Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.CfnResource
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.CfnTag
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.IInspectable
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.IResolvable
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.TreeInspector
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkDslMarker
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkObject
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkObjectWrappers
import kotlin.Any
import kotlin.Boolean
import kotlin.Number
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
import io.cloudshiftdev.constructs.Construct as CloudshiftdevConstructsConstruct
import software.constructs.Construct as SoftwareConstructsConstruct
* The `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` resource enables you to create and manage a Version 2019.11.21
* global table. This resource cannot be used to create or manage a Version 2017.11.29 global table.
* For more information, see [Global
* tables]( .
* You cannot convert a resource of type `AWS::DynamoDB::Table` into a resource of type
* `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` by changing its type in your template. *Doing so might result in the
* deletion of your DynamoDB table.*
* You can instead use the GlobalTable resource to create a new table in a single Region. This will
* be billed the same as a single Region table. If you later update the stack to add other Regions then
* Global Tables pricing will apply.
* You should be aware of the following behaviors when working with DynamoDB global tables.
* * The IAM Principal executing the stack operation must have the permissions listed below in all
* regions where you plan to have a global table replica. The IAM Principal's permissions should not
* have restrictions based on IP source address. Some global tables operations (for example, adding a
* replica) are asynchronous, and require that the IAM Principal is valid until they complete. You
* should not delete the Principal (user or IAM role) until CloudFormation has finished updating your
* stack.
* * `dynamodb:CreateTable`
* * `dynamodb:UpdateTable`
* * `dynamodb:DeleteTable`
* * `dynamodb:DescribeContinuousBackups`
* * `dynamodb:DescribeContributorInsights`
* * `dynamodb:DescribeTable`
* * `dynamodb:DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling`
* * `dynamodb:DescribeTimeToLive`
* * `dynamodb:ListTables`
* * `dynamodb:UpdateTimeToLive`
* * `dynamodb:UpdateContributorInsights`
* * `dynamodb:UpdateContinuousBackups`
* * `dynamodb:ListTagsOfResource`
* * `dynamodb:TagResource`
* * `dynamodb:UntagResource`
* * `dynamodb:BatchWriteItem`
* * `dynamodb:CreateTableReplica`
* * `dynamodb:DeleteItem`
* * `dynamodb:DeleteTableReplica`
* * `dynamodb:DisableKinesisStreamingDestination`
* * `dynamodb:EnableKinesisStreamingDestination`
* * `dynamodb:GetItem`
* * `dynamodb:PutItem`
* * `dynamodb:Query`
* * `dynamodb:Scan`
* * `dynamodb:UpdateItem`
* * `dynamodb:DescribeTableReplicaAutoScaling`
* * `dynamodb:UpdateTableReplicaAutoScaling`
* * `iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole`
* * `kms:CreateGrant`
* * `kms:DescribeKey`
* * `application-autoscaling:DeleteScalingPolicy`
* * `application-autoscaling:DeleteScheduledAction`
* * `application-autoscaling:DeregisterScalableTarget`
* * `application-autoscaling:DescribeScalingPolicies`
* * `application-autoscaling:DescribeScalableTargets`
* * `application-autoscaling:PutScalingPolicy`
* * `application-autoscaling:PutScheduledAction`
* * `application-autoscaling:RegisterScalableTarget`
* * When using provisioned billing mode, CloudFormation will create an auto scaling policy on each
* of your replicas to control their write capacities. You must configure this policy using the
* `WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings` property. CloudFormation will ensure that all replicas have the
* same write capacity auto scaling property. You cannot directly specify a value for write capacity
* for a global table.
* * If your table uses provisioned capacity, you must configure auto scaling directly in the
* `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` resource. You should not configure additional auto scaling policies on
* any of the table replicas or global secondary indexes, either via API or via
* `AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalableTarget` or `AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy` .
* Doing so might result in unexpected behavior and is unsupported.
* * In AWS CloudFormation , each global table is controlled by a single stack, in a single region,
* regardless of the number of replicas. When you deploy your template, CloudFormation will
* create/update all replicas as part of a single stack operation. You should not deploy the same
* `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` resource in multiple regions. Doing so will result in errors, and is
* unsupported. If you deploy your application template in multiple regions, you can use conditions to
* only create the resource in a single region. Alternatively, you can choose to define your
* `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` resources in a stack separate from your application stack, and make
* sure it is only deployed to a single region.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* Object policyDocument;
* CfnGlobalTable cfnGlobalTable = CfnGlobalTable.Builder.create(this, "MyCfnGlobalTable")
* .attributeDefinitions(List.of(AttributeDefinitionProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .attributeType("attributeType")
* .build()))
* .keySchema(List.of(KeySchemaProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .keyType("keyType")
* .build()))
* .replicas(List.of(ReplicaSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .region("region")
* // the properties below are optional
* .contributorInsightsSpecification(ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* .build())
* .deletionProtectionEnabled(false)
* .globalSecondaryIndexes(List.of(ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* // the properties below are optional
* .contributorInsightsSpecification(ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* .build())
* .readOnDemandThroughputSettings(ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxReadRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .readProvisionedThroughputSettings(ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .readCapacityUnits(123)
* .build())
* .build()))
* .kinesisStreamSpecification(KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .streamArn("streamArn")
* // the properties below are optional
* .approximateCreationDateTimePrecision("approximateCreationDateTimePrecision")
* .build())
* .pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty.builder()
* .pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(false)
* .build())
* .readOnDemandThroughputSettings(ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxReadRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .readProvisionedThroughputSettings(ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .readCapacityUnits(123)
* .build())
* .replicaStreamSpecification(ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .resourcePolicy(ResourcePolicyProperty.builder()
* .policyDocument(policyDocument)
* .build())
* .build())
* .resourcePolicy(ResourcePolicyProperty.builder()
* .policyDocument(policyDocument)
* .build())
* .sseSpecification(ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty.builder()
* .kmsMasterKeyId("kmsMasterKeyId")
* .build())
* .tableClass("tableClass")
* .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()
* .key("key")
* .value("value")
* .build()))
* .build()))
* // the properties below are optional
* .billingMode("billingMode")
* .globalSecondaryIndexes(List.of(GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* .keySchema(List.of(KeySchemaProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .keyType("keyType")
* .build()))
* .projection(ProjectionProperty.builder()
* .nonKeyAttributes(List.of("nonKeyAttributes"))
* .projectionType("projectionType")
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxWriteRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .build())
* .build()))
* .localSecondaryIndexes(List.of(LocalSecondaryIndexProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* .keySchema(List.of(KeySchemaProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .keyType("keyType")
* .build()))
* .projection(ProjectionProperty.builder()
* .nonKeyAttributes(List.of("nonKeyAttributes"))
* .projectionType("projectionType")
* .build())
* .build()))
* .sseSpecification(SSESpecificationProperty.builder()
* .sseEnabled(false)
* // the properties below are optional
* .sseType("sseType")
* .build())
* .streamSpecification(StreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .streamViewType("streamViewType")
* .build())
* .tableName("tableName")
* .timeToLiveSpecification(TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* // the properties below are optional
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .build())
* .writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxWriteRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .build())
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public open class CfnGlobalTable(
) : CfnResource(cdkObject),
IInspectable {
public constructor(
scope: CloudshiftdevConstructsConstruct,
id: String,
props: CfnGlobalTableProps,
) :
id, props.let(CfnGlobalTableProps.Companion::unwrap))
public constructor(
scope: CloudshiftdevConstructsConstruct,
id: String,
props: CfnGlobalTableProps.Builder.() -> Unit,
) : this(scope, id, CfnGlobalTableProps(props)
* The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the DynamoDB table, such as
* `arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-2:123456789012:table/myDynamoDBTable` .
* The ARN returned is that of the replica in the region the stack is deployed to.
public open fun attrArn(): String = unwrap(this).getAttrArn()
* The ARN of the DynamoDB stream, such as
* `arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-1:123456789012:table/testddbstack-myDynamoDBTable-012A1SL7SMP5Q/stream/2015-11-30T20:10:00.000`
* . The `StreamArn` returned is that of the replica in the region the stack is deployed to.
* You must specify the `StreamSpecification` property to use this attribute.
public open fun attrStreamArn(): String = unwrap(this).getAttrStreamArn()
* Unique identifier for the table, such as `a123b456-01ab-23cd-123a-111222aaabbb` .
* The `TableId` returned is that of the replica in the region the stack is deployed to.
public open fun attrTableId(): String = unwrap(this).getAttrTableId()
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
public open fun attributeDefinitions(): Any = unwrap(this).getAttributeDefinitions()
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
public open fun attributeDefinitions(`value`: IResolvable) {
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
public open fun attributeDefinitions(`value`: List) {
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
public open fun attributeDefinitions(vararg `value`: Any): Unit =
* Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity.
* Valid values are:.
public open fun billingMode(): String? = unwrap(this).getBillingMode()
* Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity.
* Valid values are:.
public open fun billingMode(`value`: String) {
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public open fun globalSecondaryIndexes(): Any? = unwrap(this).getGlobalSecondaryIndexes()
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public open fun globalSecondaryIndexes(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public open fun globalSecondaryIndexes(`value`: List) {
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public open fun globalSecondaryIndexes(vararg `value`: Any): Unit =
* Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes.
* @param inspector tree inspector to collect and process attributes.
public override fun inspect(inspector: TreeInspector) {
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public open fun keySchema(): Any = unwrap(this).getKeySchema()
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public open fun keySchema(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public open fun keySchema(`value`: List) {
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public open fun keySchema(vararg `value`: Any): Unit = keySchema(`value`.toList())
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public open fun localSecondaryIndexes(): Any? = unwrap(this).getLocalSecondaryIndexes()
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public open fun localSecondaryIndexes(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public open fun localSecondaryIndexes(`value`: List) {
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public open fun localSecondaryIndexes(vararg `value`: Any): Unit =
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public open fun replicas(): Any = unwrap(this).getReplicas()
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public open fun replicas(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public open fun replicas(`value`: List) {
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public open fun replicas(vararg `value`: Any): Unit = replicas(`value`.toList())
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public open fun sseSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getSseSpecification()
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public open fun sseSpecification(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public open fun sseSpecification(`value`: SSESpecificationProperty) {
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public open fun sseSpecification(`value`: SSESpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit =
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
public open fun streamSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getStreamSpecification()
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
public open fun streamSpecification(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
public open fun streamSpecification(`value`: StreamSpecificationProperty) {
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
public open fun streamSpecification(`value`: StreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit
= streamSpecification(StreamSpecificationProperty(`value`))
* A name for the global table.
public open fun tableName(): String? = unwrap(this).getTableName()
* A name for the global table.
public open fun tableName(`value`: String) {
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
public open fun timeToLiveSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getTimeToLiveSpecification()
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
public open fun timeToLiveSpecification(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
public open fun timeToLiveSpecification(`value`: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty) {
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
public open
fun timeToLiveSpecification(`value`: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit
= timeToLiveSpecification(TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty(`value`))
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
public open fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
public open fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
public open
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(`value`: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
public open
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(`value`: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty(`value`))
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
public open fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
public open fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(`value`: IResolvable) {
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
public open
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(`value`: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
public open
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(`value`: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty(`value`))
* A fluent builder for [].
public interface Builder {
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
* [Documentation](
* @param attributeDefinitions A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global
* table and indexes.
public fun attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions: IResolvable)
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
* [Documentation](
* @param attributeDefinitions A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global
* table and indexes.
public fun attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions: List)
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
* [Documentation](
* @param attributeDefinitions A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global
* table and indexes.
public fun attributeDefinitions(vararg attributeDefinitions: Any)
* Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity.
