttributes] = {
import Unmarshaller.Operation._
import FromString._
for {
count <- stdAttr[Int]("ApproximateReceiveCount")
received <- stdAttr[DateTime]("ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp")
senderId <- stdAttr[String]("SenderId")
sentTime <- stdAttr[DateTime]("SentTimestamp")
} yield StandardAttributes(received, count, senderId, sentTime)
val messageId: Operation[MessageId] =
Operation.withMessage { m => MessageId(m.getMessageId) }
val receiptHandle: Operation[ReceiptHandle] =
Operation.withMessage { m => ReceiptHandle(m.getReceiptHandle) }
* Sequence a bunch of Operations together to form an unmarshaller. e.g. have an operation
* for each header stored in the message attribute value map, and an operation to parse the
* message body
case class Operation[A](run: Message => Attempt[A]) {
def apply(m: Message): Attempt[A] =
def map[B](f: A => B): Operation[B] =
flatMap(f andThen Operation.ok)
def flatMap[B](f: A => Operation[B]): Operation[B] =
Operation {
m => run(m) >>= { f(_)(m) }
object Operation {
def ok[A](strict: A): Operation[A] = Operation { _ => Attempt.ok(strict) }
def fail[A](error: Invalid): Operation[A] = Operation { _ => Attempt(error.left) }
def withMessage[A](f: Message => A): Operation[A] =
Operation { m => Attempt.ok(f(m)) }
* Try to extract a value of type A from the 'standard' attributes available for every SQS message
* e.g. approximate first received time, received count, sender ID and sent time.
def stdAttr[A](name: String)(implicit decode: FromString[A]): Operation[A] =
Operation { m =>
decode(m.getAttributes.asScala.get(name)).lift {
_.leftMap { _ |+| Invalid.Message(s"Cannot decode standard attribute field $name") }
* Try to extract a value of type A from the message attributes. These are custom attributes that the
* message sender may have added.
def msgAttr[A](name: String)(implicit decode: MessageAttributeDecoder[A]): Operation[A] =
Operation { m =>
(m.getMessageAttributes.asScala.get(name) |> decode).lift {
_.leftMap { _ |+| Invalid.Message(s"Cannot decode header field $name") }
* Extract and parse a JSON message from the message body.
def jsonBody[A: DecodeJson]: Operation[A] =
Operation { m =>
\/.fromEither(m.getBody.decodeEither[A]).leftMap(Invalid.Message) |> Attempt.apply
implicit def OperationMonad: Monad[Operation] =
new Monad[Operation] {
def point[A](v: => A) = Operation.ok(v)
def bind[A, B](m: Operation[A])(f: A => Operation[B]) = m flatMap f
override def map[A, B](m: Operation[A])(f: A => B) = m map f