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* The Push service is complementary to the Fetch, and allows for
* associating contents of URLs to be returned in future Fetch API calls.
* As with other services in the Remote Execution API, any call may return an
* error with a [RetryInfo][google.rpc.RetryInfo] error detail providing
* information about when the client should retry the request; clients SHOULD
* respect the information provided.
value = "by gRPC proto compiler (version 1.65.0)",
comments = "Source: build/bazel/remote/asset/v1/remote_asset.proto")
public final class PushGrpc {
private PushGrpc() {}
public static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME = "build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Push";
// Static method descriptors that strictly reflect the proto.
private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPushBlobMethod;
fullMethodName = SERVICE_NAME + '/' + "PushBlob",
requestType = build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.class,
responseType = build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobResponse.class,
methodType = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY)
public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPushBlobMethod() {
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPushBlobMethod;
if ((getPushBlobMethod = PushGrpc.getPushBlobMethod) == null) {
synchronized (PushGrpc.class) {
if ((getPushBlobMethod = PushGrpc.getPushBlobMethod) == null) {
PushGrpc.getPushBlobMethod = getPushBlobMethod =
.setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName(SERVICE_NAME, "PushBlob"))
.setSchemaDescriptor(new PushMethodDescriptorSupplier("PushBlob"))
return getPushBlobMethod;
private static volatile io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPushDirectoryMethod;
fullMethodName = SERVICE_NAME + '/' + "PushDirectory",
requestType = build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryRequest.class,
responseType = build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryResponse.class,
methodType = io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.MethodType.UNARY)
public static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPushDirectoryMethod() {
io.grpc.MethodDescriptor getPushDirectoryMethod;
if ((getPushDirectoryMethod = PushGrpc.getPushDirectoryMethod) == null) {
synchronized (PushGrpc.class) {
if ((getPushDirectoryMethod = PushGrpc.getPushDirectoryMethod) == null) {
PushGrpc.getPushDirectoryMethod = getPushDirectoryMethod =
.setFullMethodName(generateFullMethodName(SERVICE_NAME, "PushDirectory"))
.setSchemaDescriptor(new PushMethodDescriptorSupplier("PushDirectory"))
return getPushDirectoryMethod;
* Creates a new async stub that supports all call types for the service
public static PushStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel) {
io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory factory =
new io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory() {
public PushStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
return new PushStub(channel, callOptions);
return PushStub.newStub(factory, channel);
* Creates a new blocking-style stub that supports unary and streaming output calls on the service
public static PushBlockingStub newBlockingStub(
io.grpc.Channel channel) {
io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory factory =
new io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory() {
public PushBlockingStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
return new PushBlockingStub(channel, callOptions);
return PushBlockingStub.newStub(factory, channel);
* Creates a new ListenableFuture-style stub that supports unary calls on the service
public static PushFutureStub newFutureStub(
io.grpc.Channel channel) {
io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory factory =
new io.grpc.stub.AbstractStub.StubFactory() {
public PushFutureStub newStub(io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
return new PushFutureStub(channel, callOptions);
return PushFutureStub.newStub(factory, channel);
* The Push service is complementary to the Fetch, and allows for
* associating contents of URLs to be returned in future Fetch API calls.
* As with other services in the Remote Execution API, any call may return an
* error with a [RetryInfo][google.rpc.RetryInfo] error detail providing
* information about when the client should retry the request; clients SHOULD
* respect the information provided.
public interface AsyncService {
* These APIs associate the identifying information of a resource, as
* indicated by URI and optionally Qualifiers, with content available in the
* CAS. For example, associating a repository url and a commit id with a
* Directory Digest.
* Servers *SHOULD* only allow trusted clients to associate content, and *MAY*
* only allow certain URIs to be pushed.
* Clients *MUST* ensure associated content is available in CAS prior to
* pushing.
* Clients *MUST* ensure the Qualifiers listed correctly match the contents,
* and Servers *MAY* trust these values without validation.
* Fetch servers *MAY* require exact match of all qualifiers when returning
* content previously pushed, or allow fetching content with only a subset of
* the qualifiers specified on Push.
* Clients can specify expiration information that the server *SHOULD*
* respect. Subsequent requests can be used to alter the expiration time.
* A minimal compliant Fetch implementation may support only Push'd content
* and return `NOT_FOUND` for any resource that was not pushed first.
* Alternatively, a compliant implementation may choose to not support Push
* and only return resources that can be Fetch'd from origin.
* Errors will be returned as gRPC Status errors.
* The possible RPC errors include:
* * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: One or more arguments to the RPC were invalid.
* * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient quota of some resource to
* perform the requested operation. The client may retry after a delay.
* * `UNAVAILABLE`: Due to a transient condition the operation could not be
* completed. The client should retry.
* * `INTERNAL`: An internal error occurred while performing the operation.
