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 * Copyright © 2014-2019 Cask Data, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import io.cdap.cdap.api.annotation.TransactionControl;
import io.cdap.cdap.api.annotation.TransactionPolicy;
import io.cdap.cdap.api.metrics.MetricsContext;
import io.cdap.cdap.api.service.http.HttpContentConsumer;
import io.cdap.cdap.api.service.http.HttpServiceRequest;
import io.cdap.cdap.api.service.http.HttpServiceResponder;
import io.cdap.cdap.internal.asm.ClassDefinition;
import io.cdap.cdap.internal.asm.Methods;
import io.cdap.cdap.internal.asm.Signatures;
import io.cdap.http.BodyConsumer;
import io.cdap.http.HttpHandler;
import io.cdap.http.HttpResponder;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest;
import org.objectweb.asm.AnnotationVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureReader;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.signature.SignatureWriter;
import org.objectweb.asm.tree.AnnotationNode;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

 * A bytecode generator for generating class that implements {@link io.cdap.http.HttpHandler} interface and
 * copy public methods annotated with {@link Path} of a delegating class by delegating to the delegation instance.
 * It is needed for wrapping user class that annotated with {@link Path} into a class that implements
 * {@link io.cdap.http.HttpHandler} for the netty http service to inspect.
 * Also, the generated class can impose transaction boundary for calls to those {@link Path @Path} methods.
 * The generated class has a skeleton looks like this:
 *   public final class GeneratedClassName extends AbstractHttpHandlerDelegator {
 *     public GeneratedClassName(DelegatorContext instantiator) {
 *       super(context);
 *     }
 *     @literal @GET
 *     @literal @Path("/path")
 *     public void userMethod(HttpRequest request, HttpResponder responder) {
 *       // see generateDelegateBody() for generated method body.
 *     }
 *     @literal @PUT
 *     @literal @Path("/upload")
 *     public HttpContentConsumer userUpload(HttpRequest request, HttpResponder responder) {
 *       // see generateDelegateBody() for generated method body.
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
*/ final class HttpHandlerGenerator { private static final Set HTTP_ANNOTATION_TYPES = ImmutableSet.of( Type.getType(GET.class), Type.getType(POST.class), Type.getType(PUT.class), Type.getType(DELETE.class), Type.getType(HEAD.class) ); private static final Type TX_POLICY_TYPE = Type.getType(TransactionPolicy.class); private static final Type TX_CONTROL_TYPE = Type.getType(TransactionControl.class); private static final Type ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE = Type.getType(AtomicReference.class); private static final Type THROWING_RUNNABLE_TYPE = Type.getType(ThrowingRunnable.class); private static final Type EXCEPTION_TYPE = Type.getType(Exception.class); private static final Type DELAYED_HTTP_SERVICE_RESPONDER_TYPE = Type.getType(DelayedHttpServiceResponder.class); private static final Type HTTP_CONTENT_CONSUMER_TYPE = Type.getType(HttpContentConsumer.class); private final TransactionControl defaultTxControl; HttpHandlerGenerator(TransactionControl defaultTxControl) { this.defaultTxControl = defaultTxControl; } /** * Generates a new class that implements {@link HttpHandler} by copying methods signatures from the given * user service handler class. Calls to user service handler methods are transactional unless * the method is annotated with {@link TransactionPolicy(TransactionControl)}. * * @param delegateType type of the user service handler * @param pathPrefix prefix for all {@code @PATH} annotation * @return A {@link ClassDefinition} containing information of the newly generated class. * @throws IOException if failed to generate the class. */ ClassDefinition generate(TypeToken delegateType, String pathPrefix) throws IOException { Class rawType = delegateType.getRawType(); List> preservedClasses = Lists.newArrayList(); preservedClasses.add(rawType); ClassWriter classWriter = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES); String