io.circe.JsonObject.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.circe
import cats.{ Applicative, Eq, Foldable, Show }
import java.util.LinkedHashMap
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
* A mapping from keys to JSON values that maintains insertion order.
* @author Travis Brown
* @groupname Contents Operations for accessing contents
* @groupprio Contents 0
* @groupname Conversions Conversions to other collection types
* @groupprio Conversions 1
* @groupname Modification Operations that transform the JSON object
* @groupprio Modification 2
* @groupname Other Equality and other operations
* @groupprio Other 3
sealed abstract class JsonObject extends Serializable {
* Return the JSON value associated with the given key, with undefined behavior if there is none.
* @group Contents
private[circe] def applyUnsafe(k: String): Json
* Return the JSON value associated with the given key.
* @group Contents
def apply(key: String): Option[Json]
* Return `true` if there is an association with the given key.
* @group Contents
def contains(key: String): Boolean
* Return the number of associations.
* @group Contents
def size: Int
* Return `true` if there are no associations.
* @group Contents
def isEmpty: Boolean
* Return `true` if there is at least one association.
* @group Contents
final def nonEmpty: Boolean = !isEmpty
* Return a Kleisli arrow that gets the JSON value associated with the given field.
* @group Contents
final def kleisli: Kleisli[Option, String, Json] = Kleisli(apply(_))
* Return all keys in insertion order.
* @group Contents
def keys: Iterable[String]
* Return all associated values in insertion order.
* @group Contents
def values: Iterable[Json]
* Convert to a map.
* @note This conversion does not maintain insertion order.
* @group Conversions
def toMap: Map[String, Json]
* Return all key-value pairs in insertion order.
* @group Conversions
def toIterable: Iterable[(String, Json)]
* Return all key-value pairs in insertion order as a list.
* @group Conversions
final def toList: List[(String, Json)] = toIterable.toList
* Return all key-value pairs in insertion order as a vector.
* @group Conversions
final def toVector: Vector[(String, Json)] = toIterable.toVector
* Insert the given key and value.
* @group Modification
def add(key: String, value: Json): JsonObject
* Prepend the given key-value pair.
* @group Modification
def +:(field: (String, Json)): JsonObject
* Remove the field with the given key (if it exists).
* @group Modification
def remove(key: String): JsonObject
* Traverse [[Json]] values.
* @group Modification
def traverse[F[_]](f: Json => F[Json])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[JsonObject]
* Transform all associated JSON values.
* @group Modification
def mapValues(f: Json => Json): JsonObject
* Filter by keys and values.
* @group Modification
final def filter(pred: ((String, Json)) => Boolean): JsonObject = JsonObject.fromIterable(toIterable.filter(pred))
* Filter by keys.
* @group Modification
final def filterKeys(pred: String => Boolean): JsonObject = filter(field => pred(field._1))
private[circe] def appendToFolder(folder: Printer.PrintingFolder): Unit
* @group Other
final override def toString: String = {
case (k, v) => s"$k -> ${}"
}.mkString("object[", ",", "]")
* @group Other
final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: JsonObject => toMap == that.toMap
case _ => false
* @group Other
final override def hashCode: Int = toMap.hashCode
* Constructors, type class instances, and other utilities for [[JsonObject]].
object JsonObject {
* Construct a [[JsonObject]] from the given key-value pairs.
final def apply(fields: (String, Json)*): JsonObject = fromIterable(fields)
* Construct a [[JsonObject]] from a foldable collection of key-value pairs.
final def fromFoldable[F[_]](fields: F[(String, Json)])(implicit F: Foldable[F]): JsonObject =
F.foldLeft(fields, empty) { case (acc, (key, value)) => acc.add(key, value) }
* Construct a [[JsonObject]] from an [[scala.collection.Iterable]] (provided for optimization).
final def fromIterable(fields: Iterable[(String, Json)]): JsonObject = {
val map = new LinkedHashMap[String, Json]
val iterator = fields.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val (key, value) =
map.put(key, value)
new LinkedHashMapJsonObject(map)
* Construct a [[JsonObject]] from a map from keys to [[Json]] values.
* Note that the order of the fields is arbitrary.
final def fromMap(map: Map[String, Json]): JsonObject = fromMapAndVector(map, map.keys.toVector)
private[circe] final def fromMapAndVector(map: Map[String, Json], keys: Vector[String]): JsonObject =
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(map, keys)
private[circe] final def fromLinkedHashMap(map: LinkedHashMap[String, Json]): JsonObject =
new LinkedHashMapJsonObject(map)
* Construct an empty [[JsonObject]].
final val empty: JsonObject = new MapAndVectorJsonObject(Map.empty, Vector.empty)
* Construct a [[JsonObject]] with a single field.
final def singleton(key: String, value: Json): JsonObject = new MapAndVectorJsonObject(Map((key, value)), Vector(key))
implicit final val showJsonObject: Show[JsonObject] = Show.fromToString
implicit final val eqJsonObject: Eq[JsonObject] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals
* An implementation of [[JsonObject]] built on `java.util.LinkedHashMap`.
