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* Copyright 2024 circe
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.circe.numbers
import java.lang.StringBuilder
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigInteger
import scala.annotation.switch
* Represents a large decimal number.
* In theory `BigDecimal` can represent a very large range of valid JSON numbers (in most cases if a
* JSON number string can fit in memory, it's possible to construct an exact `BigDecimal`
* representation), but in practice this becomes intractable for many small JSON numbers (e.g.
* "1e2147483648" cannot be directly parsed as a `BigDecimal`).
* This type makes it possible to represent much, much larger numbers efficiently (although it
* doesn't support many operations on these values). It also makes it possible to distinguish
* between positive and negative zeros (unlike `BigDecimal`), which may be useful in some
* applications.
sealed abstract class BiggerDecimal extends Serializable {
def isWhole: Boolean
def isNegativeZero: Boolean
* The sign of this value.
* Returns -1 if it is less than 0, +1 if it is greater than 0, and 0 if it is
* equal to 0. Note that this follows the behavior of [[scala.Double]] for
* negative zero (returning 0).
def signum: Int
* Convert to a `java.math.BigDecimal` if the `scale` is within the range of [[scala.Int]].
def toBigDecimal: Option[BigDecimal]
* Convert to a `java.math.BigInteger` if this is a sufficiently small whole number.
def toBigIntegerWithMaxDigits(maxDigits: BigInteger): Option[BigInteger]
* Convert to a `java.math.BigInteger` if this is a sufficiently small whole number.
* The maximum number of digits is somewhat arbitrarily set at 2^18 digits, since larger values
* may require excessive processing power. Larger values may be converted to `BigInteger` with
* [[toBigIntegerWithMaxDigits]] or via [[toBigDecimal]].
final def toBigInteger: Option[BigInteger] = toBigIntegerWithMaxDigits(BiggerDecimal.MaxBigIntegerDigits)
* Convert to the nearest [[scala.Double]].
def toDouble: Double
* Convert to the nearest [[scala.Float]].
def toFloat: Float
* Convert to a [[scala.Long]] if this is a valid `Long` value.
def toLong: Option[Long]
private[circe] def appendToStringBuilder(builder: StringBuilder): Unit
* Represents numbers as an unscaled value and a scale.
* This representation is the same as that used by `java.math.BigDecimal`, with two differences.
* First, the scale is a `java.math.BigInteger`, not a [[scala.Int]], and the unscaled value will
* never be an exact multiple of ten (in order to facilitate comparison).
private[numbers] final class SigAndExp(
val unscaled: BigInteger,
val scale: BigInteger
) extends BiggerDecimal {
def isWhole: Boolean = scale.signum < 1
def isNegativeZero: Boolean = false
def signum: Int = unscaled.signum
def toBigDecimal: Option[BigDecimal] =
if (scale.compareTo(BiggerDecimal.MaxInt) <= 0 && scale.compareTo(BiggerDecimal.MinInt) >= 0) {
Some(new BigDecimal(unscaled, scale.intValue))
} else None
def toBigIntegerWithMaxDigits(maxDigits: BigInteger): Option[BigInteger] =
if (!isWhole) None
else {
val digits = BigInteger.valueOf(unscaled.abs.toString.length.toLong).subtract(scale)
if (digits.compareTo(maxDigits) > 0) None
new BigDecimal(unscaled, scale.intValue).toBigInteger
def toDouble: Double = if (scale.compareTo(BiggerDecimal.MaxInt) <= 0 && scale.compareTo(BiggerDecimal.MinInt) >= 0) {
new BigDecimal(unscaled, scale.intValue).doubleValue
} else (if (scale.signum == 1) 0.0 else Double.PositiveInfinity) * unscaled.signum
def toFloat: Float = if (scale.compareTo(BiggerDecimal.MaxInt) <= 0 && scale.compareTo(BiggerDecimal.MinInt) >= 0) {
new BigDecimal(unscaled, scale.intValue).floatValue
} else (if (scale.signum == 1) 0.0f else Float.PositiveInfinity) * unscaled.signum
def toLong: Option[Long] = if (!this.isWhole) None
else {
toBigInteger match {
case Some(i) =>
val asLong = i.longValue
if (BigInteger.valueOf(asLong) == i) Some(asLong) else None
case None => None
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case other: SigAndExp => unscaled == other.unscaled && scale == other.scale
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = scale.hashCode + unscaled.hashCode
override def toString: String = if (scale == BigInteger.ZERO) unscaled.toString
else {
private[circe] def appendToStringBuilder(builder: StringBuilder): Unit = {
if (scale != BigInteger.ZERO) {
object BiggerDecimal {
private[numbers] val MaxBigIntegerDigits: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(1L << 18)
private[numbers] val MaxInt: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(Int.MaxValue)
private[numbers] val MinInt: BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(Int.MinValue)
private[numbers] val MaxLong: BigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Long.MaxValue)
private[numbers] val MinLong: BigDecimal = new BigDecimal(Long.MinValue)
private[this] abstract class Zero extends BiggerDecimal {
final def isWhole: Boolean = true
final def signum: Int = 0
final val toBigDecimal: Option[BigDecimal] = Some(BigDecimal.ZERO)
final def toBigIntegerWithMaxDigits(maxDigits: BigInteger): Option[BigInteger] = Some(BigInteger.ZERO)
final val toLong: Option[Long] = Some(0L)
private[circe] def appendToStringBuilder(builder: StringBuilder): Unit =
private[this] val UnsignedZero: BiggerDecimal = new Zero {
final def isNegativeZero: Boolean = false
final def toDouble: Double = 0.0
final def toFloat: Float = 0.0f
final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case other: Zero => !other.isNegativeZero
case _ => false
final override def hashCode: Int = 0.0.hashCode
final override def toString: String = "0"
val NegativeZero: BiggerDecimal = new Zero {
final def isNegativeZero: Boolean = true
final def toDouble: Double = -0.0
final def toFloat: Float = -0.0f
final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case other: Zero => other.isNegativeZero
case _ => false
final override def hashCode: Int = -0.0.hashCode
final override def toString: String = "-0"
private[this] def fromUnscaledAndScale(unscaled: BigInteger, scale: Long): BiggerDecimal =
if (unscaled == BigInteger.ZERO) UnsignedZero
else {
var current = unscaled
var depth = scale
var divAndRem = current.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.TEN)
while (divAndRem(1) == BigInteger.ZERO) {
current = divAndRem(0)
depth -= 1L
divAndRem = current.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger.TEN)
new SigAndExp(current, BigInteger.valueOf(depth))
def fromBigInteger(i: BigInteger): BiggerDecimal = fromUnscaledAndScale(i, 0L)
def fromBigDecimal(d: BigDecimal): BiggerDecimal = fromUnscaledAndScale(d.unscaledValue, d.scale.toLong)
def fromLong(d: Long): BiggerDecimal = fromUnscaledAndScale(BigInteger.valueOf(d), 0L)
* Convert a [[scala.Double]] into a [[BiggerDecimal]].