internalName = Type.getInternalName(rawType); String className = internalName + Hashing.md5().hashString(internalName); // Generate the class Type classType = Type.getObjectType(className); classWriter.visit(Opcodes.V1_8, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC + Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, className, getClassSignature(delegateType), Type.getInternalName(AbstractHttpHandlerDelegator.class), null); // Inspect the delegate class hierarchy to generate public handler methods. for (TypeToken type : delegateType.getTypes().classes()) { if (!Object.class.equals(type.getRawType())) { inspectHandler(delegateType, type, pathPrefix, classType, classWriter, preservedClasses); } } generateConstructor(delegateType, classWriter); generateLogger(classType, classWriter); ClassDefinition classDefinition = new ClassDefinition(classWriter.toByteArray(), className, preservedClasses); // DEBUG block. Uncomment for debug // io.cdap.cdap.internal.asm.Debugs.debugByteCode(classDefinition, new; // End DEBUG block return classDefinition; } /** * Inspects the given type and copy/rewrite handler methods from it into the newly generated class. * * @param delegateType The user handler type * @param inspectType The type that needs to be inspected. It's either the delegateType or one of its parents */ private void inspectHandler(final TypeToken delegateType, final TypeToken inspectType, final String pathPrefix, final Type classType, final ClassWriter classWriter, final List> preservedClasses) throws IOException { Class rawType = inspectType.getRawType(); // Visit the delegate class, copy and rewrite handler method, with method body just do delegation try ( InputStream sourceBytes = rawType.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(Type.getInternalName(rawType) + ".class") ) { ClassReader classReader = new ClassReader(sourceBytes); classReader.accept(new ClassVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5) { // Only need to visit @Path at the class level if we are inspecting the user handler class private final boolean inspectDelegate = delegateType.equals(inspectType); private boolean visitedPath = !inspectDelegate; @Override public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces) { super.visit(version, access, name, signature, superName, interfaces); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { // Copy the class annotation if it is @Path. Only do it for one time Type type = Type.getType(desc); if (inspectDelegate && type.equals(Type.getType(Path.class))) { visitedPath = true; AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor = classWriter.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); return new AnnotationVisitor(Opcodes.ASM5, annotationVisitor) { @Override public void visit(String name, Object value) { // "value" is the key for the Path annotation string. if (name.equals("value")) { super.visit(name, pathPrefix + value.toString()); } else { super.visit(name, value); } } }; } else { return super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); } } @Override public MethodVisitor visitMethod(int access, String name, String desc, String signature, String[] exceptions) { // Create a class-level annotation with the prefix, if the user has not specified any class-level // annotation. if (!visitedPath) { String pathDesc = Type.getType(Path.class).getDescriptor(); AnnotationVisitor annotationVisitor = classWriter.visitAnnotation(pathDesc, true); annotationVisitor.visit("value", pathPrefix); annotationVisitor.visitEnd(); visitedPath = true; } // Copy the method if it is public and annotated with one of the HTTP request method MethodVisitor mv = super.visitMethod(access, name, desc, signature, exceptions); if (!Modifier.isPublic(access)) { return mv; } return new HandlerMethodVisitor(delegateType, mv, desc, signature, access, name, exceptions, classType, classWriter, preservedClasses); } }, ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG); } } /** * Generates the constructor. The constructor generated has signature {@code (DelegatorContext, MetricsContext)}. */ private void generateConstructor(TypeToken delegateType, ClassWriter