brooklyn.util.config.ConfigBag Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package brooklyn.util.config;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey;
import brooklyn.config.ConfigKey.HasConfigKey;
import brooklyn.util.flags.TypeCoercions;
* Stores config in such a way that usage can be tracked.
* Either {@link ConfigKey} or {@link String} keys can be inserted;
* they will be stored internally as strings.
* It is recommended to use {@link ConfigKey} instances to access,
* although in some cases (such as setting fields from flags, or copying a map)
* it may be necessary to mark things as used, or put, when only a string key is available.
* @author alex
public class ConfigBag {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigBag.class);
/** an immutable, empty ConfigBag */
public static final ConfigBag EMPTY = new ConfigBag().setDescription("immutable empty config bag").seal();
protected String description;
private Map config = new LinkedHashMap();
private Map unusedConfig = new LinkedHashMap();
private boolean sealed = false;
/** creates a new ConfigBag instance, empty and ready for population */
public static ConfigBag newInstance() {
return new ConfigBag();
public static ConfigBag newInstance(Map, ?> config) {
ConfigBag result = new ConfigBag();
return result;
/** creates a new ConfigBag instance which includes all of the supplied ConfigBag's values,
* but which tracks usage separately (already used values are marked as such,
* but uses in the original set will not be marked here, and vice versa) */
public static ConfigBag newInstanceCopying(final ConfigBag configBag) {
return new ConfigBag().copy(configBag).setDescription(configBag.getDescription());
/** creates a new ConfigBag instance which includes all of the supplied ConfigBag's values,
* plus an additional set of <ConfigKey,Object> or <String,Object> pairs
* values from the original set which are used here will be marked as used in the original set
* (note: this applies even for values which are overridden and the overridden value is used);
* however subsequent uses in the original set will not be marked here
public static ConfigBag newInstanceExtending(final ConfigBag configBag, Map,?> flags) {
return new ConfigBag() {
public void markUsed(String key) {
public ConfigBag setDescription(String description) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set description to '"+description+"': this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
this.description = description;
return this;
/** optional description used to provide context for operations */
public String getDescription() {
return description;
/** current values for all entries
* @return non-modifiable map of strings to object */
public Map getAllConfig() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(config);
/** internal map containing the current values for all entries;
* for use where the caller wants to modify this directly and knows it is safe to do so */
public Map getAllConfigRaw() {
return config;
/** current values for all entries which have not yet been used
* @return non-modifiable map of strings to object */
public Map getUnusedConfig() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(unusedConfig);
/** internal map containing the current values for all entries which have not yet been used;
* for use where the caller wants to modify this directly and knows it is safe to do so */
public Map getUnusedConfigRaw() {
return unusedConfig;
public ConfigBag putAll(Map,?> addlConfig) {
if (addlConfig==null) return this;
for (Map.Entry,?> e: addlConfig.entrySet()) {
putAsStringKey(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return this;
public T put(ConfigKey key, T value) {
return (T) putStringKey(key.getName(), value);
public void putIfNotNull(ConfigKey key, T value) {
if (value!=null) put(key, value);
/** as {@link #put(ConfigKey, Object)} but returning this ConfigBag for fluent-style coding */
public ConfigBag configure(ConfigKey key, T value) {
putStringKey(key.getName(), value);
return this;
protected void putAsStringKey(Object key, Object value) {
if (key instanceof HasConfigKey>) key = ((HasConfigKey>)key).getConfigKey();
if (key instanceof ConfigKey>) key = ((ConfigKey>)key).getName();
if (key instanceof String) {
putStringKey((String)key, value);
} else {
String message = (key == null ? "Invalid key 'null'" : "Invalid key type "+key.getClass().getCanonicalName()+" ("+key+")") +
"being used for configuration, ignoring";
log.debug(message, new Throwable("Source of "+message));
/** recommended to use {@link #put(ConfigKey, Object)} but there are times
* (e.g. when copying a map) where we want to put a string key directly
public Object putStringKey(String key, Object value) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot insert "+key+"="+value+": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
boolean isNew = !config.containsKey(key);
boolean isUsed = !isNew && !unusedConfig.containsKey(key);
Object old = config.put(key, value);
if (!isUsed)
unusedConfig.put(key, value);
//if (!isNew && !isUsed) log.debug("updating config value which has already been used");
return old;
public boolean containsKey(HasConfigKey> key) {
return config.containsKey(key.getConfigKey());
public boolean containsKey(ConfigKey> key) {
return config.containsKey(key.getName());
public boolean containsKey(String key) {
return config.containsKey(key);
