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package io.circe
import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
* A pretty-printer for JSON values.
* @author Travis Brown
* @author Tony Morris
* @param indent The indentation to use if any format strings contain a new line.
* @param lbraceLeft Spaces to insert to left of a left brace.
* @param lbraceRight Spaces to insert to right of a left brace.
* @param rbraceLeft Spaces to insert to left of a right brace.
* @param rbraceRight Spaces to insert to right of a right brace.
* @param lbracketLeft Spaces to insert to left of a left bracket.
* @param lbracketRight Spaces to insert to right of a left bracket.
* @param rbracketLeft Spaces to insert to left of a right bracket.
* @param rbracketRight Spaces to insert to right of a right bracket.
* @param lrbracketsEmpty Spaces to insert for an empty array.
* @param arrayCommaLeft Spaces to insert to left of a comma in an array.
* @param arrayCommaRight Spaces to insert to right of a comma in an array.
* @param objectCommaLeft Spaces to insert to left of a comma in an object.
* @param objectCommaRight Spaces to insert to right of a comma in an object.
* @param colonLeft Spaces to insert to left of a colon.
* @param colonRight Spaces to insert to right of a colon.
* @param preserveOrder Determines if field ordering should be preserved.
* @param dropNullKeys Determines if object fields with values of null are dropped from the output.
final case class Printer(
preserveOrder: Boolean,
dropNullKeys: Boolean,
indent: String,
lbraceLeft: String = "",
lbraceRight: String = "",
rbraceLeft: String = "",
rbraceRight: String = "",
lbracketLeft: String = "",
lbracketRight: String = "",
rbracketLeft: String = "",
rbracketRight: String = "",
lrbracketsEmpty: String = "",
arrayCommaLeft: String = "",
arrayCommaRight: String = "",
objectCommaLeft: String = "",
objectCommaRight: String = "",
colonLeft: String = "",
colonRight: String = ""
) extends Serializable {
private[this] final val openBraceText = "{"
private[this] final val closeBraceText = "}"
private[this] final val openArrayText = "["
private[this] final val closeArrayText = "]"
private[this] final val commaText = ","
private[this] final val colonText = ":"
private[this] final val nullText = "null"
private[this] final val trueText = "true"
private[this] final val falseText = "false"
private[this] final val stringEnclosureText = "\""
private[this] final def addIndentation(s: String): Int => String = {
val lastNewLineIndex = s.lastIndexOf("\n")
if (lastNewLineIndex < 0) {
_ => s
} else {
val afterLastNewLineIndex = lastNewLineIndex + 1
val start = s.substring(0, afterLastNewLineIndex)
val end = s.substring(afterLastNewLineIndex)
n => start + indent * n + end
private[this] final val pieces = new Printer.MemoizedPieces {
final def compute(i: Int): Printer.Pieces = Printer.Pieces(
addIndentation(lbraceRight)(i + 1)
addIndentation(rbraceRight)(i + 1)
addIndentation(lbracketRight)(i + 1)
addIndentation(rbracketRight)(i + 1)
addIndentation(arrayCommaLeft)(i + 1),
addIndentation(arrayCommaRight)(i + 1)
addIndentation(objectCommaLeft)(i + 1),
addIndentation(objectCommaRight)(i + 1)
addIndentation(colonLeft)(i + 1),
addIndentation(colonRight)(i + 1)
* Returns a string representation of a pretty-printed JSON value.
final def pretty(j: Json): String = {
val builder = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
def appendJsonString(
jsonString: String,
normalChars: Boolean,
offset: Int
): Unit = if (normalChars) {
var i = offset
while (i < jsonString.length && Printer.isNormalChar(jsonString.charAt(i))) {
i += 1
builder.append(jsonString, offset, i)
if (i < jsonString.length) appendJsonString(jsonString, false, i)
} else {
var i = offset
while (i < jsonString.length && !Printer.isNormalChar(jsonString.charAt(i))) {
i += 1
if (i < jsonString.length) appendJsonString(jsonString, true, i)
def encloseJsonString(jsonString: String): Unit = {
appendJsonString(jsonString, true, 0)
def trav(depth: Int, k: Json): Unit = {
val p = pieces(depth)
k match {
case Json.JObject(o) =>
val items = if (preserveOrder) o.toList else o.toMap
var first = true
val itemIterator = items.iterator
while (itemIterator.hasNext) {
val (key, value) =
if (!dropNullKeys || !value.isNull) {
if (!first) {
trav(depth + 1, value)
first = false
case Json.JString(s) => encloseJsonString(s)
case Json.JNumber(n) => builder.append(n.toString)
case Json.JBoolean(b) => builder.append(if (b) trueText else falseText)
case Json.JArray(arr) =>
val arrIterator = arr.iterator
if (!arrIterator.hasNext) builder.append(p.lrEmptyBrackets) else {
trav(depth + 1,
while (arrIterator.hasNext) {
trav(depth + 1,
case Json.JNull => builder.append(nullText)
trav(0, j)
final object Printer {
* A pretty-printer configuration that inserts no spaces.
final val noSpaces: Printer = Printer(
preserveOrder = true,
dropNullKeys = false,
indent = ""
* A pretty-printer configuration that indents by the given spaces.
final def indented(indent: String): Printer = Printer(
preserveOrder = true,
dropNullKeys = false,
indent = indent,
lbraceRight = "\n",
rbraceLeft = "\n",
lbracketRight = "\n",
rbracketLeft = "\n",
lrbracketsEmpty = "\n",
arrayCommaRight = "\n",
objectCommaRight = "\n",
colonLeft = " ",
colonRight = " "
* A pretty-printer configuration that indents by two spaces.
final val spaces2: Printer = indented(" ")
* A pretty-printer configuration that indents by four spaces.
final val spaces4: Printer = indented(" ")
private[circe] final def escape(c: Char): String = (c: @switch) match {
case '\\' => "\\\\"
case '"' => "\\\""
case '\b' => "\\b"
case '\f' => "\\f"
case '\n' => "\\n"
case '\r' => "\\r"
case '\t' => "\\t"
case possibleUnicode => if (Character.isISOControl(possibleUnicode)) {
} else possibleUnicode.toString
private[circe] final def isNormalChar(c: Char): Boolean = (c: @switch) match {
case '\\' => false
case '"' => false
case '\b' => false
case '\f' => false
case '\n' => false
case '\r' => false
case '\t' => false
case possibleUnicode => !Character.isISOControl(possibleUnicode)
private[circe] final case class Pieces(
lBraces: String,
rBraces: String,
lBrackets: String,
rBrackets: String,
lrEmptyBrackets: String,
arrayCommas: String,
objectCommas: String,
colons: String
) extends Serializable
private[this] final val maxMemoizationDepth = 128
private[circe] abstract class MemoizedPieces extends Serializable {
def compute(i: Int): Pieces
private[this] final val known = new java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList[Pieces](
new Array[Pieces](maxMemoizationDepth)
final def apply(i: Int): Pieces = if (i >= maxMemoizationDepth) compute(i) else {
val res = known.get(i)
if (res != null) res else {
val tmp = compute(i)
known.set(i, tmp)