classWriter) { Method constructor = Methods.getMethod(void.class, "", DelegatorContext.class, MetricsContext.class); String signature = Signatures.getMethodSignature(constructor, TypeToken.of(void.class), getContextType(delegateType), TypeToken.of(MetricsContext.class)); // Constructor(DelegatorContext, MetricsContext) GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC, constructor, signature, null, classWriter); // super(context, metricsContext); mg.loadThis(); mg.loadArg(0); mg.loadArg(1); mg.invokeConstructor(Type.getType(AbstractHttpHandlerDelegator.class), Methods.getMethod(void.class, "", DelegatorContext.class, MetricsContext.class)); mg.returnValue(); mg.endMethod(); } /** * Generates a static Logger field for logging and a static initialization block to initialize the logger. */ private void generateLogger(Type classType, ClassWriter classWriter) { // private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classType); classWriter.visitField(Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | Opcodes.ACC_FINAL, "LOG", Type.getType(Logger.class).getDescriptor(), null, null); Method init = Methods.getMethod(void.class, ""); GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(Opcodes.ACC_STATIC, init, null, null, classWriter); mg.visitLdcInsn(classType); mg.invokeStatic(Type.getType(LoggerFactory.class), Methods.getMethod(Logger.class, "getLogger", Class.class)); mg.putStatic(classType, "LOG", Type.getType(Logger.class)); mg.returnValue(); mg.endMethod(); } /** * Returns true if the annotation is of type {@link} annotations. */ private boolean isHandlerMethod(Type annotationType) { return HTTP_ANNOTATION_TYPES.contains(annotationType); } /** * Returns a {@link TypeToken} that represents the type {@code HandlerDelegatorContext}. */ private TypeToken> getContextType(TypeToken delegateType) { return new TypeToken>() { }.where(new TypeParameter() { }, delegateType); } /** * Generates the class signature of the generate class. The generated class is not parameterized, however * it extends from {@link AbstractHttpHandlerDelegator} with parameterized type of the user http handler. * * @param delegateType Type of the user http handler * @return The signature string */ private String getClassSignature(TypeToken delegateType) { SignatureWriter writer = new SignatureWriter(); // Construct the superclass signature as "AbstractHttpHandlerDelegator" SignatureVisitor sv = writer.visitSuperclass(); sv.visitClassType(Type.getInternalName(AbstractHttpHandlerDelegator.class)); SignatureVisitor tv = sv.visitTypeArgument('='); tv.visitClassType(Type.getInternalName(delegateType.getRawType())); tv.visitEnd(); sv.visitEnd(); return writer.toString(); } /** * The ASM MethodVisitor for visiting handler class methods and optionally copy them if it is a handler * method. */ private class HandlerMethodVisitor extends MethodVisitor { private final TypeToken delegateType; private final List annotations; private final ListMultimap paramAnnotations; private final String desc; private final String signature; private final int access; private final String name; private final String[] exceptions; private final Type classType; private final ClassWriter classWriter; private final List> preservedClasses; /** * Constructs a {@link HandlerMethodVisitor}. * * @param delegateType The user handler type * @param mv The {@link MethodVisitor} to delegate calls to if not handled by this class * @param desc Method description * @param signature Method signature * @param access Method access flag * @param name Method name * @param exceptions Method exceptions list * @param classType Type of the generated class * @param classWriter Writer for generating bytecode * @param preservedClasses List for storing classes that needs to be preserved for correct class loading. * See {@link ClassDefinition} for details. */ HandlerMethodVisitor(TypeToken delegateType, MethodVisitor mv, String desc, String signature, int access, String name, String[] exceptions, Type classType, ClassWriter classWriter, List> preservedClasses) { super(Opcodes.ASM5, mv); this.delegateType = delegateType; this.desc = desc; this.signature = signature; this.access = access; = name; this.exceptions = exceptions; this.annotations = Lists.newArrayList(); this.paramAnnotations = LinkedListMultimap.create(); this.classType = classType; this.classWriter = classWriter; this.preservedClasses = preservedClasses; } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitAnnotation(String desc, boolean visible) { // Memorize all visible annotations if (visible) { AnnotationNode annotationNode = new AnnotationNode(Opcodes.ASM5, desc); annotations.add(annotationNode); return annotationNode; } return super.visitAnnotation(desc, visible); } @Override public AnnotationVisitor visitParameterAnnotation(int parameter, String desc, boolean visible) { // Memorize all visible annotations for each parameter. // It needs to store in a Multimap because there can be multiple annotations per parameter. if (visible) { AnnotationNode annotationNode = new AnnotationNode(Opcodes.ASM5, desc); paramAnnotations.put(parameter, annotationNode); return annotationNode; } return super.visitParameterAnnotation(parameter, desc, visible); } @Override public void visitEnd() { // If any annotations of the method is one of those HttpMethod, // this is a handler process, hence need to copy. boolean handlerMethod = false; TransactionControl txCtrl = defaultTxControl; for (AnnotationNode annotation : annotations) { if (isHandlerMethod(Type.getType(annotation.desc))) { handlerMethod = true; } else if (TX_POLICY_TYPE.equals(Type.getType(annotation.desc))) { List list = annotation.values; for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { if ("value".equals( && iter.hasNext()) { Object value =; if (String[].class.equals(value.getClass())) { String[] values = (String[]) value; if (values.length == 2 && TX_CONTROL_TYPE.equals(Type.getType(values[0]))) { txCtrl = TransactionControl.valueOf(values[1]); } } } } } } if (!handlerMethod) { super.visitEnd(); return; } Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(desc); Type[] argTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(desc); // If the first two parameters are not HttpServiceRequest and HttpServiceResponder, don't copy if (argTypes.length < 2 || !argTypes[0].equals(Type.getType(HttpServiceRequest.class)) || !argTypes[1].equals(Type.getType(HttpServiceResponder.class))) { super.visitEnd(); return; } argTypes[0] = Type.getType(HttpRequest.class); argTypes[1] = Type.getType(HttpResponder.class); preserveParameterClasses(argTypes); // If the return type is an instance of HttpContentConsumer, the generated method need to have // netty-http BodyConsumer as return type. // Otherwise, the return type must be void if (returnType.getSort() == Type.OBJECT) { try { Class returnClass = delegateType.getRawType().getClassLoader().loadClass(returnType.getClassName()); if (!HttpContentConsumer.class.isAssignableFrom(returnClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Handler method must either return void or a " + HttpContentConsumer.class.getName()); } returnType = Type.getType(BodyConsumer.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Shouldn't happen since the delegateType (user handler class) is already loaded and the method return // type should be loadable through the same classloader throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } else if (!returnType.equals(Type.VOID_TYPE)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Handler method must either return void or a " + HttpContentConsumer.class.getName()); } // Copy the method signature with the first two parameter types changed and return type changed String methodDesc = Type.getMethodDescriptor(returnType, argTypes); MethodVisitor methodVisitor = classWriter.visitMethod(access, name, methodDesc, rewriteMethodSignature(signature), exceptions); GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(methodVisitor, access, name, methodDesc); // Replay all annotations before generating the body. for (AnnotationNode annotation : annotations) { annotation.accept(mg.visitAnnotation(annotation.desc, true)); } // Replay all parameter annotations for (Map.Entry entry : paramAnnotations.entries()) { AnnotationNode annotation = entry.getValue(); annotation.accept(mg.visitParameterAnnotation(entry.getKey(), annotation.desc, true)); } // Generate the method body generateDelegateBody(classWriter, mg, new Method(name, desc), txCtrl); super.visitEnd(); } /** * Preserves method parameter classes for class loading. The first two parameters are always * {@link HttpServiceRequest} and {@link HttpServiceResponder}, which don't need to be preserved since * they are always loaded by the CDAP system ClassLoader. The third and onward method parameter classes * need to be preserved since they can be defined by user, hence in the user ClassLoader. * * @see ClassDefinition */ private void preserveParameterClasses(Type[] argTypes) { if (argTypes.length <= 2) { return; } try { for (int i = 2; i < argTypes.length; i++) { // Only add object type parameter which is not Java class if (argTypes[i].getSort() == Type.OBJECT) { Class cls = delegateType.getRawType().getClassLoader().loadClass(argTypes[i].getClassName()); // Classes loaded by bootstrap classloader are having null ClassLoader. They don't need to be preserved. if (cls.getClassLoader() != null) { preservedClasses.add(cls); } } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // Shouldn't happen, as the parameter class should be loading from the user handler ClassLoader throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } /** * Rewrite the handler method signature to have the first two parameters rewritten from * {@link HttpServiceRequest} and {@link HttpServiceResponder} into * {@link HttpRequest} and {@link HttpResponder}. */ private String rewriteMethodSignature(String signature) { if (signature == null) { return null; } SignatureReader reader = new SignatureReader(signature); SignatureWriter writer = new SignatureWriter() { @Override public void visitClassType(String name) { if (name.equals(Type.getInternalName(HttpServiceRequest.class))) { super.visitClassType(Type.getInternalName(HttpRequest.class)); return; } if (name.equals(Type.getInternalName(HttpServiceResponder.class))) { super.visitClassType(Type.getInternalName(HttpResponder.class)); return; } super.visitClassType(name); } }; reader.accept(writer); return writer.toString(); } /** * Generate the handle method body. * For handler that doesn't return {@link HttpContentConsumer}, it has the following form: * *
     * public void handle(HttpRequest request, HttpResponder responder, ...) {
     *   T handler = getHandler();
     *   DelayedHttpServiceResponder wrappedResponder = wrapResponder(responder, defaultTxControl);
     *   try {
     *     execute(context -> handler.handle(wrapRequest(request), wrappedResponder, ...), useTx);
     *   } catch (Exception e) {
     *     wrappedResponder.setFailure(e);
     *   }
     *   wrappedResponder.execute();
     * }
* * For handler that returns {@link HttpContentConsumer}, it has the following form: * *
     * public void handle(HttpRequest request, HttpResponder responder, ...) {
     *   T handler = getHandler();
     *   DelayedHttpServiceResponder wrappedResponder = wrapResponder(responder, defaultTxControl);
     *   AtomicReference consumerRef = new AtomicReference();
     *   try {
     *     execute(context -> consumerRef.set(handler.handle(wrapRequest(request), wrappedResponder, ...)), useTx);
     *   } catch (Exception e) {
     *     wrappedResponder.setFailure(e);
     *     consumerRef.set(null);
     *   }
     *   HttpContentConsumer consumer = (HttpContentConsumer) consumerRef.get();
     *   if (consumer == null) {
     *     wrappedResponder.execute();
     *   } else {
     *     return wrapContentConsumer(consumer, wrappedResponder, defaultTxControl);
     *   }
     * }