* Valid values are:.
* All replicas in your global table will have the same billing mode. If you use `PROVISIONED`
* billing mode, you must provide an auto scaling configuration via the
* `WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings` property. The default value of this property is
* [Documentation](
* @param billingMode Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you
* manage capacity. Valid values are:.
public fun billingMode(billingMode: String)
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
* You can create up to 20 global secondary indexes. Each replica in your global table will have
* the same global secondary index settings. You can only create or delete one global secondary
* index in a single stack operation.
* Since the backfilling of an index could take a long time, CloudFormation does not wait for
* the index to become active. If a stack operation rolls back, CloudFormation might not delete an
* index that has been added. In that case, you will need to delete the index manually.
* [Documentation](
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: IResolvable)
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
* You can create up to 20 global secondary indexes. Each replica in your global table will have
* the same global secondary index settings. You can only create or delete one global secondary
* index in a single stack operation.
* Since the backfilling of an index could take a long time, CloudFormation does not wait for
* the index to become active. If a stack operation rolls back, CloudFormation might not delete an
* index that has been added. In that case, you will need to delete the index manually.
* [Documentation](
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: List)
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
* You can create up to 20 global secondary indexes. Each replica in your global table will have
* the same global secondary index settings. You can only create or delete one global secondary
* index in a single stack operation.
* Since the backfilling of an index could take a long time, CloudFormation does not wait for
* the index to become active. If a stack operation rolls back, CloudFormation might not delete an
* index that has been added. In that case, you will need to delete the index manually.
* [Documentation](
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(vararg globalSecondaryIndexes: Any)
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
* The attributes in the `KeySchema` property must also be defined in the `AttributeDefinitions`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param keySchema Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public fun keySchema(keySchema: IResolvable)
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
* The attributes in the `KeySchema` property must also be defined in the `AttributeDefinitions`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param keySchema Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public fun keySchema(keySchema: List)
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
* The attributes in the `KeySchema` property must also be defined in the `AttributeDefinitions`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param keySchema Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
public fun keySchema(vararg keySchema: Any)
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
* You can create up to five local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key
* value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. Each replica in your global table
* will have the same local secondary index settings.
* [Documentation](
* @param localSecondaryIndexes Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public fun localSecondaryIndexes(localSecondaryIndexes: IResolvable)
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
* You can create up to five local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key
* value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. Each replica in your global table
* will have the same local secondary index settings.
* [Documentation](
* @param localSecondaryIndexes Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public fun localSecondaryIndexes(localSecondaryIndexes: List)
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
* You can create up to five local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key
* value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. Each replica in your global table
* will have the same local secondary index settings.
* [Documentation](
* @param localSecondaryIndexes Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
public fun localSecondaryIndexes(vararg localSecondaryIndexes: Any)
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
* The list must contain at least one element, the region where the stack defining the global
* table is deployed. For example, if you define your table in a stack deployed to us-east-1, you
* must have an entry in `Replicas` with the region us-east-1. You cannot remove the replica in the
* stack region.
* Adding a replica might take a few minutes for an empty table, or up to several hours for
* large tables. If you want to add or remove a replica, we recommend submitting an `UpdateStack`
* operation containing only that change.
* If you add or delete a replica during an update, we recommend that you don't update any other
* resources. If your stack fails to update and is rolled back while adding a new replica, you
* might need to manually delete the replica.
* You can create a new global table with as many replicas as needed. You can add or remove
* replicas after table creation, but you can only add or remove a single replica in each update.
* [Documentation](
* @param replicas Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public fun replicas(replicas: IResolvable)
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
* The list must contain at least one element, the region where the stack defining the global
* table is deployed. For example, if you define your table in a stack deployed to us-east-1, you
* must have an entry in `Replicas` with the region us-east-1. You cannot remove the replica in the
* stack region.
* Adding a replica might take a few minutes for an empty table, or up to several hours for
* large tables. If you want to add or remove a replica, we recommend submitting an `UpdateStack`
* operation containing only that change.
* If you add or delete a replica during an update, we recommend that you don't update any other
* resources. If your stack fails to update and is rolled back while adding a new replica, you
* might need to manually delete the replica.
* You can create a new global table with as many replicas as needed. You can add or remove
* replicas after table creation, but you can only add or remove a single replica in each update.
* [Documentation](
* @param replicas Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public fun replicas(replicas: List)
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
* The list must contain at least one element, the region where the stack defining the global
* table is deployed. For example, if you define your table in a stack deployed to us-east-1, you
* must have an entry in `Replicas` with the region us-east-1. You cannot remove the replica in the
* stack region.
* Adding a replica might take a few minutes for an empty table, or up to several hours for
* large tables. If you want to add or remove a replica, we recommend submitting an `UpdateStack`
* operation containing only that change.
* If you add or delete a replica during an update, we recommend that you don't update any other
* resources. If your stack fails to update and is rolled back while adding a new replica, you
* might need to manually delete the replica.
* You can create a new global table with as many replicas as needed. You can add or remove
* replicas after table creation, but you can only add or remove a single replica in each update.
* [Documentation](
* @param replicas Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
public fun replicas(vararg replicas: Any)
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
* These settings will be applied to all replicas. If you plan to use customer-managed KMS keys,
* you must provide a key for each replica using the `ReplicaSpecification.ReplicaSSESpecification`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param sseSpecification Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: IResolvable)
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
* These settings will be applied to all replicas. If you plan to use customer-managed KMS keys,
* you must provide a key for each replica using the `ReplicaSpecification.ReplicaSSESpecification`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param sseSpecification Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: SSESpecificationProperty)
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
* These settings will be applied to all replicas. If you plan to use customer-managed KMS keys,
* you must provide a key for each replica using the `ReplicaSpecification.ReplicaSSESpecification`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param sseSpecification Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
public fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: SSESpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
* You must provide a value for this property if your global table contains more than one
* replica. You can only change the streams settings if your global table has only one replica.
* [Documentation](
* @param streamSpecification Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
public fun streamSpecification(streamSpecification: IResolvable)
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
* You must provide a value for this property if your global table contains more than one
* replica. You can only change the streams settings if your global table has only one replica.
* [Documentation](
* @param streamSpecification Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
public fun streamSpecification(streamSpecification: StreamSpecificationProperty)
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
* You must provide a value for this property if your global table contains more than one
* replica. You can only change the streams settings if your global table has only one replica.
* [Documentation](
* @param streamSpecification Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
fun streamSpecification(streamSpecification: StreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* A name for the global table.
* If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID as the
* table name. For more information, see [Name
* type]( .
* If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource.
* You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource,
* specify a new name.
* [Documentation](
* @param tableName A name for the global table.
public fun tableName(tableName: String)
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
* This setting will be applied to all replicas.
* [Documentation](
* @param timeToLiveSpecification Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
public fun timeToLiveSpecification(timeToLiveSpecification: IResolvable)
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
* This setting will be applied to all replicas.
* [Documentation](
* @param timeToLiveSpecification Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
public fun timeToLiveSpecification(timeToLiveSpecification: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty)
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
* This setting will be applied to all replicas.
* [Documentation](
* @param timeToLiveSpecification Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
fun timeToLiveSpecification(timeToLiveSpecification: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table or
* a global secondary index.
public fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table or
* a global secondary index.
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty)
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table or
* a global secondary index.
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode`
* is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Specifies an auto scaling policy for write
* capacity.
public fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode`
* is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Specifies an auto scaling policy for write
* capacity.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty)
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode`
* is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Specifies an auto scaling policy for write
* capacity.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl(
scope: SoftwareConstructsConstruct,
id: String,
) : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder: =, id)
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
* [Documentation](
* @param attributeDefinitions A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global
* table and indexes.
override fun attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions: IResolvable) {
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
* [Documentation](
* @param attributeDefinitions A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global
* table and indexes.
override fun attributeDefinitions(attributeDefinitions: List) {
* A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global table and indexes.
* [Documentation](
* @param attributeDefinitions A list of attributes that describe the key schema for the global
* table and indexes.
override fun attributeDefinitions(vararg attributeDefinitions: Any): Unit =
* Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you manage capacity.
* Valid values are:.
* All replicas in your global table will have the same billing mode. If you use `PROVISIONED`
* billing mode, you must provide an auto scaling configuration via the
* `WriteProvisionedThroughputSettings` property. The default value of this property is
* [Documentation](
* @param billingMode Specifies how you are charged for read and write throughput and how you
* manage capacity. Valid values are:.
override fun billingMode(billingMode: String) {
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
* You can create up to 20 global secondary indexes. Each replica in your global table will have
* the same global secondary index settings. You can only create or delete one global secondary
* index in a single stack operation.
* Since the backfilling of an index could take a long time, CloudFormation does not wait for
* the index to become active. If a stack operation rolls back, CloudFormation might not delete an
* index that has been added. In that case, you will need to delete the index manually.
* [Documentation](
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: IResolvable) {
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
* You can create up to 20 global secondary indexes. Each replica in your global table will have
* the same global secondary index settings. You can only create or delete one global secondary
* index in a single stack operation.
* Since the backfilling of an index could take a long time, CloudFormation does not wait for
* the index to become active. If a stack operation rolls back, CloudFormation might not delete an
* index that has been added. In that case, you will need to delete the index manually.
* [Documentation](
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: List) {
* Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
* You can create up to 20 global secondary indexes. Each replica in your global table will have
* the same global secondary index settings. You can only create or delete one global secondary
* index in a single stack operation.
* Since the backfilling of an index could take a long time, CloudFormation does not wait for
* the index to become active. If a stack operation rolls back, CloudFormation might not delete an
* index that has been added. In that case, you will need to delete the index manually.
* [Documentation](
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Global secondary indexes to be created on the global table.
