io.avaje.prism.internal.ModuleInfoReaderWriter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.avaje.prism.internal;
public class ModuleInfoReaderWriter {
private ModuleInfoReaderWriter() {}
public static void write(PrintWriter out, String packageName) {
"package "
+ packageName
+ ";\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import static*;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import*;\n"
+ "import java.util.*;\n"
+ "import java.util.regex.Matcher;\n"
+ "import java.util.regex.Pattern;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "import javax.annotation.processing.Generated;\n"
+ "import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement;\n"
+ "import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.DirectiveKind;\n"
+ "import javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.RequiresDirective;\n"
+ "import;\n"
+ "import javax.lang.model.element.PackageElement;\n"
+ "\n"
+ "/**\n"
+ " * Helper Class to work with an application's root module-info.\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * Calling {@link ModuleElement#getDirectives()} on the application module can break compilation\n"
+ " * in some situations, so this class helps parse the module source file and get the relevant\n"
+ " * information without breaking anything.\n"
+ " */\n"
+ "@Generated(\"avaje-prism-generator\")\n"
+ "public class ModuleInfoReader {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static final String SPLIT_PATTERN = \"\\\\s*,\\\\s*\";\n"
+ " private static final Pattern IMPORT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"import\\\\s+([\\\\w.$]+);\");\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static final Pattern COMMENT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"(/.*)|(\\\\*.*)\");\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static final Pattern REQUIRES_PATTERN =\n"
+ " Pattern.compile(\"requires\\\\s+(transitive\\\\s+)?(static\\\\s+)?([\\\\w.$]+);\");\n"
+ " private static final Pattern PROVIDES_PATTERN =\n"
+ " Pattern.compile(\"provides\\\\s+([\\\\w.$]+)\\\\s+with\\\\s+([\\\\w.$,\\\\s]+);\");\n"
+ " private static final Pattern OPENS_PATTERN =\n"
+ " Pattern.compile(\"opens\\\\s+([\\\\w.$]+)\\\\s+to\\\\s+([\\\\w.$,\\\\s]+);\");\n"
+ " private static final Pattern EXPORTS_PATTERN =\n"
+ " Pattern.compile(\"exports\\\\s+([\\\\w.$]+)\\\\s+to\\\\s+([\\\\w.$,\\\\s]+);\");\n"
+ " private static final Pattern USES_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(\"uses\\\\s+([\\\\w.$]+);\");\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private final List requires = new ArrayList<>();\n"
+ " private final List uses = new ArrayList<>();\n"
+ " private final List exports = new ArrayList<>();\n"
+ " private final List opens = new ArrayList<>();\n"
+ " private final List provides = new ArrayList<>();\n"
+ " private final ModuleElement moduleElement;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Parse the using the ModuleElement from the APContext and create a new instance\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public ModuleInfoReader() throws IOException {\n"
+ " this(APContext.getProjectModuleElement(), APContext.getModuleInfoReader());\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Parse a module-info and create a new instance\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @param moduleElement the element representing the root module\n"
+ " * @param reader a reader for the contents of the\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public ModuleInfoReader(ModuleElement moduleElement, BufferedReader reader) throws IOException {\n"
+ " this(moduleElement, reader.lines().collect(joining(\"\\n\")));\n"
+ " reader.close();\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Parse a module-info and create a new instance\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @param moduleElement the element representing the root module\n"
+ " * @param moduleString a string containing the contents of the\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public ModuleInfoReader(ModuleElement moduleElement, CharSequence moduleString) {\n"
+ " this.moduleElement = moduleElement;\n"
+ " var input = COMMENT_PATTERN.matcher(moduleString).replaceAll(\"\");\n"
+ " Matcher importMatcher = IMPORT_PATTERN.matcher(input);\n"
+ " Matcher requiresMatcher = REQUIRES_PATTERN.matcher(input);\n"
+ " Matcher providesMatcher = PROVIDES_PATTERN.matcher(input);\n"
+ " Matcher opensMatcher = OPENS_PATTERN.matcher(input);\n"
+ " Matcher exportsMatcher = EXPORTS_PATTERN.matcher(input);\n"
+ " Matcher usesMatcher = USES_PATTERN.matcher(input);\n"
+ "\n"
+ " while (requiresMatcher.find()) {\n"
+ " boolean transitive = != null;\n"
+ " boolean isStatic = != null;\n"
+ " String dep =;\n"
+ " requires.add(new Requires(APContext.elements().getModuleElement(dep), transitive, isStatic));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " while (opensMatcher.find()) {\n"
+ " String packageName =;\n"
+ " String targets =;\n"
+ " List openTargets =\n"
+ "\n"
+ " .map(APContext.elements()::getModuleElement)\n"
+ " .collect(toList());\n"
+ " opens.add(new Opens(moduleElement, packageName, openTargets));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " while (exportsMatcher.find()) {\n"
+ " String packageName =;\n"
+ " String targets =;\n"
+ " List exportTargets =\n"
+ "\n"
+ " .map(APContext.elements()::getModuleElement)\n"
+ " .collect(toList());\n"
+ " exports.add(new Exports(moduleElement, packageName, exportTargets));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " var imports = new ArrayList();\n"
+ "\n"
+ " while (importMatcher.find()) {\n"
