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io.bigdime.handler.json.JsonMapperHandler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 Stubhub.
package io.bigdime.handler.json;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;
import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import io.bigdime.alert.LoggerFactory;
import io.bigdime.core.ActionEvent;
import io.bigdime.core.ActionEvent.Status;
import io.bigdime.core.AdaptorConfigurationException;
import io.bigdime.core.HandlerException;
import io.bigdime.core.InvalidValueConfigurationException;
import io.bigdime.core.commons.AdaptorLogger;
import io.bigdime.core.commons.JsonHelper;
import io.bigdime.core.commons.PropertyHelper;
import io.bigdime.core.commons.TimeManager;
import io.bigdime.core.config.AdaptorConfig;
import io.bigdime.core.config.AdaptorConfigConstants;
import io.bigdime.core.constants.ActionEventHeaderConstants;
import io.bigdime.core.handler.AbstractHandler;
import io.bigdime.core.handler.HandlerJournal;
import io.bigdime.core.handler.SimpleJournal;
import io.bigdime.core.runtimeinfo.RuntimeInfo;
import io.bigdime.core.runtimeinfo.RuntimeInfoStore;
import io.bigdime.core.runtimeinfo.RuntimeInfoStoreException;
import io.bigdime.handler.kafka.KafkaInputDescriptor;
* A handler that receives the Json document, and read relevant fields , optionally,
* submits to channel.
* user's want to use this handler can optionally set these values(timestamp/partition_name) to the adaptor.json
* {partition_name : "account"}
* { timestamp : "timestamp"}
* these property values used on the input message,retrieve the corresponding value from the Json
* and add the values to the action header for downstream to consume.
* @author mnamburi
public class JsonMapperHandler extends AbstractHandler {
private static final AdaptorLogger logger = new AdaptorLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonMapperHandler.class));
private static final String rowSeparatedBy = "\n";
private static final String TIME_STAMP = "timestamp";
private static final String PARTITION_NAME = "partition_name";
private String timestamp;
private String partition_name;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private String partition_dt = null;
private String partition_hour = null;
private JsonHelper jsonHelper;
* Each instance of handler reads from exactly one topic:partition.
private RuntimeInfoStore runtimeInfoStore;
private static final String DF = "yyyyMMdd";
private static final String HOUR_FORMAT = "HH";
private static final String TIMESTAMP = "DT";
private static final String HOUR = "HOUR";
private static final DateTimeZone timeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("UTC");
private static final DateTimeFormatter hourFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(HOUR_FORMAT).withZone(timeZone);
private static final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DF).withZone(timeZone);
private TimeManager timeManager = TimeManager.getInstance();
private KafkaInputDescriptor inputDescriptor;
private String handlerPhase;
private static final String SKIP_VALIDATIONS = "skip-validations";
private boolean skipValidations = false;
public void build() throws AdaptorConfigurationException {;
handlerPhase = "building Json MapperHandler";
timestamp = PropertyHelper.getStringProperty(getPropertyMap(), TIME_STAMP);
partition_name = PropertyHelper.getStringProperty(getPropertyMap(), PARTITION_NAME);
skipValidations = PropertyHelper.getBooleanProperty(getPropertyMap(), SKIP_VALIDATIONS);
objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
Entry srcDescInputs = (Entry) getPropertyMap().get(AdaptorConfigConstants.SourceConfigConstants.SRC_DESC);
Map inputMetadata = (Map) srcDescInputs.getKey();
inputDescriptor = new KafkaInputDescriptor();
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new InvalidValueConfigurationException(
"incorrect value specified in src-desc "+ ex.getMessage());
try {
assginPartitionsFromRunTimeInfo(inputDescriptor.getEntityName(), String.valueOf(inputDescriptor.getPartition()));
} catch (RuntimeInfoStoreException e) {
throw new AdaptorConfigurationException(e);
logger.debug("building handler", handlerPhase+"timestamp={} partition_name={}",timestamp,partition_name);
public KafkaInputDescriptor getInputDescriptor(){
return inputDescriptor;
* get run time information from the metastore
* if the data is not available in the metastore, return the -1 says the is need to be processed from the earliest offset information.
* otherwise process the data where is is left off.
* @param entityName
* @param descriptor
* @param offsetPropertyName
* @return
protected void assginPartitionsFromRunTimeInfo(final String entityName, final String descriptor)
throws RuntimeInfoStoreException {
RuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = runtimeInfoStore.get(AdaptorConfig.getInstance().getName(), entityName,descriptor);
if (runtimeInfo != null && runtimeInfo.getProperties() != null) {
partition_dt = runtimeInfo.getProperties().get(TIMESTAMP);
partition_hour = runtimeInfo.getProperties().get(HOUR);
logger.debug("proessing handler", "MessageOffsetFromRuntimeInfo from runtime account={} date={} hour={}",
* Picks up the events from handler context and processes them. If there is
* no data in the list set on context, an {@link IllegalArgumentException}
* is thrown.
