io.atomix.copycat.client.session.ClientSession Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.atomix.copycat.client.session;
import io.atomix.catalyst.serializer.Serializer;
import io.atomix.catalyst.transport.Address;
import io.atomix.catalyst.transport.Client;
import io.atomix.catalyst.transport.Connection;
import io.atomix.catalyst.transport.Transport;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.Assert;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.Listener;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.Listeners;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.Managed;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.concurrent.Futures;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.concurrent.Scheduled;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.concurrent.SingleThreadContext;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.concurrent.ThreadContext;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.Command;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.ConnectionStrategy;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.Query;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.error.RaftError;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.error.UnknownSessionException;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.request.*;
import io.atomix.copycat.client.response.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* Handles submission of client {@link Command commands} and {@link Query queries}.
* The client session handles all aspects of managing a single session for a client. When the session is opened,
* it attempts to find a server in the provided servers list and {@link RegisterRequest register} a new session. Once
* the session has been registered, it begins sending periodic {@link KeepAliveRequest keep-alive requests} and begins
* submitting {@link Command commands} and {@link Query queries} to the cluster.
* Sessions can communicate with any server in the cluster, but they'll attempt to find the best server.
* In the event that the session becomes disconnected from the cluster or otherwise can't successfully commit a
* keep-alive request, the session will attempt to find a better server with which to communicate. If the session
* fails to communicate with the cluster for more than its session timeout, it will assume it expired and the session
* will be closed.
* The session is responsible for coordinating with the cluster to ensure consistency constraints are met. Each command
* and query submitted to the cluster and each of their responses contains contextual information that helps servers
* ensure operations are applied in the proper order and at the proper time. In the event that the session expires
* or is closed, consistency guarantees are lost for operations submitted on the session.
* @author Jordan Halterman
public class ClientSession implements Session, Managed {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientSession.class);
private static final double KEEP_ALIVE_RATIO = 0.4;
* Client session state.
private enum State {
private final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
private final UUID clientId;
private final Client client;
private Address leader;
private Set members;
private final ThreadContext context;
private final ConnectionStrategy connectionStrategy;
private List connectMembers;
private Connection connection;
private volatile State state = State.CLOSED;
private volatile long id;
private long timeout;
private long failureTime;
private CompletableFuture connectFuture;
private Scheduled retryFuture;
private final List retries = new ArrayList<>();
private Scheduled keepAliveFuture;
private final Map> eventListeners = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Set> openListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
private final Set> closeListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
private final Map responses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private long commandRequest;
private long commandResponse;
private long requestSequence;
private long responseSequence;
private long responseVersion;
private long eventVersion;
private long completeVersion;
public ClientSession(UUID clientId, Transport transport, Collection members, Serializer serializer, ConnectionStrategy connectionStrategy) {
this.clientId = Assert.notNull(clientId, "clientId");
this.client = Assert.notNull(transport, "transport").client();
this.members = new HashSet<>(Assert.notNull(members, "members"));
this.context = new SingleThreadContext("copycat-client-" + clientId.toString(), Assert.notNull(serializer, "serializer").clone());
this.connectionStrategy = Assert.notNull(connectionStrategy, "connectionStrategy");
this.connectMembers = connectionStrategy.getConnections(leader, new ArrayList<>(members));
public long id() {
return id;
* Returns the session context.
* @return The session context.
public ThreadContext context() {
return context;
* Sets the leader.
private boolean setLeader(Address leader) {
if (this.leader == null && leader != null) {
this.leader = leader;
return true;
} else if (this.leader != null && leader == null) {
this.leader = null;
return true;
} else if (this.leader != null && !this.leader.equals(leader)) {
this.leader = leader;
return true;
return false;
* Sets the client remote members.
private void setMembers(Collection members) {
this.members = new HashSet<>(members);
this.connectMembers = connectionStrategy.getConnections(leader, new ArrayList<>(this.members));
* Sets the session timeout.
private void setTimeout(long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
* Submits a command via the session.
* @param command The command to submit.
* @param The command output type.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the command output.
public CompletableFuture submit(Command command) {
if (!isOpen())
return Futures.exceptionalFuture(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
context.executor().execute(() -> {
CommandRequest request;
if (command.consistency() == Command.ConsistencyLevel.NONE) {
request = CommandRequest.builder()
} else {
request = CommandRequest.builder()
submit(request, future);
return future;
* Recursively submits a command.
private CompletableFuture submit(CommandRequest request, CompletableFuture future) {
if (!isOpen()) {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
return future;
long sequence = ++requestSequence;
this.request(request).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
if (error == null) {
long responseSequence = request.sequence();
sequenceResponse(sequence, () -> {
commandResponse = responseSequence;
completeResponse(response, future);
} else {
return future;
* Submits a query via the session.
* @param query The query to submit.
* @param The query output type.