+ " imports.add(;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " while (providesMatcher.find()) {\n"
+ " String providedInterface = resolveImport(imports,;\n"
+ " String implementationClasses =;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " List implementations =\n"
+ "\n"
+ " .map(s -> resolveImport(imports, s))\n"
+ " .collect(toList());\n"
+ " provides.add(new Provides(providedInterface, implementations));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " while (usesMatcher.find()) {\n"
+ " String usedInterface = resolveImport(imports,;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " uses.add(new Uses(usedInterface));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private String resolveImport(List imports, String providedInterface) {\n"
+ " return\n"
+ " .filter(s -> s.contains(providedInterface))\n"
+ " .findFirst()\n"
+ " .orElse(providedInterface)\n"
+ " .replaceAll(\"\\\\s\", \"\");\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Check to see whether the given module is on the module path as a non-static dependency\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @param moduleName\n"
+ " * @return whether the given module is on the path\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public boolean containsOnModulePath(String moduleName) {\n"
+ " if (requires.isEmpty()) {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " var surfaceCheck =\n"
+ "\n"
+ " .filter(r -> !r.isStatic)\n"
+ " .anyMatch(r -> r.dependency.getQualifiedName().contentEquals(moduleName));\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if (surfaceCheck) {\n"
+ " return true;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " var seen = new HashSet();\n"
+ " return requires.parallelStream()\n"
+ " .filter(r -> !r.isStatic)\n"
+ " .anyMatch(r -> hasNonStaticModule(moduleName, r.dependency, seen));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private boolean hasNonStaticModule(String name, ModuleElement element, Set seen) {\n"
+ " if (!seen.add(element.getQualifiedName().toString())) {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " var directives =\n"
+ " element.getDirectives().stream()\n"
+ " .filter(d -> d.getKind() == DirectiveKind.REQUIRES)\n"
+ " .map(RequiresDirective.class::cast)\n"
+ " .filter(r -> !r.isStatic())\n"
+ " .collect(toList());\n"
+ " if (directives.isEmpty()) {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " var surfaceCheck =\n"
+ " -> r.getDependency().getQualifiedName().contentEquals(name));\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if (surfaceCheck) {\n"
+ " return true;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " return -> hasNonStaticModule(name, r.getDependency(), seen));\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private String replace$(String k) {\n"
+ " return k.replace('$', '.');\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Checks whether the module-info has the defined provides directive and all their implementations\n"
+ " * Will register an error message compilation\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @param providesType the provides directive to check\n"
+ " * @param implementations the implementations to verify the presence of\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public void validateServices(String providesType, Collection implementations) {\n"
+ " if (buildPluginAvailable() || moduleElement.isUnnamed() || APContext.isTestCompilation()) {\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " var implSet = new TreeSet<>(implementations);\n"
+ " try (final var file =\n"
+ " APContext.filer()\n"
+ " .getResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, \"\", \"META-INF/services/\" + providesType)\n"
+ " .toUri()\n"
+ " .toURL()\n"
+ " .openStream();\n"
+ " final var buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(file)); ) {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " String line;\n"
+ " while ((line = buffer.readLine()) != null) {\n"
+ " line.replaceAll(\"\\\\s\", \"\").replace(\",\", \"\\n\").lines().forEach(implSet::add);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " } catch (Exception e) {\n"
+ " // not a critical error\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " final var missingImpls =$).filter(this::isSameModule).collect(toSet());\n"
+ "\n"
+ " provides()\n"
+ " .forEach(\n"
+ " p -> {\n"
+ " final var contract = replace$(providesType);\n"
+ " if (!providesType.equals(contract)) {\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " var impls = p.implementations();\n"
+ " if (missingImpls.size() > impls.size()) {\n"
+ " return;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "$).forEach(missingImpls::remove);\n"
+ " });\n"
+ "\n"
+ " if (!missingImpls.isEmpty()) {\n"
+ " var message =\", \"));\n"
+ "\n"
+ " APContext.logError(moduleElement, \"Missing `provides %s with %s;`\", providesType, message);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private boolean isSameModule(String type) {\n"
+ " var element = APContext.typeElement(type);\n"
+ " return element != null\n"
+ " && APContext.elements()\n"
+ " .getModuleOf(element)\n"
+ " .getSimpleName()\n"
+ " .contentEquals(moduleElement.getSimpleName());\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static boolean buildPluginAvailable() {\n"
+ " return isPresent(\"avaje-plugin-exists.txt\");\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private static boolean isPresent(String path) {\n"
+ " try {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " return APContext.getBuildResource(path).toFile().exists();\n"
+ " } catch (Exception e) {\n"
+ " return false;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** The requires directives associated with this module */\n"