/** returns the value of this config key, falling back to its default (use containsKey to see whether it was contained);
* also marks it as having been used (use peek to prevent marking as used)
public T get(ConfigKey key) {
return get(key, true);
/** gets a value from a string-valued key; ConfigKey is preferred, but this is useful in some contexts (e.g. setting from flags) */
public Object getStringKey(String key) {
return getStringKey(key, true);
/** like get, but without marking it as used */
public T peek(ConfigKey key) {
return get(key, false);
/** returns the first key in the list for which a value is explicitly set, then defaulting to defaulting value of preferred key */
public T getFirst(ConfigKey preferredKey, ConfigKey ...otherCurrentKeysInOrderOfPreference) {
if (containsKey(preferredKey))
return get(preferredKey);
for (ConfigKey key: otherCurrentKeysInOrderOfPreference) {
if (containsKey(key))
return get(key);
return get(preferredKey);
/** convenience for @see #getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey[], ConfigKey...) */
public Object getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey> key, ConfigKey> ...deprecatedKeys) {
return getWithDeprecation(new ConfigKey[] { key }, deprecatedKeys);
/** returns the value for the first key in the list for which a value is set,
* warning if any of the deprecated keys have a value which is different to that set on the first set current key
* (including warning if a deprecated key has a value but no current key does) */
public Object getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey>[] currentKeysInOrderOfPreference, ConfigKey> ...deprecatedKeys) {
// Get preferred key (or null)
ConfigKey> preferredKeyProvidingValue = null;
Object result = null;
boolean found = false;
for (ConfigKey> key: currentKeysInOrderOfPreference) {
if (containsKey(key)) {
preferredKeyProvidingValue = key;
result = get(preferredKeyProvidingValue);
found = true;
// Check if any deprecated keys are set
ConfigKey> deprecatedKeyProvidingValue = null;
Object deprecatedResult = null;
boolean foundDeprecated = false;
for (ConfigKey> deprecatedKey: deprecatedKeys) {
Object x = null;
boolean foundX = false;
if (containsKey(deprecatedKey)) {
x = get(deprecatedKey);
foundX = true;
if (foundX) {
if (found) {
if (!Objects.equal(result, x)) {
log.warn("Conflicting value from deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+", value "+x+
"; using preferred key "+preferredKeyProvidingValue+" value "+result);
} else {"Deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+" ignored; has same value as preferred key "+preferredKeyProvidingValue+" ("+result+")");
} else if (foundDeprecated) {
if (!Objects.equal(result, x)) {
log.warn("Conflicting values from deprecated keys: using " +deprecatedKeyProvidingValue+" instead of "+deprecatedKey+
" (value "+deprecatedResult+" instead of "+x+")");
} else {"Deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+" ignored; has same value as other deprecated key "+preferredKeyProvidingValue+" ("+deprecatedResult+")");
} else {
// new value, from deprecated key
log.warn("Deprecated key " +deprecatedKey+" detected (supplying value "+x+"), "+
"; recommend changing to preferred key '"+currentKeysInOrderOfPreference[0]+"'; this will not be supported in future versions");
deprecatedResult = x;
deprecatedKeyProvidingValue = deprecatedKey;
foundDeprecated = true;
if (found) {
return result;
} else if (foundDeprecated) {
return deprecatedResult;
} else {
return currentKeysInOrderOfPreference[0].getDefaultValue();
protected T get(ConfigKey key, boolean remove) {
// TODO for now, no evaluation -- closure content / smart (self-extracting) keys are NOT supported
// (need a clean way to inject that behaviour, as well as desired TypeCoercions)
Object value;
if (config.containsKey(key.getName()))
value = getStringKey(key.getName(), remove);
value = key.getDefaultValue();
return TypeCoercions.coerce(value, key.getTypeToken());
protected Object getStringKey(String key, boolean remove) {
if (config.containsKey(key)) {
if (remove) markUsed(key);
return config.get(key);
return null;
/** indicates that a string key in the config map has been accessed */
public void markUsed(String key) {
public ConfigBag removeAll(ConfigKey> ...keys) {
for (ConfigKey> key: keys) remove(key);
return this;
public void remove(ConfigKey> key) {
public ConfigBag removeAll(Iterable keys) {
for (String key: keys) remove(key);
return this;
public void remove(String key) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot remove "+key+": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
public ConfigBag copy(ConfigBag other) {
if (sealed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot copy "+other+" to "+this+": this config bag has been sealed and is now immutable.");
markAll(Sets.difference(other.getAllConfig().keySet(), other.getUnusedConfig().keySet()));
return this;
public int size() {
return config.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return config.isEmpty();
public ConfigBag markAll(Iterable usedFlags) {
for (String flag: usedFlags)
return this;
public boolean isUnused(ConfigKey> key) {
return unusedConfig.containsKey(key.getName());
/** makes this config bag immutable; any attempts to change subsequently
* (apart from marking fields as used) will throw an exception
* copies will be unsealed however
* returns this for convenience (fluent usage) */
public ConfigBag seal() {
sealed = true;
config = getAllConfig();
return this;