io.circe.Json.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.circe
import cats.{ Eq, Show }
import io.circe.numbers.BiggerDecimal
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
* A data type representing possible JSON values.
* @author Travis Brown
* @author Tony Morris
* @author Dylan Just
* @author Mark Hibberd
sealed abstract class Json extends Product with Serializable {
import Json._
* Reduce this JSON value with the given [[Json.Folder]].
def foldWith[X](folder: Json.Folder[X]): X
* The catamorphism for the JSON value data type.
final def fold[X](
jsonNull: => X,
jsonBoolean: Boolean => X,
jsonNumber: JsonNumber => X,
jsonString: String => X,
jsonArray: Vector[Json] => X,
jsonObject: JsonObject => X
): X = this match {
case JNull => jsonNull
case JBoolean(b) => jsonBoolean(b)
case JNumber(n) => jsonNumber(n)
case JString(s) => jsonString(s)
case JArray(a) => jsonArray(a)
case JObject(o) => jsonObject(o)
* Run on an array or object or return the given default.
final def arrayOrObject[X](
or: => X,
jsonArray: Vector[Json] => X,
jsonObject: JsonObject => X
): X = this match {
case JNull => or
case JBoolean(_) => or
case JNumber(_) => or
case JString(_) => or
case JArray(a) => jsonArray(a)
case JObject(o) => jsonObject(o)
* Construct a successful cursor from this JSON value.
final def hcursor: HCursor = HCursor.fromJson(this)
def isNull: Boolean
def isBoolean: Boolean
def isNumber: Boolean
def isString: Boolean
def isArray: Boolean
def isObject: Boolean
def asNull: Option[Unit]
def asBoolean: Option[Boolean]
def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber]
def asString: Option[String]
def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]]
def asObject: Option[JsonObject]
def withNull(f: => Json): Json
def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json
def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json
def withString(f: String => Json): Json
def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json
def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json
def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json
def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json
def mapString(f: String => String): Json
def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json
def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json
* The name of the type of the JSON value.
final def name: String =
this match {
case JNull => "Null"
case JBoolean(_) => "Boolean"
case JNumber(_) => "Number"
case JString(_) => "String"
case JArray(_) => "Array"
case JObject(_) => "Object"
* Attempts to decode this JSON value to another data type.
final def as[A](implicit d: Decoder[A]): Decoder.Result[A] = d(hcursor)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string using the given pretty-printer.
final def pretty(p: Printer): String = p.pretty(this)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string with no spaces.
final def noSpaces: String = Printer.noSpaces.pretty(this)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string indentation of two spaces.
final def spaces2: String = Printer.spaces2.pretty(this)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string indentation of four spaces.
final def spaces4: String = Printer.spaces4.pretty(this)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string with no spaces, with object keys
* sorted alphabetically.
final def noSpacesSortKeys: String = Printer.noSpacesSortKeys.pretty(this)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string indentation of two spaces, with
* object keys sorted alphabetically.
final def spaces2SortKeys: String = Printer.spaces2SortKeys.pretty(this)
* Pretty-print this JSON value to a string indentation of four spaces, with
* object keys sorted alphabetically.
final def spaces4SortKeys: String = Printer.spaces4SortKeys.pretty(this)
* Perform a deep merge of this JSON value with another JSON value.
* Objects are merged by key, values from the argument JSON take
* precedence over values from this JSON. Nested objects are
* recursed.
* Null, Array, Boolean, String and Number are treated as values,
* and values from the argument JSON completely replace values
* from this JSON.
def deepMerge(that: Json): Json =
(asObject, that.asObject) match {
case (Some(lhs), Some(rhs)) =>
lhs.toList.foldLeft(rhs) {
case (acc, (key, value)) =>
rhs(key).fold(acc.add(key, value)) { r =>
acc.add(key, value.deepMerge(r))
case _ => that
* Drop the entries with a null value if this is an object.
* Note that this does not apply recursively.
def dropNullValues: Json = this.mapObject(_.filter { case (_, v) => !v.isNull })
* Compute a `String` representation for this JSON value.
override final def toString: String = spaces2
* Universal equality derived from our type-safe equality.
override final def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: Json => Json.eqJson.eqv(this, that)
case _ => false
* Use implementations provided by case classes.
override def hashCode(): Int
// Alias for `findAllByKey`.
final def \\(key: String): List[Json] = findAllByKey(key)
* Recursively return all values matching the specified `key`.