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(vararg globalSecondaryIndexes: Any): Unit =
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
* The attributes in the `KeySchema` property must also be defined in the `AttributeDefinitions`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param keySchema Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
override fun keySchema(keySchema: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
* The attributes in the `KeySchema` property must also be defined in the `AttributeDefinitions`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param keySchema Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
override fun keySchema(keySchema: List) {
* Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
* The attributes in the `KeySchema` property must also be defined in the `AttributeDefinitions`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param keySchema Specifies the attributes that make up the primary key for the table.
override fun keySchema(vararg keySchema: Any): Unit = keySchema(keySchema.toList())
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
* You can create up to five local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key
* value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. Each replica in your global table
* will have the same local secondary index settings.
* [Documentation](
* @param localSecondaryIndexes Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
override fun localSecondaryIndexes(localSecondaryIndexes: IResolvable) {
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
* You can create up to five local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key
* value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. Each replica in your global table
* will have the same local secondary index settings.
* [Documentation](
* @param localSecondaryIndexes Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
override fun localSecondaryIndexes(localSecondaryIndexes: List) {
* Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
* You can create up to five local secondary indexes. Each index is scoped to a given hash key
* value. The size of each hash key can be up to 10 gigabytes. Each replica in your global table
* will have the same local secondary index settings.
* [Documentation](
* @param localSecondaryIndexes Local secondary indexes to be created on the table.
override fun localSecondaryIndexes(vararg localSecondaryIndexes: Any): Unit =
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
* The list must contain at least one element, the region where the stack defining the global
* table is deployed. For example, if you define your table in a stack deployed to us-east-1, you
* must have an entry in `Replicas` with the region us-east-1. You cannot remove the replica in the
* stack region.
* Adding a replica might take a few minutes for an empty table, or up to several hours for
* large tables. If you want to add or remove a replica, we recommend submitting an `UpdateStack`
* operation containing only that change.
* If you add or delete a replica during an update, we recommend that you don't update any other
* resources. If your stack fails to update and is rolled back while adding a new replica, you
* might need to manually delete the replica.
* You can create a new global table with as many replicas as needed. You can add or remove
* replicas after table creation, but you can only add or remove a single replica in each update.
* [Documentation](
* @param replicas Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
override fun replicas(replicas: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
* The list must contain at least one element, the region where the stack defining the global
* table is deployed. For example, if you define your table in a stack deployed to us-east-1, you
* must have an entry in `Replicas` with the region us-east-1. You cannot remove the replica in the
* stack region.
* Adding a replica might take a few minutes for an empty table, or up to several hours for
* large tables. If you want to add or remove a replica, we recommend submitting an `UpdateStack`
* operation containing only that change.
* If you add or delete a replica during an update, we recommend that you don't update any other
* resources. If your stack fails to update and is rolled back while adding a new replica, you
* might need to manually delete the replica.
* You can create a new global table with as many replicas as needed. You can add or remove
* replicas after table creation, but you can only add or remove a single replica in each update.
* [Documentation](
* @param replicas Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
override fun replicas(replicas: List) {
* Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
* The list must contain at least one element, the region where the stack defining the global
* table is deployed. For example, if you define your table in a stack deployed to us-east-1, you
* must have an entry in `Replicas` with the region us-east-1. You cannot remove the replica in the
* stack region.
* Adding a replica might take a few minutes for an empty table, or up to several hours for
* large tables. If you want to add or remove a replica, we recommend submitting an `UpdateStack`
* operation containing only that change.
* If you add or delete a replica during an update, we recommend that you don't update any other
* resources. If your stack fails to update and is rolled back while adding a new replica, you
* might need to manually delete the replica.
* You can create a new global table with as many replicas as needed. You can add or remove
* replicas after table creation, but you can only add or remove a single replica in each update.
* [Documentation](
* @param replicas Specifies the list of replicas for your global table.
override fun replicas(vararg replicas: Any): Unit = replicas(replicas.toList())
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
* These settings will be applied to all replicas. If you plan to use customer-managed KMS keys,
* you must provide a key for each replica using the `ReplicaSpecification.ReplicaSSESpecification`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param sseSpecification Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
override fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
* These settings will be applied to all replicas. If you plan to use customer-managed KMS keys,
* you must provide a key for each replica using the `ReplicaSpecification.ReplicaSSESpecification`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param sseSpecification Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
override fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: SSESpecificationProperty) {
* Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
* These settings will be applied to all replicas. If you plan to use customer-managed KMS keys,
* you must provide a key for each replica using the `ReplicaSpecification.ReplicaSSESpecification`
* property.
* [Documentation](
* @param sseSpecification Specifies the settings to enable server-side encryption.
override fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: SSESpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = sseSpecification(SSESpecificationProperty(sseSpecification))
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
* You must provide a value for this property if your global table contains more than one
* replica. You can only change the streams settings if your global table has only one replica.
* [Documentation](
* @param streamSpecification Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
override fun streamSpecification(streamSpecification: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
* You must provide a value for this property if your global table contains more than one
* replica. You can only change the streams settings if your global table has only one replica.
* [Documentation](
* @param streamSpecification Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
override fun streamSpecification(streamSpecification: StreamSpecificationProperty) {
* Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
* You must provide a value for this property if your global table contains more than one
* replica. You can only change the streams settings if your global table has only one replica.
* [Documentation](
* @param streamSpecification Specifies the streams settings on your global table.
fun streamSpecification(streamSpecification: StreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = streamSpecification(StreamSpecificationProperty(streamSpecification))
* A name for the global table.
* If you don't specify a name, AWS CloudFormation generates a unique ID and uses that ID as the
* table name. For more information, see [Name
* type]( .
* If you specify a name, you cannot perform updates that require replacement of this resource.
* You can perform updates that require no or some interruption. If you must replace the resource,
* specify a new name.
* [Documentation](
* @param tableName A name for the global table.
override fun tableName(tableName: String) {
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
* This setting will be applied to all replicas.
* [Documentation](
* @param timeToLiveSpecification Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
override fun timeToLiveSpecification(timeToLiveSpecification: IResolvable) {
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
* This setting will be applied to all replicas.
* [Documentation](
* @param timeToLiveSpecification Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
override fun timeToLiveSpecification(timeToLiveSpecification: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty) {
* Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
* This setting will be applied to all replicas.
* [Documentation](
* @param timeToLiveSpecification Specifies the time to live (TTL) settings for the table.
fun timeToLiveSpecification(timeToLiveSpecification: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = timeToLiveSpecification(TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty(timeToLiveSpecification))
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table or
* a global secondary index.
override fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table or
* a global secondary index.
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table or
* a global secondary index.
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode`
* is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Specifies an auto scaling policy for write
* capacity.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode`
* is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Specifies an auto scaling policy for write
* capacity.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode`
* is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Specifies an auto scaling policy for write
* capacity.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
public fun build(): =
public companion object {
public val CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME: String =
public operator fun invoke(
scope: CloudshiftdevConstructsConstruct,
id: String,
block: Builder.() -> Unit = {},
): CfnGlobalTable {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl(CloudshiftdevConstructsConstruct.unwrap(scope), id)
return CfnGlobalTable(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
internal fun wrap(cdkObject:
CfnGlobalTable = CfnGlobalTable(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: CfnGlobalTable): = wrapped.cdkObject as
* Represents an attribute for describing the schema for the table and indexes.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* AttributeDefinitionProperty attributeDefinitionProperty = AttributeDefinitionProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .attributeType("attributeType")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface AttributeDefinitionProperty {
* A name for the attribute.
* [Documentation](
public fun attributeName(): String
* The data type for the attribute, where:.
* * `S` - the attribute is of type String
* * `N` - the attribute is of type Number
* * `B` - the attribute is of type Binary
* [Documentation](
public fun attributeType(): String
* A builder for [AttributeDefinitionProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param attributeName A name for the attribute.
public fun attributeName(attributeName: String)
* @param attributeType The data type for the attribute, where:.
* * `S` - the attribute is of type String
* * `N` - the attribute is of type Number
* * `B` - the attribute is of type Binary
public fun attributeType(attributeType: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param attributeName A name for the attribute.
override fun attributeName(attributeName: String) {
* @param attributeType The data type for the attribute, where:.
* * `S` - the attribute is of type String
* * `N` - the attribute is of type Number
* * `B` - the attribute is of type Binary
override fun attributeType(attributeType: String) {
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
AttributeDefinitionProperty {
* A name for the attribute.
* [Documentation](
override fun attributeName(): String = unwrap(this).getAttributeName()
* The data type for the attribute, where:.
* * `S` - the attribute is of type String
* * `N` - the attribute is of type Number
* * `B` - the attribute is of type Binary
* [Documentation](
override fun attributeType(): String = unwrap(this).getAttributeType()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): AttributeDefinitionProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
AttributeDefinitionProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
AttributeDefinitionProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: AttributeDefinitionProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Configures a scalable target and an autoscaling policy for a table or global secondary index's
* read or write capacity.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty capacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty =
* CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty {
* The maximum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
* [Documentation](
public fun maxCapacity(): Number
* The minimum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
* [Documentation](
public fun minCapacity(): Number
* When switching billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` , DynamoDB requires you
* to specify read and write capacity unit values for the table and for each global secondary
* index.
* These values will be applied to all replicas. The table will use these provisioned values
* until CloudFormation creates the autoscaling policies you configured in your template.
* CloudFormation cannot determine what capacity the table and its global secondary indexes will
* require in this time period, since they are application-dependent.
* If you want to switch a table's billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` , you
* must specify a value for this property for each autoscaled resource. If you specify different
* values for the same resource in different regions, CloudFormation will use the highest value
* found in either the `SeedCapacity` or `ReadCapacityUnits` properties. For example, if your
* global secondary index `myGSI` has a `SeedCapacity` of 10 in us-east-1 and a fixed
* `ReadCapacityUnits` of 20 in eu-west-1, CloudFormation will initially set the read capacity for
* `myGSI` to 20. Note that if you disable `ScaleIn` for `myGSI` in us-east-1, its read capacity
* units might not be set back to 10.
* You must also specify a value for `SeedCapacity` when you plan to switch a table's billing
* mode from `PROVISIONED` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` , because CloudFormation might need to roll back
* the operation (reverting the billing mode to `PROVISIONED` ) and this cannot succeed without
* specifying a value for `SeedCapacity` .
* [Documentation](
public fun seedCapacity(): Number? = unwrap(this).getSeedCapacity()
* Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
* [Documentation](
public fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(): Any
* A builder for [CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param maxCapacity The maximum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
public fun maxCapacity(maxCapacity: Number)
* @param minCapacity The minimum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
public fun minCapacity(minCapacity: Number)
* @param seedCapacity When switching billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` ,
* DynamoDB requires you to specify read and write capacity unit values for the table and for
* each global secondary index.
