io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.ObjectManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) SSI Schaefer IT Solutions GmbH
package io.bdeploy.bhive.objects;
import static io.bdeploy.common.util.RuntimeAssert.assertNotNull;
import static io.bdeploy.common.util.RuntimeAssert.assertTrue;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFileAttributeView;
import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.google.common.cache.Cache;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.j256.simplemagic.ContentInfo;
import com.j256.simplemagic.ContentInfoInputStreamWrapper;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.model.Manifest;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.model.ObjectId;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.model.Tree;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.model.Tree.EntryType;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.model.Tree.Key;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.BlobView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.DamagedObjectView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.ElementView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.ManifestRefView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.MissingObjectView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.SkippedElementView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.TreeView;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.objects.view.scanner.TreeVisitor;
import io.bdeploy.bhive.util.StorageHelper;
import io.bdeploy.common.ActivityReporter;
import io.bdeploy.common.ActivityReporter.Activity;
import io.bdeploy.common.util.FutureHelper;
import io.bdeploy.common.util.PathHelper;
* Provides higher level operations on the {@link ObjectDatabase}.
public class ObjectManager {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObjectManager.class);
private final ObjectDatabase db;
private final ManifestDatabase mdb;
private final ActivityReporter reporter;
private final ExecutorService fileOps;
* A cache for Tree and ManifestRef objects which need to actually be loaded from disk for correct tree traversal.
* Assuming a max object size of ~1K, this cache would grow to ~10MB. The average object size is assumed to be less,
* but the calculation is defensive.
* For instance a TREE object contains approx. 70 bytes per entry. This means that a 1K tree can hold ~15 entries.
* The average for a representative large-scale sample application is ~7.
private final Cache objectCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(10_000).build();
* Creates a new {@link ObjectManager}. The manager itself has no state. It only
* provides operations on the underlying {@link ObjectDatabase}
* @param db the underlying {@link ObjectDatabase}.
* @param mdb the underlying {@link ManifestDatabase}, only used for
* manifest reference lookup.
* @param reporter used to report long running operations
* @param fileOps used to parallelize file operations.
public ObjectManager(ObjectDatabase db, ManifestDatabase mdb, ActivityReporter reporter, ExecutorService fileOps) {
this.db = db;
this.mdb = mdb;
this.reporter = reporter;
this.fileOps = fileOps;
* Import a {@link Path} recursively into the underlying {@link ObjectDatabase}.
* @param location the location to import recursively
* @param skipEmpty whether to skip empty directories
* @return the {@link ObjectId} of the resulting {@link Tree}.
public ObjectId importTree(Path location, boolean skipEmpty) {
Activity importing = reporter.start("Importing Files", 0);
try {
ObjectId result = internalImportTree(location, importing, skipEmpty);
// null in case the complete tree is empty (skipped).
if (result == null) {
// we never want to return null, but rather an empty root in case *everything* is empty.
return insertTree(new Tree.Builder().build());
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot import " + location, e);
} finally {
* Recursively import a tree, parallelizing imports on the same path levels.
* @param skipEmpty
private ObjectId internalImportTree(Path location, Activity importing, boolean skipEmpty) throws IOException {
Tree.Builder tree = new Tree.Builder();
List> filesOnLevel = new ArrayList<>();
try (DirectoryStream list = Files.newDirectoryStream(location)) {
for (Path path : list) {
if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {
try {
if (skipEmpty && PathHelper.isDirEmpty(path)) {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
log.warn("Cannot check if directory is empty: {}", path, e);
// recursively calculate ObjectId from sub-tree.
ObjectId imported = internalImportTree(path, importing, skipEmpty);
// can be null in case only empty directories are found recursively.
if (imported != null) {
tree.add(new Tree.Key(path.getFileName().toString(), Tree.EntryType.TREE), imported);
} else {
// insert an actual file into the tree.
filesOnLevel.add(fileOps.submit(() -> {
try {
// store in tree after importing.
tree.add(new Tree.Key(path.getFileName().toString(), Tree.EntryType.BLOB), db.addObject(path));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("cannot insert object from: " + path, e);
// wait for all files on this level.
// insert the tree into the db and return its ObjectId.
// if nothing was imported, return null
if (tree.isEmpty() && skipEmpty) {
return null;
return insertTree(tree.build());
* Exports a given tree (by {@link ObjectId}) to the given location, which must
* not exist yet.
* @param tree the {@link ObjectId} of the {@link Tree} to write
* @param location the target {@link Path} to create
* @param handler a custom reference handler which takes care of references. If not set, the default will be used (inline
* export of manifest reference in place).
public void exportTree(ObjectId tree, Path location, ReferenceHandler handler) {
if (handler == null) {
handler = new DefaultReferenceHandler(this);
try {
if (PathHelper.exists(location)) {
try (Stream list = Files.list(location)) {
if (list.findAny().isPresent()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Location must not exist or be empty: " + location);
// anyway we must delete the target location if it is empty, so we can rename the result to the
// target name after writing retryably.