* The Play docs, from which this method was inspired, reads:
* "Lookup for fieldName in the current object and all descendants."
final def findAllByKey(key: String): List[Json] = {
val hh: ListBuffer[Json] = ListBuffer.empty[Json]
def loop(json: Json): Unit = json match {
case JObject(obj) =>
obj.toIterable.foreach {
case (k, v) =>
if (k == key) hh += v
case JArray(elems) => elems.foreach(loop)
case _ => // do nothing
object Json {
* Represents a set of operations for reducing a [[Json]] instance to a value.
trait Folder[X] extends Serializable {
def onNull: X
def onBoolean(value: Boolean): X
def onNumber(value: JsonNumber): X
def onString(value: String): X
def onArray(value: Vector[Json]): X
def onObject(value: JsonObject): X
private[circe] final case object JNull extends Json {
final def foldWith[X](folder: Folder[X]): X = folder.onNull
final def isNull: Boolean = true
final def isBoolean: Boolean = false
final def isNumber: Boolean = false
final def isString: Boolean = false
final def isArray: Boolean = false
final def isObject: Boolean = false
final def asNull: Option[Unit] = Some(())
final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean] = None
final def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber] = None
final def asString: Option[String] = None
final def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]] = None
final def asObject: Option[JsonObject] = None
final def withNull(f: => Json): Json = f
final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json = this
final def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json = this
final def withString(f: String => Json): Json = this
final def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json = this
final def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json = this
final def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json = this
final def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json = this
final def mapString(f: String => String): Json = this
final def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json = this
final def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json = this
private[circe] final case class JBoolean(value: Boolean) extends Json {
final def foldWith[X](folder: Folder[X]): X = folder.onBoolean(value)
final def isNull: Boolean = false
final def isBoolean: Boolean = true
final def isNumber: Boolean = false
final def isString: Boolean = false
final def isArray: Boolean = false
final def isObject: Boolean = false
final def asNull: Option[Unit] = None
final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean] = Some(value)
final def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber] = None
final def asString: Option[String] = None
final def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]] = None
final def asObject: Option[JsonObject] = None
final def withNull(f: => Json): Json = this
final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json = f(value)
final def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json = this
final def withString(f: String => Json): Json = this
final def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json = this
final def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json = this
final def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json = JBoolean(f(value))
final def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json = this
final def mapString(f: String => String): Json = this
final def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json = this
final def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json = this
private[circe] final case class JNumber(value: JsonNumber) extends Json {
final def foldWith[X](folder: Folder[X]): X = folder.onNumber(value)
final def isNull: Boolean = false
final def isBoolean: Boolean = false
final def isNumber: Boolean = true
final def isString: Boolean = false
final def isArray: Boolean = false
final def isObject: Boolean = false
final def asNull: Option[Unit] = None
final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean] = None
final def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber] = Some(value)
final def asString: Option[String] = None
final def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]] = None
final def asObject: Option[JsonObject] = None
final def withNull(f: => Json): Json = this
final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json = this
final def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json = f(value)
final def withString(f: String => Json): Json = this
final def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json = this
final def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json = this
final def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json = this
final def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json = JNumber(f(value))
final def mapString(f: String => String): Json = this
final def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json = this
final def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json = this
private[circe] final case class JString(value: String) extends Json {
final def foldWith[X](folder: Folder[X]): X = folder.onString(value)
final def isNull: Boolean = false
final def isBoolean: Boolean = false
final def isNumber: Boolean = false
final def isString: Boolean = true
final def isArray: Boolean = false
final def isObject: Boolean = false
final def asNull: Option[Unit] = None
final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean] = None
final def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber] = None
final def asString: Option[String] = Some(value)
final def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]] = None
final def asObject: Option[JsonObject] = None
final def withNull(f: => Json): Json = this
final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json = this
final def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json = this
final def withString(f: String => Json): Json = f(value)
final def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json = this
final def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json = this
final def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json = this
final def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json = this
final def mapString(f: String => String): Json = JString(f(value))
final def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json = this
final def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json = this
private[circe] final case class JArray(value: Vector[Json]) extends Json {
final def foldWith[X](folder: Folder[X]): X = folder.onArray(value)
final def isNull: Boolean = false
final def isBoolean: Boolean = false
final def isNumber: Boolean = false
final def isString: Boolean = false
final def isArray: Boolean = true
final def isObject: Boolean = false
final def asNull: Option[Unit] = None
final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean] = None
final def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber] = None
final def asString: Option[String] = None
final def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]] = Some(value)
final def asObject: Option[JsonObject] = None
final def withNull(f: => Json): Json = this
final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json = this
final def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json = this
final def withString(f: String => Json): Json = this
final def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json = f(value)
final def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json = this
final def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json = this
final def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json = this
final def mapString(f: String => String): Json = this
final def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json = JArray(f(value))
final def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json = this
private[circe] final case class JObject(value: JsonObject) extends Json {
final def foldWith[X](folder: Folder[X]): X = folder.onObject(value)
final def isNull: Boolean = false
final def isBoolean: Boolean = false
final def isNumber: Boolean = false
final def isString: Boolean = false
final def isArray: Boolean = false
final def isObject: Boolean = true
final def asNull: Option[Unit] = None
final def asBoolean: Option[Boolean] = None
final def asNumber: Option[JsonNumber] = None
final def asString: Option[String] = None
final def asArray: Option[Vector[Json]] = None
final def asObject: Option[JsonObject] = Some(value)
final def withNull(f: => Json): Json = this
final def withBoolean(f: Boolean => Json): Json = this
final def withNumber(f: JsonNumber => Json): Json = this
final def withString(f: String => Json): Json = this
final def withArray(f: Vector[Json] => Json): Json = this
final def withObject(f: JsonObject => Json): Json = f(value)
final def mapBoolean(f: Boolean => Boolean): Json = this
final def mapNumber(f: JsonNumber => JsonNumber): Json = this
final def mapString(f: String => String): Json = this
final def mapArray(f: Vector[Json] => Vector[Json]): Json = this
final def mapObject(f: JsonObject => JsonObject): Json = JObject(f(value))
final val Null: Json = JNull
final val True: Json = JBoolean(true)
final val False: Json = JBoolean(false)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON object from key-value pairs.
