Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.CfnResource
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkObject
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* A CloudFormation-init configuration.
* Example:
* ```
* Vpc vpc;
* InstanceType instanceType;
* Instance.Builder.create(this, "Instance")
* .vpc(vpc)
* .instanceType(instanceType)
* .machineImage(MachineImage.latestAmazonLinux2023())
* .init(CloudFormationInit.fromElements(InitService.systemdConfigFile("simpleserver",
* SystemdConfigFileOptions.builder()
* .command("/usr/bin/python3 -m http.server 8080")
* .cwd("/var/www/html")
* .build()), InitService.enable("simpleserver", InitServiceOptions.builder()
* .serviceManager(ServiceManager.SYSTEMD)
* .build()), InitFile.fromString("/var/www/html/index.html", "Hello! It's working!")))
* .build();
* ```
public open class CloudFormationInit(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject) {
* Add a config with the given name to this CloudFormationInit object.
* @param configName
* @param config
public open fun addConfig(configName: String, config: InitConfig) {
unwrap(this).addConfig(configName, config.let(InitConfig.Companion::unwrap))
* Add a config set with the given name to this CloudFormationInit object.
* The new configset will reference the given configs in the given order.
* @param configSetName
* @param configNames
public open fun addConfigSet(configSetName: String) {
* Add a config set with the given name to this CloudFormationInit object.
* The new configset will reference the given configs in the given order.
* @param configSetName
* @param configNames
public open fun addConfigSet(configSetName: String, configNames: List) {
unwrap(this).addConfigSet(configSetName, configNames)
* Attach the CloudFormation Init config to the given resource.
* As an app builder, use `instance.applyCloudFormationInit()` or
* `autoScalingGroup.applyCloudFormationInit()` to trigger this method.
* This method does the following:
* * Renders the `AWS::CloudFormation::Init` object to the given resource's
* metadata, potentially adding a `AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication` object
* next to it if required.
* * Updates the instance role policy to be able to call the APIs required for
* `cfn-init` and `cfn-signal` to work, and potentially add permissions to download
* referenced asset and bucket resources.
* * Updates the given UserData with commands to execute the `cfn-init` script.
* @param attachedResource
* @param attachOptions
public open fun attach(attachedResource: CfnResource, attachOptions: AttachInitOptions) {
* Attach the CloudFormation Init config to the given resource.
* As an app builder, use `instance.applyCloudFormationInit()` or
* `autoScalingGroup.applyCloudFormationInit()` to trigger this method.
* This method does the following:
* * Renders the `AWS::CloudFormation::Init` object to the given resource's
* metadata, potentially adding a `AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication` object
* next to it if required.
* * Updates the instance role policy to be able to call the APIs required for
* `cfn-init` and `cfn-signal` to work, and potentially add permissions to download
* referenced asset and bucket resources.
* * Updates the given UserData with commands to execute the `cfn-init` script.
* @param attachedResource
* @param attachOptions
public open fun attach(attachedResource: CfnResource,
attachOptions: AttachInitOptions.Builder.() -> Unit): Unit = attach(attachedResource,
public companion object {
public fun fromConfig(config: InitConfig): CloudFormationInit =
public fun fromConfigSets(props: ConfigSetProps): CloudFormationInit =
public fun fromConfigSets(props: ConfigSetProps.Builder.() -> Unit): CloudFormationInit =
public fun fromElements(elements: InitElement): CloudFormationInit =
internal fun wrap(cdkObject:
CloudFormationInit = CloudFormationInit(cdkObject)
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: CloudFormationInit): = wrapped.cdkObject as