* These values will be applied to all replicas. The table will use these provisioned values
* until CloudFormation creates the autoscaling policies you configured in your template.
* CloudFormation cannot determine what capacity the table and its global secondary indexes will
* require in this time period, since they are application-dependent.
* If you want to switch a table's billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` , you
* must specify a value for this property for each autoscaled resource. If you specify different
* values for the same resource in different regions, CloudFormation will use the highest value
* found in either the `SeedCapacity` or `ReadCapacityUnits` properties. For example, if your
* global secondary index `myGSI` has a `SeedCapacity` of 10 in us-east-1 and a fixed
* `ReadCapacityUnits` of 20 in eu-west-1, CloudFormation will initially set the read capacity
* for `myGSI` to 20. Note that if you disable `ScaleIn` for `myGSI` in us-east-1, its read
* capacity units might not be set back to 10.
* You must also specify a value for `SeedCapacity` when you plan to switch a table's billing
* mode from `PROVISIONED` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` , because CloudFormation might need to roll back
* the operation (reverting the billing mode to `PROVISIONED` ) and this cannot succeed without
* specifying a value for `SeedCapacity` .
public fun seedCapacity(seedCapacity: Number)
* @param targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: IResolvable)
* @param targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty)
* @param targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param maxCapacity The maximum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
override fun maxCapacity(maxCapacity: Number) {
* @param minCapacity The minimum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
override fun minCapacity(minCapacity: Number) {
* @param seedCapacity When switching billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` ,
* DynamoDB requires you to specify read and write capacity unit values for the table and for
* each global secondary index.
* These values will be applied to all replicas. The table will use these provisioned values
* until CloudFormation creates the autoscaling policies you configured in your template.
* CloudFormation cannot determine what capacity the table and its global secondary indexes will
* require in this time period, since they are application-dependent.
* If you want to switch a table's billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` , you
* must specify a value for this property for each autoscaled resource. If you specify different
* values for the same resource in different regions, CloudFormation will use the highest value
* found in either the `SeedCapacity` or `ReadCapacityUnits` properties. For example, if your
* global secondary index `myGSI` has a `SeedCapacity` of 10 in us-east-1 and a fixed
* `ReadCapacityUnits` of 20 in eu-west-1, CloudFormation will initially set the read capacity
* for `myGSI` to 20. Note that if you disable `ScaleIn` for `myGSI` in us-east-1, its read
* capacity units might not be set back to 10.
* You must also specify a value for `SeedCapacity` when you plan to switch a table's billing
* mode from `PROVISIONED` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` , because CloudFormation might need to roll back
* the operation (reverting the billing mode to `PROVISIONED` ) and this cannot succeed without
* specifying a value for `SeedCapacity` .
override fun seedCapacity(seedCapacity: Number) {
* @param targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: IResolvable) {
* @param targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty) {
* @param targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty {
* The maximum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
* [Documentation](
override fun maxCapacity(): Number = unwrap(this).getMaxCapacity()
* The minimum provisioned capacity units for the global table.
* [Documentation](
override fun minCapacity(): Number = unwrap(this).getMinCapacity()
* When switching billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` , DynamoDB requires you
* to specify read and write capacity unit values for the table and for each global secondary
* index.
* These values will be applied to all replicas. The table will use these provisioned values
* until CloudFormation creates the autoscaling policies you configured in your template.
* CloudFormation cannot determine what capacity the table and its global secondary indexes will
* require in this time period, since they are application-dependent.
* If you want to switch a table's billing mode from `PAY_PER_REQUEST` to `PROVISIONED` , you
* must specify a value for this property for each autoscaled resource. If you specify different
* values for the same resource in different regions, CloudFormation will use the highest value
* found in either the `SeedCapacity` or `ReadCapacityUnits` properties. For example, if your
* global secondary index `myGSI` has a `SeedCapacity` of 10 in us-east-1 and a fixed
* `ReadCapacityUnits` of 20 in eu-west-1, CloudFormation will initially set the read capacity
* for `myGSI` to 20. Note that if you disable `ScaleIn` for `myGSI` in us-east-1, its read
* capacity units might not be set back to 10.
* You must also specify a value for `SeedCapacity` when you plan to switch a table's billing
* mode from `PROVISIONED` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` , because CloudFormation might need to roll back
* the operation (reverting the billing mode to `PROVISIONED` ) and this cannot succeed without
* specifying a value for `SeedCapacity` .
* [Documentation](
override fun seedCapacity(): Number? = unwrap(this).getSeedCapacity()
* Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
* [Documentation](
override fun targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(): Any =
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Configures contributor insights settings for a replica or one of its indexes.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty contributorInsightsSpecificationProperty =
* ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty {
* Indicates whether CloudWatch Contributor Insights are to be enabled (true) or disabled
* (false).
* [Documentation](
public fun enabled(): Any
* A builder for [ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param enabled Indicates whether CloudWatch Contributor Insights are to be enabled (true)
* or disabled (false).
public fun enabled(enabled: Boolean)
* @param enabled Indicates whether CloudWatch Contributor Insights are to be enabled (true)
* or disabled (false).
public fun enabled(enabled: IResolvable)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param enabled Indicates whether CloudWatch Contributor Insights are to be enabled (true)
* or disabled (false).
override fun enabled(enabled: Boolean) {
* @param enabled Indicates whether CloudWatch Contributor Insights are to be enabled (true)
* or disabled (false).
override fun enabled(enabled: IResolvable) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty {
* Indicates whether CloudWatch Contributor Insights are to be enabled (true) or disabled
* (false).
* [Documentation](
override fun enabled(): Any = unwrap(this).getEnabled()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Allows you to specify a global secondary index for the global table.
* The index will be defined on all replicas.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty globalSecondaryIndexProperty =
* GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* .keySchema(List.of(KeySchemaProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .keyType("keyType")
* .build()))
* .projection(ProjectionProperty.builder()
* .nonKeyAttributes(List.of("nonKeyAttributes"))
* .projectionType("projectionType")
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxWriteRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .build())
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty {
* The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
* [Documentation](
public fun indexName(): String
* The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs of
* attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key > The
* partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
* [Documentation](
public fun keySchema(): Any
* Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary
* index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
* [Documentation](
public fun projection(): Any
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
public fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Defines write capacity settings for the global secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
public fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* A builder for [GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param indexName The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
public fun indexName(indexName: String)
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
* one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort
* key > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keySchema(keySchema: IResolvable)
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
* one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort
* key > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keySchema(keySchema: List)
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
* one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort
* key > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keySchema(vararg keySchema: Any)
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* global secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
public fun projection(projection: IResolvable)
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* global secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
public fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty)
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* global secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
public fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table
* or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
public fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table
* or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty)
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table
* or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines write capacity settings for the global
* secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
public fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines write capacity settings for the global
* secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty)
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines write capacity settings for the global
* secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param indexName The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
override fun indexName(indexName: String) {
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
* one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort
* key > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keySchema(keySchema: IResolvable) {
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
* one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort
* key > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keySchema(keySchema: List) {
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of
* one or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort
* key > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keySchema(vararg keySchema: Any): Unit = keySchema(keySchema.toList())
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* global secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
override fun projection(projection: IResolvable) {
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* global secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
override fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty) {
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* global secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
override fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit =
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table
* or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
override fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table
* or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* @param writeOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the write request settings for a global table
* or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(writeOnDemandThroughputSettings: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines write capacity settings for the global
* secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines write capacity settings for the global
* secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* @param writeProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines write capacity settings for the global
* secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(writeProvisionedThroughputSettings: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty {
* The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
* [Documentation](
override fun indexName(): String = unwrap(this).getIndexName()
* The complete key schema for a global secondary index, which consists of one or more pairs
* of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key > The
* partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
* [Documentation](
override fun keySchema(): Any = unwrap(this).getKeySchema()
* Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the global secondary
* index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
* [Documentation](
override fun projection(): Any = unwrap(this).getProjection()
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
override fun writeOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Defines write capacity settings for the global secondary index.
* You must specify a value for this property if the table's `BillingMode` is `PROVISIONED` .
* All replicas will have the same write capacity settings for this global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
override fun writeProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: GlobalSecondaryIndexProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents *a single element* of a key schema.
* A key schema specifies the attributes that make up the primary key of a table, or the key
* attributes of an index.
* A `KeySchemaElement` represents exactly one attribute of the primary key. For example, a simple
* primary key would be represented by one `KeySchemaElement` (for the partition key). A composite
* primary key would require one `KeySchemaElement` for the partition key, and another
* `KeySchemaElement` for the sort key.
* A `KeySchemaElement` must be a scalar, top-level attribute (not a nested attribute). The data
* type must be one of String, Number, or Binary. The attribute cannot be nested within a List or a
* Map.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* KeySchemaProperty keySchemaProperty = KeySchemaProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .keyType("keyType")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface KeySchemaProperty {
* The name of a key attribute.
* [Documentation](
public fun attributeName(): String
* The role that this key attribute will assume:.
* * `HASH` - partition key
* * `RANGE` - sort key
* The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* . The term "hash
* attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data
* items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
* [Documentation](
public fun keyType(): String
* A builder for [KeySchemaProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param attributeName The name of a key attribute.
public fun attributeName(attributeName: String)
* @param keyType The role that this key attribute will assume:.
* * `HASH` - partition key
* * `RANGE` - sort key
* The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* . The term "hash
* attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute
* data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keyType(keyType: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder: =
* @param attributeName The name of a key attribute.
override fun attributeName(attributeName: String) {
* @param keyType The role that this key attribute will assume:.
* * `HASH` - partition key
* * `RANGE` - sort key
* The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* . The term "hash
* attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute
* data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keyType(keyType: String) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
KeySchemaProperty {
* The name of a key attribute.
* [Documentation](
override fun attributeName(): String = unwrap(this).getAttributeName()
* The role that this key attribute will assume:.
* * `HASH` - partition key
* * `RANGE` - sort key
* The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* . The term "hash
* attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute
* data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
* [Documentation](
override fun keyType(): String = unwrap(this).getKeyType()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): KeySchemaProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
KeySchemaProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as? KeySchemaProperty ?:
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: KeySchemaProperty): = (wrapped as
CdkObject).cdkObject as
* The Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the specified global table replica.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty kinesisStreamSpecificationProperty =
* KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .streamArn("streamArn")
* // the properties below are optional
* .approximateCreationDateTimePrecision("approximateCreationDateTimePrecision")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty {
* The precision for the time and date that the stream was created.
* [Documentation](
public fun approximateCreationDateTimePrecision(): String? =
* The ARN for a specific Kinesis data stream.