* @formatter:off
* if (anything in journal)
* process from journal
* else
* process from context
* @return {@link Status#READY} if there was only one event in the input
* list. Returns {@link Status#CALLBACK} if there were more than one
* events available in the list.
* @throws HandlerException
* @formatter:on
public Status process() throws HandlerException {
logger.debug("processing handler", "processing jsonmapper handler");
if (getSimpleJournal().getEventList() != null && !getSimpleJournal().getEventList().isEmpty()) {
// process for CALLBACK status.
* @formatter:off
* Get the list from journal
* remove one from the list
* submit to channel if needed
* set one in context
* if more available in journal list, return CALLBACK
* @formatter:on
List actionEvents = getSimpleJournal().getEventList();
logger.debug("process JsonMapperHandler", "_message=\"journal not empty\" list_size={}",
return processIt(actionEvents);
} else {
// process for ready status.
* @formatter:off
* Get the list from context
* remove one from the list
* submit to channel if needed
* set one in context
* if more available in context list, return CALLBACK
* @formatter:on
List actionEvents = getHandlerContext().getEventList();
logger.debug("process JsonMapperHandler",
"_message=\"journal empty, will process from context\" actionEvents={}", actionEvents);
"eventList in HandlerContext must contain at least one ActionEvent");
return processIt(actionEvents);
* if the partition changed, it will set a flag says the validations to be performed.
* very first time when there is no data in the system, it will say VALIDATION_READY = false;
* date = 2016-01-01 hour = 01 totalRecords = 1
* date = 2016-01-01 hour = 02 totalRecords = 10
* date = 2016-01-01 hour = 03 totalRecords = 10
* date = 2016-01-01 hour = 04 totalRecords = 5
* date = 2016-01-02 hour = 01 totalRecords = 10
* @param accountName
* @param hour
* @param date
* @return
public boolean isValidationReady(String date,String hour){
boolean validationReady = false;
if(partition_hour == null || partition_dt == null ){
partition_dt = date;
partition_hour = hour;
} else if(!partition_hour.equalsIgnoreCase(hour) ||
partition_dt = date;
partition_hour = hour;
validationReady = true;
return validationReady;
private Status processIt(List actionEvents) throws HandlerException {
Status statusToReturn = Status.READY;
String dt = null;
String hour = null;
DateTime dateTime = null;
try {
ActionEvent actionEvent = actionEvents.remove(0);
JsonNode jsonDocument = objectMapper.readTree(actionEvent.getBody());
try {
ObjectNode s = jsonHelper.find(jsonDocument, timestamp);
Object serverTimestamp = jsonHelper.getRequiredProperty(s, timestamp);
if(serverTimestamp instanceof String){
dateTime = new DateTime(serverTimestamp, timeZone);
if(serverTimestamp instanceof Long){
dateTime = new DateTime(((Long) serverTimestamp).longValue(), timeZone);
dt = formatter.print(dateTime);
hour = hourFormatter.print(dateTime);
logger.debug(handlerPhase, "formatted date from message is: {} ", dt);
actionEvent.getHeaders().put(TIMESTAMP, dt);
actionEvent.getHeaders().put(HOUR, hour);
} catch (Exception e) {
DateTime localTime = timeManager.getLocalDateTime();
dt = timeManager.format(TimeManager.FORMAT_YYYYMMDD, localTime);
hour = hourFormatter.print(localTime);
actionEvent.getHeaders().put(TIMESTAMP, dt);
actionEvent.getHeaders().put(HOUR, hour);
logger.warn("process JsonMapperHandler",
"_message=\"timestamp not found in the Json \" timestamp={} error={}", timestamp,e.getMessage());
actionEvent.getHeaders().put(ActionEventHeaderConstants.VALIDATION_READY, Boolean.FALSE.toString());
} else{
actionEvent.getHeaders().put(ActionEventHeaderConstants.VALIDATION_READY, Boolean.TRUE.toString());
* Check for outputChannel map. get the eventList of channels. check
* the criteria and put the message.
if (getOutputChannel() != null) {
if (!actionEvents.isEmpty()) {
statusToReturn = Status.CALLBACK;
} else {
statusToReturn = Status.READY;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HandlerException("unable to parse json document", e);
return statusToReturn;
private HandlerJournal getSimpleJournal() throws HandlerException {
HandlerJournal simpleJournal = getNonNullJournal(SimpleJournal.class);
return simpleJournal;