Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.CfnTag
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.IResolvable
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkDslMarker
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkObject
import io.cloudshiftdev.awscdk.common.CdkObjectWrappers
import kotlin.Any
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlin.collections.List
import kotlin.collections.Map
import kotlin.jvm.JvmName
* Properties for defining a `CfnDataSet`.
* Example:
* ```
* // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
* // The values are placeholders you should change.
* import*;
* Object tagRuleConfigurations;
* CfnDataSetProps cfnDataSetProps = CfnDataSetProps.builder()
* .awsAccountId("awsAccountId")
* .columnGroups(List.of(ColumnGroupProperty.builder()
* .geoSpatialColumnGroup(GeoSpatialColumnGroupProperty.builder()
* .columns(List.of("columns"))
* .name("name")
* // the properties below are optional
* .countryCode("countryCode")
* .build())
* .build()))
* .columnLevelPermissionRules(List.of(ColumnLevelPermissionRuleProperty.builder()
* .columnNames(List.of("columnNames"))
* .principals(List.of("principals"))
* .build()))
* .dataSetId("dataSetId")
* .datasetParameters(List.of(DatasetParameterProperty.builder()
* .dateTimeDatasetParameter(DateTimeDatasetParameterProperty.builder()
* .id("id")
* .name("name")
* .valueType("valueType")
* // the properties below are optional
* .defaultValues(DateTimeDatasetParameterDefaultValuesProperty.builder()
* .staticValues(List.of("staticValues"))
* .build())
* .timeGranularity("timeGranularity")
* .build())
* .decimalDatasetParameter(DecimalDatasetParameterProperty.builder()
* .id("id")
* .name("name")
* .valueType("valueType")
* // the properties below are optional
* .defaultValues(DecimalDatasetParameterDefaultValuesProperty.builder()
* .staticValues(List.of(123))
* .build())
* .build())
* .integerDatasetParameter(IntegerDatasetParameterProperty.builder()
* .id("id")
* .name("name")
* .valueType("valueType")
* // the properties below are optional
* .defaultValues(IntegerDatasetParameterDefaultValuesProperty.builder()
* .staticValues(List.of(123))
* .build())
* .build())
* .stringDatasetParameter(StringDatasetParameterProperty.builder()
* .id("id")
* .name("name")
* .valueType("valueType")
* // the properties below are optional
* .defaultValues(StringDatasetParameterDefaultValuesProperty.builder()
* .staticValues(List.of("staticValues"))
* .build())
* .build())
* .build()))
* .dataSetRefreshProperties(DataSetRefreshPropertiesProperty.builder()
* .refreshConfiguration(RefreshConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .incrementalRefresh(IncrementalRefreshProperty.builder()
* .lookbackWindow(LookbackWindowProperty.builder()
* .columnName("columnName")
* .size(123)
* .sizeUnit("sizeUnit")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .build())
* .dataSetUsageConfiguration(DataSetUsageConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .disableUseAsDirectQuerySource(false)
* .disableUseAsImportedSource(false)
* .build())
* .fieldFolders(Map.of(
* "fieldFoldersKey", FieldFolderProperty.builder()
* .columns(List.of("columns"))
* .description("description")
* .build()))
* .folderArns(List.of("folderArns"))
* .importMode("importMode")
* .ingestionWaitPolicy(IngestionWaitPolicyProperty.builder()
* .ingestionWaitTimeInHours(123)
* .waitForSpiceIngestion(false)
* .build())
* .logicalTableMap(Map.of(
* "logicalTableMapKey", LogicalTableProperty.builder()
* .alias("alias")
* // the properties below are optional
* .dataTransforms(List.of(TransformOperationProperty.builder()
* .castColumnTypeOperation(CastColumnTypeOperationProperty.builder()
* .columnName("columnName")
* .newColumnType("newColumnType")
* // the properties below are optional
* .format("format")
* .subType("subType")
* .build())
* .createColumnsOperation(CreateColumnsOperationProperty.builder()
* .columns(List.of(CalculatedColumnProperty.builder()
* .columnId("columnId")
* .columnName("columnName")
* .expression("expression")
* .build()))