* [Documentation](
public fun streamArn(): String
* A builder for [KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param approximateCreationDateTimePrecision The precision for the time and date that the
* stream was created.
public fun approximateCreationDateTimePrecision(approximateCreationDateTimePrecision: String)
* @param streamArn The ARN for a specific Kinesis data stream.
public fun streamArn(streamArn: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param approximateCreationDateTimePrecision The precision for the time and date that the
* stream was created.
fun approximateCreationDateTimePrecision(approximateCreationDateTimePrecision: String) {
* @param streamArn The ARN for a specific Kinesis data stream.
override fun streamArn(streamArn: String) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty {
* The precision for the time and date that the stream was created.
* [Documentation](
override fun approximateCreationDateTimePrecision(): String? =
* The ARN for a specific Kinesis data stream.
* [Documentation](
override fun streamArn(): String = unwrap(this).getStreamArn()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the properties of a local secondary index.
* A local secondary index can only be created when its parent table is created.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* LocalSecondaryIndexProperty localSecondaryIndexProperty = LocalSecondaryIndexProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* .keySchema(List.of(KeySchemaProperty.builder()
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .keyType("keyType")
* .build()))
* .projection(ProjectionProperty.builder()
* .nonKeyAttributes(List.of("nonKeyAttributes"))
* .projectionType("projectionType")
* .build())
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface LocalSecondaryIndexProperty {
* The name of the local secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
* [Documentation](
public fun indexName(): String
* The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or more pairs of
* attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key > The
* partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
* [Documentation](
public fun keySchema(): Any
* Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the local secondary
* index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
* [Documentation](
public fun projection(): Any
* A builder for [LocalSecondaryIndexProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param indexName The name of the local secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
public fun indexName(indexName: String)
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
* or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key
* > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keySchema(keySchema: IResolvable)
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
* or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key
* > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keySchema(keySchema: List)
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
* or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key
* > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
public fun keySchema(vararg keySchema: Any)
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* local secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
public fun projection(projection: IResolvable)
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* local secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
public fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty)
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* local secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
public fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param indexName The name of the local secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
override fun indexName(indexName: String) {
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
* or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key
* > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keySchema(keySchema: IResolvable) {
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
* or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key
* > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keySchema(keySchema: List) {
* @param keySchema The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one
* or more pairs of attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key
* > The partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
override fun keySchema(vararg keySchema: Any): Unit = keySchema(keySchema.toList())
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* local secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
override fun projection(projection: IResolvable) {
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* local secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
override fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty) {
* @param projection Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the
* local secondary index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
override fun projection(projection: ProjectionProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit =
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
LocalSecondaryIndexProperty {
* The name of the local secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
* [Documentation](
override fun indexName(): String = unwrap(this).getIndexName()
* The complete key schema for the local secondary index, consisting of one or more pairs of
* attribute names and key types: - `HASH` - partition key - `RANGE` - sort key > The
* partition key of an item is also known as its *hash attribute* .
* The term "hash attribute" derives from DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to
* evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their partition key values.
* The sort key of an item is also known as its *range attribute* . The term "range attribute"
* derives from the way DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close
* together, in sorted order by the sort key value.
* [Documentation](
override fun keySchema(): Any = unwrap(this).getKeySchema()
* Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the local secondary
* index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
* [Documentation](
override fun projection(): Any = unwrap(this).getProjection()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): LocalSecondaryIndexProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
LocalSecondaryIndexProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
LocalSecondaryIndexProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: LocalSecondaryIndexProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty pointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty =
* PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty.builder()
* .pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(false)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty {
* Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
* [Documentation](
public fun pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(): Any? = unwrap(this).getPointInTimeRecoveryEnabled()
* A builder for [PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled
* (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
public fun pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: Boolean)
* @param pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled
* (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
public fun pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: IResolvable)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled
* (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
override fun pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: Boolean) {
* @param pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled
* (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
override fun pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: IResolvable) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty {
* Indicates whether point in time recovery is enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the
* table.
* [Documentation](
override fun pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(): Any? = unwrap(this).getPointInTimeRecoveryEnabled()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into an index.
* These are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are
* automatically projected.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* ProjectionProperty projectionProperty = ProjectionProperty.builder()
* .nonKeyAttributes(List.of("nonKeyAttributes"))
* .projectionType("projectionType")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ProjectionProperty {
* Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into the index.
* For local secondary indexes, the total count of `NonKeyAttributes` summed across all of the
* local secondary indexes, must not exceed 100. If you project the same attribute into two
* different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
* [Documentation](
public fun nonKeyAttributes(): List = unwrap(this).getNonKeyAttributes() ?: emptyList()
* The set of attributes that are projected into the index:.
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
* * `INCLUDE` - In addition to the attributes described in `KEYS_ONLY` , the secondary index
* will include other non-key attributes that you specify.
* * `ALL` - All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
* When using the DynamoDB console, `ALL` is selected by default.
* [Documentation](
public fun projectionType(): String? = unwrap(this).getProjectionType()
* A builder for [ProjectionProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param nonKeyAttributes Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into
* the index.
* For local secondary indexes, the total count of `NonKeyAttributes` summed across all of the
* local secondary indexes, must not exceed 100. If you project the same attribute into two
* different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
public fun nonKeyAttributes(nonKeyAttributes: List)
* @param nonKeyAttributes Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into
* the index.
* For local secondary indexes, the total count of `NonKeyAttributes` summed across all of the
* local secondary indexes, must not exceed 100. If you project the same attribute into two
* different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
public fun nonKeyAttributes(vararg nonKeyAttributes: String)
* @param projectionType The set of attributes that are projected into the index:.
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
* * `INCLUDE` - In addition to the attributes described in `KEYS_ONLY` , the secondary index
* will include other non-key attributes that you specify.
* * `ALL` - All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
* When using the DynamoDB console, `ALL` is selected by default.
public fun projectionType(projectionType: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder: =
* @param nonKeyAttributes Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into
* the index.
* For local secondary indexes, the total count of `NonKeyAttributes` summed across all of the
* local secondary indexes, must not exceed 100. If you project the same attribute into two
* different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
override fun nonKeyAttributes(nonKeyAttributes: List) {
* @param nonKeyAttributes Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into
* the index.
* For local secondary indexes, the total count of `NonKeyAttributes` summed across all of the
* local secondary indexes, must not exceed 100. If you project the same attribute into two
* different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
override fun nonKeyAttributes(vararg nonKeyAttributes: String): Unit =
* @param projectionType The set of attributes that are projected into the index:.
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
* * `INCLUDE` - In addition to the attributes described in `KEYS_ONLY` , the secondary index
* will include other non-key attributes that you specify.
* * `ALL` - All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
* When using the DynamoDB console, `ALL` is selected by default.
override fun projectionType(projectionType: String) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ProjectionProperty {
* Represents the non-key attribute names which will be projected into the index.
* For local secondary indexes, the total count of `NonKeyAttributes` summed across all of the
* local secondary indexes, must not exceed 100. If you project the same attribute into two
* different indexes, this counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
* [Documentation](
override fun nonKeyAttributes(): List = unwrap(this).getNonKeyAttributes() ?:
* The set of attributes that are projected into the index:.
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
* * `INCLUDE` - In addition to the attributes described in `KEYS_ONLY` , the secondary index
* will include other non-key attributes that you specify.
* * `ALL` - All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
* When using the DynamoDB console, `ALL` is selected by default.
* [Documentation](
override fun projectionType(): String? = unwrap(this).getProjectionType()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): ProjectionProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ProjectionProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as? ProjectionProperty ?:
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ProjectionProperty): = (wrapped as
CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Sets the read request settings for a replica table or a replica global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty readOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty =
* ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxReadRequestUnits(123)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Maximum number of read request units for the specified replica of a global table.
* [Documentation](
public fun maxReadRequestUnits(): Number? = unwrap(this).getMaxReadRequestUnits()
* A builder for [ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param maxReadRequestUnits Maximum number of read request units for the specified replica
* of a global table.
public fun maxReadRequestUnits(maxReadRequestUnits: Number)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param maxReadRequestUnits Maximum number of read request units for the specified replica
* of a global table.
override fun maxReadRequestUnits(maxReadRequestUnits: Number) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Maximum number of read request units for the specified replica of a global table.
* [Documentation](
override fun maxReadRequestUnits(): Number? = unwrap(this).getMaxReadRequestUnits()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Allows you to specify the read capacity settings for a replica table or a replica global
* secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* You must specify a value for either `ReadCapacityUnits` or `ReadCapacityAutoScalingSettings` ,
* but not both. You can switch between fixed capacity and auto scaling.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty readProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty =
* ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .readCapacityUnits(123)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica table or global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
public fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(): Any? =
* Specifies a fixed read capacity for the replica table or global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
public fun readCapacityUnits(): Number? = unwrap(this).getReadCapacityUnits()
* A builder for [ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param readCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
public fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(readCapacityAutoScalingSettings: IResolvable)
* @param readCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(readCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty)
* @param readCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(readCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param readCapacityUnits Specifies a fixed read capacity for the replica table or global
* secondary index.
public fun readCapacityUnits(readCapacityUnits: Number)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param readCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
override fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(readCapacityAutoScalingSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param readCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(readCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty) {
* @param readCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(readCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param readCapacityUnits Specifies a fixed read capacity for the replica table or global
* secondary index.
override fun readCapacityUnits(readCapacityUnits: Number) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica table or global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
override fun readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(): Any? =
* Specifies a fixed read capacity for the replica table or global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
override fun readCapacityUnits(): Number? = unwrap(this).getReadCapacityUnits()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the properties of a global secondary index that can be set on a per-replica basis.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty
* replicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty =
* ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* // the properties below are optional
* .contributorInsightsSpecification(ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* .build())
* .readOnDemandThroughputSettings(ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxReadRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .readProvisionedThroughputSettings(ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .readCapacityUnits(123)
* .build())
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty {
* Updates the status for contributor insights for a specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition key
* and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
* [Documentation](
public fun contributorInsightsSpecification(): Any? =
* The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
* [Documentation](
public fun indexName(): String
* Sets the read request settings for a replica global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
public fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Allows you to specify the read capacity settings for a replica global secondary index when
* the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
public fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* A builder for [ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification Updates the status for contributor insights for a
* specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
public fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: IResolvable)
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification Updates the status for contributor insights for a
* specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty)
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification Updates the status for contributor insights for a
* specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param indexName The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
public fun indexName(indexName: String)
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the read request settings for a replica global
* secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
public fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the read request settings for a replica global
* secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty)
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the read request settings for a replica global
* secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Allows you to specify the read capacity settings
* for a replica global secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
public fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Allows you to specify the read capacity settings
* for a replica global secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty)
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Allows you to specify the read capacity settings
* for a replica global secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification Updates the status for contributor insights for a
* specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
override fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: IResolvable) {
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification Updates the status for contributor insights for a
* specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty) {
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification Updates the status for contributor insights for a
* specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param indexName The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
override fun indexName(indexName: String) {
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the read request settings for a replica global
* secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
override fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the read request settings for a replica global
* secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets the read request settings for a replica global
* secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Allows you to specify the read capacity settings
* for a replica global secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Allows you to specify the read capacity settings
* for a replica global secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Allows you to specify the read capacity settings
* for a replica global secondary index when the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty {
* Updates the status for contributor insights for a specific table or index.