* @note This method assumes that the input is not `NaN` or infinite, and will throw a
* `NumberFormatException` if that assumption does not hold.
def fromDoubleUnsafe(d: Double): BiggerDecimal = if (, -0.0) == 0) {
} else fromBigDecimal(BigDecimal.valueOf(d))
def fromFloat(f: Float): BiggerDecimal = if (, -0.0f) == 0) {
} else fromBigDecimal(new BigDecimal(java.lang.Float.toString(f)))
private[this] final val MaxLongString = "9223372036854775807"
private[this] final val MinLongString = "-9223372036854775808"
* Is a string representing an integral value a valid [[scala.Long]]?
* Note that this method assumes that the input is a valid integral JSON
* number string (e.g. that it does have leading zeros).
def integralIsValidLong(s: String): Boolean = {
val bound = if (s.charAt(0) == '-') MinLongString else MaxLongString
s.length < bound.length || (s.length == bound.length && s.compareTo(bound) <= 0)
private[this] final val FAILED = 0
private[this] final val AFTER_DOT = 1
private[this] final val FRACTIONAL = 2
private[this] final val AFTER_E = 3
private[this] final val AFTER_EXP_SIGN = 4
private[this] final val EXPONENT = 5
private[this] final val INTEGRAL = 6
* Parse string into [[BiggerDecimal]].
def parseBiggerDecimal(input: String): Option[BiggerDecimal] = Option(parseBiggerDecimalUnsafe(input))
* Parse string into [[BiggerDecimal]], returning `null` on parsing failure.
def parseBiggerDecimalUnsafe(input: String): BiggerDecimal = {
val len = input.length
if (len == 0) null
else {
var zeros = 0
var decIndex = -1
var expIndex = -1
var i = if (input.charAt(0) == '-') 1 else 0
val startIndex = i
var parsedNonZeroIntegralDigit: Boolean = false
if (i >= len) {
null // state = FAILED
} else {
var state = INTEGRAL
while (i < len && state != FAILED) {
val c = input.charAt(i)
(state: @switch) match {
case INTEGRAL =>
if (c == '0') {
if (parsedNonZeroIntegralDigit) {
zeros = zeros + 1
} else if (c >= '1' && c <= '9') {
parsedNonZeroIntegralDigit = true
zeros = 0
} else if (c == '.') {
state = AFTER_DOT
} else if ((c == 'e' || c == 'E') && (i != startIndex)) {
state = AFTER_E
} else {
state = FAILED
case AFTER_DOT =>
decIndex = i - 1
if (c == '0') {
zeros = zeros + 1
} else if (c >= '1' && c <= '9') {
zeros = 0
} else {
state = FAILED
case AFTER_E =>
expIndex = i - 1
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
state = EXPONENT
} else if (c == '+' || c == '-') {
} else {
state = FAILED
if (c == '0') {
zeros = zeros + 1
} else if (c >= '1' && c <= '9') {
zeros = 0
} else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
state = AFTER_E
} else {
state = FAILED
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
state = EXPONENT
} else {
state = FAILED
case EXPONENT =>
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
state = EXPONENT
} else {
state = FAILED
i += 1
if (state == FAILED || state == AFTER_DOT || state == AFTER_E || state == AFTER_EXP_SIGN) null
else {
val integral =
if (decIndex >= 0) input.substring(0, decIndex)
else {
if (expIndex == -1) input
else {
input.substring(0, expIndex)
val fractional =
if (decIndex == -1) ""
else {
if (expIndex == -1) input.substring(decIndex + 1)
else {
input.substring(decIndex + 1, expIndex)
val unscaledString = integral + fractional
val unscaled = new BigInteger(unscaledString.substring(0, unscaledString.length - zeros))
if (unscaled == BigInteger.ZERO) {
if (input.charAt(0) == '-') NegativeZero else UnsignedZero
} else {
val rescale = BigInteger.valueOf((fractional.length - zeros).toLong)
val scale =
if (expIndex == -1) rescale
else {
rescale.subtract(new BigInteger(input.substring(expIndex + 1)))
new SigAndExp(unscaled, scale)