* .build())
* .filterOperation(FilterOperationProperty.builder()
* .conditionExpression("conditionExpression")
* .build())
* .overrideDatasetParameterOperation(OverrideDatasetParameterOperationProperty.builder()
* .parameterName("parameterName")
* // the properties below are optional
* .newDefaultValues(NewDefaultValuesProperty.builder()
* .dateTimeStaticValues(List.of("dateTimeStaticValues"))
* .decimalStaticValues(List.of(123))
* .integerStaticValues(List.of(123))
* .stringStaticValues(List.of("stringStaticValues"))
* .build())
* .newParameterName("newParameterName")
* .build())
* .projectOperation(ProjectOperationProperty.builder()
* .projectedColumns(List.of("projectedColumns"))
* .build())
* .renameColumnOperation(RenameColumnOperationProperty.builder()
* .columnName("columnName")
* .newColumnName("newColumnName")
* .build())
* .tagColumnOperation(TagColumnOperationProperty.builder()
* .columnName("columnName")
* .tags(List.of(ColumnTagProperty.builder()
* .columnDescription(ColumnDescriptionProperty.builder()
* .text("text")
* .build())
* .columnGeographicRole("columnGeographicRole")
* .build()))
* .build())
* .untagColumnOperation(UntagColumnOperationProperty.builder()
* .columnName("columnName")
* .tagNames(List.of("tagNames"))
* .build())
* .build()))
* .source(LogicalTableSourceProperty.builder()
* .dataSetArn("dataSetArn")
* .joinInstruction(JoinInstructionProperty.builder()
* .leftOperand("leftOperand")
* .onClause("onClause")
* .rightOperand("rightOperand")
* .type("type")
* // the properties below are optional
* .leftJoinKeyProperties(JoinKeyPropertiesProperty.builder()
* .uniqueKey(false)
* .build())
* .rightJoinKeyProperties(JoinKeyPropertiesProperty.builder()
* .uniqueKey(false)
* .build())
* .build())
* .physicalTableId("physicalTableId")
* .build())
* .build()))
* .name("name")
* .permissions(List.of(ResourcePermissionProperty.builder()
* .actions(List.of("actions"))
* .principal("principal")
* .build()))
* .physicalTableMap(Map.of(
* "physicalTableMapKey", PhysicalTableProperty.builder()
* .customSql(CustomSqlProperty.builder()
* .columns(List.of(InputColumnProperty.builder()
* .name("name")
* .type("type")
* // the properties below are optional
* .subType("subType")
* .build()))
* .dataSourceArn("dataSourceArn")
* .name("name")
* .sqlQuery("sqlQuery")
* .build())
* .relationalTable(RelationalTableProperty.builder()
* .dataSourceArn("dataSourceArn")
* .inputColumns(List.of(InputColumnProperty.builder()
* .name("name")
* .type("type")
* // the properties below are optional
* .subType("subType")
* .build()))
* .name("name")
* // the properties below are optional
* .catalog("catalog")
* .schema("schema")
* .build())
* .s3Source(S3SourceProperty.builder()
* .dataSourceArn("dataSourceArn")
* .inputColumns(List.of(InputColumnProperty.builder()
* .name("name")
* .type("type")
* // the properties below are optional
* .subType("subType")
* .build()))
* // the properties below are optional
* .uploadSettings(UploadSettingsProperty.builder()
* .containsHeader(false)
* .delimiter("delimiter")
* .format("format")
* .startFromRow(123)
* .textQualifier("textQualifier")
* .build())
* .build())
* .build()))
* .rowLevelPermissionDataSet(RowLevelPermissionDataSetProperty.builder()
* .arn("arn")
* .permissionPolicy("permissionPolicy")
* // the properties below are optional
* .formatVersion("formatVersion")
* .namespace("namespace")
* .status("status")
* .build())
* .rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationProperty.builder()
* .tagRules(List.of(RowLevelPermissionTagRuleProperty.builder()
* .columnName("columnName")
* .tagKey("tagKey")
* // the properties below are optional
* .matchAllValue("matchAllValue")
* .tagMultiValueDelimiter("tagMultiValueDelimiter")
* .build()))
* // the properties below are optional
* .status("status")
* .tagRuleConfigurations(tagRuleConfigurations)
* .build())
* .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()
* .key("key")
* .value("value")
* .build()))
* .build();
* ```
* [Documentation](
public interface CfnDataSetProps {
* The AWS account ID.