Path tempLocation = location.toAbsolutePath().getParent().resolve(location.getFileName().toString() + ".xtmp");
// unfortunately there is no better way to detect a 'ZipPath' as the class is not accessible directly.
if (tempLocation.getClass().getSimpleName().contains("Zip")) {
// for ZIPs, don't use the temp location.
tempLocation = location;
if (PathHelper.exists(tempLocation)) {
AtomicLong fileCount = new AtomicLong(0);
TreeView view = scan(tree, Integer.MAX_VALUE, true);
view.visit(new TreeVisitor.Builder().onTree(x -> {
return true;
Activity exporting = reporter.start("Exporting Files", fileCount.get());
try {
internalExportTree(tree, tempLocation, tree, tempLocation, exporting, handler);
PathHelper.moveRetry(tempLocation, location, StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
} catch (Throwable t) {
try {
if (PathHelper.exists(tempLocation)) {
} catch (Throwable it) {
throw t;
} finally {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot export to " + location, e);
* Recursively export tree to target location.
private void internalExportTree(ObjectId tree, Path topLevel, ObjectId topLevelTree, Path location, Activity exporting,
ReferenceHandler handler) throws IOException {
Tree t;
try {
t = loadObject(tree, is -> StorageHelper.fromStream(is, Tree.class));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load tree for path " + location, e);
List> filesOnLevel = new ArrayList<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : t.getChildren().entrySet()) {
ObjectId obj = entry.getValue();
Tree.Key key = entry.getKey();
Path child = location.resolve(key.getName());
switch (key.getType()) {
case BLOB:
filesOnLevel.add(fileOps.submit(() -> {
try {
internalExportBlobByCopy(obj, child);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot export BLOB to " + child, e);
} finally {
handler.onReference(location, key, lookupManifestRef(obj));
case TREE:
internalExportTree(obj, topLevel, topLevelTree, child, exporting, handler);
// wait for all files before going up one level.
private void internalExportBlobByCopy(ObjectId obj, Path child) {
// fallback only: create copy of file. determine content type as we go.
try (ContentInfoInputStreamWrapper is = new ContentInfoInputStreamWrapper(db.getStream(obj),
PathHelper.getContentInfoUtil())) {
ObjectId finalId = ObjectId.createByCopy(is, child);
if (!finalId.equals(obj)) {
// not good - object in DB seems corrupt.
throw new IOException("BLOB corruption: " + obj + " (is " + finalId + "), run FSCK");
setExecutable(child, is.findMatch());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot export " + obj + " to " + child, ioe);
* Sets attributes to make a file executable if required.
* @param child {@link Path} to the file to check
* @param hint a potential pre-calculated {@link ContentInfo}
private static void setExecutable(Path child, ContentInfo hint) throws IOException {
PosixFileAttributeView view = PathHelper.getPosixView(child);
if (view != null) {
hint = PathHelper.getContentInfo(child, hint);
if (hint == null) {
if (PathHelper.isExecutable(hint)) {
Set perms = view.readAttributes().permissions();
* Create a traversable snapshot of the given {@link Tree} state up to a given maximum depth.
* In case the root tree is damaged, it is wrapped in a dummy {@link TreeView} with a null
{@link ObjectId}.
* @param tree the root tree to scan
* @param maxDepth maximum scan depth. A depth of 1 will include only direct children at the root level, and so on.
public TreeView scan(ObjectId tree, int maxDepth, boolean followReferences) {
ElementView ev;
if (db.hasObject(tree)) {
ev = scan(tree, EntryType.TREE, new ArrayDeque<>(), maxDepth, followReferences);
} else {
ev = new DamagedObjectView(tree, EntryType.TREE, Collections.singletonList("/"));
if (ev instanceof TreeView) {
return (TreeView) ev;
// wrap in dummy tree to allow type assumption. this happens if the root tree is already missing.
