Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import cloudshift.awscdk.common.CdkDslMarker
import cloudshift.awscdk.common.MapBuilder
import kotlin.Any
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.Number
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.Collection
import kotlin.collections.MutableList
* The templated target type for the Amazon ECS
* [`RunTask`]( API
* operation.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* Object tags;
* EcsParametersProperty ecsParametersProperty = EcsParametersProperty.builder()
* .taskDefinitionArn("taskDefinitionArn")
* // the properties below are optional
* .capacityProviderStrategy(List.of(CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty.builder()
* .capacityProvider("capacityProvider")
* // the properties below are optional
* .base(123)
* .weight(123)
* .build()))
* .enableEcsManagedTags(false)
* .enableExecuteCommand(false)
* .group("group")
* .launchType("launchType")
* .networkConfiguration(NetworkConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .awsvpcConfiguration(AwsVpcConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .subnets(List.of("subnets"))
* // the properties below are optional
* .assignPublicIp("assignPublicIp")
* .securityGroups(List.of("securityGroups"))
* .build())
* .build())
* .placementConstraints(List.of(PlacementConstraintProperty.builder()
* .expression("expression")
* .type("type")
* .build()))
* .placementStrategy(List.of(PlacementStrategyProperty.builder()
* .field("field")
* .type("type")
* .build()))
* .platformVersion("platformVersion")
* .propagateTags("propagateTags")
* .referenceId("referenceId")
* .tags(tags)
* .taskCount(123)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public class CfnScheduleEcsParametersPropertyDsl {
private val cdkBuilder: CfnSchedule.EcsParametersProperty.Builder =
private val _capacityProviderStrategy: MutableList = mutableListOf()
private val _placementConstraints: MutableList = mutableListOf()
private val _placementStrategy: MutableList = mutableListOf()
* @param capacityProviderStrategy The capacity provider strategy to use for the task.
public fun capacityProviderStrategy(vararg capacityProviderStrategy: Any) {
* @param capacityProviderStrategy The capacity provider strategy to use for the task.
public fun capacityProviderStrategy(capacityProviderStrategy: Collection) {
* @param capacityProviderStrategy The capacity provider strategy to use for the task.
public fun capacityProviderStrategy(capacityProviderStrategy: IResolvable) {
* @param enableEcsManagedTags Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the task.
* For more information, see [Tagging Your Amazon ECS
* Resources]( in the
* *Amazon ECS Developer Guide* .
public fun enableEcsManagedTags(enableEcsManagedTags: Boolean) {
* @param enableEcsManagedTags Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the task.
* For more information, see [Tagging Your Amazon ECS
* Resources]( in the
* *Amazon ECS Developer Guide* .
public fun enableEcsManagedTags(enableEcsManagedTags: IResolvable) {
* @param enableExecuteCommand Whether or not to enable the execute command functionality for the
* containers in this task.
* If true, this enables execute command functionality on all containers in the task.
public fun enableExecuteCommand(enableExecuteCommand: Boolean) {
* @param enableExecuteCommand Whether or not to enable the execute command functionality for the
* containers in this task.
* If true, this enables execute command functionality on all containers in the task.
public fun enableExecuteCommand(enableExecuteCommand: IResolvable) {
* @param group Specifies an Amazon ECS task group for the task.
* The maximum length is 255 characters.
public fun group(group: String) {
* @param launchType Specifies the launch type on which your task is running.
* The launch type that you specify here must match one of the launch type (compatibilities) of
* the target task. The `FARGATE` value is supported only in the Regions where Fargate with Amazon
* ECS is supported. For more information, see [AWS Fargate on Amazon
* ECS]( in the *Amazon
* ECS Developer Guide* .
public fun launchType(launchType: String) {
* @param networkConfiguration This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.
public fun networkConfiguration(networkConfiguration: IResolvable) {
* @param networkConfiguration This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.
public fun networkConfiguration(networkConfiguration: CfnSchedule.NetworkConfigurationProperty) {
* @param placementConstraints An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task.
* You can specify up to 10 constraints per task (including constraints in the task definition and
* those specified at runtime).
public fun placementConstraints(vararg placementConstraints: Any) {
* @param placementConstraints An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task.
* You can specify up to 10 constraints per task (including constraints in the task definition and
* those specified at runtime).
public fun placementConstraints(placementConstraints: Collection) {
* @param placementConstraints An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task.
* You can specify up to 10 constraints per task (including constraints in the task definition and
* those specified at runtime).
public fun placementConstraints(placementConstraints: IResolvable) {
* @param placementStrategy The task placement strategy for a task or service.
public fun placementStrategy(vararg placementStrategy: Any) {
* @param placementStrategy The task placement strategy for a task or service.
public fun placementStrategy(placementStrategy: Collection) {
* @param placementStrategy The task placement strategy for a task or service.
public fun placementStrategy(placementStrategy: IResolvable) {
* @param platformVersion Specifies the platform version for the task.
* Specify only the numeric portion of the platform version, such as `1.1.0` .
public fun platformVersion(platformVersion: String) {
* @param propagateTags Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the
* task.
* If no value is specified, the tags are not propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the task
* during task creation. To add tags to a task after task creation, use the Amazon ECS
* [`TagResource`](
* API action.
public fun propagateTags(propagateTags: String) {
* @param referenceId The reference ID to use for the task.
public fun referenceId(referenceId: String) {
* @param tags The metadata that you apply to the task to help you categorize and organize them.
* Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For more
* information, see
* [`RunTask`]( in the
* *Amazon ECS API Reference* .
public fun tags(tags: MapBuilder.() -> Unit = {}) {
val builder = MapBuilder()
* @param tags The metadata that you apply to the task to help you categorize and organize them.
* Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For more
* information, see
* [`RunTask`]( in the
* *Amazon ECS API Reference* .
public fun tags(tags: Any) {
* @param taskCount The number of tasks to create based on `TaskDefinition` .
* The default is `1` .
public fun taskCount(taskCount: Number) {
* @param taskDefinitionArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task definition to use if the
* event target is an Amazon ECS task.
public fun taskDefinitionArn(taskDefinitionArn: String) {
public fun build(): CfnSchedule.EcsParametersProperty {
if(_placementConstraints.isNotEmpty()) cdkBuilder.placementConstraints(_placementConstraints)
if(_placementStrategy.isNotEmpty()) cdkBuilder.placementStrategy(_placementStrategy)