* [Documentation](
public fun awsAccountId(): String? = unwrap(this).getAwsAccountId()
* Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
* [Documentation](
public fun columnGroups(): Any? = unwrap(this).getColumnGroups()
* A set of one or more definitions of a `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
* [Documentation](
public fun columnLevelPermissionRules(): Any? = unwrap(this).getColumnLevelPermissionRules()
* An ID for the dataset that you want to create.
* This ID is unique per AWS Region for each AWS account.
* [Documentation](
public fun dataSetId(): String? = unwrap(this).getDataSetId()
* The refresh properties of a dataset.
* [Documentation](
public fun dataSetRefreshProperties(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDataSetRefreshProperties()
* The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
* [Documentation](
public fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDataSetUsageConfiguration()
* The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
* [Documentation](
public fun datasetParameters(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDatasetParameters()
* The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
* [Documentation](
public fun fieldFolders(): Any? = unwrap(this).getFieldFolders()
* When you create the dataset, Amazon QuickSight adds the dataset to these folders..
* [Documentation](
public fun folderArns(): List = unwrap(this).getFolderArns() ?: emptyList()
* Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
* [Documentation](
public fun importMode(): String? = unwrap(this).getImportMode()
* The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
* [Documentation](
public fun ingestionWaitPolicy(): Any? = unwrap(this).getIngestionWaitPolicy()
* Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.
* [Documentation](
public fun logicalTableMap(): Any? = unwrap(this).getLogicalTableMap()
* The display name for the dataset.
* [Documentation](
public fun name(): String? = unwrap(this).getName()
* A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
* [Documentation](
public fun permissions(): Any? = unwrap(this).getPermissions()
* Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.
* [Documentation](
public fun physicalTableMap(): Any? = unwrap(this).getPhysicalTableMap()
* The row-level security configuration for the data that you want to create.
* [Documentation](
public fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(): Any? = unwrap(this).getRowLevelPermissionDataSet()
* The element you can use to define tags for row-level security.
* [Documentation](
public fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(): Any? =
* Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the dataset.
* [Documentation](
public fun tags(): List = unwrap(this).getTags()?.map(CfnTag::wrap) ?: emptyList()
* A builder for [CfnDataSetProps]
public interface Builder {
* @param awsAccountId The AWS account ID.
public fun awsAccountId(awsAccountId: String)
* @param columnGroups Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight
* features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
public fun columnGroups(columnGroups: IResolvable)
* @param columnGroups Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight
* features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
public fun columnGroups(columnGroups: List)
* @param columnGroups Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight
* features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
public fun columnGroups(vararg columnGroups: Any)
* @param columnLevelPermissionRules A set of one or more definitions of a
* `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
public fun columnLevelPermissionRules(columnLevelPermissionRules: IResolvable)
* @param columnLevelPermissionRules A set of one or more definitions of a
* `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
public fun columnLevelPermissionRules(columnLevelPermissionRules: List)
* @param columnLevelPermissionRules A set of one or more definitions of a
* `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
public fun columnLevelPermissionRules(vararg columnLevelPermissionRules: Any)
* @param dataSetId An ID for the dataset that you want to create.