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB graphs display the partition key and (if
* applicable) sort key of frequently accessed items and frequently throttled items in plaintext.
* If you require the use of AWS Key Management Service (KMS) to encrypt this table’s partition
* key and sort key data with an AWS managed key or customer managed key, you should not enable
* CloudWatch Contributor Insights for DynamoDB for this table.
* [Documentation](
override fun contributorInsightsSpecification(): Any? =
* The name of the global secondary index.
* The name must be unique among all other indexes on this table.
* [Documentation](
override fun indexName(): String = unwrap(this).getIndexName()
* Sets the read request settings for a replica global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* [Documentation](
override fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Allows you to specify the read capacity settings for a replica global secondary index when
* the `BillingMode` is set to `PROVISIONED` .
* [Documentation](
override fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Allows you to specify a KMS key identifier to be used for server-side encryption.
* The key can be specified via ARN, key ID, or alias. The key must be created in the same region
* as the replica.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty replicaSSESpecificationProperty =
* ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty.builder()
* .kmsMasterKeyId("kmsMasterKeyId")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty {
* The AWS KMS key that should be used for the AWS KMS encryption.
* To specify a key, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN. Note
* that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default DynamoDB
* key `alias/aws/dynamodb` .
* [Documentation](
public fun kmsMasterKeyId(): String
* A builder for [ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param kmsMasterKeyId The AWS KMS key that should be used for the AWS KMS encryption.
* To specify a key, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN.
* Note that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default
* DynamoDB key `alias/aws/dynamodb` .
public fun kmsMasterKeyId(kmsMasterKeyId: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param kmsMasterKeyId The AWS KMS key that should be used for the AWS KMS encryption.
* To specify a key, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN.
* Note that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default
* DynamoDB key `alias/aws/dynamodb` .
override fun kmsMasterKeyId(kmsMasterKeyId: String) {
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty {
* The AWS KMS key that should be used for the AWS KMS encryption.
* To specify a key, use its key ID, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), alias name, or alias ARN.
* Note that you should only provide this parameter if the key is different from the default
* DynamoDB key `alias/aws/dynamodb` .
* [Documentation](
override fun kmsMasterKeyId(): String = unwrap(this).getKmsMasterKeyId()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Defines settings specific to a single replica of a global table.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* Object policyDocument;
* ReplicaSpecificationProperty replicaSpecificationProperty =
* ReplicaSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .region("region")
* // the properties below are optional
* .contributorInsightsSpecification(ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* .build())
* .deletionProtectionEnabled(false)
* .globalSecondaryIndexes(List.of(ReplicaGlobalSecondaryIndexSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .indexName("indexName")
* // the properties below are optional
* .contributorInsightsSpecification(ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* .build())
* .readOnDemandThroughputSettings(ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxReadRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .readProvisionedThroughputSettings(ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .readCapacityUnits(123)
* .build())
* .build()))
* .kinesisStreamSpecification(KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .streamArn("streamArn")
* // the properties below are optional
* .approximateCreationDateTimePrecision("approximateCreationDateTimePrecision")
* .build())
* .pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty.builder()
* .pointInTimeRecoveryEnabled(false)
* .build())
* .readOnDemandThroughputSettings(ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxReadRequestUnits(123)
* .build())
* .readProvisionedThroughputSettings(ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .readCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .readCapacityUnits(123)
* .build())
* .replicaStreamSpecification(ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .resourcePolicy(ResourcePolicyProperty.builder()
* .policyDocument(policyDocument)
* .build())
* .build())
* .resourcePolicy(ResourcePolicyProperty.builder()
* .policyDocument(policyDocument)
* .build())
* .sseSpecification(ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty.builder()
* .kmsMasterKeyId("kmsMasterKeyId")
* .build())
* .tableClass("tableClass")
* .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()
* .key("key")
* .value("value")
* .build()))
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ReplicaSpecificationProperty {
* The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch Contributor Insights for the specified
* replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
* [Documentation](
public fun contributorInsightsSpecification(): Any? =
* Determines if a replica is protected from deletion.
* When enabled, the table cannot be deleted by any user or process. This setting is disabled by
* default. For more information, see [Using deletion
* protection](
* in the *Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide* .
* [Documentation](
public fun deletionProtectionEnabled(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDeletionProtectionEnabled()
* Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes of this replica.
* [Documentation](
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(): Any? = unwrap(this).getGlobalSecondaryIndexes()
* Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the specified replica.
* [Documentation](
public fun kinesisStreamSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getKinesisStreamSpecification()
* The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
* [Documentation](
public fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(): Any? =
* Sets read request settings for the replica table.
* [Documentation](
public fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Defines read capacity settings for the replica table.
* [Documentation](
public fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* The region in which this replica exists.
* [Documentation](
public fun region(): String
* Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a global table replica.
* [Documentation](
public fun replicaStreamSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getReplicaStreamSpecification()
* A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified replica of
* a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples]( .
* [Documentation](
public fun resourcePolicy(): Any? = unwrap(this).getResourcePolicy()
* Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a value
* in all replicas.
* [Documentation](
public fun sseSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getSseSpecification()
* The table class of the specified table.
* [Documentation](
public fun tableClass(): String? = unwrap(this).getTableClass()
* An array of key-value pairs to apply to this replica.
* For more information, see
* [Tag](
* .
* [Documentation](
public fun tags(): List = unwrap(this).getTags()?.map(CfnTag::wrap) ?: emptyList()
* A builder for [ReplicaSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch
* Contributor Insights for the specified replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
public fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: IResolvable)
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch
* Contributor Insights for the specified replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty)
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch
* Contributor Insights for the specified replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param deletionProtectionEnabled Determines if a replica is protected from deletion.
* When enabled, the table cannot be deleted by any user or process. This setting is disabled
* by default. For more information, see [Using deletion
* protection](
* in the *Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide* .
public fun deletionProtectionEnabled(deletionProtectionEnabled: Boolean)
* @param deletionProtectionEnabled Determines if a replica is protected from deletion.
* When enabled, the table cannot be deleted by any user or process. This setting is disabled
* by default. For more information, see [Using deletion
* protection](
* in the *Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide* .
public fun deletionProtectionEnabled(deletionProtectionEnabled: IResolvable)
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes
* of this replica.
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: IResolvable)
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes
* of this replica.
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: List)
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes
* of this replica.
public fun globalSecondaryIndexes(vararg globalSecondaryIndexes: Any)
* @param kinesisStreamSpecification Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the
* specified replica.
public fun kinesisStreamSpecification(kinesisStreamSpecification: IResolvable)
* @param kinesisStreamSpecification Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the
* specified replica.
fun kinesisStreamSpecification(kinesisStreamSpecification: KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty)
* @param kinesisStreamSpecification Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the
* specified replica.
fun kinesisStreamSpecification(kinesisStreamSpecification: KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param pointInTimeRecoverySpecification The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
public fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(pointInTimeRecoverySpecification: IResolvable)
* @param pointInTimeRecoverySpecification The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(pointInTimeRecoverySpecification: PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty)
* @param pointInTimeRecoverySpecification The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(pointInTimeRecoverySpecification: PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets read request settings for the replica table.
public fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets read request settings for the replica table.
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty)
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets read request settings for the replica table.
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines read capacity settings for the replica
* table.
public fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable)
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines read capacity settings for the replica
* table.
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty)
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines read capacity settings for the replica
* table.
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param region The region in which this replica exists.
public fun region(region: String)
* @param replicaStreamSpecification Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a
* global table replica.
public fun replicaStreamSpecification(replicaStreamSpecification: IResolvable)
* @param replicaStreamSpecification Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a
* global table replica.
fun replicaStreamSpecification(replicaStreamSpecification: ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty)
* @param replicaStreamSpecification Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a
* global table replica.
fun replicaStreamSpecification(replicaStreamSpecification: ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified replica of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
public fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: IResolvable)
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified replica of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
public fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty)
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified replica of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
public fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param sseSpecification Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
public fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: IResolvable)
* @param sseSpecification Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
public fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty)
* @param sseSpecification Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param tableClass The table class of the specified table.
public fun tableClass(tableClass: String)
* @param tags An array of key-value pairs to apply to this replica.
* For more information, see
* [Tag](
* .
public fun tags(tags: List)
* @param tags An array of key-value pairs to apply to this replica.
* For more information, see
* [Tag](
* .
public fun tags(vararg tags: CfnTag)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch
* Contributor Insights for the specified replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
override fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: IResolvable) {
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch
* Contributor Insights for the specified replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty) {
* @param contributorInsightsSpecification The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch
* Contributor Insights for the specified replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
fun contributorInsightsSpecification(contributorInsightsSpecification: ContributorInsightsSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param deletionProtectionEnabled Determines if a replica is protected from deletion.
* When enabled, the table cannot be deleted by any user or process. This setting is disabled
* by default. For more information, see [Using deletion
* protection](
* in the *Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide* .
override fun deletionProtectionEnabled(deletionProtectionEnabled: Boolean) {
* @param deletionProtectionEnabled Determines if a replica is protected from deletion.
* When enabled, the table cannot be deleted by any user or process. This setting is disabled
* by default. For more information, see [Using deletion
* protection](
* in the *Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide* .
override fun deletionProtectionEnabled(deletionProtectionEnabled: IResolvable) {
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes
* of this replica.
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: IResolvable) {
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes
* of this replica.
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(globalSecondaryIndexes: List) {
* @param globalSecondaryIndexes Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes
* of this replica.
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(vararg globalSecondaryIndexes: Any): Unit =
* @param kinesisStreamSpecification Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the
* specified replica.
override fun kinesisStreamSpecification(kinesisStreamSpecification: IResolvable) {
* @param kinesisStreamSpecification Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the
* specified replica.
fun kinesisStreamSpecification(kinesisStreamSpecification: KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty) {
* @param kinesisStreamSpecification Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the
* specified replica.
fun kinesisStreamSpecification(kinesisStreamSpecification: KinesisStreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param pointInTimeRecoverySpecification The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
override fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(pointInTimeRecoverySpecification: IResolvable) {
* @param pointInTimeRecoverySpecification The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(pointInTimeRecoverySpecification: PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty) {
* @param pointInTimeRecoverySpecification The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(pointInTimeRecoverySpecification: PointInTimeRecoverySpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets read request settings for the replica table.
override fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets read request settings for the replica table.