private[this] final class LinkedHashMapJsonObject(fields: LinkedHashMap[String, Json]) extends JsonObject {
private[circe] def applyUnsafe(key: String): Json = fields.get(key)
final def apply(k: String): Option[Json] = Option(fields.get(k))
final def size: Int = fields.size
final def contains(k: String): Boolean = fields.containsKey(k)
final def isEmpty: Boolean = fields.isEmpty
final def keys: Iterable[String] = new Iterable[String] {
final def iterator: Iterator[String] = new Iterator[String] {
private[this] val underlying = fields.keySet.iterator
final def hasNext: Boolean = underlying.hasNext
final def next(): String =
final def values: Iterable[Json] = new Iterable[Json] {
final def iterator: Iterator[Json] = new Iterator[Json] {
private[this] val underlying = fields.values.iterator
final def hasNext: Boolean = underlying.hasNext
final def next(): Json =
final def toMap: Map[String, Json] = {
val builder = Map.newBuilder[String, Json]
val iterator = fields.entrySet.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val next =
builder += ((next.getKey, next.getValue))
final def toIterable: Iterable[(String, Json)] = new Iterable[(String, Json)] {
final def iterator: Iterator[(String, Json)] = new Iterator[(String, Json)] {
private[this] val underlying = fields.entrySet.iterator
final def hasNext: Boolean = underlying.hasNext
final def next(): (String, Json) = {
val field =
(field.getKey, field.getValue)
final def appendToFolder(folder: Printer.PrintingFolder): Unit = {
val originalDepth = folder.depth
val p = folder.pieces(folder.depth)
var first = true
val iterable = if (folder.sortKeys) toIterable.toVector.sortBy(_._1) else toIterable
val iterator = iterable.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val next =
val key = next._1
val value = next._2
if (!folder.dropNullValues || !value.isNull) {
if (!first) folder.writer.append(p.objectCommas)
folder.depth += 1
folder.depth = originalDepth
first = false
private[this] def toMapAndVectorJsonObject: MapAndVectorJsonObject = {
val mapBuilder = Map.newBuilder[String, Json]
val keyBuilder = Vector.newBuilder[String]
val iterator = fields.entrySet.iterator
while (iterator.hasNext) {
val next =
val key = next.getKey
mapBuilder += ((key, next.getValue))
keyBuilder += key
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(mapBuilder.result(), keyBuilder.result())
final def add(k: String, j: Json): JsonObject = toMapAndVectorJsonObject.add(k, j)
final def +:(f: (String, Json)): JsonObject = toMapAndVectorJsonObject.+:(f)
final def remove(k: String): JsonObject = toMapAndVectorJsonObject.remove(k)
final def traverse[F[_]](f: Json => F[Json])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[JsonObject] =
final def mapValues(f: Json => Json): JsonObject = toMapAndVectorJsonObject.mapValues(f)
* A straightforward implementation of [[JsonObject]] with immutable collections.
private[this] final class MapAndVectorJsonObject(
fields: Map[String, Json],
orderedKeys: Vector[String]
) extends JsonObject {
private[circe] def applyUnsafe(key: String): Json = fields(key)
final def apply(key: String): Option[Json] = fields.get(key)
final def size: Int = fields.size
final def contains(key: String): Boolean = fields.contains(key)
final def isEmpty: Boolean = fields.isEmpty
final def keys: Iterable[String] = orderedKeys
final def values: Iterable[Json] = => fields(key))
final def toMap: Map[String, Json] = fields
final def toIterable: Iterable[(String, Json)] = => (key, fields(key)))
final def add(key: String, value: Json): JsonObject =
if (fields.contains(key)) {
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(fields.updated(key, value), orderedKeys)
} else {
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(fields.updated(key, value), orderedKeys :+ key)
final def +:(field: (String, Json)): JsonObject = {
val (key, value) = field
if (fields.contains(key)) {
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(fields.updated(key, value), orderedKeys)
} else {
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(fields.updated(key, value), key +: orderedKeys)
final def remove(key: String): JsonObject =
new MapAndVectorJsonObject(fields - key, orderedKeys.filterNot(_ == key))
final def traverse[F[_]](f: Json => F[Json])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[JsonObject] =
orderedKeys.foldLeft(F.pure(Map.empty[String, Json])) {
case (acc, key) => F.map2(acc, f(fields(key)))(_.updated(key, _))
)(mappedFields => new MapAndVectorJsonObject(mappedFields, orderedKeys))
final def mapValues(f: Json => Json): JsonObject =
new MapAndVectorJsonObject( {
case (key, value) => (key, f(value))
final def appendToFolder(folder: Printer.PrintingFolder): Unit = {
val originalDepth = folder.depth
val p = folder.pieces(folder.depth)
var first = true
val keyIterator = if (folder.sortKeys) orderedKeys.sorted.iterator else orderedKeys.iterator
while (keyIterator.hasNext) {
val key =
val value = fields(key)
if (!folder.dropNullValues || !value.isNull) {
if (!first) folder.writer.append(p.objectCommas)
folder.depth += 1
folder.depth = originalDepth
first = false
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