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package io.circe
import cats.{ Applicative, Eq }
import cats.instances.either._
* A cursor that tracks history and represents the possibility of failure.
* @groupname Ungrouped ACursor fields and operations
* @groupprio Ungrouped 1
* @see [[GenericCursor]]
* @author Travis Brown
sealed abstract class ACursor(final val any: HCursor) extends GenericCursor[ACursor] {
type Focus[x] = Option[x]
type Result = ACursor
type M[x[_]] = Applicative[x]
final def either: Either[HCursor, HCursor] = if (succeeded) Right(any) else Left(any)
* Return the current [[HCursor]] if we are in a success state.
final def success: Option[HCursor] = if (succeeded) Some(any) else None
* Return the failed [[HCursor]] if we are in a failure state.
final def failure: Option[HCursor] = if (succeeded) None else Some(any)
* Indicate whether this cursor represents the result of a successful
* operation.
def succeeded: Boolean
* Indicate whether this cursor represents the result of an unsuccessful
* operation.
final def failed: Boolean = !succeeded
* Return the underlying cursor if successful.
final def cursor: Option[Cursor] =
* Return the underlying cursor's history.
final def history: List[HistoryOp] = any.history
* If the last operation was not successful, reattempt it.
final def reattempt: ACursor = if (succeeded) this else ACursor.ok(any.reattempted)
* Return the previous focus, if and only if we didn't succeed.
final def failureFocus: Option[Json] =
* Return the current cursor or the given one if this one isn't successful.
final def or(c: => ACursor): ACursor = if (succeeded) this else c
* Return a [[]] of the underlying cursor.
final def validation: Validated[HCursor, HCursor] = Validated.fromEither(either)
* A helper method to simplify performing operations on the underlying [[HCursor]].
@inline private[this] def withHCursor(f: HCursor => ACursor): ACursor = if (this.succeeded) f(this.any) else this
final def focus: Option[Json] =
final def top: Option[Json] =
final def delete: ACursor = withHCursor(_.delete)
final def withFocus(f: Json => Json): ACursor =
if (this.succeeded) ACursor.ok(this.any.withFocus(f)) else this
final def withFocusM[F[_]](f: Json => F[Json])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[ACursor] =
_ => F.pure(this),
valid =>
final def lefts: Option[List[Json]] = success.flatMap(_.lefts)
final def rights: Option[List[Json]] = success.flatMap(_.rights)
final def fieldSet: Option[Set[String]] = success.flatMap(_.fieldSet)
final def fields: Option[List[String]] = success.flatMap(_.fields)
final def up: ACursor = withHCursor(_.up)
final def left: ACursor = withHCursor(_.left)
final def right: ACursor = withHCursor(_.right)
final def first: ACursor = withHCursor(_.first)
final def last: ACursor = withHCursor(_.last)
final def leftN(n: Int): ACursor = withHCursor(_.leftN(n))
final def rightN(n: Int): ACursor = withHCursor(_.rightN(n))
final def leftAt(p: Json => Boolean): ACursor = withHCursor(_.leftAt(p))
final def rightAt(p: Json => Boolean): ACursor = withHCursor(_.rightAt(p))
final def find(p: Json => Boolean): ACursor = withHCursor(_.find(p))
final def downArray: ACursor = withHCursor(_.downArray)
final def downAt(p: Json => Boolean): ACursor = withHCursor(_.downAt(p))
final def downN(n: Int): ACursor = withHCursor(_.downN(n))
final def field(k: String): ACursor = withHCursor(_.field(k))
final def downField(k: String): ACursor = withHCursor(_.downField(k))
final def deleteGoLeft: ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteGoLeft)
final def deleteGoRight: ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteGoRight)
final def deleteGoFirst: ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteGoFirst)
final def deleteGoLast: ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteGoLast)
final def deleteLefts: ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteLefts)
final def deleteRights: ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteRights)
final def setLefts(x: List[Json]): ACursor = withHCursor(_.setLefts(x))
final def setRights(x: List[Json]): ACursor = withHCursor(_.setRights(x))
final def deleteGoField(k: String): ACursor = withHCursor(_.deleteGoField(k))
final def as[A](implicit d: Decoder[A]): Decoder.Result[A] = d.tryDecode(this)
final def get[A](k: String)(implicit d: Decoder[A]): Decoder.Result[A] = downField(k).as[A]
final def replay(history: List[HistoryOp]): ACursor = {
case (Some(CursorOp.MoveLeft), acc) => acc.left
case (Some(CursorOp.MoveRight), acc) => acc.right
case (Some(CursorOp.MoveFirst), acc) => acc.first
case (Some(CursorOp.MoveLast), acc) => acc.last
case (Some(CursorOp.MoveUp), acc) => acc.up
case (Some(CursorOp.LeftN(n)), acc) => acc.leftN(n)
case (Some(CursorOp.RightN(n)), acc) => acc.rightN(n)
case (Some(CursorOp.LeftAt(p)), acc) => acc.leftAt(p)
case (Some(CursorOp.RightAt(p)), acc) => acc.rightAt(p)
case (Some(CursorOp.Find(p)), acc) => acc.find(p)
case (Some(CursorOp.Field(k)), acc) => acc.field(k)
case (Some(CursorOp.DownField(k)), acc) => acc.downField(k)
case (Some(CursorOp.DownArray), acc) => acc.downArray
case (Some(CursorOp.DownAt(p)), acc) => acc.downAt(p)
case (Some(CursorOp.DownN(n)), acc) => acc.downN(n)
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteGoParent), acc) => acc.delete
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteGoLeft), acc) => acc.deleteGoLeft
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteGoRight), acc) => acc.deleteGoRight
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteGoFirst), acc) => acc.deleteGoFirst
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteGoLast), acc) => acc.deleteGoLast
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteGoField(k)), acc) => acc.deleteGoField(k)
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteLefts), acc) => acc.deleteLefts
case (Some(CursorOp.DeleteRights), acc) => acc.deleteRights
case (Some(CursorOp.SetLefts(js)), acc) => acc.setLefts(js)
case (Some(CursorOp.SetRights(js)), acc) => acc.setRights(js)
case (None, acc) => acc
final object ACursor {
final def ok(cursor: HCursor): ACursor = new ACursor(cursor) {
def succeeded: Boolean = true
final def fail(cursor: HCursor): ACursor = new ACursor(cursor) {
def succeeded: Boolean = false
implicit final val eqACursor: Eq[ACursor] =