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* @param readOnDemandThroughputSettings Sets read request settings for the replica table.
fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(readOnDemandThroughputSettings: ReadOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines read capacity settings for the replica
* table.
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines read capacity settings for the replica
* table.
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty) {
* @param readProvisionedThroughputSettings Defines read capacity settings for the replica
* table.
fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(readProvisionedThroughputSettings: ReadProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param region The region in which this replica exists.
override fun region(region: String) {
* @param replicaStreamSpecification Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a
* global table replica.
override fun replicaStreamSpecification(replicaStreamSpecification: IResolvable) {
* @param replicaStreamSpecification Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a
* global table replica.
fun replicaStreamSpecification(replicaStreamSpecification: ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty) {
* @param replicaStreamSpecification Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a
* global table replica.
fun replicaStreamSpecification(replicaStreamSpecification: ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified replica of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
override fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: IResolvable) {
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified replica of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
override fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty) {
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified replica of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
override fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit =
* @param sseSpecification Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
override fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: IResolvable) {
* @param sseSpecification Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
override fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty) {
* @param sseSpecification Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
fun sseSpecification(sseSpecification: ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = sseSpecification(ReplicaSSESpecificationProperty(sseSpecification))
* @param tableClass The table class of the specified table.
override fun tableClass(tableClass: String) {
* @param tags An array of key-value pairs to apply to this replica.
* For more information, see
* [Tag](
* .
override fun tags(tags: List) {
* @param tags An array of key-value pairs to apply to this replica.
* For more information, see
* [Tag](
* .
override fun tags(vararg tags: CfnTag): Unit = tags(tags.toList())
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ReplicaSpecificationProperty {
* The settings used to enable or disable CloudWatch Contributor Insights for the specified
* replica.
* When not specified, defaults to contributor insights disabled for the replica.
* [Documentation](
override fun contributorInsightsSpecification(): Any? =
* Determines if a replica is protected from deletion.
* When enabled, the table cannot be deleted by any user or process. This setting is disabled
* by default. For more information, see [Using deletion
* protection](
* in the *Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide* .
* [Documentation](
override fun deletionProtectionEnabled(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDeletionProtectionEnabled()
* Defines additional settings for the global secondary indexes of this replica.
* [Documentation](
override fun globalSecondaryIndexes(): Any? = unwrap(this).getGlobalSecondaryIndexes()
* Defines the Kinesis Data Streams configuration for the specified replica.
* [Documentation](
override fun kinesisStreamSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getKinesisStreamSpecification()
* The settings used to enable point in time recovery.
* When not specified, defaults to point in time recovery disabled for the replica.
* [Documentation](
override fun pointInTimeRecoverySpecification(): Any? =
* Sets read request settings for the replica table.
* [Documentation](
override fun readOnDemandThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* Defines read capacity settings for the replica table.
* [Documentation](
override fun readProvisionedThroughputSettings(): Any? =
* The region in which this replica exists.
* [Documentation](
override fun region(): String = unwrap(this).getRegion()
* Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a global table replica.
* [Documentation](
override fun replicaStreamSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getReplicaStreamSpecification()
* A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified replica
* of a DynamoDB global table.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* [Documentation](
override fun resourcePolicy(): Any? = unwrap(this).getResourcePolicy()
* Allows you to specify a customer-managed key for the replica.
* When using customer-managed keys for server-side encryption, this property must have a
* value in all replicas.
* [Documentation](
override fun sseSpecification(): Any? = unwrap(this).getSseSpecification()
* The table class of the specified table.
* [Documentation](
override fun tableClass(): String? = unwrap(this).getTableClass()
* An array of key-value pairs to apply to this replica.
* For more information, see
* [Tag](
* .
* [Documentation](
override fun tags(): List = unwrap(this).getTags()?.map(CfnTag::wrap) ?: emptyList()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): ReplicaSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ReplicaSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ReplicaSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ReplicaSpecificationProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a global table replica.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* Object policyDocument;
* ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty replicaStreamSpecificationProperty =
* ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .resourcePolicy(ResourcePolicyProperty.builder()
* .policyDocument(policyDocument)
* .build())
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty {
* A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for the specified stream of a
* DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples]( .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
* [Documentation](
public fun resourcePolicy(): Any
* A builder for [ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for
* the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
public fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: IResolvable)
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for
* the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
public fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty)
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for
* the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
public fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for
* the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
override fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: IResolvable) {
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for
* the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
override fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty) {
* @param resourcePolicy A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for
* the specified stream of a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
override fun resourcePolicy(resourcePolicy: ResourcePolicyProperty.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit =
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty {
* A resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for the specified stream of
* a DynamoDB global table replica.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to
* each resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* You can update the `ResourcePolicy` property if you've specified more than one table using
* the [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource.
* [Documentation](
override fun resourcePolicy(): Any = unwrap(this).getResourcePolicy()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ReplicaStreamSpecificationProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Creates or updates a resource-based policy document that contains the permissions for DynamoDB
* resources, such as a table, its indexes, and stream.
* Resource-based policies let you define access permissions by specifying who has access to each
* resource, and the actions they are allowed to perform on each resource.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information about
* resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples]( .
* While defining resource-based policies in your CloudFormation templates, the following
* considerations apply:
* * The maximum size supported for a resource-based policy document in JSON format is 20 KB.
* DynamoDB counts whitespaces when calculating the size of a policy against this limit.
* * Resource-based policies don't support [drift
* detection](
* . If you update a policy outside of the CloudFormation stack template, you'll need to update the
* CloudFormation stack with the changes.
* * Resource-based policies don't support out-of-band changes. If you add, update, or delete a
* policy outside of the CloudFormation template, the change won't be overwritten if there are no
* changes to the policy within the template.
* For example, say that your template contains a resource-based policy, which you later update
* outside of the template. If you don't make any changes to the policy in the template, the updated
* policy in DynamoDB won’t be synced with the policy in the template.
* Conversely, say that your template doesn’t contain a resource-based policy, but you add a
* policy outside of the template. This policy won’t be removed from DynamoDB as long as you don’t
* add it to the template. When you add a policy to the template and update the stack, the existing
* policy in DynamoDB will be updated to match the one defined in the template.
* * Within a resource-based policy, if the action for a DynamoDB service-linked role (SLR) to
* replicate data for a global table is denied, adding or deleting a replica will fail with an error.
* * The [AWS
* ::DynamoDB::GlobalTable](
* resource doesn't support creating a replica in the same stack update in Regions other than the
* Region where you deploy the stack update.
* For a full list of all considerations, see [Resource-based policy
* considerations](
* .
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* Object policyDocument;
* ResourcePolicyProperty resourcePolicyProperty = ResourcePolicyProperty.builder()
* .policyDocument(policyDocument)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface ResourcePolicyProperty {
* A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified DynamoDB
* table, its indexes, and stream.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples]( .
* [Documentation](
public fun policyDocument(): Any
* A builder for [ResourcePolicyProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param policyDocument A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified DynamoDB table, its indexes, and stream.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
public fun policyDocument(policyDocument: Any)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder: =
* @param policyDocument A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to
* the specified DynamoDB table, its indexes, and stream.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
override fun policyDocument(policyDocument: Any) {
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
ResourcePolicyProperty {
* A resource-based policy document that contains permissions to add to the specified DynamoDB
* table, its indexes, and stream.
* In a CloudFormation template, you can provide the policy in JSON or YAML format because
* CloudFormation converts YAML to JSON before submitting it to DynamoDB . For more information
* about resource-based policies, see [Using resource-based policies for
* DynamoDB](
* and [Resource-based policy
* examples](
* .
* [Documentation](
override fun policyDocument(): Any = unwrap(this).getPolicyDocument()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): ResourcePolicyProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
ResourcePolicyProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as? ResourcePolicyProperty ?:
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: ResourcePolicyProperty): = (wrapped
as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the settings used to enable server-side encryption.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* SSESpecificationProperty sSESpecificationProperty = SSESpecificationProperty.builder()
* .sseEnabled(false)
* // the properties below are optional
* .sseType("sseType")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface SSESpecificationProperty {
* Indicates whether server-side encryption is performed using an AWS managed key or an AWS
* owned key.
* If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed key is used (
* AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified,server-side encryption is set to an
* AWS owned key. If you choose to use KMS encryption, you can also use customer managed KMS keys
* by specifying them in the `ReplicaSpecification.SSESpecification` object. You cannot mix AWS
* managed and customer managed KMS keys.
* [Documentation](
public fun sseEnabled(): Any
* Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:.
* * `KMS` - Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service . The key is stored in
* your account and is managed by AWS KMS ( AWS KMS charges apply).
* [Documentation](
public fun sseType(): String? = unwrap(this).getSseType()
* A builder for [SSESpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param sseEnabled Indicates whether server-side encryption is performed using an AWS
* managed key or an AWS owned key.
* If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed key is used
* ( AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified,server-side encryption is set
* to an AWS owned key. If you choose to use KMS encryption, you can also use customer managed
* KMS keys by specifying them in the `ReplicaSpecification.SSESpecification` object. You cannot
* mix AWS managed and customer managed KMS keys.
public fun sseEnabled(sseEnabled: Boolean)
* @param sseEnabled Indicates whether server-side encryption is performed using an AWS
* managed key or an AWS owned key.
* If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed key is used
* ( AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified,server-side encryption is set
* to an AWS owned key. If you choose to use KMS encryption, you can also use customer managed
* KMS keys by specifying them in the `ReplicaSpecification.SSESpecification` object. You cannot
* mix AWS managed and customer managed KMS keys.
public fun sseEnabled(sseEnabled: IResolvable)
* @param sseType Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:.
* * `KMS` - Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service . The key is stored
* in your account and is managed by AWS KMS ( AWS KMS charges apply).
public fun sseType(sseType: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder: =
* @param sseEnabled Indicates whether server-side encryption is performed using an AWS
* managed key or an AWS owned key.
* If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed key is used
* ( AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified,server-side encryption is set
* to an AWS owned key. If you choose to use KMS encryption, you can also use customer managed
* KMS keys by specifying them in the `ReplicaSpecification.SSESpecification` object. You cannot
* mix AWS managed and customer managed KMS keys.
override fun sseEnabled(sseEnabled: Boolean) {
* @param sseEnabled Indicates whether server-side encryption is performed using an AWS
* managed key or an AWS owned key.
