Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* This is a custom implementation of the Jackson's RecyclerPool intended to work equally well with
* both platform and virtual threads. This pool works regardless of the version of the JVM in use
* and internally uses 2 distinct pools one for platform threads (which is exactly the same {@link
* ThreadLocal} based one provided by Jackson out of the box) and the other designed for being
* virtual threads friendly. It switches between the 2 only depending on the nature of thread
* (virtual or not) requiring the acquisition of a pooled resource, obtained via {@link
* MethodHandle} to guarantee compatibility also with old JVM versions. The pool also guarantees
* that the pooled resource is always released to the same internal pool from where it has been
* acquired, regardless if the releasing thread is different from the one that originally made the
* acquisition.
* The virtual thread friendly inner pool is implemented with N striped linked lists using a
* simple lock free algorithm based on CAS. The striping is performed shuffling the id of the thread
* requiring to acquire a pooled resource with a xorshift based computation. The resulting of this
* computation is also stored in the pooled resource, bringing the twofold advantage of always
* releasing the resource in the same bucket from where it has been taken regardless if the
* releasing thread is different from the one that did the acquisition and avoiding the need of
* recalculating the position of that bucket also during the release. The heads of the linked lists
* are hold in an {@link AtomicReferenceArray} where each head has a distance of 16 positions from
* the adjacent ones to prevent the false sharing problem.
final class HybridBufferRecycler implements BufferRecycler {
private static final HybridBufferRecycler INSTANCE = new HybridBufferRecycler();
private static final Predicate isVirtual = VirtualPredicate.findIsVirtualPredicate();
private static final BufferRecycler NATIVE_RECYCLER = ThreadLocalPool.shared();
private static final BufferRecycler VIRTUAL_RECYCLER = StripedLockFreePool.shared();
private HybridBufferRecycler() {
static HybridBufferRecycler shared() {
return INSTANCE;
public JsonGenerator generator(JsonOutput target) {
return isVirtual.test(Thread.currentThread())
? VIRTUAL_RECYCLER.generator(target)
: NATIVE_RECYCLER.generator(target);
public JsonParser parser(byte[] bytes) {
return isVirtual.test(Thread.currentThread())
? VIRTUAL_RECYCLER.parser(bytes)
: NATIVE_RECYCLER.parser(bytes);
public JsonParser parser(InputStream in) {
return isVirtual.test(Thread.currentThread())
: NATIVE_RECYCLER.parser(in);
public void recycle(JsonGenerator recycler) {
if (recycler instanceof VThreadJGenerator) {
public void recycle(JsonParser recycler) {
if (recycler instanceof VThreadJParser) {
static final class StripedLockFreePool implements BufferRecycler {
private static final StripedLockFreePool INSTANCE = new StripedLockFreePool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
private static final int CACHE_LINE_SHIFT = 4;
private static final int CACHE_LINE_PADDING = 1 << CACHE_LINE_SHIFT;
private final XorShiftThreadProbe threadProbe;
private final AtomicReferenceArray generatorStacks;
private final AtomicReferenceArray parserStacks;
private StripedLockFreePool(int stripesCount) {
final int size = roundToPowerOfTwo(stripesCount);
this.generatorStacks = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(size * CACHE_LINE_PADDING);
this.parserStacks = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(size * CACHE_LINE_PADDING);
int mask = (size - 1) << CACHE_LINE_SHIFT;
this.threadProbe = new XorShiftThreadProbe(mask);
static StripedLockFreePool shared() {
return INSTANCE;
public JsonParser parser(byte[] bytes) {
return parser().process(bytes, bytes.length);
public JsonParser parser(InputStream in) {
return parser().process(in);
public JsonGenerator generator(JsonOutput target) {
final int index = threadProbe.index();
var currentHead = generatorStacks.get(index);
while (true) {
if (currentHead == null) {
return new VThreadJGenerator(index).prepare(target);
if (generatorStacks.compareAndSet(index, currentHead, { = null;
return currentHead.value.prepare(target);
} else {
currentHead = generatorStacks.get(index);
private JsonParser parser() {
int index = threadProbe.index();
var currentHead = parserStacks.get(index);
while (true) {
if (currentHead == null) {
return new VThreadJParser(index);
if (parserStacks.compareAndSet(index, currentHead, { = null;
return currentHead.value;
} else {
currentHead = parserStacks.get(index);
public void recycle(JsonGenerator recycler) {
var vThreadBufferRecycler = (VThreadJGenerator) recycler;
var newHead = new JNode(vThreadBufferRecycler);
var next = generatorStacks.get(vThreadBufferRecycler.slot);
while (true) {
newHead.level = next == null ? 1 : next.level + 1;
if (generatorStacks.compareAndSet(vThreadBufferRecycler.slot, next, newHead)) { = next;
} else {
next = generatorStacks.get(vThreadBufferRecycler.slot);
public void recycle(JsonParser recycler) {
var vThreadBufferRecycler = (VThreadJParser) recycler;
var newHead = new PNode(vThreadBufferRecycler);
var next = parserStacks.get(vThreadBufferRecycler.slot);
while (true) {
newHead.level = next == null ? 1 : next.level + 1;
if (parserStacks.compareAndSet(vThreadBufferRecycler.slot, next, newHead)) { = next;
} else {
next = parserStacks.get(vThreadBufferRecycler.slot);
private static final class JNode {
final VThreadJGenerator value;
JNode next;
int level = 0;
JNode(VThreadJGenerator value) {
this.value = value;
private static final class PNode {
final VThreadJParser value;
PNode next;
int level = 0;
PNode(VThreadJParser value) {
this.value = value;
private static final class VThreadJGenerator extends JGenerator {
private final int slot;
private VThreadJGenerator(int slot) {
this.slot = slot;
private static final class VThreadJParser extends JParser {
private final int slot;
private VThreadJParser(int slot) {
new char[Recyclers.PARSER_CHAR_BUFFER_SIZE],
new byte[Recyclers.PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE],
this.slot = slot;
private static final class VirtualPredicate {
private static final MethodHandle virtualMh = findVirtualMH();
private static MethodHandle findVirtualMH() {
try {
return MethodHandles.publicLookup()
.findVirtual(Thread.class, "isVirtual", MethodType.methodType(boolean.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private static Predicate findIsVirtualPredicate() {
return virtualMh == null ? VirtualPredicate::notVirtual : VirtualPredicate::isVirtual;
private static boolean isVirtual(Thread thread) {
try {
return (boolean) virtualMh.invokeExact(thread);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static boolean notVirtual(Thread thread) {
return false;
private static final class XorShiftThreadProbe {
private final int mask;
XorShiftThreadProbe(int mask) {
this.mask = mask;
public int index() {
return probe() & mask;
private int probe() {
// Multiplicative Fibonacci hashing implementation
// 0x9e3779b9 is the integral part of the Golden Ratio's fractional part 0.61803398875…
// (sqrt(5)-1)/2
// multiplied by 2^32, which has the best possible scattering properties.
int probe = (int) ((Thread.currentThread().getId() * 0x9e3779b9) & Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// xorshift
probe ^= probe << 13;
probe ^= probe >>> 17;
probe ^= probe << 5;
return probe;
private static final int MAX_POW2 = 1 << 30;
private static int roundToPowerOfTwo(final int value) {
if (value > MAX_POW2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Exceeded max power of 2 (2^31), got " + value);
if (value < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expecting value >= 0, got " + value);
return 1 << (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(value - 1));