* The client should retry.
default void pushBlob(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getPushBlobMethod(), responseObserver);
default void pushDirectory(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryRequest request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getPushDirectoryMethod(), responseObserver);
* Base class for the server implementation of the service Push.
* The Push service is complementary to the Fetch, and allows for
* associating contents of URLs to be returned in future Fetch API calls.
* As with other services in the Remote Execution API, any call may return an
* error with a [RetryInfo][google.rpc.RetryInfo] error detail providing
* information about when the client should retry the request; clients SHOULD
* respect the information provided.
public static abstract class PushImplBase
implements io.grpc.BindableService, AsyncService {
@java.lang.Override public final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService() {
return PushGrpc.bindService(this);
* A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service Push.
* The Push service is complementary to the Fetch, and allows for
* associating contents of URLs to be returned in future Fetch API calls.
* As with other services in the Remote Execution API, any call may return an
* error with a [RetryInfo][google.rpc.RetryInfo] error detail providing
* information about when the client should retry the request; clients SHOULD
* respect the information provided.
public static final class PushStub
extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractAsyncStub {
private PushStub(
io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
super(channel, callOptions);
protected PushStub build(
io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
return new PushStub(channel, callOptions);
* These APIs associate the identifying information of a resource, as
* indicated by URI and optionally Qualifiers, with content available in the
* CAS. For example, associating a repository url and a commit id with a
* Directory Digest.
* Servers *SHOULD* only allow trusted clients to associate content, and *MAY*
* only allow certain URIs to be pushed.
* Clients *MUST* ensure associated content is available in CAS prior to
* pushing.
* Clients *MUST* ensure the Qualifiers listed correctly match the contents,
* and Servers *MAY* trust these values without validation.
* Fetch servers *MAY* require exact match of all qualifiers when returning
* content previously pushed, or allow fetching content with only a subset of
* the qualifiers specified on Push.
* Clients can specify expiration information that the server *SHOULD*
* respect. Subsequent requests can be used to alter the expiration time.
* A minimal compliant Fetch implementation may support only Push'd content
* and return `NOT_FOUND` for any resource that was not pushed first.
* Alternatively, a compliant implementation may choose to not support Push
* and only return resources that can be Fetch'd from origin.
* Errors will be returned as gRPC Status errors.
* The possible RPC errors include:
* * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: One or more arguments to the RPC were invalid.
* * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient quota of some resource to
* perform the requested operation. The client may retry after a delay.
* * `UNAVAILABLE`: Due to a transient condition the operation could not be
* completed. The client should retry.
* * `INTERNAL`: An internal error occurred while performing the operation.
* The client should retry.
public void pushBlob(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
getChannel().newCall(getPushBlobMethod(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver);
public void pushDirectory(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryRequest request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
getChannel().newCall(getPushDirectoryMethod(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver);
* A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service Push.
* The Push service is complementary to the Fetch, and allows for
* associating contents of URLs to be returned in future Fetch API calls.
* As with other services in the Remote Execution API, any call may return an
* error with a [RetryInfo][google.rpc.RetryInfo] error detail providing
* information about when the client should retry the request; clients SHOULD
* respect the information provided.
public static final class PushBlockingStub
extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractBlockingStub {
private PushBlockingStub(
io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
super(channel, callOptions);
protected PushBlockingStub build(
io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
return new PushBlockingStub(channel, callOptions);
* These APIs associate the identifying information of a resource, as
* indicated by URI and optionally Qualifiers, with content available in the
* CAS. For example, associating a repository url and a commit id with a
* Directory Digest.
* Servers *SHOULD* only allow trusted clients to associate content, and *MAY*
* only allow certain URIs to be pushed.
* Clients *MUST* ensure associated content is available in CAS prior to
* pushing.
* Clients *MUST* ensure the Qualifiers listed correctly match the contents,
* and Servers *MAY* trust these values without validation.
* Fetch servers *MAY* require exact match of all qualifiers when returning
* content previously pushed, or allow fetching content with only a subset of
* the qualifiers specified on Push.
* Clients can specify expiration information that the server *SHOULD*
* respect. Subsequent requests can be used to alter the expiration time.
* A minimal compliant Fetch implementation may support only Push'd content
* and return `NOT_FOUND` for any resource that was not pushed first.
* Alternatively, a compliant implementation may choose to not support Push
* and only return resources that can be Fetch'd from origin.
* Errors will be returned as gRPC Status errors.
* The possible RPC errors include:
* * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: One or more arguments to the RPC were invalid.
* * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient quota of some resource to
* perform the requested operation. The client may retry after a delay.
* * `UNAVAILABLE`: Due to a transient condition the operation could not be
* completed. The client should retry.
* * `INTERNAL`: An internal error occurred while performing the operation.
* The client should retry.