*/ private void generateDelegateBody(ClassWriter classWriter, GeneratorAdapter mg, Method method, TransactionControl txControl) { boolean useBodyConsumer = method.getReturnType().getSort() == Type.OBJECT; // Generate the synthetic static method for lambda invoke first Method lambdaMethod = generateRunnableLambda(classWriter, method, useBodyConsumer); Type handlerType = Type.getType(delegateType.getRawType()); Label txTryBegin = mg.newLabel(); Label txTryEnd = mg.newLabel(); Label txCatch = mg.newLabel(); Label txFinish = mg.newLabel(); mg.visitTryCatchBlock(txTryBegin, txTryEnd, txCatch, EXCEPTION_TYPE.getInternalName()); // T handler = getHandler(); int handler = mg.newLocal(handlerType); mg.loadThis(); mg.invokeVirtual(classType, Methods.getMethod(Object.class, "getHandler")); mg.checkCast(handlerType); mg.storeLocal(handler, handlerType); // DelayedHttpServiceResponder wrappedResponder = wrapResponder(responder, defaultTxControl); int wrappedResponder = mg.newLocal(DELAYED_HTTP_SERVICE_RESPONDER_TYPE); mg.loadThis(); mg.loadArg(1); mg.getStatic(TX_CONTROL_TYPE,, TX_CONTROL_TYPE); mg.invokeVirtual(classType, Methods.getMethod(DelayedHttpServiceResponder.class, "wrapResponder", HttpResponder.class, TransactionControl.class)); mg.storeLocal(wrappedResponder, DELAYED_HTTP_SERVICE_RESPONDER_TYPE); int consumerRef = 0; if (useBodyConsumer) { // AtomicReference consumerRef = new AtomicReference<>(); consumerRef = mg.newLocal(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE); mg.newInstance(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE); mg.dup(); mg.invokeConstructor(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE, new Method("", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[0])); mg.storeLocal(consumerRef); } // try { mg.mark(txTryBegin); // Generate // execute(context -> handler.handle(wrapRequest(request), wrappedResponder, ...), useTx); // or // execute(context -> consumerRef.set(handler.handle(wrapRequest(request), wrappedResponder, ...)), useTx); // // The generated code is using lambda, which is basically a invokeDynamic call to // LambdaMetafactory.metafactory to get a CallSite that can call the generated private static lambda method, // which is the one who actually calls the handler.handle method. // Load "this" first. This is for calling the execute() method using invokeVirtual. mg.loadThis(); // Populate the parameters needed for the lambda method. See generateRunnableLambda for the signature. if (useBodyConsumer) { mg.loadLocal(consumerRef); } mg.loadLocal(handler); // wrapRequest(request) mg.loadThis(); mg.loadArg(0); mg.invokeVirtual(classType, Methods.getMethod(HttpServiceRequest.class, "wrapRequest", HttpRequest.class)); mg.loadLocal(wrappedResponder); // Load all arguments after the HttpResponder for (int i = 2; i < method.getArgumentTypes().length; i++) { mg.loadArg(i); } // Perform the lambda invocation. Handle metaFactoryHandle = new Handle(Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, Type.getType(LambdaMetafactory.class).getInternalName(), "metafactory", Methods.LAMBDA_META_FACTORY_METHOD_DESC, false); Handle lambdaMethodHandle = new Handle(Opcodes.H_INVOKESTATIC, classType.getInternalName(), lambdaMethod.getName(), lambdaMethod.getDescriptor(), false); // Signature of the method Type samMethodType = Type.getType(Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE)); // Use invokeDynamic to call the static lambda method, which to the invokeDynamic command, it is as if // calling a method that returns a ThrowingRunnable. mg.invokeDynamic("run", Type.getMethodDescriptor(THROWING_RUNNABLE_TYPE, lambdaMethod.getArgumentTypes()), metaFactoryHandle, samMethodType, lambdaMethodHandle, samMethodType); // Second argument to the execute method mg.push(txControl == TransactionControl.IMPLICIT); mg.invokeVirtual(classType, new Method("execute", Type.VOID_TYPE, new Type[] { THROWING_RUNNABLE_TYPE, Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE })); mg.goTo(txTryEnd); // } // end of try mg.mark(txTryEnd); mg.goTo(txFinish); // } catch (Exception e) { mg.mark(txCatch); int throwable = mg.newLocal(EXCEPTION_TYPE); mg.storeLocal(throwable, EXCEPTION_TYPE); // wrappedResponder.setFailure(e); mg.loadLocal(wrappedResponder); mg.loadLocal(throwable); mg.invokeVirtual(DELAYED_HTTP_SERVICE_RESPONDER_TYPE, Methods.getMethod(void.class, "setFailure", Throwable.class)); if (useBodyConsumer) { // consumerRef.set(null); mg.loadLocal(consumerRef); mg.