* @return A completable future to be completed with the query output.
public CompletableFuture submit(Query query) {
if (!isOpen())
return Futures.exceptionalFuture(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
context.executor().execute(() -> {
QueryRequest request;
if (query.consistency() == Query.ConsistencyLevel.CAUSAL) {
request = QueryRequest.builder()
} else {
request = QueryRequest.builder()
submit(request, future);
return future;
* Recursively submits a query.
private CompletableFuture submit(QueryRequest request, CompletableFuture future) {
if (!isOpen()) {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
return future;
long sequence = ++requestSequence;
this.request(request).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
if (error == null) {
// If the query consistency level is CAUSAL, we can simply complete queries in sequential order.
if (request.query().consistency() == Query.ConsistencyLevel.CAUSAL) {
sequenceResponse(sequence, () -> {
responseVersion = Math.max(responseVersion, response.version());
completeResponse(response, future);
// If the query consistency level is strong, the query must be executed sequentially. In order to ensure responses
// are received in a sequential manner, we compare the response version number with the highest version for which
// we've received a response and resubmit queries with output resulting from stale (prior) versions.
else {
sequenceResponse(sequence, () -> {
if (response.version() > 0 && response.version() < responseVersion) {
submit(request, future);
} else {
responseVersion = Math.max(responseVersion, response.version());
completeResponse(response, future);
} else {
return future;
* Sequences a query response.
private void sequenceResponse(long sequence, Runnable callback) {
// If the response is for the next sequence number (the response is received in order),
// complete the future as appropriate. Note that some prior responses may have been received
// out of order, so once this response is completed, complete any following responses that
// are in sequence.
if (sequence == responseSequence + 1) {
// Iterate through responses in sequence if available and trigger completion callbacks that are in sequence.
while (responses.containsKey(responseSequence + 1)) {
} else {
responses.put(sequence, callback);
* Completes the given operation response.
private void completeResponse(OperationResponse response, CompletableFuture future) {
if (response.status() == Response.Status.OK) {
} else {
* Sends a session request.
* @param request The request to send.
* @param The request type.
* @param The response type.
* @return A completable future to be completed once the response is received.
private , U extends SessionResponse> CompletableFuture request(T request) {
if (!isOpen())
return Futures.exceptionalFutureAsync(new IllegalStateException("session not open"), context.executor());
return request(request, new CompletableFuture(), true, true);
* Sends a session request.
* @param request The request to send.
* @param future The future to complete once the response is received.
* @param checkOpen Whether to check if the session is open.
* @param The request type.
* @param The response type.
* @return The provided future to be completed once the response is received.
private , U extends Response> CompletableFuture request(T request, CompletableFuture future, boolean checkOpen, boolean recordFailures) {
// If the session already expired, immediately fail the future.
if (checkOpen && !isOpen()) {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session expired"));
return future;
// If we're already connected to a server, use the existing connection. The connection will be reset in the event
// of an error on any connection, or callers can reset connections as well.
if (connection != null) {
return request(request, connection, future, checkOpen, true);
// If we've run out of servers to which to attempt to connect, determine whether we should expire the
// session based on the responses from servers with which we did successfully communicate and the
// time we were last able to successfully communicate with a correct server process. The failureTime
// indicates the first time we received a NO_LEADER_ERROR from a server.
if (connectMembers.isEmpty()) {
// If open checks are not being performed, don't retry connecting to the servers. Simply fail.
if (!checkOpen) {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to connect to cluster");
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
// If retries have already been scheduled, queue a callback to be called to retry the request.
else if (retryFuture != null) {
retries.add(() -> {
LOGGER.debug("Retrying: {}", request);
request(request, future, true, true);
// If all servers indicated that no leader could be found and a session timeout has elapsed, time out the session.
else if (failureTime > 0 && failureTime + timeout < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
LOGGER.warn("Lost session");
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session expired"));
// If not all servers responded with a NO_LEADER_EXCEPTION or less than a session timeout has expired,
// schedule a retry to attempt to connect to servers again.
else {
LOGGER.warn("Failed to communicate with cluster. Retrying");
retryFuture = context.schedule(Duration.ofMillis(200), this::retryRequests);
retries.add(() -> request(request, future, true, true));
return future;
// Remove the next random member from the members list.
Address member = connectMembers.remove(random.nextInt(connectMembers.size()));
// Connect to the server. If the connection fails, recursively attempt to connect to the next server,
// otherwise setup the connection and send the request.
if (connectFuture == null) {
// If there's no existing connect future, create a new one.
LOGGER.info("Connecting: {}", member.socketAddress());
connectFuture = client.connect(member).thenCompose(this::setupConnection).whenComplete((connection, error) -> {
connectFuture = null;
if (!checkOpen || isOpen()) {
if (error == null) {
request(request, connection, future, checkOpen, recordFailures);
} else {
LOGGER.info("Failed to connect: {}", member.socketAddress());
resetConnection().request(request, future, checkOpen, recordFailures);
} else {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
} else {
// We don't want concurrent requests to attempt to connect to the same server at the same time, so
// if the connection is already being attempted, piggyback on the existing connect future.
connectFuture.whenComplete((connection, error) -> {
if (!checkOpen || isOpen()) {
if (error == null) {
request(request, connection, future, checkOpen, recordFailures);
} else {
request(request, future, checkOpen, recordFailures);
} else {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
return future;
* Sends a session request to the given connection.
