Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.atomix.catalyst.buffer.Buffer;
import io.atomix.catalyst.buffer.FileBuffer;
import io.atomix.catalyst.buffer.MappedBuffer;
import io.atomix.catalyst.buffer.SlicedBuffer;
import io.atomix.catalyst.serializer.Serializer;
import io.atomix.catalyst.util.Assert;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Stores a set of sequential entries in a single file or memory {@link Buffer}.
* Segments are individual file or memory based groups of sequential entries. Each segment has a fixed capacity
* in terms of either number of entries or size in bytes.
* The {@link SegmentDescriptor} describes the metadata for the segment, including the starting {@code index} of
* the segment and various configuration options. The descriptor is persisted in 48 bytes at the head of the segment.
* Internally, each segment maintains an in-memory index of entries. The index stores the offset and position of
* each entry within the segment's internal {@link io.atomix.catalyst.buffer.Buffer}. For entries that are appended
* to the log sequentially, the index has an O(1) lookup time. For instances where entries in a segment have been
* skipped (due to log compaction), the lookup time is O(log n) due to binary search. However, due to the nature of
* the Raft consensus algorithm, readers should typically benefit from O(1) lookups.
* When a segment is constructed, the segment will attempt to rebuild its index from the underlying segment
* {@link Buffer}. This is done by reading a 16-bit unsigned length and 32-bit offset for each entry. Once the
* segment has been built, new entries will be {@link #append(Entry) appended} at the end of the segment.
* Additionally, segments are responsible for keeping track of entries that have been {@link #clean(long) cleaned}.
* Cleaned entries are tracked in an internal {@link io.atomix.catalyst.buffer.util.BitArray} with a size equal
* to the segment's entry {@link #count()}.
* @author Jordan Halterman
public class Segment implements AutoCloseable {
private final SegmentDescriptor descriptor;
private final Serializer serializer;
private final Buffer buffer;
private final OffsetIndex offsetIndex;
private final OffsetCleaner cleaner;
private final SegmentManager manager;
private long skip = 0;
private boolean open = true;
* @throws NullPointerException if any argument is null
Segment(Buffer buffer, SegmentDescriptor descriptor, OffsetIndex offsetIndex, OffsetCleaner cleaner, Serializer serializer, SegmentManager manager) {
this.serializer = Assert.notNull(serializer, "serializer");
this.buffer = Assert.notNull(buffer, "buffer");
this.descriptor = Assert.notNull(descriptor, "descriptor");
this.offsetIndex = Assert.notNull(offsetIndex, "offsetIndex");
this.cleaner = Assert.notNull(cleaner, "cleaner");
this.manager = Assert.notNull(manager, "manager");
// Rebuild the index from the segment data.
long position = buffer.mark().position();
int length = buffer.readUnsignedShort();
while (length != 0) {
long offset = buffer.readLong();
offsetIndex.index(offset, position);
position = buffer.skip(length).position();
length = buffer.mark().readUnsignedShort();
* Returns the {@link SegmentDescriptor} for the segment.
* The segment descriptor is stored in {@link SegmentDescriptor#BYTES} bytes at the head of the segment. The descriptor
* defines essential information about the segment, including its position in the complete {@link Log} and its {@code version}.
* @return The segment descriptor stored at the head of the segment.
public SegmentDescriptor descriptor() {
return descriptor;
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the segment is open.
* @return Indicates whether the segment is open.
public boolean isOpen() {
return open;
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the segment is empty.
* The segment is considered empty if no entries have been written to the segment and no indexes in the
* segment have been {@link #skip(long) skipped}.
* @return Indicates whether the segment is empty.
public boolean isEmpty() {
return offsetIndex.size() > 0 ? offsetIndex.lastOffset() + 1 + skip == 0 : skip == 0;
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the segment has been compacted.
* The segment is considered compacted if its {@link SegmentDescriptor#version()} is greater than {@code 1}.
* @return Indicates whether the segment has been compacted.
public boolean isCompacted() {
return descriptor.version() > 1;
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the segment is full.
* The segment is considered full if one of the following conditions is met:
* - {@link #size()} is greater than or equal to {@link SegmentDescriptor#maxSegmentSize()}
* - {@link #count()} is greater than or equal to {@link SegmentDescriptor#maxEntries()}
* @return Indicates whether the segment is full.
public boolean isFull() {
return size() >= descriptor.maxSegmentSize()
|| offsetIndex.size() >= descriptor.maxEntries();
* Returns the total size of the segment in bytes.
* @return The size of the segment in bytes.
public long size() {
return buffer.offset() + buffer.position();
* Returns the current range of the segment.
* The length includes entries that may have been {@link #skip(long) skipped} at the end of the segment.
* @return The current range of the segment.
public long length() {
return !isEmpty() ? offsetIndex.lastOffset() + 1 + skip : 0;
* Returns the count of all entries in the segment.
* The count includes only entries that are physically present in the segment. Entries that have been compacted
* out of the segment are not counted towards the count, nor are {@link #skip(long) skipped} entries.
* @return The count of all entries in the segment.
public int count() {
return offsetIndex.size();
* Returns the base index of the segment.
* The base index is equivalent to the segment's {@link #firstIndex()} if the segment is not {@link #isEmpty() emtpy}.
* @return The base index of the segment.
long index() {
return descriptor.index();
* Returns the index of the first entry in the segment.
* If the segment is empty, {@code 0} will be returned regardless of the segment's base index.
* @return The index of the first entry in the segment or {@code 0} if the segment is empty.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public long firstIndex() {
return !isEmpty() ? descriptor.index() : 0;
* Returns the index of the last entry in the segment.
* @return The index of the last entry in the segment or {@code 0} if the segment is empty.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public long lastIndex() {
return !isEmpty() ? offsetIndex.lastOffset() + descriptor.index() + skip : descriptor.index() - 1;
* Returns the next index in the segment.
