io.automatiko.marshalling.automatikomessages.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
syntax = "proto2";
package io.automatiko.engine.workflow.marshalling;
option java_package = "io.automatiko.engine.workflow.marshalling.impl";
option java_outer_classname = "AutomatikoMessages";
// WARNING: Before changing this file, make sure you know what you
// are doing by reading the protobuf documentation at
// in special, please node that to keep backward compatibility
// you need to comply to a set of practices that are listed on the
// documentation and quoted here:
// * you must not change the tag numbers of any existing fields.
// * you must not add or delete any required fields. At this moment,
// as a best practice we are not using required fields at all.
// * you may delete optional or repeated fields. The best practice
// though is to rename the field by prepending it with the prefix
// * you may add new optional or repeated fields but you must use
// fresh tag numbers (i.e. tag numbers that were never used in
// this protocol buffer, not even by deleted fields).
message Header {
extensions 100 to 199;
// version for which this message was created
optional Version version = 1;
// Signature to prevent security concerns
optional Signature signature = 4;
// The list of strategy classes used for this serialization
repeated StrategyIndex strategy = 9;
// byte blobs
optional bytes payload = 10;
message StrategyIndex {
optional int32 id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional bytes data = 3;
message Version {
optional int32 version_major = 1;
optional int32 version_minor = 2;
optional int32 version_revision = 3;
message Signature {
optional string key_alias = 1;
optional bytes signature = 2;
message Trigger {
optional TriggerType type = 1;
optional CronTrigger cron = 2;
optional IntervalTrigger interval = 3;
optional PointInTimeTrigger pit = 4;
optional CompositeMaxDurationTrigger cmdt = 5;
enum TriggerType {
CRON = 0;
message CronTrigger {
optional int64 start_time = 1;
optional int64 end_time = 2;
optional int32 repeat_limit = 3;
optional int32 repeat_count = 4;
optional string cron_expression = 5;
optional int64 next_fire_time = 6;
repeated string calendar_name = 7;
message IntervalTrigger {
optional int64 start_time = 1;
optional int64 end_time = 2;
optional int32 repeat_limit = 3;
optional int32 repeat_count = 4;
optional int64 next_fire_time = 6;
optional int64 period = 7;
repeated string calendar_name = 8;
message PointInTimeTrigger {
optional int64 next_fire_time = 1;
message CompositeMaxDurationTrigger {
optional int64 maxDurationTimestamp = 1;
optional int64 timerCurrentDate = 2;
optional Trigger timerTrigger = 3;
message ProcessData {
extensions 10 to 199;
extend ProcessData {
repeated ProcessInstance process_instance = 10;
repeated WorkItem work_item = 11;
optional int64 timer_id = 13;
repeated ProcessTimer process_timer = 12;
message ProcessInstance {
optional string process_type = 1;
optional string id = 2;
optional string process_id = 3;
optional string process_version = 31;
optional int32 state = 4;
optional int64 node_instance_counter = 5;
optional string process_xml = 11;
optional string parent_process_instance_id = 12;
optional string description = 15;
optional bool signal_completion = 16 [default = true];
optional string deploymentId = 17;
optional string correlation_key = 18;
optional string sla_timer_id = 19;
optional int64 sla_due_date = 20;
optional int32 sla_compliance = 21;
optional string root_process_instance_id = 22;
optional int64 start_date = 23;
optional string root_process_id = 24;
optional string reference_id = 25;
optional string initiator = 26;
optional string reference_from_root = 30;
optional int64 end_date = 33;
repeated SwimlaneContextInstance swimlane_context = 6;
repeated NodeInstance node_instance = 7;
repeated Variable variable = 8;
repeated ExclusiveGroupInstance exclusive_group = 10;
repeated string completedNodeIds = 13;
repeated IterationLevel iterationLevels = 14;
repeated ProcessInstanchChildren children = 27;
repeated Tag tags = 28;
repeated Error errors = 29;
optional RecoveryItem recovery_item = 32;
message ProcessInstanchChildren {
optional string process_id = 1;
repeated string ids = 2;
message RecoveryItem {
optional string transaction_id = 1;
optional string node_id = 2;
optional string instance_id = 3;
optional string timer_id = 4;
repeated string state_timer_ids = 5;
message Tag {
optional string id = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message Error {
optional string error_id = 31;
optional string error_node_id = 25;