* If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed key is used
* ( AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified,server-side encryption is set
* to an AWS owned key. If you choose to use KMS encryption, you can also use customer managed
* KMS keys by specifying them in the `ReplicaSpecification.SSESpecification` object. You cannot
* mix AWS managed and customer managed KMS keys.
override fun sseEnabled(sseEnabled: IResolvable) {
* @param sseType Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:.
* * `KMS` - Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service . The key is stored
* in your account and is managed by AWS KMS ( AWS KMS charges apply).
override fun sseType(sseType: String) {
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
SSESpecificationProperty {
* Indicates whether server-side encryption is performed using an AWS managed key or an AWS
* owned key.
* If enabled (true), server-side encryption type is set to KMS and an AWS managed key is used
* ( AWS KMS charges apply). If disabled (false) or not specified,server-side encryption is set
* to an AWS owned key. If you choose to use KMS encryption, you can also use customer managed
* KMS keys by specifying them in the `ReplicaSpecification.SSESpecification` object. You cannot
* mix AWS managed and customer managed KMS keys.
* [Documentation](
override fun sseEnabled(): Any = unwrap(this).getSseEnabled()
* Server-side encryption type. The only supported value is:.
* * `KMS` - Server-side encryption that uses AWS Key Management Service . The key is stored
* in your account and is managed by AWS KMS ( AWS KMS charges apply).
* [Documentation](
override fun sseType(): String? = unwrap(this).getSseType()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): SSESpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
SSESpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as? SSESpecificationProperty
?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: SSESpecificationProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the DynamoDB Streams configuration for a table in DynamoDB.
* You can only modify this value if your `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable` contains only one entry in
* `Replicas` . You must specify a value for this property if your `AWS::DynamoDB::GlobalTable`
* contains more than one replica.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* StreamSpecificationProperty streamSpecificationProperty = StreamSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .streamViewType("streamViewType")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface StreamSpecificationProperty {
* When an item in the table is modified, `StreamViewType` determines what information is
* written to the stream for this table.
* Valid values for `StreamViewType` are:
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.
* * `NEW_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `OLD_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES` - Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to the
* stream.
* [Documentation](
public fun streamViewType(): String
* A builder for [StreamSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param streamViewType When an item in the table is modified, `StreamViewType` determines
* what information is written to the stream for this table.
* Valid values for `StreamViewType` are:
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.
* * `NEW_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `OLD_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES` - Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to
* the stream.
public fun streamViewType(streamViewType: String)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param streamViewType When an item in the table is modified, `StreamViewType` determines
* what information is written to the stream for this table.
* Valid values for `StreamViewType` are:
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.
* * `NEW_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `OLD_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES` - Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to
* the stream.
override fun streamViewType(streamViewType: String) {
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
StreamSpecificationProperty {
* When an item in the table is modified, `StreamViewType` determines what information is
* written to the stream for this table.
* Valid values for `StreamViewType` are:
* * `KEYS_ONLY` - Only the key attributes of the modified item are written to the stream.
* * `NEW_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appears after it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `OLD_IMAGE` - The entire item, as it appeared before it was modified, is written to the
* stream.
* * `NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES` - Both the new and the old item images of the item are written to
* the stream.
* [Documentation](
override fun streamViewType(): String = unwrap(this).getStreamViewType()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): StreamSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
StreamSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
StreamSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: StreamSpecificationProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Defines a target tracking scaling policy.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty
* targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty =
* TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty {
* Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking scaling policy is disabled.
* The default value is `false` .
* [Documentation](
public fun disableScaleIn(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDisableScaleIn()
* The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-in activity completes before another scale-in
* activity can start.
* [Documentation](
public fun scaleInCooldown(): Number? = unwrap(this).getScaleInCooldown()
* The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-out activity completes before another scale-out
* activity can start.
* [Documentation](
public fun scaleOutCooldown(): Number? = unwrap(this).getScaleOutCooldown()
* Defines a target value for the scaling policy.
* [Documentation](
public fun targetValue(): Number
* A builder for [TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param disableScaleIn Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking scaling policy is
* disabled.
* The default value is `false` .
public fun disableScaleIn(disableScaleIn: Boolean)
* @param disableScaleIn Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking scaling policy is
* disabled.
* The default value is `false` .
public fun disableScaleIn(disableScaleIn: IResolvable)
* @param scaleInCooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-in activity completes
* before another scale-in activity can start.
public fun scaleInCooldown(scaleInCooldown: Number)
* @param scaleOutCooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-out activity
* completes before another scale-out activity can start.
public fun scaleOutCooldown(scaleOutCooldown: Number)
* @param targetValue Defines a target value for the scaling policy.
public fun targetValue(targetValue: Number)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param disableScaleIn Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking scaling policy is
* disabled.
* The default value is `false` .
override fun disableScaleIn(disableScaleIn: Boolean) {
* @param disableScaleIn Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking scaling policy is
* disabled.
* The default value is `false` .
override fun disableScaleIn(disableScaleIn: IResolvable) {
* @param scaleInCooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-in activity completes
* before another scale-in activity can start.
override fun scaleInCooldown(scaleInCooldown: Number) {
* @param scaleOutCooldown The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-out activity
* completes before another scale-out activity can start.
override fun scaleOutCooldown(scaleOutCooldown: Number) {
* @param targetValue Defines a target value for the scaling policy.
override fun targetValue(targetValue: Number) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty {
* Indicates whether scale in by the target tracking scaling policy is disabled.
* The default value is `false` .
* [Documentation](
override fun disableScaleIn(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDisableScaleIn()
* The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-in activity completes before another scale-in
* activity can start.
* [Documentation](
override fun scaleInCooldown(): Number? = unwrap(this).getScaleInCooldown()
* The amount of time, in seconds, after a scale-out activity completes before another
* scale-out activity can start.
* [Documentation](
override fun scaleOutCooldown(): Number? = unwrap(this).getScaleOutCooldown()
* Defines a target value for the scaling policy.
* [Documentation](
override fun targetValue(): Number = unwrap(this).getTargetValue()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Represents the settings used to enable or disable Time to Live (TTL) for the specified table.
* All replicas will have the same time to live configuration.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty timeToLiveSpecificationProperty =
* TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty.builder()
* .enabled(false)
* // the properties below are optional
* .attributeName("attributeName")
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty {
* The name of the attribute used to store the expiration time for items in the table.
* Currently, you cannot directly change the attribute name used to evaluate time to live. In
* order to do so, you must first disable time to live, and then re-enable it with the new
* attribute name. It can take up to one hour for changes to time to live to take effect. If you
* attempt to modify time to live within that time window, your stack operation might be delayed.
* [Documentation](
public fun attributeName(): String? = unwrap(this).getAttributeName()
* Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
* [Documentation](
public fun enabled(): Any
* A builder for [TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param attributeName The name of the attribute used to store the expiration time for items
* in the table.
* Currently, you cannot directly change the attribute name used to evaluate time to live. In
* order to do so, you must first disable time to live, and then re-enable it with the new
* attribute name. It can take up to one hour for changes to time to live to take effect. If you
* attempt to modify time to live within that time window, your stack operation might be delayed.
public fun attributeName(attributeName: String)
* @param enabled Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the
* table.
public fun enabled(enabled: Boolean)
* @param enabled Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the
* table.
public fun enabled(enabled: IResolvable)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param attributeName The name of the attribute used to store the expiration time for items
* in the table.
* Currently, you cannot directly change the attribute name used to evaluate time to live. In
* order to do so, you must first disable time to live, and then re-enable it with the new
* attribute name. It can take up to one hour for changes to time to live to take effect. If you
* attempt to modify time to live within that time window, your stack operation might be delayed.
override fun attributeName(attributeName: String) {
* @param enabled Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the
* table.
override fun enabled(enabled: Boolean) {
* @param enabled Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the
* table.
override fun enabled(enabled: IResolvable) {
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty {
* The name of the attribute used to store the expiration time for items in the table.
* Currently, you cannot directly change the attribute name used to evaluate time to live. In
* order to do so, you must first disable time to live, and then re-enable it with the new
* attribute name. It can take up to one hour for changes to time to live to take effect. If you
* attempt to modify time to live within that time window, your stack operation might be delayed.
* [Documentation](
override fun attributeName(): String? = unwrap(this).getAttributeName()
* Indicates whether TTL is to be enabled (true) or disabled (false) on the table.
* [Documentation](
override fun enabled(): Any = unwrap(this).getEnabled()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: TimeToLiveSpecificationProperty): =
(wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Sets the write request settings for a global table or a global secondary index.
* You must specify this setting if you set the `BillingMode` to `PAY_PER_REQUEST` .
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty writeOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty =
* WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxWriteRequestUnits(123)
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Maximum number of write request settings for the specified replica of a global table.
* [Documentation](
public fun maxWriteRequestUnits(): Number? = unwrap(this).getMaxWriteRequestUnits()
* A builder for [WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param maxWriteRequestUnits Maximum number of write request settings for the specified
* replica of a global table.
public fun maxWriteRequestUnits(maxWriteRequestUnits: Number)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param maxWriteRequestUnits Maximum number of write request settings for the specified
* replica of a global table.
override fun maxWriteRequestUnits(maxWriteRequestUnits: Number) {
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Maximum number of write request settings for the specified replica of a global table.
* [Documentation](
override fun maxWriteRequestUnits(): Number? = unwrap(this).getMaxWriteRequestUnits()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: WriteOnDemandThroughputSettingsProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as
* Specifies an auto scaling policy for write capacity.
* This policy will be applied to all replicas. This setting must be specified if `BillingMode` is
* set to `PROVISIONED` .
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty writeProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty =
* WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty.builder()
* .writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.builder()
* .maxCapacity(123)
* .minCapacity(123)
* .targetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration(TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .targetValue(123)
* // the properties below are optional
* .disableScaleIn(false)
* .scaleInCooldown(123)
* .scaleOutCooldown(123)
* .build())
* // the properties below are optional
* .seedCapacity(123)
* .build())
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica table or global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
public fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(): Any? =
* A builder for [WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty]
public interface Builder {
* @param writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
public fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings: IResolvable)
* @param writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty)
* @param writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder:
* @param writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
override fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings: IResolvable) {
* @param writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty) {
* @param writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica
* table or global secondary index.
fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings: CapacityAutoScalingSettingsProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
public fun build():
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty {
* Specifies auto scaling settings for the replica table or global secondary index.
* [Documentation](
override fun writeCapacityAutoScalingSettings(): Any? =
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}):
WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
fun wrap(cdkObject:
WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as?
WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty ?: Wrapper(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: WriteProvisionedThroughputSettingsProperty):
= (wrapped as CdkObject).cdkObject as