* @return The next index in the segment.
public long nextIndex() {
return !isEmpty() ? lastIndex() + 1 : descriptor.index() + skip;
* Returns the offset of the given index within the segment.
* The offset reflects the zero-based offset of the given {@code index} in the segment when missing/compacted
* entries are taken into account. For instance, if a segment contains entries at indexes {@code {1, 3}}, the
* {@code offset} of index {@code 1} will be {@code 0} and index {@code 3} will be {@code 1}.
* @param index The index to check.
* @return The offset of the given index.
public long offset(long index) {
return offsetIndex.find(relativeOffset(index));
* Returns the offset for the given index.
private long relativeOffset(long index) {
return index - descriptor.index();
* Checks the range of the given index.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the {@code index} is invalid for the segment
private void checkRange(long index) {
Assert.indexNot(isEmpty(), "segment is empty");
Assert.indexNot(index < firstIndex(), index + " is less than the first index in the segment");
Assert.indexNot(index > lastIndex(), index + " is greater than the last index in the segment");
* Commits an entry to the segment.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code entry} is null
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is full
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the {@code entry} index does not match the next index
public long append(Entry entry) {
Assert.notNull(entry, "entry");
Assert.stateNot(isFull(), "segment is full");
long index = nextIndex();
Assert.index(index == entry.getIndex(), "inconsistent index: %s", entry.getIndex());
// Calculate the offset of the entry.
long offset = relativeOffset(index);
// Mark the starting position of the record and record the starting position of the new entry.
long position = buffer.mark().position();
// Serialize the object into the segment buffer.
serializer.writeObject(entry, buffer.skip(Short.BYTES + Long.BYTES));
// Calculate the length of the serialized bytes based on the resulting buffer position and the starting position.
int length = (int) (buffer.position() - (position + Short.BYTES + Long.BYTES));
// Set the entry size.
// Write the length of the entry for indexing.
// Index the offset, position, and length.
offsetIndex.index(offset, position);
// Reset skip to zero since we wrote a new entry.
skip = 0;
return index;
* Reads the entry at the given index.
* @param index The index from which to read the entry.
* @return The entry at the given index.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open or {@code index} is inconsistent with the entry
public synchronized T get(long index) {
// Get the offset of the index within this segment.
long offset = relativeOffset(index);
// Get the start position of the entry from the memory index.
long position = offsetIndex.position(offset);
// If the index contained the entry, read the entry from the buffer.
if (position != -1) {
// Read the length of the entry.
int length = buffer.readUnsignedShort(position);
// Verify that the entry at the given offset matches.
long entryOffset = buffer.readLong(position + Short.BYTES);
Assert.state(entryOffset == offset, "inconsistent index: %s", index);
// Read the entry buffer and deserialize the entry.
try (Buffer value = buffer.slice(position + Short.BYTES + Long.BYTES, length)) {
T entry = serializer.readObject(value);
return entry;
return null;
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the given index is within the range of the segment.
* @param index The index to check.
* @return Indicates whether the given index is within the range of the segment.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
boolean validIndex(long index) {
return !isEmpty() && index >= firstIndex() && index <= lastIndex();
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the entry at the given index is active.
* @param index The index to check.
* @return Indicates whether the entry at the given index is active.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public boolean contains(long index) {
if (!validIndex(index))
return false;
// Check the memory index first for performance reasons.
long offset = relativeOffset(index);
return offsetIndex.contains(offset);
* Cleans an entry from the segment.
* @param index The index of the entry to clean.
* @return Indicates whether the entry was newly cleaned from the segment.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public boolean clean(long index) {
long offset = offsetIndex.find(relativeOffset(index));
return offset != -1 && cleaner.clean(offset);
* Returns a boolean value indicating whether the given index was cleaned from the segment.
* @param index The index of the entry to check.
* @return Indicates whether the given entry was cleaned from the segment.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public boolean isClean(long index) {
return cleaner.isClean(offsetIndex.find(relativeOffset(index)));
* Returns the number of entries in the segment that have been cleaned.
* @return The number of entries in the segment that have been cleaned.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public long cleanCount() {
return cleaner.count();
* Returns a predicate for cleaned offsets in the segment.
* @return A predicate for cleaned offsets in the segment.
public Predicate cleanPredicate() {
return new OffsetCleaner(cleaner.bits().copy());
* Skips a number of entries in the segment.
* @param entries The number of entries to skip.
* @return The segment.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public Segment skip(long entries) {
this.skip += entries;
return this;
* Truncates entries after the given index.
* @param index The index after which to remove entries.
* @return The segment.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the segment is not open
public Segment truncate(long index) {
Assert.index(index >= manager.commitIndex(), "cannot truncate committed index");
long offset = relativeOffset(index);
long lastOffset = offsetIndex.lastOffset();
long diff = Math.abs(lastOffset - offset);
skip = Math.max(skip - diff, 0);
if (offset < lastOffset) {
long position = offsetIndex.truncate(offset);
return this;
* Flushes the segment buffers to disk.
* @return The segment.
public Segment flush() {
return this;
public void close() {
open = false;
* Deletes the segment.
public void delete() {
Buffer buffer = this.buffer instanceof SlicedBuffer ? ((SlicedBuffer) this.buffer).root() : this.buffer;
if (buffer instanceof FileBuffer) {
((FileBuffer) buffer).delete();
} else if (buffer instanceof MappedBuffer) {
((MappedBuffer) buffer).delete();
public String toString() {
return String.format("Segment[id=%d, version=%d, index=%d, length=%d]",, descriptor.version(), firstIndex(), length());
private void assertSegmentOpen() {
Assert.state(isOpen(), "segment not open");