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobResponse pushBlob(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest request) {
return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall(
getChannel(), getPushBlobMethod(), getCallOptions(), request);
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryResponse pushDirectory(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryRequest request) {
return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall(
getChannel(), getPushDirectoryMethod(), getCallOptions(), request);
* A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service Push.
* The Push service is complementary to the Fetch, and allows for
* associating contents of URLs to be returned in future Fetch API calls.
* As with other services in the Remote Execution API, any call may return an
* error with a [RetryInfo][google.rpc.RetryInfo] error detail providing
* information about when the client should retry the request; clients SHOULD
* respect the information provided.
public static final class PushFutureStub
extends io.grpc.stub.AbstractFutureStub {
private PushFutureStub(
io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
super(channel, callOptions);
protected PushFutureStub build(
io.grpc.Channel channel, io.grpc.CallOptions callOptions) {
return new PushFutureStub(channel, callOptions);
* These APIs associate the identifying information of a resource, as
* indicated by URI and optionally Qualifiers, with content available in the
* CAS. For example, associating a repository url and a commit id with a
* Directory Digest.
* Servers *SHOULD* only allow trusted clients to associate content, and *MAY*
* only allow certain URIs to be pushed.
* Clients *MUST* ensure associated content is available in CAS prior to
* pushing.
* Clients *MUST* ensure the Qualifiers listed correctly match the contents,
* and Servers *MAY* trust these values without validation.
* Fetch servers *MAY* require exact match of all qualifiers when returning
* content previously pushed, or allow fetching content with only a subset of
* the qualifiers specified on Push.
* Clients can specify expiration information that the server *SHOULD*
* respect. Subsequent requests can be used to alter the expiration time.
* A minimal compliant Fetch implementation may support only Push'd content
* and return `NOT_FOUND` for any resource that was not pushed first.
* Alternatively, a compliant implementation may choose to not support Push
* and only return resources that can be Fetch'd from origin.
* Errors will be returned as gRPC Status errors.
* The possible RPC errors include:
* * `INVALID_ARGUMENT`: One or more arguments to the RPC were invalid.
* * `RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED`: There is insufficient quota of some resource to
* perform the requested operation. The client may retry after a delay.
* * `UNAVAILABLE`: Due to a transient condition the operation could not be
* completed. The client should retry.
* * `INTERNAL`: An internal error occurred while performing the operation.
* The client should retry.
public pushBlob(
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest request) {
return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall(
getChannel().newCall(getPushBlobMethod(), getCallOptions()), request);
public pushDirectory(
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryRequest request) {
return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall(
getChannel().newCall(getPushDirectoryMethod(), getCallOptions()), request);
private static final int METHODID_PUSH_BLOB = 0;
private static final int METHODID_PUSH_DIRECTORY = 1;
private static final class MethodHandlers implements
io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.BidiStreamingMethod {
private final AsyncService serviceImpl;
private final int methodId;
MethodHandlers(AsyncService serviceImpl, int methodId) {
this.serviceImpl = serviceImpl;
this.methodId = methodId;
public void invoke(Req request, io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
switch (methodId) {
serviceImpl.pushBlob((build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest) request,
(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver);
serviceImpl.pushDirectory((build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushDirectoryRequest) request,
(io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver) responseObserver);
throw new AssertionError();
public io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver invoke(
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver responseObserver) {
switch (methodId) {
throw new AssertionError();
public static final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService(AsyncService service) {
return io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition.builder(getServiceDescriptor())
new MethodHandlers<
new MethodHandlers<
private static abstract class PushBaseDescriptorSupplier
implements io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoFileDescriptorSupplier, io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoServiceDescriptorSupplier {
PushBaseDescriptorSupplier() {}
public getFileDescriptor() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.RemoteAssetProto.getDescriptor();
public getServiceDescriptor() {
return getFileDescriptor().findServiceByName("Push");
private static final class PushFileDescriptorSupplier
extends PushBaseDescriptorSupplier {
PushFileDescriptorSupplier() {}
private static final class PushMethodDescriptorSupplier
extends PushBaseDescriptorSupplier
implements io.grpc.protobuf.ProtoMethodDescriptorSupplier {
private final java.lang.String methodName;
PushMethodDescriptorSupplier(java.lang.String methodName) {
this.methodName = methodName;
public getMethodDescriptor() {
return getServiceDescriptor().findMethodByName(methodName);
private static volatile io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor serviceDescriptor;
public static io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor getServiceDescriptor() {
io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor result = serviceDescriptor;
if (result == null) {
synchronized (PushGrpc.class) {
result = serviceDescriptor;
if (result == null) {
serviceDescriptor = result = io.grpc.ServiceDescriptor.newBuilder(SERVICE_NAME)
.setSchemaDescriptor(new PushFileDescriptorSupplier())
return result;