optional string error_message = 26;
optional string error_details = 32;
message SwimlaneContextInstance {
optional string swimlane = 1;
optional string actor_id = 2;
message NodeInstance {
optional string id = 1;
optional int64 node_id = 2;
optional NodeInstanceContent content = 4;
optional int32 level = 5;
optional string sla_timer_id = 6;
optional int64 sla_due_date = 7;
optional int32 sla_compliance = 8;
optional int64 trigger_date = 9;
optional string retry_job_id = 10;
optional int32 retry_attempts = 11;
message ExclusiveGroupInstance {
repeated string group_node_instance_id = 1;
message NodeInstanceContent {
optional NodeInstanceType type = 1;
optional RuleSetNode rule_set = 2;
optional HumanTaskNode human_task = 3;
optional WorkItemNode work_item = 4;
optional SubProcessNode sub_process = 5;
optional MilestoneNode milestone = 6;
optional EventNode event = 7;
optional TimerNode timer = 8;
optional JoinNode join = 9;
optional StateNode state = 10;
optional CompositeContextNode composite = 11;
optional ForEachNode for_each = 12;
optional AsyncEventNode async_event = 13;
message RuleSetNode {
repeated string timer_instance_id = 1;
repeated TextMapEntry mapEntry = 2;
optional string rule_flow_group = 3;
message TextMapEntry {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message HumanTaskNode {
optional string work_item_id = 1;
repeated string timer_instance_id = 2;
optional string error_handling_process_instance_id = 3;
optional HumanTaskWorkItem workitem = 4;
message WorkItemNode {
optional string work_item_id = 1;
repeated string timer_instance_id = 2;
optional string error_handling_process_instance_id = 3;
optional WorkItem workitem = 4;
message SubProcessNode {
optional string process_instance_id = 1;
repeated string timer_instance_id = 2;
optional string process_instance_name = 3;
message MilestoneNode { repeated string timer_instance_id = 1; }
message EventNode {}
message TimerNode { optional string timer_id = 1; }
message JoinNode {
repeated JoinTrigger trigger = 1;
message JoinTrigger {
optional int64 node_id = 1;
optional int32 counter = 2;
message StateNode { repeated string timer_instance_id = 1; }
message CompositeContextNode {
repeated string timer_instance_id = 2;
repeated Variable variable = 3;
repeated NodeInstance node_instance = 4;
repeated ExclusiveGroupInstance exclusive_group = 5;
repeated IterationLevel iterationLevels = 6;
message ForEachNode {
repeated NodeInstance node_instance = 1;
repeated Variable variable = 2;
repeated IterationLevel iterationLevels = 3;
optional int32 sequential_counter = 4;
message AsyncEventNode {
optional string event_type = 1;
enum NodeInstanceType {
message Variable {
optional string name = 1;
// the actual object reference
optional int32 strategy_index = 2;
optional bytes value = 3;
optional string data_type = 4;
message WorkItem {
optional string id = 1;
optional string process_instances_id = 2;
optional string name = 3;
optional int32 state = 4;
repeated Variable variable = 5;
optional string deployment_id = 6;
optional string node_instance_id = 7;
optional int64 node_id = 8;
optional string phase_id = 9;
optional string phase_status = 10;
optional int64 start_date = 11;
optional int64 complete_date = 12;
message HumanTaskWorkItem {
optional string id = 1;
optional string process_instances_id = 2;
optional string name = 3;
optional int32 state = 4;
repeated Variable variable = 5;
optional string deployment_id = 6;
optional string node_instance_id = 7;
optional int64 node_id = 8;
optional string phase_id = 9;
optional string phase_status = 10;
optional int64 start_date = 11;
optional int64 complete_date = 12;
optional string task_name = 13;
optional string task_description = 14;
optional string task_priority = 15;
optional string actual_owner = 16;
repeated string pot_users = 17;
repeated string pot_groups = 18;
repeated string excluded_users = 19;
repeated string admin_users = 20;
repeated string admin_groups = 21;
optional string task_reference_name = 22;
message ProcessTimer {
optional TimerInstance timer = 1;
optional Trigger trigger = 2;
message TimerInstance {
optional int64 id = 1;
optional string timer_id = 2;
optional int64 delay = 3;
optional int64 period = 4;
optional string process_instance_id = 5;
optional int64 activated_time = 6;
optional int64 last_triggered = 7;
optional int32 repeatLimit = 8;
optional int64 next_trigger = 9;
message IterationLevel {
optional string id = 1;
optional int32 level = 2;
message VariableContainer {
repeated Variable variable = 1;
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