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JSON strings, object keys, or numbers that exceed a given length
encountering duplicate keys as per JSONlint
* In some cases excessively long values (e.g. JSON numbers with millions of
* digits) may support denial-of-service attacks. For example, the string
* constructor for Java's `BigInteger` is quadratic with the length of the
* input, and decoding a ten-million digit JSON number into a `BigInteger` may
* take minutes.
* If `allowDuplicateKeys` is set to `true`, the parser will not fail if it encounters an object
* containing duplicate keys. Note that duplicate keys are not prohibited by the JSON
* specification, but many linters and other processors do not handle them.
def apply(maxValueSize: Int, allowDuplicateKeys: Boolean): JawnParser =
new JawnParser(Some(maxValueSize), allowDuplicateKeys)
* Returns a parser that fails on:
JSON strings, object keys, or numbers that exceed a given length
encountering duplicate keys as per JSONlint
* In some cases excessively long values (e.g. JSON numbers with millions of
* digits) may support denial-of-service attacks. For example, the string
* constructor for Java's `BigInteger` is quadratic with the length of the
* input, and decoding a ten-million digit JSON number into a `BigInteger` may
* take minutes.
def apply(maxValueSize: Int): JawnParser = JawnParser(maxValueSize, true)
* If `allowDuplicateKeys` is set to `true`, the parser will not fail if it encounters an object
* containing duplicate keys. Note that duplicate keys are not prohibited by the JSON
* specification, but many linters and other processors do not handle them.
def apply(allowDuplicateKeys: Boolean): JawnParser = new JawnParser(None, allowDuplicateKeys)
class JawnParser(maxValueSize: Option[Int], allowDuplicateKeys: Boolean) extends Parser with JawnParserPlatform {
def this() = this(None, true)
private[jawn] final val supportParser: CirceSupportParser =
maxValueSize match {
case Some(_) => new CirceSupportParser(maxValueSize, allowDuplicateKeys)
case None => new CirceSupportParser(None, allowDuplicateKeys)
private[jawn] final def fromTry(t: Try[Json]): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] = t match {
case Success(json) => Right(json)
case Failure(error) => Left(ParsingFailure(error.getMessage, error))
final def parse(str: String): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] =
final def parseCharSequence(cs: CharSequence): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] =
final def parseByteBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] =
final def decodeCharSequence[A: Decoder](cs: CharSequence): Either[Error, A] =
final def decodeCharSequenceAccumulating[A: Decoder](cs: CharSequence): ValidatedNel[Error, A] =
final def parseByteArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Either[ParsingFailure, Json] =
final def decodeByteBuffer[A: Decoder](buffer: ByteBuffer): Either[Error, A] =
final def decodeByteBufferAccumulating[A: Decoder](buffer: ByteBuffer): ValidatedNel[Error, A] =
final def decodeByteArray[A: Decoder](bytes: Array[Byte]): Either[Error, A] =
final def decodeByteArrayAccumulating[A: Decoder](bytes: Array[Byte]): ValidatedNel[Error, A] =