Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import cloudshift.awscdk.common.CdkDslMarker
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.Collection
import kotlin.collections.MutableList
* Properties for defining an IAM inline policy document.
* Example:
* ```
* Resource books;
* User iamUser;
* Method getBooks = books.addMethod("GET", new HttpIntegration(""),
* MethodOptions.builder()
* .authorizationType(AuthorizationType.IAM)
* .build());
* iamUser.attachInlinePolicy(Policy.Builder.create(this, "AllowBooks")
* .statements(List.of(
* PolicyStatement.Builder.create()
* .actions(List.of("execute-api:Invoke"))
* .effect(Effect.ALLOW)
* .resources(List.of(getBooks.getMethodArn()))
* .build()))
* .build());
* ```
public class PolicyPropsDsl {
private val cdkBuilder: PolicyProps.Builder = PolicyProps.builder()
private val _groups: MutableList = mutableListOf()
private val _roles: MutableList = mutableListOf()
private val _statements: MutableList = mutableListOf()
private val _users: MutableList = mutableListOf()
* @param document Initial PolicyDocument to use for this Policy.
* If omited, any
* `PolicyStatement` provided in the `statements` property will be applied
* against the empty default `PolicyDocument`.
public fun document(document: PolicyDocumentDsl.() -> Unit = {}) {
val builder = PolicyDocumentDsl()
* @param document Initial PolicyDocument to use for this Policy.
* If omited, any
* `PolicyStatement` provided in the `statements` property will be applied
* against the empty default `PolicyDocument`.
public fun document(document: PolicyDocument) {
* @param force Force creation of an `AWS::IAM::Policy`.
* Unless set to `true`, this `Policy` construct will not materialize to an
* `AWS::IAM::Policy` CloudFormation resource in case it would have no effect
* (for example, if it remains unattached to an IAM identity or if it has no
* statements). This is generally desired behavior, since it prevents
* creating invalid--and hence undeployable--CloudFormation templates.
* In cases where you know the policy must be created and it is actually
* an error if no statements have been added to it, you can set this to `true`.
public fun force(force: Boolean) {
* @param groups Groups to attach this policy to.
* You can also use `attachToGroup(group)` to attach this policy to a group.
public fun groups(vararg groups: IGroup) {
* @param groups Groups to attach this policy to.
* You can also use `attachToGroup(group)` to attach this policy to a group.
public fun groups(groups: Collection) {
* @param policyName The name of the policy.
* If you specify multiple policies for an entity,
* specify unique names. For example, if you specify a list of policies for
* an IAM role, each policy must have a unique name.
public fun policyName(policyName: String) {
* @param roles Roles to attach this policy to.
* You can also use `attachToRole(role)` to attach this policy to a role.
public fun roles(vararg roles: IRole) {
* @param roles Roles to attach this policy to.
* You can also use `attachToRole(role)` to attach this policy to a role.
public fun roles(roles: Collection) {
* @param statements Initial set of permissions to add to this policy document.
* You can also use `addStatements(...statement)` to add permissions later.
public fun statements(statements: PolicyStatementDsl.() -> Unit) {
* @param statements Initial set of permissions to add to this policy document.
* You can also use `addStatements(...statement)` to add permissions later.
public fun statements(statements: Collection) {
* @param users Users to attach this policy to.
* You can also use `attachToUser(user)` to attach this policy to a user.
public fun users(vararg users: IUser) {
* @param users Users to attach this policy to.
* You can also use `attachToUser(user)` to attach this policy to a user.
public fun users(users: Collection) {
public fun build(): PolicyProps {
if(_groups.isNotEmpty()) cdkBuilder.groups(_groups)
if(_roles.isNotEmpty()) cdkBuilder.roles(_roles)
if(_statements.isNotEmpty()) cdkBuilder.statements(_statements)
if(_users.isNotEmpty()) cdkBuilder.users(_users)