* This ID is unique per AWS Region for each AWS account.
public fun dataSetId(dataSetId: String)
* @param dataSetRefreshProperties The refresh properties of a dataset.
public fun dataSetRefreshProperties(dataSetRefreshProperties: IResolvable)
* @param dataSetRefreshProperties The refresh properties of a dataset.
fun dataSetRefreshProperties(dataSetRefreshProperties: CfnDataSet.DataSetRefreshPropertiesProperty)
* @param dataSetRefreshProperties The refresh properties of a dataset.
fun dataSetRefreshProperties(dataSetRefreshProperties: CfnDataSet.DataSetRefreshPropertiesProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param dataSetUsageConfiguration The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that
* reference this dataset as a source.
public fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(dataSetUsageConfiguration: IResolvable)
* @param dataSetUsageConfiguration The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that
* reference this dataset as a source.
fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(dataSetUsageConfiguration: CfnDataSet.DataSetUsageConfigurationProperty)
* @param dataSetUsageConfiguration The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that
* reference this dataset as a source.
fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(dataSetUsageConfiguration: CfnDataSet.DataSetUsageConfigurationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param datasetParameters The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
public fun datasetParameters(datasetParameters: IResolvable)
* @param datasetParameters The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
public fun datasetParameters(datasetParameters: List)
* @param datasetParameters The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
public fun datasetParameters(vararg datasetParameters: Any)
* @param fieldFolders The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
public fun fieldFolders(fieldFolders: IResolvable)
* @param fieldFolders The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
public fun fieldFolders(fieldFolders: Map)
* @param folderArns When you create the dataset, Amazon QuickSight adds the dataset to these
* folders..
public fun folderArns(folderArns: List)
* @param folderArns When you create the dataset, Amazon QuickSight adds the dataset to these
* folders..
public fun folderArns(vararg folderArns: String)
* @param importMode Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
public fun importMode(importMode: String)
* @param ingestionWaitPolicy The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
public fun ingestionWaitPolicy(ingestionWaitPolicy: IResolvable)
* @param ingestionWaitPolicy The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
public fun ingestionWaitPolicy(ingestionWaitPolicy: CfnDataSet.IngestionWaitPolicyProperty)
* @param ingestionWaitPolicy The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
fun ingestionWaitPolicy(ingestionWaitPolicy: CfnDataSet.IngestionWaitPolicyProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param logicalTableMap Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the
* physical tables.
public fun logicalTableMap(logicalTableMap: IResolvable)
* @param logicalTableMap Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the
* physical tables.
public fun logicalTableMap(logicalTableMap: Map)
* @param name The display name for the dataset.
public fun name(name: String)
* @param permissions A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
public fun permissions(permissions: IResolvable)
* @param permissions A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
public fun permissions(permissions: List)
* @param permissions A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
public fun permissions(vararg permissions: Any)
* @param physicalTableMap Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying
* data sources.
public fun physicalTableMap(physicalTableMap: IResolvable)
* @param physicalTableMap Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying
* data sources.
public fun physicalTableMap(physicalTableMap: Map)
* @param rowLevelPermissionDataSet The row-level security configuration for the data that you
* want to create.
public fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(rowLevelPermissionDataSet: IResolvable)
* @param rowLevelPermissionDataSet The row-level security configuration for the data that you
* want to create.
fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(rowLevelPermissionDataSet: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionDataSetProperty)
* @param rowLevelPermissionDataSet The row-level security configuration for the data that you
* want to create.
fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(rowLevelPermissionDataSet: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionDataSetProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration The element you can use to define tags for
* row-level security.
public fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration: IResolvable)
* @param rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration The element you can use to define tags for
* row-level security.
fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationProperty)
* @param rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration The element you can use to define tags for
* row-level security.
fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit)
* @param tags Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to
* the dataset.
public fun tags(tags: List)
* @param tags Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to
* the dataset.
public fun tags(vararg tags: CfnTag)
private class BuilderImpl : Builder {
private val cdkBuilder: =
* @param awsAccountId The AWS account ID.
override fun awsAccountId(awsAccountId: String) {
* @param columnGroups Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight
* features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
override fun columnGroups(columnGroups: IResolvable) {
* @param columnGroups Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight
* features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
override fun columnGroups(columnGroups: List) {
* @param columnGroups Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight
* features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
override fun columnGroups(vararg columnGroups: Any): Unit = columnGroups(columnGroups.toList())
* @param columnLevelPermissionRules A set of one or more definitions of a
* `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
override fun columnLevelPermissionRules(columnLevelPermissionRules: IResolvable) {
* @param columnLevelPermissionRules A set of one or more definitions of a
* `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
override fun columnLevelPermissionRules(columnLevelPermissionRules: List) {
* @param columnLevelPermissionRules A set of one or more definitions of a
* `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
override fun columnLevelPermissionRules(vararg columnLevelPermissionRules: Any): Unit =
* @param dataSetId An ID for the dataset that you want to create.