+ " public List requires() {\n"
+ " return requires;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** The uses directives associated with this module */\n"
+ " public List uses() {\n"
+ " return uses;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** The exports directives associated with this module */\n"
+ " public List exports() {\n"
+ " return exports;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** The opens directives associated with this module */\n"
+ " public List opens() {\n"
+ " return opens;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** The provides directives associated with this module */\n"
+ " public List provides() {\n"
+ " return provides;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** A dependency of a module. */\n"
+ " public static class Requires {\n"
+ " private final ModuleElement dependency;\n"
+ " private final boolean isTransitive;\n"
+ " private final boolean isStatic;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " public Requires(ModuleElement dependency, boolean isTransitive, boolean isStatic) {\n"
+ " this.dependency = dependency;\n"
+ " this.isTransitive = isTransitive;\n"
+ " this.isStatic = isStatic;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return whether or not this is a static dependency} */\n"
+ " public boolean isStatic() {\n"
+ " return isStatic;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return whether or not this is a transitive dependency} */\n"
+ " public boolean isTransitive() {\n"
+ " return isTransitive;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the module that is required} */\n"
+ " public ModuleElement getDependency() {\n"
+ " return dependency;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** An implementation of a service provided by a module. */\n"
+ " public static class Provides {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private final String type;\n"
+ " private final List impls;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " public Provides(String type, List impls) {\n"
+ " this.type = type;\n"
+ " this.impls = impls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the service being provided} */\n"
+ " public String service() {\n"
+ " return type;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the implementations of the service being provided} */\n"
+ " public List implementations() {\n"
+ " return impls;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** A reference to a service used by a module. */\n"
+ " public static class Uses {\n"
+ " private final String service;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " public Uses(String usedInterface) {\n"
+ " this.service = usedInterface;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the service that is used} */\n"
+ " public String service() {\n"
+ " return service;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** An opened package of a module. */\n"
+ " public static class Opens {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private final ModuleElement parent;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private final String packageName;\n"
+ " private final List targets;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " public Opens(ModuleElement parent, String packageName, List targets) {\n"
+ " this.parent = parent;\n"
+ " this.packageName = packageName;\n"
+ " this.targets = targets.isEmpty() ? null : targets;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the name of the package being opened} */\n"
+ " public String packageName() {\n"
+ " return packageName;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the package being opened} */\n"
+ " public PackageElement getPackage() {\n"
+ " return APContext.elements().getPackageElement(parent, packageName);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Returns the specific modules to which the package is being open or {@code null}, if the\n"
+ " * package is open all modules which have readability to this module.\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @return the specific modules to which the package is being opened\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public List getTargetModules() {\n"
+ " return targets;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** An exported package of a module. */\n"
+ " public static class Exports {\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private final ModuleElement parent;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " private final String packageName;\n"
+ " private final List targets;\n"
+ "\n"
+ " public Exports(ModuleElement parent, String packageName, List targets) {\n"
+ " this.parent = parent;\n"
+ " this.packageName = packageName;\n"
+ " this.targets = targets.isEmpty() ? null : targets;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the name of the package being exported} */\n"
+ " public String packageName() {\n"
+ " return packageName;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /** {@return the package being exported} */\n"
+ " public PackageElement getPackage() {\n"
+ " return APContext.elements().getPackageElement(parent, packageName);\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "\n"
+ " /**\n"
+ " * Returns the specific modules to which the package is being exported, or {@code null}, if the\n"
+ " * package is exported to all modules which have readability to this module.\n"
+ " *\n"
+ " * @return the specific modules to which the package is being exported\n"
+ " */\n"
+ " public List getTargetModules() {\n"
+ " return targets;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}");