TreeView tv = new TreeView(null, Collections.emptyList());
return tv;
private ElementView scan(ObjectId object, EntryType type, Deque path, int maxDepth, boolean followReferences) {
// include blobs anyway, only skip following trees
if (type != EntryType.BLOB && path.size() >= maxDepth) {
return new SkippedElementView(object, path);
if (!db.hasObject(object)) {
return new MissingObjectView(object, type, path);
switch (type) {
case BLOB:
return new BlobView(object, path);
Manifest mf = lookupManifestRef(object);
if (mf == null) {
return new MissingObjectView(object, type, path);
ManifestRefView mrs = new ManifestRefView(object, mf.getKey(), mf.getRoot(), path);
if (!followReferences) {
mrs.addChild(new SkippedElementView(mf.getRoot(), path));
return mrs;
if (!db.hasObject(mf.getRoot())) {
mrs.addChild(new MissingObjectView(mf.getRoot(), EntryType.TREE, path));
return mrs;
try {
Tree mrt = loadObject(mf.getRoot(), is -> StorageHelper.fromStream(is, Tree.class));
scanChildren(mrs, mrt, path, maxDepth, followReferences);
} catch (Exception e) {
mrs.addChild(new DamagedObjectView(mf.getRoot(), type, path));
return mrs;
case TREE:
try {
Tree t = loadObject(object, is -> StorageHelper.fromStream(is, Tree.class));
TreeView ts = new TreeView(object, path);
scanChildren(ts, t, path, maxDepth, followReferences);
return ts;
} catch (Exception e) {
return new DamagedObjectView(object, EntryType.TREE, path);
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported object type: " + type);
private void scanChildren(TreeView container, Tree tree, Deque path, int maxDepth, boolean followReferences) {
for (Entry entry : tree.getChildren().entrySet()) {
container.addChild(scan(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey().getType(), path, maxDepth, followReferences));
* @param tree the root tree to resolve from
* @param path the path in the tree to resolve
* @return an {@link InputStream} to the file denoted by the path.
* @throws IOException
public InputStream getStreamForRelativePath(ObjectId tree, String... path) throws IOException {
Tree t = loadObject(tree, is -> StorageHelper.fromStream(is, Tree.class));
if (path.length > 1) {
// must be tree or manifest - skip to next tree
ObjectId subTree = getSubTreeForName(t, path[0]);
assertNotNull(subTree, "Cannot find TREE: " + path[0]);
assertTrue(db.hasObject(subTree), "Missing TREE: " + subTree);
return getStreamForRelativePath(subTree, Arrays.copyOfRange(path, 1, path.length));
} else {
// must be blob
ObjectId id = t.getChildren().get(new Tree.Key(path[0], EntryType.BLOB));
assertNotNull(id, "Cannot find BLOB: " + path[0]);
assertTrue(db.hasObject(id), "Missing BLOB: " + id);
return db.getStream(id);
private ObjectId getSubTreeForName(Tree t, String name) {
return t.getChildren().entrySet().stream().filter(e -> e.getKey().getName().equals(name)).map(e -> {
switch (e.getKey().getType()) {
Manifest m = lookupManifestRef(e.getValue());
return m.getRoot();
case TREE:
return e.getValue();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + " is not a sub-tree");
* When reading a {@link Tree}, on encountering a {@link EntryType#MANIFEST},
* this method will convert the stored {@link ObjectId} to the root of the
* referenced manifest.
* The stored object in the {@link ObjectDatabase} must contain the serialized
* {@link Manifest.Key}.
* @param manifestRef
* @return
private Manifest lookupManifestRef(ObjectId manifestRef) {
try (InputStream is = db.getStream(manifestRef)) {
Manifest.Key key = StorageHelper.fromStream(is, Manifest.Key.class);
if (!mdb.hasManifest(key)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Referenced manifest not found: " + key);
return mdb.getManifest(key);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot lookup manifest reference", e);
* Inserts an object into the database which can be used to reference a
* {@link Manifest} in a {@link Tree} using {@link EntryType#MANIFEST}.
public ObjectId insertManifestReference(Manifest.Key key) {
try {
return db.addObject(StorageHelper.toRawBytes(key));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot insert manifest reference", e);
* Inserts a {@link Tree} object into the database and returns its
* {@link ObjectId}, which can be used to build further {@link Tree} or as root
* reference for a {@link Manifest}.
public ObjectId insertTree(Tree tree) {
try {
return db.addObject(StorageHelper.toRawBytes(tree));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot insert tree", e);
* Checks whether a given {@link ObjectId}s backing file store is OK. In case it
* is not, the broken file is removed from the store!
* @param id the {@link ObjectId} to check
* @param remove whether to remove broken objects
* @return whether the stored object in the database is OK.
public boolean checkObject(ObjectId id, boolean remove) {
try {
boolean ok = db.checkObject(id);
if (!ok && remove) {
return ok;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot check object consistency on " + id, e);
* Load an object from the database into memory using the given loader. Helper
* to avoid ugly stream handling code in business logic.
* @param id the {@link ObjectId} to load
* @param loader the loader to use.
* @return the loaded object.
private T loadObject(ObjectId id, Function loader) {
try {
return (T) objectCache.get(id, () -> {
try (InputStream is = db.getStream(id)) {
return loader.apply(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load object " + id, e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load object into cache: " + id, e);
* Perform an operation on the actual underlying object database.
public T db(DbCallable c) {
try {
return c.call(db);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot perform DB operation", e);
* Invalidates all cached data.
public void invalidateCaches() {
* Used for modifying operations on the DB.
public interface DbCallable {
public R call(ObjectDatabase db) throws IOException;