* This ID is unique per AWS Region for each AWS account.
override fun dataSetId(dataSetId: String) {
* @param dataSetRefreshProperties The refresh properties of a dataset.
override fun dataSetRefreshProperties(dataSetRefreshProperties: IResolvable) {
* @param dataSetRefreshProperties The refresh properties of a dataset.
fun dataSetRefreshProperties(dataSetRefreshProperties: CfnDataSet.DataSetRefreshPropertiesProperty) {
* @param dataSetRefreshProperties The refresh properties of a dataset.
fun dataSetRefreshProperties(dataSetRefreshProperties: CfnDataSet.DataSetRefreshPropertiesProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param dataSetUsageConfiguration The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that
* reference this dataset as a source.
override fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(dataSetUsageConfiguration: IResolvable) {
* @param dataSetUsageConfiguration The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that
* reference this dataset as a source.
fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(dataSetUsageConfiguration: CfnDataSet.DataSetUsageConfigurationProperty) {
* @param dataSetUsageConfiguration The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that
* reference this dataset as a source.
fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(dataSetUsageConfiguration: CfnDataSet.DataSetUsageConfigurationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param datasetParameters The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
override fun datasetParameters(datasetParameters: IResolvable) {
* @param datasetParameters The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
override fun datasetParameters(datasetParameters: List) {
* @param datasetParameters The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
override fun datasetParameters(vararg datasetParameters: Any): Unit =
* @param fieldFolders The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
override fun fieldFolders(fieldFolders: IResolvable) {
* @param fieldFolders The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
override fun fieldFolders(fieldFolders: Map) {
* @param folderArns When you create the dataset, Amazon QuickSight adds the dataset to these
* folders..
override fun folderArns(folderArns: List) {
* @param folderArns When you create the dataset, Amazon QuickSight adds the dataset to these
* folders..
override fun folderArns(vararg folderArns: String): Unit = folderArns(folderArns.toList())
* @param importMode Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
override fun importMode(importMode: String) {
* @param ingestionWaitPolicy The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
override fun ingestionWaitPolicy(ingestionWaitPolicy: IResolvable) {
* @param ingestionWaitPolicy The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
override fun ingestionWaitPolicy(ingestionWaitPolicy: CfnDataSet.IngestionWaitPolicyProperty) {
* @param ingestionWaitPolicy The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
fun ingestionWaitPolicy(ingestionWaitPolicy: CfnDataSet.IngestionWaitPolicyProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit = ingestionWaitPolicy(CfnDataSet.IngestionWaitPolicyProperty(ingestionWaitPolicy))
* @param logicalTableMap Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the
* physical tables.
override fun logicalTableMap(logicalTableMap: IResolvable) {
* @param logicalTableMap Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the
* physical tables.
override fun logicalTableMap(logicalTableMap: Map) {
* @param name The display name for the dataset.
override fun name(name: String) {
* @param permissions A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
override fun permissions(permissions: IResolvable) {
* @param permissions A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
override fun permissions(permissions: List) {
* @param permissions A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
override fun permissions(vararg permissions: Any): Unit = permissions(permissions.toList())
* @param physicalTableMap Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying
* data sources.
override fun physicalTableMap(physicalTableMap: IResolvable) {
* @param physicalTableMap Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying
* data sources.
override fun physicalTableMap(physicalTableMap: Map) {
* @param rowLevelPermissionDataSet The row-level security configuration for the data that you
* want to create.
override fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(rowLevelPermissionDataSet: IResolvable) {
* @param rowLevelPermissionDataSet The row-level security configuration for the data that you
* want to create.
fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(rowLevelPermissionDataSet: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionDataSetProperty) {
* @param rowLevelPermissionDataSet The row-level security configuration for the data that you
* want to create.
fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(rowLevelPermissionDataSet: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionDataSetProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration The element you can use to define tags for
* row-level security.
fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration: IResolvable) {
* @param rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration The element you can use to define tags for
* row-level security.
fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationProperty) {
* @param rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration The element you can use to define tags for
* row-level security.
fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration: CfnDataSet.RowLevelPermissionTagConfigurationProperty.Builder.() -> Unit):
Unit =
* @param tags Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to
* the dataset.
override fun tags(tags: List) {
* @param tags Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to
* the dataset.
override fun tags(vararg tags: CfnTag): Unit = tags(tags.toList())
public fun build(): =
private class Wrapper(
) : CdkObject(cdkObject),
CfnDataSetProps {
* The AWS account ID.
* [Documentation](
override fun awsAccountId(): String? = unwrap(this).getAwsAccountId()
* Groupings of columns that work together in certain Amazon QuickSight features.
* Currently, only geospatial hierarchy is supported.
* [Documentation](
override fun columnGroups(): Any? = unwrap(this).getColumnGroups()
* A set of one or more definitions of a `ColumnLevelPermissionRule` .
* [Documentation](
override fun columnLevelPermissionRules(): Any? = unwrap(this).getColumnLevelPermissionRules()
* An ID for the dataset that you want to create.
* This ID is unique per AWS Region for each AWS account.
* [Documentation](
override fun dataSetId(): String? = unwrap(this).getDataSetId()
* The refresh properties of a dataset.
* [Documentation](
override fun dataSetRefreshProperties(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDataSetRefreshProperties()
* The usage configuration to apply to child datasets that reference this dataset as a source.
* [Documentation](
override fun dataSetUsageConfiguration(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDataSetUsageConfiguration()
* The parameters that are declared in a dataset.
* [Documentation](
override fun datasetParameters(): Any? = unwrap(this).getDatasetParameters()
* The folder that contains fields and nested subfolders for your dataset.
* [Documentation](
override fun fieldFolders(): Any? = unwrap(this).getFieldFolders()
* When you create the dataset, Amazon QuickSight adds the dataset to these folders..
* [Documentation](
override fun folderArns(): List = unwrap(this).getFolderArns() ?: emptyList()
* Indicates whether you want to import the data into SPICE.
* [Documentation](
override fun importMode(): String? = unwrap(this).getImportMode()
* The wait policy to use when creating or updating a Dataset.
* The default is to wait for SPICE ingestion to finish with timeout of 36 hours.
* [Documentation](
override fun ingestionWaitPolicy(): Any? = unwrap(this).getIngestionWaitPolicy()
* Configures the combination and transformation of the data from the physical tables.
* [Documentation](
override fun logicalTableMap(): Any? = unwrap(this).getLogicalTableMap()
* The display name for the dataset.
* [Documentation](
override fun name(): String? = unwrap(this).getName()
* A list of resource permissions on the dataset.
* [Documentation](
override fun permissions(): Any? = unwrap(this).getPermissions()
* Declares the physical tables that are available in the underlying data sources.
* [Documentation](
override fun physicalTableMap(): Any? = unwrap(this).getPhysicalTableMap()
* The row-level security configuration for the data that you want to create.
* [Documentation](
override fun rowLevelPermissionDataSet(): Any? = unwrap(this).getRowLevelPermissionDataSet()
* The element you can use to define tags for row-level security.
* [Documentation](
override fun rowLevelPermissionTagConfiguration(): Any? =
* Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the dataset.
* [Documentation](
override fun tags(): List = unwrap(this).getTags()?.map(CfnTag::wrap) ?: emptyList()
public companion object {
public operator fun invoke(block: Builder.() -> Unit = {}): CfnDataSetProps {
val builderImpl = BuilderImpl()
return Wrapper(builderImpl.apply(block).build())
internal fun wrap(cdkObject:
CfnDataSetProps = CdkObjectWrappers.wrap(cdkObject) as? CfnDataSetProps ?:
internal fun unwrap(wrapped: CfnDataSetProps): = (wrapped as
CdkObject).cdkObject as