final def obj(fields: (String, Json)*): Json = fromFields(fields)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON array from values.
final def arr(values: Json*): Json = fromValues(values)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON object from a collection of key-value pairs.
final def fromFields(fields: Iterable[(String, Json)]): Json = JObject(JsonObject.fromIterable(fields))
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON array from a collection of values.
final def fromValues(values: Iterable[Json]): Json = JArray(values.toVector)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON object from a [[JsonObject]].
final def fromJsonObject(value: JsonObject): Json = JObject(value)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from a [[JsonNumber]].
final def fromJsonNumber(value: JsonNumber): Json = JNumber(value)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON string.
* Note that this does not parse the argument.
final def fromString(value: String): Json = JString(value)
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON boolean.
final def fromBoolean(value: Boolean): Json = if (value) True else False
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from an `Int`.
final def fromInt(value: Int): Json = JNumber(JsonLong(value.toLong))
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from a `Long`.
final def fromLong(value: Long): Json = JNumber(JsonLong(value))
* Try to create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from a `Double`.
* The result is empty if the argument cannot be represented as a JSON number.
final def fromDouble(value: Double): Option[Json] = if (isReal(value)) Some(JNumber(JsonDouble(value))) else None
* Try to create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from a `Float`.
* The result is empty if the argument cannot be represented as a JSON number.
final def fromFloat(value: Float): Option[Json] = if (isReal(value)) Some(JNumber(JsonFloat(value))) else None
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number or null from a `Double`.
* The result is a JSON null if the argument cannot be represented as a JSON
* number.
final def fromDoubleOrNull(value: Double): Json = if (isReal(value)) JNumber(JsonDouble(value)) else Null
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number or null from a `Float`.
* The result is a JSON null if the argument cannot be represented as a JSON
* number.
final def fromFloatOrNull(value: Float): Json =
if (isReal(value)) JNumber(JsonFloat(value)) else Null
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number or string from a `Double`.
* The result is a JSON string if the argument cannot be represented as a JSON
* number.
final def fromDoubleOrString(value: Double): Json =
if (isReal(value)) JNumber(JsonDouble(value)) else fromString(java.lang.Double.toString(value))
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number or string from a `Float`.
* The result is a JSON string if the argument cannot be represented as a JSON
* number.
final def fromFloatOrString(value: Float): Json =
if (isReal(value)) JNumber(JsonFloat(value)) else fromString(java.lang.Float.toString(value))
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from a `BigInt`.
final def fromBigInt(value: BigInt): Json = JNumber(JsonBiggerDecimal(BiggerDecimal.fromBigInteger(value.underlying)))
* Create a `Json` value representing a JSON number from a `BigDecimal`.
final def fromBigDecimal(value: BigDecimal): Json = JNumber(JsonBigDecimal(value.underlying))
* Calling `.isNaN` and `.isInfinity` directly on the value boxes; we
* explicitly avoid that here.
private[this] def isReal(value: Double): Boolean =
(!java.lang.Double.isNaN(value)) && (!java.lang.Double.isInfinite(value))
* Calling `.isNaN` and `.isInfinity` directly on the value boxes; we
* explicitly avoid that here.
private[this] def isReal(value: Float): Boolean =
(!java.lang.Float.isNaN(value)) && (!java.lang.Float.isInfinite(value))
private[this] final def arrayEq(x: Seq[Json], y: Seq[Json]): Boolean = {
val it0 = x.iterator
val it1 = y.iterator
while (it0.hasNext && it1.hasNext) {
if (Json.eqJson.neqv(, return false
it0.hasNext == it1.hasNext
implicit final val eqJson: Eq[Json] = Eq.instance {
case (JObject(a), JObject(b)) => JsonObject.eqJsonObject.eqv(a, b)
case (JString(a), JString(b)) => a == b
case (JNumber(a), JNumber(b)) => JsonNumber.eqJsonNumber.eqv(a, b)
case (JBoolean(a), JBoolean(b)) => a == b
case (JArray(a), JArray(b)) => arrayEq(a, b)
case (x, y) => x.isNull && y.isNull
implicit final val showJson: Show[Json] = Show.fromToString[Json]
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