io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.concurrent.RedisCache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.concurrent
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats._
import cats.conversions._
import cats.effect._
import io.chrisdavenport.mules._
import io.chrisdavenport.rediculous._
import io.chrisdavenport.rediculous.RedisCtx.syntax.all._
import cats.effect.syntax.all._
import io.chrisdavenport.singlefibered.SingleFibered
object RedisCache {
/** Layering Function Allows you to put a In-Memory Cache
* Lookups start at the top layer, and if present don't go further. If absent progresses
* to the lower cache and will insert into the top layer before the value is returned
* inserts and deletes are proliferated to top and then bottom
def layer[F[_]: Concurrent, K, V](top: Cache[F, K, V], bottom: Cache[F, K, V]): F[Cache[F, K, V]] = {
val f: K => F[Option[V]] = {(k: K) => bottom.lookup(k).flatMap{
case None => Option.empty[V].pure[F]
case s@Some(v) =>
top.insert(k, v).as(s).widen
SingleFibered.prepareFunction(f).map(preppedF =>
new LayeredCache[F, K, V](top, bottom, preppedF)
private class LayeredCache[F[_]: Monad, K, V](
topLayer: Cache[F, K, V],
bottomLayer: Cache[F, K, V],
lookupCached: K => F[Option[V]]
) extends Cache[F, K, V]{
def lookup(k: K): F[Option[V]] =
case s@Some(_) => s.pure[F].widen
case None => lookupCached(k)
def insert(k: K, v: V): F[Unit] =
topLayer.insert(k, v) >>
bottomLayer.insert(k, v)
def delete(k: K): F[Unit] =
topLayer.delete(k) >>
* A Keyspace Based Pubsub Layered Cache.
* Redis with the right configuration allows pubsub notifications over
* all of its internal modifications to a section of the keyspace.
* Configuring this is as simple locally as
* redis-cli config set notify-keyspace-events KA
* or by modifying your server config.
* Notably, in cluster mode these do not leave the local server unlike normal
* pubsub events so connections must be made to all servers in the cluster.
* Updates are not immediate, so should not be seen as atomic, but
* are very useful for keeping your local caches synced with the
* redis store.
* Example
* val r = for {
* // maxQueued: How many elements before new submissions semantically block. Tradeoff of memory to queue jobs.
* // Default 1000 is good for small servers. But can easily take 100,000.
* // workers: How many threads will process pipelined messages.
* connection <- RedisConnection.queued[IO].withHost(host"localhost").withPort(port"6379").withMaxQueued(10000).withWorkers(workers = 1).build
* topCache <- Resource.eval([IO, String, String](None))
* cache <- RedisCache.keySpacePubSubLayere(topCache, connection, "namespace2", RedisCommands.SetOpts(Some(60), None, None, false), {(s: String) => IO.println(s"Deleted: $s")}.some)
* } yield (connection, cache)
def keySpacePubSubLayered[F[_]: Async](
topCache: Cache[F, String, String],
connection: RedisConnection[F],
namespace: String,
setOpts: RedisCommands.SetOpts,
additionalActionOnDelete: Option[String => F[Unit]] = None
): Resource[F, Cache[F, String, String]] = {
val nameSpaceStarter = namespace ++ ":"
clusterBroadcast = true
).evalMap{ pubsub =>
def invalidateTopCache(message: RedisPubSub.PubSubMessage.PMessage): F[Unit] = {
val channel =
val msg = message.message
val keyR = ("__keyspace.*__:" + nameSpaceStarter + "(.*)").r
val parsed: String = channel match {
case keyR(key) => key
msg match {
case "set" | "expired" | "del" => topCache.delete(parsed) >> additionalActionOnDelete.traverse_(_.apply(message.message))
case _ => Concurrent[F].unit
pubsub.psubscribe(s"__keyspace*__:$nameSpaceStarter*", invalidateTopCache)
}.flatMap(pubsub => pubsub.runMessages.background.void).evalMap {_ =>
val redis = instance(connection, namespace, setOpts)
layer(topCache, redis)
* A Pubsub Channel Based Layered Cache. Other nodes utilizing the same cache notify
* each other via RedisPubSub.
* As a result the only changes represented are those that are represented
* by the nodes, modifications based in redis are not seen. Such as redis expirations.
* A cache with an infinite lifetime in redis will see correct information in their
* local cache at all times. A cache that sets expiration in redis can be off by the
* period of retention of their local cache. Assuming you get the data the moment before
* it expires inside redis.
* If you are using expirations, which you should a shorter retention period for
* your local cache will prevent you from being too out of date.
* Example
* val r = for {
* // maxQueued: How many elements before new submissions semantically block. Tradeoff of memory to queue jobs.
* // Default 1000 is good for small servers. But can easily take 100,000.
* // workers: How many threads will process pipelined messages.
* connection <- RedisConnection.queued[IO].withHost(host"localhost").withPort(port"6379").withMaxQueued(10000).withWorkers(workers = 1).build
* topCache <- Resource.eval([IO, String, String](None))
* pubsub <- RedisPubSub.fromConnection(connection)
* cache <- RedisCache.channelBasedLayered(topCache, connection, pubsub, "namespace2", RedisCommands.SetOpts(Some(60), None, None, false), {(s: String) => IO.println(s"Deleted: $s")}.some)
* } yield (connection, cache)
def channelBasedLayered[F[_]: Async](
topCache: Cache[F, String, String],
connection: RedisConnection[F],
pubsub: RedisPubSub[F],
namespace: String,
setOpts: RedisCommands.SetOpts,
additionalActionOnDelete: Option[String => F[Unit]] = None
): Resource[F, Cache[F, String, String]] = {
val channel = namespace
val redis = instance(connection, namespace, setOpts)
def publishChange(key: String) = RedisCommands.publish(channel, key).run(connection)
Resource.eval(layer[F, String, String](topCache, redis)).flatMap{
case layered =>
Resource.eval(pubsub.subscribe(channel, {(message: RedisPubSub.PubSubMessage.Message) => topCache.delete(message.message) >> additionalActionOnDelete.traverse_(_.apply(message.message))})) >>{
new Cache[F, String, String]{
def lookup(k: String): F[Option[String]] = layered.lookup(k)
def insert(k: String, v: String): F[Unit] = layered.insert(k, v) >> publishChange(k).void
def delete(k: String): F[Unit] = layered.delete(k) >> publishChange(k).void
def instance[F[_]: Async](
connection: RedisConnection[F],
namespace: String,
setOpts: RedisCommands.SetOpts
): Cache[F, String, String] = new RedisCacheBase[F](connection, namespace, setOpts)
private class RedisCacheBase[F[_]: Async](
connection: RedisConnection[F],
namespace: String,
setOpts: RedisCommands.SetOpts
) extends Cache[F, String, String]{
private val nameSpaceStarter = namespace ++ ":"
def lookup(k: String): F[Option[String]] =
RedisCommands.get(nameSpaceStarter ++ k).run(connection)
def insert(k: String, v: String): F[Unit] =
RedisCommands.set(nameSpaceStarter ++ k, v, setOpts)
def delete(k: String): F[Unit] =
RedisCommands.del(nameSpaceStarter ++ k)
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