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package io.buoyant.etcd
import com.twitter.conversions.time._
import com.twitter.finagle.{Path, Service}
import com.twitter.finagle.http._
import com.twitter.finagle.service.Backoff
import com.twitter.util.{NonFatal => _, _}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
case class BackoffsExhausted(key: Path, throwable: Throwable)
extends Exception(, throwable)
object Key {
* Helpers for building request params
private val Params = Seq.empty[(String, String)]
private def trueParam(name: String, cond: Boolean): Option[(String, String)] =
if (cond) Some(name -> "true") else None
private def falseParam(name: String, cond: Boolean): Option[(String, String)] =
if (!cond) Some(name -> "false") else None
private[this] val dirParam = ("dir" -> "true")
private def dirOrValueParam(v: Option[Buf]): (String, String) = v match {
case None => dirParam
case Some(buf) =>
val Buf.Utf8(v) = buf
("value" -> v)
private def ttlParam(ttl: Option[Duration]): Option[(String, String)] = {
case Duration.Zero => "ttl" -> ""
case ttl => "ttl" -> ttl.inSeconds.toString
class Key(key: Path, client: Service[Request, Response]) {
import Etcd._
import Key._
def path: Path = key
def key(path: Path): Key = new Key(key ++ path, client)
def key(name: String): Key = key(
private[this] lazy val uriPath = keysPrefixPath ++ key
* Set the contents of a key.
* If `recursive` is true and this key is a directory, the returned
* Node contains the entire tree of children.
* If `wait` is true and `waitIndex` is specified, a response is not
* received until the node (or one of its children, if `recursive`
* is specified) is updated. If `wait` is true and `waitIndex` is
* not specified, a response is not received until the next update
* to this node (or its children, if `recursive`).
* If `quorum` is specified, etcd will ensure that the etcd instance
* is at quorum with the cluster.
def get(
recursive: Boolean = false,
wait: Boolean = false,
waitIndex: Option[Long] = None,
quorum: Boolean = false
): Future[NodeOp] = {
val params = Params ++
trueParam("recursive", recursive) ++
trueParam("quorum", quorum) ++
trueParam("wait", wait) ++"waitIndex" -> _.toString)
val req = mkReq(uriPath, params = params)
req.accept = MediaType.Json
client(req).flatMap { rsp => Future.const(, rsp, key, params)) }
* Set the contents of a key.
* If value is None, the key is treated as a directory. In order to
* unset the value of a data node, use `Some(Buf.Empty)`.
* Optionally, a `ttl` may be specified to inform etcd to remove the
* node after some time period (only second-granularity is supported
* by etcd).
* If `prevExist` is true, the node operation will fail if the node
* does not already exist.
def set(
value: Option[Buf],
ttl: Option[Duration] = None,
prevExist: Boolean = false
): Future[NodeOp] = {
val params = Params ++
ttlParam(ttl) ++
trueParam("prevExist", prevExist) :+
val req = mkReq(uriPath, Method.Put, params)
client(req).flatMap { rsp => Future.const(, rsp, key, params)) }
* Create a new key.
* If the key exists, an error is returned.
* If value is None, the key is treated as a directory. In order to
* create an empty data node, use `Some(Buf.Empty)`.
* Optionally, a `ttl` may be specified to inform etcd to remove the
* node after some time period (only second-granularity is supported
* by etcd).
def create(
value: Option[Buf],
ttl: Option[Duration] = None
): Future[NodeOp] = {
val params = Params ++
ttlParam(ttl) :+
dirOrValueParam(value) :+
("prevExist" -> "false")
val req = mkReq(uriPath, Method.Put, params)
client(req).flatMap { rsp => Future.const(, rsp, key, params)) }
* Set the node's data if the provided preconditions apply to the
* existing state of the node.
* If `prevIndex` is specified, the current node must have the
* provided `index` value.
* If `prevValue` is specified, the current node must have the
* provided value.
* If `prevExist` is false, the node is not required to exist.
def compareAndSwap(
value: Buf,
prevIndex: Option[Long] = None,
prevValue: Option[Buf] = None,
prevExist: Boolean = true
): Future[NodeOp] = {
require(prevIndex.isDefined || prevValue.isDefined || !prevExist)
val Buf.Utf8(vstr) = value
val params = Seq("value" -> vstr) ++"prevIndex" -> _.toString) ++ { case Buf.Utf8(v) => "prevValue" -> v } ++
falseParam("prevExist", prevExist)
val req = mkReq(uriPath, Method.Put, params)
client(req).flatMap { rsp => Future.const(, rsp, key, params)) }
* Delete a node.
* If `dir` is not true and the key is a directory, this will
* operation fail.
* If `dir` and `recursive` are true, the entire tree is deleted.
def delete(
dir: Boolean = false,
recursive: Boolean = false
): Future[NodeOp] = {
val params = Params ++
trueParam("dir", dir) ++
trueParam("recursive", recursive)
val req = mkReq(uriPath, Method.Delete, params)
client(req).flatMap { rsp => Future.const(, rsp, key, params)) }
* An Event constructed by watching an etcd key.
* If `recursive` is true, the key's subtree is observed for
* changes.
* When an unexpected error is encountered communicating with the
* API, the failure is published on the Event and the `backoff`
* stream is used to compute the time to wait before retrying. If
* the `backoff` stream is exhausted or a fatal error is
* encountered, it is reported and polling stops.
* The Event is not reference-counted, so each observer initiates
* its own polling loop. This ensures that the initial state of a
* tree is reported properly.
def events(
recursive: Boolean = false,
backoff: Stream[Duration] = Backoff.exponentialJittered(10.millis, 10.minutes)
): Event[Try[NodeOp]] = new Event[Try[NodeOp]] {
private[this] val origBackoff = backoff
def register(witness: Witness[Try[NodeOp]]) = {
@volatile var closed = false
def loop(idx: Option[Long], backoff: Stream[Duration]): Future[Unit] =
if (!closed) {
get(recursive, wait = idx.isDefined, waitIndex = idx).transform {
case note@Return(op) =>
loop(Some(op.etcd.index + 1), origBackoff)
case note@Throw(ApiError(ApiError.KeyNotFound, _, _, idx)) =>
loop(Some(idx + 1), origBackoff)
case Throw(ApiError(ApiError.EventIndexCleared, _, _, idx)) =>
// no need to notify on this, the we'll catch up on the next read.
loop(Some(idx + 1), origBackoff)
case note@Throw(NonFatal(e)) =>
backoff match {
case wait #:: backoff =>
loop(None, backoff)
case _ =>
witness.notify(Throw(BackoffsExhausted(key, e)))
case note@Throw(_) =>
} else Future.Unit
val pending = loop(None, origBackoff)
Closable.make { _ =>
closed = true
pending.raise(new FutureCancelledException)
// TODO: removed until a concrete use for this has been identified
// to determine whether this makes sense.
* Watch a single node for updates.
* Observation of the returned Activity is reference-counted so that
* multiple concurrent observers will not incur unnecessary requests
* against the API.
// def watch(backoff: Stream[Duration] = Stream.empty): Activity[NodeOp] = {
// val event = events(false, backoff)
// val states = Var.async[Activity.State[NodeOp]](Activity.Pending) { state =>
// event.respond { op =>
// state() = op match {
// case Return(op) => Activity.Ok(op)
// case Throw(e) => Activity.Failed(e)
// }
// }
// }
// Activity(states)
// }
// Slightly more complicated since it requires aggregating/updating
// state across updates.
// def watchTree(backoff: Stream[Duration] = Stream.empty)