io.circe.AccumulatingDecoder.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.circe
import cats.{ ApplicativeError, Semigroup, SemigroupK }
import{ NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel }
sealed trait AccumulatingDecoder[A] extends Serializable { self =>
* Decode the given [[HCursor]].
def apply(c: HCursor): AccumulatingDecoder.Result[A]
* Map a function over this [[AccumulatingDecoder]].
final def map[B](f: A => B): AccumulatingDecoder[B] = new AccumulatingDecoder[B] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): AccumulatingDecoder.Result[B] = self(c).map(f)
* Run two decoders and return their results as a pair.
final def and[B](other: AccumulatingDecoder[B]): AccumulatingDecoder[(A, B)] = new AccumulatingDecoder[(A, B)] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): AccumulatingDecoder.Result[(A, B)] = self(c).product(other(c))(
* Choose the first succeeding decoder.
final def or[AA >: A](d: => AccumulatingDecoder[AA]): AccumulatingDecoder[AA] = new AccumulatingDecoder[AA] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): AccumulatingDecoder.Result[AA] = self(c) match {
case v @ Validated.Valid(_) => v
case Validated.Invalid(_) => d(c)
* Create a new instance that handles any of this instance's errors with the
* given function.
final def handleErrorWith(f: NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure] => AccumulatingDecoder[A]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] =
new AccumulatingDecoder[A] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): AccumulatingDecoder.Result[A] =
AccumulatingDecoder.resultInstance.handleErrorWith(self(c))(failure => f(failure)(c))
final object AccumulatingDecoder {
final type Result[A] = ValidatedNel[DecodingFailure, A]
final val failureNelInstance: Semigroup[NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure]] =
final val resultInstance: ApplicativeError[Result, NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure]] =
* Return an instance for a given type.
final def apply[A](implicit d: AccumulatingDecoder[A]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = d
* Construct an instance from a function.
final def instance[A](f: HCursor => Result[A]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = new AccumulatingDecoder[A] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Result[A] = f(c)
implicit final def fromDecoder[A](implicit decode: Decoder[A]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = new AccumulatingDecoder[A] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Result[A] = decode.decodeAccumulating(c)
final def failed[A](e: NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = new AccumulatingDecoder[A] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Result[A] = Validated.invalid(e)
implicit final val accumulatingDecoderInstances: SemigroupK[AccumulatingDecoder] with
ApplicativeError[AccumulatingDecoder, NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure]] =
new SemigroupK[AccumulatingDecoder] with ApplicativeError[AccumulatingDecoder, NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure]] {
final def combineK[A](x: AccumulatingDecoder[A], y: AccumulatingDecoder[A]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = x.or(y)
final def pure[A](a: A): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = new AccumulatingDecoder[A] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Result[A] = Validated.valid(a)
override final def map[A, B](fa: AccumulatingDecoder[A])(f: A => B): AccumulatingDecoder[B] =
final def ap[A, B](f: AccumulatingDecoder[A => B])(fa: AccumulatingDecoder[A]): AccumulatingDecoder[B] =
new AccumulatingDecoder[B] {
final def apply(c: HCursor): Result[B] = resultInstance.ap(f(c))(fa(c))
override final def product[A, B](
fa: AccumulatingDecoder[A],
fb: AccumulatingDecoder[B]
): AccumulatingDecoder[(A, B)] = fa.and(fb)
final def raiseError[A](e: NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure]): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = AccumulatingDecoder.failed(e)
final def handleErrorWith[A](fa: AccumulatingDecoder[A])(
f: NonEmptyList[DecodingFailure] => AccumulatingDecoder[A]
): AccumulatingDecoder[A] = fa.handleErrorWith(f)