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); mg.invokeVirtual(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE, Methods.getMethod(void.class, "set", Object.class)); } // } // End of the whole try-catch block mg.mark(txFinish); if (useBodyConsumer) { // HttpContentConsumer consumer = consumerRef.get(); // if (consumer == null) { // wrappedResponder.execute(); // } else { // return wrapContentConsumer(consumer, wrappedResponder, defaultTxControl); // } Label hasContentConsumer = mg.newLabel(); int consumer = mg.newLocal(HTTP_CONTENT_CONSUMER_TYPE); mg.loadLocal(consumerRef); mg.invokeVirtual(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE, Methods.getMethod(Object.class, "get")); mg.checkCast(HTTP_CONTENT_CONSUMER_TYPE); mg.storeLocal(consumer); mg.loadLocal(consumer); // if contentConsumer != null, goto label hasContentConsumer mg.ifNonNull(hasContentConsumer); // wrappedResponder.execute(); // return null; mg.loadLocal(wrappedResponder); mg.invokeVirtual(DELAYED_HTTP_SERVICE_RESPONDER_TYPE, Methods.getMethod(void.class, "execute")); mg.visitInsn(Opcodes.ACONST_NULL); mg.returnValue(); mg.mark(hasContentConsumer); // IMPORTANT: If body consumer is used, calling wrapContentConsumer must be // the last thing to do in this generated method since the current context will be captured // return wrapContentConsumer(httpContentConsumer, wrappedResponder); mg.loadThis(); mg.loadLocal(consumer); mg.loadLocal(wrappedResponder); mg.getStatic(TX_CONTROL_TYPE,, TX_CONTROL_TYPE); mg.invokeVirtual(classType, Methods.getMethod(BodyConsumer.class, "wrapContentConsumer", HttpContentConsumer.class, DelayedHttpServiceResponder.class, TransactionControl.class)); mg.returnValue(); } else { // wrappedResponder.execute(); mg.loadLocal(wrappedResponder); mg.invokeVirtual(DELAYED_HTTP_SERVICE_RESPONDER_TYPE, Methods.getMethod(void.class, "execute")); mg.returnValue(); } mg.endMethod(); } /** * Generates a synthetic static method for lambda dynamic invocation. * For handler method that doesn't return {@link HttpContentConsumer}, it has the following form: * *
     *   private static [synthetic] void methodName(T handler, HttpServiceRequest request,
     *                                              HttpServiceResponder responder, ...) throws Exception {
     *     handler.methodName(request, responder, ...);
     *   }
* * For handler method that returns {@link HttpContentConsumer}, it has the following form: * *
     *   private static [synthetic] void methodName(AtomicReference consumerRef, T handler, HttpServiceRequest request,
     *                                              HttpServiceResponder responder, ...) throws Exception {
     *     consumerRef.set(handler.methodName(request, responder, ...);
     *   }
* */ private Method generateRunnableLambda(ClassWriter classWriter, Method handlerMethod, boolean useBodyConsumer) { Type handlerType = Type.getType(delegateType.getRawType()); // Setup the method argument types List argumentTypes = new ArrayList<>(); if (useBodyConsumer) { argumentTypes.add(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE); } argumentTypes.add(handlerType); argumentTypes.addAll(Arrays.asList(handlerMethod.getArgumentTypes())); // Generate the method Method lambdaMethod = new Method(generateMethodName(handlerMethod), Type.VOID_TYPE, argumentTypes.toArray(new Type[argumentTypes.size()])); GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE + Opcodes.ACC_STATIC + Opcodes.ACC_SYNTHETIC, lambdaMethod, null, new Type[] { Type.getType(Exception.class) }, classWriter); // Load all the arguments and call the handler method. // handler.methodName(request, responder, ...); mg.loadArgs(); mg.invokeVirtual(handlerType, handlerMethod); if (useBodyConsumer) { // consumerRef.set([top_of_stack]) mg.invokeVirtual(ATOMIC_REFERENCE_TYPE, Methods.getMethod(void.class, "set", Object.class)); } mg.returnValue(); mg.endMethod(); return lambdaMethod; } } /** * Generates a legal Java method name from the given method descriptor. */ private String generateMethodName(Method method) { return "lambda$" + method.toString().codePoints().map(c -> Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) ? c : '_') .collect(StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::appendCodePoint, StringBuilder::append) .toString(); } }

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