* @param request The request to send.
* @param connection The connection to which to send the request.
* @param future The future to complete once the response is received.
* @param checkOpen Whether to check if the session is open.
* @param The request type.
* @param The response type.
* @return The provided future to be completed once the response is received.
private , U extends Response> CompletableFuture request(T request, Connection connection, CompletableFuture future, boolean checkOpen, boolean recordFailures) {
LOGGER.debug("Sending: {}", request);
connection.send(request).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
if (!checkOpen || isOpen()) {
if (error == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Received: {}", response);
// If the response is an error response, check if the session state has changed.
if (response.status() == Response.Status.ERROR) {
// If the response error is a no leader error, reset the connection and send another request.
// If this is the first time we've received a response from a server in this iteration,
// set the failure time to keep track of whether the session timed out.
if (response.error() == RaftError.Type.NO_LEADER_ERROR) {
if (recordFailures)
resetConnection().request(request, future, checkOpen, false);
// If the response error is an unknown session error, immediately expire the session.
else if (response.error() == RaftError.Type.UNKNOWN_SESSION_ERROR) {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session expired"));
// If the response error is an application or internal error, immediately complete the future.
else if (response.error() == RaftError.Type.APPLICATION_ERROR
|| response.error() == RaftError.Type.INTERNAL_ERROR) {
// If we've made it this far, for all other error types attempt to resend the request.
else {
resetFailureTime().resetConnection().request(request, future, checkOpen, false);
// If the response status is OK, reset the failure time and complete the future.
else {
// If an error occurred, attempt to contact the next server recursively.
else {
LOGGER.debug("Request failed: {}", request);
LOGGER.debug("{}", error.getMessage());
resetConnection().request(request, future, checkOpen, recordFailures);
} else {
future.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("session not open"));
return future;
* Sets up the given connection.
private CompletableFuture setupConnection(Connection connection) {
this.connection = connection;
connection.closeListener(c -> {
if (c.equals(this.connection)) {
this.connection = null;
connection.exceptionListener(c -> {
if (c.equals(this.connection)) {
this.connection = null;
connection.handler(PublishRequest.class, this::handlePublish);
if (id != 0) {
ConnectRequest request = ConnectRequest.builder()
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
connection.send(request).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
if (isOpen()) {
if (error == null) {
} else {
return future;
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(connection);
* Retries sending requests.
private void retryRequests() {
retryFuture = null;
List retries = new ArrayList<>(this.retries);
for (Runnable retry : retries) {
* Resets the current connection.
private ClientSession resetConnection() {
connection = null;
return this;
* Resets the members to which to connect.
private ClientSession resetMembers() {
if (connectMembers.isEmpty() || connectMembers.size() < members.size() - 1) {
connectMembers = connectionStrategy.getConnections(leader, new ArrayList<>(members));
return this;
* Sets the failure time if not already set.
private ClientSession setFailureTime() {
if (failureTime == 0) {
failureTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return this;
* Resets the failure timeout.
private ClientSession resetFailureTime() {
failureTime = 0;
return this;
* Registers the session.
private CompletableFuture register() {
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
RegisterRequest request = RegisterRequest.builder()
this.request(request, new CompletableFuture<>(), false, true).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
if (error == null) {
if (response.status() == Response.Status.OK) {
setupConnection(connection).whenComplete((setupResult, setupError) -> future.complete(null));
resetConnection().resetMembers().keepAlive(Duration.ofMillis(Math.round(response.timeout() * KEEP_ALIVE_RATIO)));
} else {
} else {
return future;
* Sends and reschedules keep alive request.
private void keepAlive(Duration interval) {
KeepAliveRequest request = KeepAliveRequest.builder()
this.request(request).whenComplete((response, error) -> {
if (error == null) {
if (response.status() == Response.Status.OK) {
keepAliveFuture = context.schedule(interval, () -> {
if (isOpen()) {
} else if (isOpen()) {
if (setLeader(response.leader())) {
keepAliveFuture = context.schedule(interval, () -> {
if (isOpen()) {
} else if (isOpen()) {
keepAliveFuture = context.schedule(interval, () -> {
if (isOpen()) {
* Triggers opening the session.
private void onOpen(long sessionId) {
LOGGER.debug("Registered session: {}", sessionId);
this.id = sessionId;
this.eventVersion = id;
this.state = State.OPEN;
for (Consumer listener : openListeners) {
public CompletableFuture open() {
CompletableFuture future = new CompletableFuture<>();
context.executor().execute(() -> register().whenComplete((result, error) -> {
if (error == null) {
this.state = State.OPEN;
} else {
return future;
public boolean isOpen() {
return state == State.OPEN;
public Listener onOpen(Consumer listener) {
Listener wrapper = new SessionListener(Assert.notNull(listener, "listener"));
return wrapper;
public Session publish(String event) {
return publish(event, null);
public Session publish(String event, Object message) {
Assert.notNull(event, "event");
context.executor().execute(() -> {