io.castled.daos.PipelineDAO Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.castled.daos;
import io.castled.apps.syncconfigs.AppSyncConfig;
import io.castled.constants.TableFields;
import io.castled.dtos.PipelineConfigDTO;
import io.castled.models.*;
import io.castled.models.jobschedule.JobSchedule;
import io.castled.models.users.User;
import io.castled.utils.JsonUtils;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.argument.AbstractArgumentFactory;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.argument.Argument;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.config.ConfigRegistry;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.mapper.RowMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.StatementContext;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.config.RegisterArgumentFactory;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.config.RegisterRowMapper;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.customizer.Bind;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.customizer.BindBean;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.customizer.BindList;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.statement.GetGeneratedKeys;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.statement.SqlQuery;
import org.jdbi.v3.sqlobject.statement.SqlUpdate;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.List;
public interface PipelineDAO {
@SqlUpdate("insert into pipelines(name, user_id, team_id, schedule, model_id, mapping, app_sync_config, app_id, warehouse_id, uuid, status, sync_status, query_mode)" +
" values(,, :user.teamId, :pipeline.schedule, :pipeline.modelId," +
" :pipeline.mapping, :pipeline.appSyncConfig, :pipeline.appId, :pipeline.warehouseId, :uuid, 'OK', 'ACTIVE', :pipeline.queryMode)")
long createPipeline(@BindBean("pipeline") PipelineConfigDTO pipelineConfigDTO, @BindBean("user") User user, @Bind("uuid") String uuid);
@SqlUpdate("update pipelines set name =:name, schedule =:schedule ,query_mode=:queryMode where id = :id")
void updatePipeline(@Bind("id") Long id, @Bind("name") String name, @Bind("schedule") JobSchedule jobSchedule, @Bind("queryMode") QueryMode queryMode);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where id = :id and is_deleted = 0")
Pipeline getActivePipeline(@Bind("id") Long id);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where app_id =:appId and is_deleted = 0")
List getPipelinesByAppId(@Bind("appId") Long appId);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where warehouse_id =:whId and is_deleted = 0")
List getPipelinesByWhId(@Bind("whId") Long whId);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where id = :id")
Pipeline getPipeline(@Bind("id") Long id);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and is_deleted = 0 order by id desc")
List listPipelines(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and app_id = :appId and is_deleted = 0 ")
List listPipelines(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId, @Bind("appId") Long appId);
@SqlQuery("select * from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and model_id = :modelId and is_deleted = 0 ")
List listPipelinesByModelId(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId, @Bind("modelId") Long modelId);
@SqlUpdate("update pipelines set sync_status = :syncStatus where id = :id")
void updateSyncStatus(@Bind("id") Long id, @Bind("syncStatus") PipelineSyncStatus syncStatus);
@SqlUpdate("update pipelines set is_deleted = 1 where id = :id")
void markPipelineDeleted(@Bind("id") Long id);
@SqlQuery("select warehouse_id, count(*) as pipelines from pipelines where is_deleted = 0 and team_id = :teamId group by warehouse_id")
List aggregateByWarehouse(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where is_deleted =0 and warehouse_id = :warehouseId")
int getWarehousePipelines(@Bind("warehouseId") Long warehouseId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where is_deleted =0 and app_id = :appId")
int getAppPipelines(@Bind("appId") Long appId);
@SqlQuery("select app_id, count(*) as pipelines from pipelines where is_deleted = 0 and team_id = :teamId group by app_id")
List aggregateByApp(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where model_id = :modelId and is_deleted = 0")
int pipelineCountUsingModel(@Bind("modelId") Long modelId);
@SqlQuery("select model_id, count(*) as pipelines from pipelines where is_deleted = 0 and team_id = :teamId and model_id in () group by model_id")
List aggregateByModel(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId, @BindList("modelIds") List modelIds);
@SqlQuery("select model_id, count(*) as pipelines from pipelines where is_deleted = 0 and team_id = :teamId group by model_id")
List aggregateByModel(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and is_deleted = 0")
int getAllPipelinesCreatedByTeam(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and is_deleted = 0")
int getAllPipelinesCreatedUsingOwnWarehouse(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and model_id != :modelId and is_deleted = 0")
int getAllPipelinesCreatedUsingOwnWarehouse(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId, @Bind("modelId") Long modelId);
@SqlQuery("select count(id) from pipelines where team_id = :teamId and model_id = :modelId and is_deleted = 0")
int getAllPipelinesCreatedUsingDemoWarehouse(@Bind("teamId") Long teamId, @Bind("modelId") Long modelId);
class JobScheduleArgumentFactory extends AbstractArgumentFactory {
public JobScheduleArgumentFactory() {
protected Argument build(JobSchedule jobSchedule, ConfigRegistry config) {
return (position, statement, ctx) -> statement.setString(position, JsonUtils.objectToString(jobSchedule));
class AppSyncArgumentFactory extends AbstractArgumentFactory {
public AppSyncArgumentFactory() {
protected Argument build(AppSyncConfig appSyncConfig, ConfigRegistry config) {
return (position, statement, ctx) -> statement.setString(position, JsonUtils.objectToString(appSyncConfig));
class DataMappingArgumentFactory extends AbstractArgumentFactory {
public DataMappingArgumentFactory() {
protected Argument build(CastledDataMapping dataMapping, ConfigRegistry config) {
return (position, statement, ctx) -> statement.setString(position, JsonUtils.objectToString(dataMapping));
class WarehouseAggregateRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public WarehouseAggregate map(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
return new WarehouseAggregate(rs.getLong("warehouse_id"),
class AppAggregateRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public AppAggregate map(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
return new AppAggregate(rs.getLong("app_id"),
class ModelAggregateRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public ModelAggregate map(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
return new ModelAggregate(rs.getLong("model_id"),
class PipelineRowMapper implements RowMapper {
public Pipeline map(ResultSet rs, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException {
AppSyncConfig appSyncConfig = JsonUtils.jsonStringToObject(rs.getString("app_sync_config"), AppSyncConfig.class);
CastledDataMapping mapping = JsonUtils.jsonStringToObject(rs.getString("mapping"), CastledDataMapping.class);
JobSchedule jobSchedule = JsonUtils.jsonStringToObject(rs.getString(TableFields.SCHEDULE), JobSchedule.class);
return Pipeline.builder().id(rs.getLong(TableFields.ID)).name(rs.getString(TableFields.NAME))
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